2013-08-06 13:13:47 UTC
In 1099 Jerusalem fell to the First Crusaders. They slaughtered its Christian, Muslim and Jewish inhabitants, after promising them safety. In 1187 Salahuddin destroyed King Guy’s army at the Horns of Hettin and recovered Jerusalem. In stark contrast to the Crusades 88 years earlier, Salahuddin, adhering to the teachings of Islam, did not slaughter the city’s Christian inhabitants. Salahuddin’s noble act won him the respect of his opponents throughout the world including Richard the Lion heart.Saladin’s generosity and sense of honor in negotiating the peace treaty that ended the Crusade won him the lasting admiration and gratitude of the Christian world.
The Decisive Battle of Hettin:
In return for an attack made by the Crusaders of the Kerak on Muslim pilgrims in 1187, Salahuddin moved his army to northern Palestine and defeated the much larger Crusader army in the decisive battle of Hettin (July 4, 1187). Three months after this battle, Salahuddin captured Jerusalem., Salahuddin did not loot, murder or seek revenge for the Muslims. He spared the lives of 100,000 Christians and allowed Christian pilgrims in Jerusalem after it’s fall. In this benevolent act, Salahuddin was simply emulating Prophet Muhammad when the Prophet re-entered his birth-city of Makkah, with ten thousand people. There was no bloodshed.
Recapturing Jerusalem shocked the West, and as such it brought about the Third Crusade led by Richard the Lion heart, King of England in 1189. Salahuddin’s army checked the massive Frankish armies and weakened them in a war of attrition on the land of Palestine. It was during this period Richard negotiated peace with Salahuddin. Third Crusade army was exhausted. It was Salahuddin’s generosity in this treaty, which ended the Crusades and established his legendery status..
So history has witnessed how Islam teaches to tolerate other religions,
also it has witnessed the event of Umar ibn Khattab (radhiyallahu 'anhu) when he also captured the he (radhiyallahu 'anhu) formed tolerance with other religions..
so how can we say that islam teaches violence against other religion?
Is it Islam to blame?
Or is it the people to blame?