MUSLIMS , what do you think of the NEW KAABA built by shias in Iran ?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
MUSLIMS , what do you think of the NEW KAABA built by shias in Iran ?
Sixteen answers:
Seek Peace and Truth
2010-01-21 13:02:40 UTC
You asked the exact same question a few days ago

Any sensible and logical person can see that is just a training event for the actual Hajj.

What proves the deception of this that you perpetuate is that of all the places they chose to build a Kabah, why on Earth would they choose a Basketball court with spectator stands etc

Be real man, if they were gonna build another Kaba, they wouldn't build it at a sports venue.

EDIT: And btw it's quite a small Sports venue, how on Earth are they going to accommodate the millions of Shia Muslims in the world in such a small little sports venue, this further proves that you are trying to deceive people here.

True Muslims speak the truth and don't resort to such cheap, deceptive tactics like this.

Be honest, be sincere, that is what Allah loves, Shaytaan is a deceiver, why do you want to follow the Sunnah of Shaytaan?

May Allah guide the likes of you who it seems enjoys spreading blatant deception
2010-01-21 13:03:23 UTC
You my son need to get a LIFE

2010-01-21 13:30:47 UTC
oh shut the F up Noub... stop including mothers.. thats ****** low


انتقاماً من الحكومة السعودية التي لم تسمح للحجاج الإيرانيين بأن يستخدم الحج لأغراض سياسية فقد قام الإيرانيين بإنشاء حرم جديد وكعبة جديدة ومقام إبراهيم جديد (حتى عسكري الحجر الأسود ما خلوه) داخل أحد الصالات الرياضية المغلقة المكيفة (حج خمسة نجوم) في إيران وطلبت من (المؤمنين) و(المؤمنات) الإيرانيين بالحج إلى الصالة المغلقة وأداء فريضة الحج بعيداً عن السعوديين على أمل أن يتحول الحج مستقبلاً من مكة إلى قم، أما عن الميقات فقد تم عمل الصور اللازمة للميقات مؤقتاً ريثما ينتهي العمل من مجسماته ولا خوف على الحجاج، فكله جائز في شريعة الفرس الشيعية الروافض كما جوز من قبل زواج المتعة وإعارة الفرج وتفخيذ الرضيعة وسب الصحابة والقدح في أعراض أمهات المؤمنين وإنكار حفظ القرآن الكريم وإرتداد الصحابة وووووالخ وما خفي كان أعظم.

===>>>> if this is True... then la hawla wa la kowata illa bi llah

that could be so dangerous on the umma... May Allah save us and guide us all. amin

but i still think we should check if its true. thats really a disapointment.
2010-01-21 13:31:02 UTC
I havent heard of this "new kaba"

either way idc. There is only one kaba and that is the kaba in saudi. And if people really believe they can make a "second kaba" then they are really, really stupid.
2014-11-04 05:59:54 UTC
why the hell would anyone even think of doing such thing

The actual Kaaba contains a rock from heaven.

The whatever thing that the fake one is is so fake and the first thing put on earth when the earth was created was The rock of heaven

This is shirk!!

Shirk: Including prayer to any thing else with Allah.

But since Allah has told us muslum people to pray in the direction of kaba that is ok, to pray only and only to the real kaba.

nothing else
2016-04-10 09:56:49 UTC
For the best answers, search on this site

this is false. Shia pray only to Kaaba in mecca in Saudi Arabia. in Iraq there is thomb of Imam Ali (sa) the first Imam of shia. although it is a holy place but it is not Kaaba of Shia. please research more about your movies. perhaps it is for a film making or other.
2013-12-28 14:55:14 UTC
أكد أن العلاقة مع السعودية «مقدسة» وأقر بتدخل إيران في البلاد ... وهو من الأحياء النجفية العريقة، نمر بجانب شاهد عبارة عن منارة صغيرة بنيت من المرمر ... هذا ما عدا وجود المخططات السياسية، وقد يتعاون مع الأكراد من جديد، ويتعاون مع ... ما رأيكم في ذلك؟ ... وإلا فأنا ضد التيار الصدري إذا اقترف هذه الذنوب
2010-01-21 13:02:57 UTC
*yawn* (don't worry covered my mouth :P)
2010-01-21 13:23:03 UTC
Those shia people are dumb for doing that and the kaaba they made looks out of place.
••●ღ●•• ღʀʚʚღ
2010-01-21 13:03:59 UTC
astugfirallah, crazy ppl, have they lost it??

may Allah swa give them some guidance, their in desperate need of it!
2010-01-21 13:02:28 UTC
i heard that shias also built a kaaba in karbala
2010-01-21 13:20:04 UTC

I'm Iranian, ex Muslim an apostate now. Iranians can build whatever they like, Islam is secretly dying in Iran, the younger generation has realised how vile it is. Most of my friends are murtads like myself.
2010-01-21 13:06:45 UTC
i dont care for Kaaba built in iran,because the real KAAba is the one in hajj so idc
2010-01-21 13:02:52 UTC
idk Shias are not muslims cuz they insult the Prophet's companions.

Islam does not teach us to mourn and beat ourselves like shias do.

And that mutah stuff shias do. They reject the Hadith. They choose to follow their imams instead of Prophet Muhammad.
2010-01-21 13:07:46 UTC
May Allah guide them all

2010-01-21 13:09:48 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.