What r the things u dont want to be a shia?
2009-01-23 10:06:58 UTC
What r the things u dont want to be a shia?
Nineteen answers:
2009-01-23 11:07:22 UTC

i was a shia before and now im sunni., let me tell whats wrong with shia:

1- they pray on a rock calling it turba of hussain (3alayhi salam), when i used to pray i felt like jahiliya when they used to worship things.

2-some of shia(3alawiya) say that angel 'jibra'il' (3alayhi salam) made a mistake and told the quour'an on the messenger of ALLAH (3ALAYHI salat wa salam) instead of Ali (3alayhi salam) sense

3-the prophet(3alayhi salat wa salam )say that in meaning of course i dont memorize the hadiyh, but he (3alayhi salat wa salam) said that the man who died can be helped by a son who make du'aa for him, so as for shia , they believe that if they make du'aa for dead ppl, so the dead ppl will help sense, bcz the dead man is the one who needs us, he need our du'aa not the opposit.

4-shia insult aisha and abu baker and othman and omar, and just refuse that those sahaba cant be ennemis bcz they lived with the prophet(3alayhi salat wa salam), they call abu baker that he hit fatima in the eye of ali(radiya LLAH 3anho) sense...abu baker all he did is that he refuse to give the land to fatima and to he's own daughter, so they go and talk a lot of lies and khamina'i says they hit fatima and killed her son and fadla LLAH, (another cheikh for shia) says no, he didnt hit her..its just the shia between themselves are what kind of religion is that? also, they didnt notice that if they were conflicts like they say(lie) so why hussain(3alyhi salam ) did give her daughter to omar(omm kolthoum)....

4- shia believe in tama'em, they believe that if they were a ring or a neckless that they thnk its mobarak will protect them from danger...and thats chirk.which is for bidden , the messenger of ALLAH (3alayhi salat wa salam ) refused once a bay'aa from a man who weird a tamima in he's neck, until he removed it.

5-they also believe that if they ask fatima (3alayha salam) or any of ahlul bayt(3alayhim salam) than ALLAH will give them what they asked

6-also shia believe that they are allowed to pray two prayers like dhuher and asr together and maghreb and isha together...which isnt sense at all, bcz if thats true so why do we have two prayers in the same time, why not one in each time, so they do it by laziness and if u asked them they say its in the quour'aan and its good and mustahab, and they forget that the munafek is the one who dont pray them each alone.

7-they do mut'aa marriage and say its very good, but if u go into a house of shia u will know that the father will kill he's daughter if she did it, so they say things but do another....also they always talk about how they love ali(radiya LLAH 3anho) and just forget that ali (radiya LLAH 3anho )is the one who remind ibn abbas that mut'aa is forbidden:

It was narrated from ‘Ali that he heard Ibn ‘Abbaas permitting mut’ah marriage, and he said, “Wait a minute, O Ibn ‘Abbaas, for the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) forbade it on the day of Khaybar and (he also forbade) the meat of tame donkeys.”

8-and sis there's lots of lies. and shiaa ppl grow up in families where they heard these lies so they refuse to just think logicaly....

take this website:

u can read a lot of things it can be helpfull or every subject u need.

EDIT: forget to talk about the imamat(12) they believe in mahdi, and that he will come, and whats weird is that no ayah in quour'aan or any hadit talk about it.....and we all muslims know that prophet muhamad (3alayhi salat wa salam) is the last prophet so thats wrong too.


EDIT: they also call ppl. like instead of saying 'YA RABBI, YA ALLAH' THEY CALL imamat or ppl thats totally chirk, bcz calling someone other than ALLAH is chirk.,

also they alsways when they wanna expalin quour'aan they start to imagine things not there, and if u asked them they say thats jihad...wrongg.

also in athan and ikama they say 'achhado ana 3aliyan waliyo LLAH' and say" 7ay 'ala khayr l'amal' knowing that they say that bilal when the prophet(3alayhi salat wa salam) didnt say it, so SHIA ALWAYS ADD THINGS NOT THERE, its like they are making there own religion not islam, and they talk as there hawa and there feelings takes them and thats BID'AA and every bid'aa is dalala and its in hell.

salam .
2016-10-25 02:35:07 UTC
I dare the liars to place up any Shia asserting or believing which you adult males say Prophet made each and every variety of errors and sins and to which the Sahabah corrected him, and have not have been given any subject swallowing it like how Umar swallowed his alcohol yet as quickly as we communicate with regard to the errors and sins of ur gods Abu bakr and Umar, all of a unexpected u adult males shelter those errors and deny they are errors and get in touch with them trouble-free Sunnis have self assurance Abu bakr and Umar are greater and extra appropriate than the Prophet observed, in view that they consistently corrected him
2009-01-23 10:10:40 UTC
What is a shia? I wish I understood these words. I rarely ever know what anyone means.
2009-01-23 13:30:11 UTC
i dont believe in the fact that they pray with their arms on the side because it says in hadiths that the prophet prayed with his hands on his chest. Also some strong shias curse angel Jibraeel who was a beautiful angel sent down by Allah.
2009-01-23 10:16:10 UTC
NB: Followers of the religion Islam are called Muslims, in the Qur'an, by their Lord.
2009-01-23 10:50:36 UTC
Calling upon the dead for help. Belief that Quran is not complete. Being stuck in the past and regurgitate the fitnas that happened between sahaba... to name a few.
G. #2
2009-01-23 11:20:30 UTC
In addition to what the person above me said, I'm going to say I would NOT want to hit myself on Ashura.
2009-01-23 10:20:14 UTC
Ya Ali madad??

Seriously? Wow

Nobody can help us but Allah, so I suggest you call to Allah instead of others which is Shirk. Making dua is worshipping Allah, we can not make dua to someone else, because that would be a form of worship to that person.
2009-01-23 10:45:39 UTC
I doubt they have any thing according to Quran & hadith

As their own sources say <

" we do not believe in God who made Abu Bakr and Omar (RA) caliphs
2009-01-23 11:02:40 UTC
You stupid Zionist trouble maker trying to create Secretarian Hate, I am going to REPORT you.
2009-01-23 10:32:14 UTC
No beliefs of Shia are against the Holy Quran AT ALL.

We are ALL muslims, and ONE UMMAH:)

Peace be on you

~"belief of imamat contradicts belief in finality of Prophet.

Calling some unseen power for help other than Allah is shirk

belief of bada make Allah imperfect."

Imams are not prophets, but the progeny of Muhammed peace be on him, appointed by Allah. After the prophet's death, it is THEY who helped guide us when asked questions and deep into religion.

" You ALONE we worship and YOU ALONE we seek help"

Shias don't seek help from ANYONE exept Allah. However, we have LOVE for the holy prophet AND his family.

" whomever's maula i am, Ali(a.s.) is ALSO his maula" - Prophet Muhammed peace be on him. Find this reference in sunni and shia books alike.


Why is 1 rakat equivalent to 10,000 in the holy prophet peace be on hi's mosque?
2009-01-23 10:11:25 UTC
I don't want to be nothing more or less than a MUSLIM








Just looooool @ Answer above me Subhan'Allah,,,,,
2009-01-23 10:52:00 UTC
Be a true Muslim

Do not worship Idols like AbuBaker and Umer.
انته نقطة ضعفي...احبك ..Beebo..
2009-01-23 10:10:04 UTC
Your question doesn't make sense. Correct your grammatical errors, so we can understand you.

@above: Whoops, thanks I fixed it =) My fingers are faster than my brain sometimes lol.
2009-01-23 10:09:28 UTC
I'm quite content with where I am, thank you for asking.

@below lol, you mean to say "Your question....." not "Your answer"?
Happily Happy
2009-01-23 10:20:18 UTC
belief of imamat contradicts belief in finality of Prophet.

Calling some unseen power for help other than Allah is shirk

belief of bada make Allah imperfect.
☪ ïкřąм
2009-01-23 10:28:41 UTC
I don't understand your question...but I'm Sunni.
یا حسین Shi'e Muslim
2009-01-23 10:11:02 UTC
Everyone Is not Capable to be a shia

@Below User

MashAllah *-)

@ Amally

Why Wow ??????

To Know why

YA ALI MADDAD ==================>>>>>>>


Do you know the meanig of Tawasul ?

Im Sure you Dont Know It

Proof Of Tawasul From Holy Quran

"On that day shall no intercession avail except of him whom the Beneficent God allows and whose word He is pleased with" (20:109)

"And intercession will not avail aught with Him save of him whom He permits" (34:23)

"And how many an angel is there in the heavens whose intercession does not avail at all except after Allah has given permission to whom He pleases and chooses" (53:26)

"...And they do not intercede except for him whom He approve..." (21:28)

"And those whom they call upon besides Him have no authority for intercession, but he who bears witness of the truth and they know (him)" (43:86)

The above verses only touch on the mere fact of intercession in Islam. However a verse in Chapter Nisaa', becomes more specific about the act of tawassal. In Chapter Nisaa' Allah explains:

"We did not send a messenger but that he should be obeyed by Allah's permission; and had they, when they had done injustice to themselves, come to you and asked Allah's forgiveness; and the messenger (also) had asked pardon for them, surely, they would have found Allah oft-returning, merciful" (4:64)".


Ya Ali Maddad
Pedram السلام عليك يا رسول الله
2009-01-23 10:12:03 UTC
you're coping what the other person has asked, but the differences between you and him, is the fact that he looks at the good points but you look at the bad points.

so tell me, wouldn't it be nice to ask the bad points of sunnis?

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.