Good Question Simply
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@Hum Hakim
You are deaf And Dumb Why you Ignore your own books and reliable sources
The web site which i provide here is not from shia source its all sunni sources
and yea our imams are infallible and better than all prophets expect Prophet Muhammad Do you want source for it ?
havent you heard About Aya (vers) of tathir 33:33
you are just a ignorant nothing else
can we call this laeen muawiyeh a sahabi
Muawiya refused to accept the Khilafah of Imam Ali (as) and rebelled against him.
•Muawiya used his position in Shaam to influence people against Imam Ali (as).
•He formed renegade groups to attack towns to kill and loot Imam Ali’s followers.
•He fought against Imam Ali (as) in the battle of Siffiin. More than 70,000 Muslims were killed in this battle because of Muawiya.
•Muawiya’s army also killed Ammaar Bin Yaasir in this battle, about whom the Prophet (s) said: “O Ammaar, you will be killed by a renegade group”.
Muawiyeh Killed Ammar The great Sahabi
Sahih Muslim, English version, v4, chapter MCCV, Tradition #6968
Umm Salama narrated that Allah's messenger pbuh said: "A band of rebels would kill Ammar."
Sahih Muslim, English version, v4, chapter MCCV, Tradition #6970
(Footnote of Sahih Muslim, English version, v4, p1508).
"In the Battle of Sifin, when the head of Ammar Yasir was cut off and taken to Muawiyah,
two people were arguing over it, each one claimed that he had killed Ammar."
Musnad Ahmad (Pub. in Dar al-Maarif, Egypt 1952), Tradition #6538, #6929
- Tabaqat, by Ibn Sa'd, v3, p253
And he was killed by the Army of Muawiyeh
Lanat To Muawiyeh His son And his father
@Umm Hakim
No im Not Editing My Answer
You can check sahih Al Bukhari
Edit @
Read About His Laeen ibn Laeen Person
The callous killing of the Sahaba including Hujr bin Adi (ra) and of other innocent Shias
References in relation to the killing of Hujr bin Adi al-Adbar can be located in the following Sunni texts:
al Bidaya wa al Nihaya, Volume 8 page 53 Dhikr 51 Hijri
Tarikh Kamil, Volume 3 page 249 Dhikr 51 Hijri
Tarikh ibn Asakir, Volume 12 page 227 Dhikr Hujr ibn Adi
Tarikh ibn Khaldun, Volume 3 page 13 Dhikr 51 Hijri
al Isaba, Volume 1 page 313 Dhikr Hujr ibn Adi
Asad'ul Ghaba, Volume 1 page 244 Dhikr Hujr ibn Adi
Shadharat ul Dhahab, Volume 1 page 57 Dhikr 51 Hijri
Tabaqat al Kubra, Volume 6 page 217 Dhikr Hujr ibn Adi
Mustadrak al Hakim, Volume 3 page 468-470 Dhikr Hujr ibn Adi
Akhbar al Tawaal, page 186 Dhikr Hujr ibn Adi
Tarikh Abu'l Fida, page 166 Dhikr 51 Hijri
Muruj al Dhahab, Volume 3 page 12 Dhikr 53 Hijri
Tarikh Yaqubi, Volume 2 page 219
We read in Al Isaba:
After the battle of Qudsiya Hujr ibn Adi participated in Jamal and Sifeen, alongside Ali and was amongst his Shi'a. He was killed upon the orders of Mu'awiya in a village called Mriaj Adra near Damascus. At the time of his execution he requested: 'Do not remove these chains after I am killed, nor clean the blood. We will meet again with Mu'awiya and I shall petition my case against him'.
We read in Al Bidaya:
أن معاوية جعل يفرغر بالموت وهو يقول إن يومى بك يا حجر بن عدى لطويل قالها ثلاثا
When the time of death approached Mu'awiya, he said to himself thrice: 'Hujr bin Adi! The day of answering for your murder is very lengthy'
We read in Tarikh ibn Asakir:
"Ayesha said: 'Mu'awiya you killed Hujr and his associates, By Allah! The Prophet told me 'In the ditch of Adra seven men will be killed, due to this all the skies and Allah will be upset".
We read in Asad'ul Ghaba:
فأنزل هو وأصحابه عذراء وهي قرية عند دمشق فأمر معاوية بقتلهم
"Hujr and his associates were arrested and taken to a ditch in Adra which was near Damascus. Mu'awiya ordered that Hujr and his associates be executed in this ditch"