well well where should i start. actually dont get me strted becuase soem Arab girls really really drive me nuts. they have the biggest heads in teh world.. worse then asians and iv met asians who are big headed.
The iraqi girls at my uni think asian girls are lower then them and tehy are true muslims.
the palistinein girlthere are tarts and well stuck up. and pretend not to be arab ???
the algerian girls hate all otehr arab girls
teh only nice arabs iv met have been from egypt.
moroccan girls think they ae all beyounce and Jlo and teh youger teenages think they are ciara especially teh ones who have similar complesion.
uuuuurgHHH sometimes im ashamed to be arab
just look at suga babes singer amel.. she is moroccan from tetoun near where im from, and she is sooo stuck up.... her head is so far up her backside!
arabs and asians are just as bad as each other and need to get back to earth.... their heads are full of helium.
hey Matt sorry i called u old yesterday opsy hehehehe