If there is NO fire. Can you shout "fire" in a crowded cinema, and say its Free Speech.?
2010-01-07 20:16:48 UTC
I had to ask this again, with a slight addition, for some of our less perceptive friends !

I dont think Free Speech means you can mouth off what you want.

If you shout "Fire" in a crowded cinema and there is a resultant stampede, you will get arrested !!

Free Speech does NOT mean SAY what you want.

This does NOT deny a persons right to question, criticize, debate, discuss and argue - its just a recognition that there are limits to what you can say, and where you can say it, and quite rightly So !!
Ten answers:
2010-01-07 20:28:51 UTC

The Patriot act took care of these outbursts.

Khair inshAllah

templar@ your anger is wrong, you are forcing your view on others. You need to go fix yourself and return. Something terribly wrong with you. Al hamdoullah The question is about free speech not being retarded! Grow a brain get some oxygen!
2010-01-07 20:31:33 UTC
Shouting fire in a crowded theatre where there is no fire is not protected speech.

Freedom of speech means thoughts and ideas will not be suppressed. You MAY say what you want.

Fire in a crowded cinema is an utterance that is NOT SPEECH in the context of the American First Amendment. That utterance conveys information, that may be true (there is a fire) or untrue (there is no fire) but there is no EXPRESSION of an IDEA.

If I want to get up on stage and shout incendiary and offensive racial epithets, or blaspheme against God, I am within my rights under the US Constitution. The First Amendment does care if you are offended, if you cry, if you throw up in rage, if you have a heart attack you are so offended, if you go insane from hurt feelings. It is my right to say those things.

But if, while I am being heckled, I shout "fire!: or "gun!" and cause a stampede to the door, that's not protected speech.

There is another doctrine called "fighting words". Fighting words are not protected free speech. If you are trying to argue that free speech must be limited by some regard for the offense taken by others, you might do better with fighting words doctrine.
2010-01-07 20:28:59 UTC
I disagree. This video explains it exactly and directly deals with the question you posted.

You can watch the other parts if you wish. Do not forget that the "fire" case was given as an example after the judged asked for one in a case where two Yiddish speaking individuals spread anti-war pamphlets during WWI.

People have the right to say anything about everything and that includes religion, government, prophets, business, etc.


"well,that's it...america is pretty much a hypocritical says it is afree country and has a constitution thats says so...but then you look and see people getting lawsuits for critisizing this and that and you don't see gays getting married (which is a good thing...i don't support gay marriage)...anyway,they say they are a free country,but they ARENT..there is no such this as a PURE free country....those drunk first presidents were in la la land when they wrote the constitution thinking they can achieve a free country..."

ohh shut up and stop hating the West .... America has never said they are perfect. America is working torwards having freedom for everybody and that is what it is: A WORK IN PROGRESS

ohh and whether you agree with it or not gays will soon be able to marry .... it is just inevitable



But if, while I am being heckled, I shout "fire!: or "gun!" and cause a stampede to the door, that's not protected speech. "

Then what about spreading anti-war pamphlets? Could those not be dangerous as well?

2016-05-26 06:01:54 UTC
First of all, let's clarify what "freedom of speech" actually guarantees under the Constitution. It doesn't mean anyone can say whatever they want, whenever they want, wherever they want. As you already noted, they cannot expect to not be prosecuted when their actions endanger others. This is also true for the second amendment; your right to own a gun ends when your actions endanger others. The first amendment also does not guarantee there will be no consequences based on what you say, only that the government won't necessarily arrest you for it, unless what you say endangers others. So yes, you can burn a flag, but don't expect others to not be offended. And yes, you can demonstrate against gays at military funerals, but again, don't expect others to not be offended. As the saying goes, "the pen is mightier than the sword." Under the Bill of Rights, both are protected; the pen (speech) and sword (guns). But not to absurdity. Once those rights endanger others, they are no longer rights. Which is the reason for the gun debate now. Does your arsenal of multiple assault weapons, oversized clips, dozens of handguns and cases of ammunition endanger me? You might say no, I might say yes. Hence, the debate.
2010-01-07 21:11:49 UTC
Free speech? ever hear of the Patriot Act?
2010-01-07 20:26:24 UTC
well,that's it...america is pretty much a hypocritical says it is afree country and has a constitution thats says so...but then you look and see people getting lawsuits for critisizing this and that and you don't see gays getting married (which is a good thing...i don't support gay marriage)...anyway,they say they are a free country,but they ARENT..there is no such this as a PURE free country....those drunk first presidents were in la la land when they wrote the constitution thinking they can achieve a free country...
Sgt. Sarcasm
2010-01-07 20:24:44 UTC
Free speech means you have a freedom to state your opinion, not cause a public distress or disturbance.
Danny E
2010-01-07 20:28:22 UTC
Why would you want to? What is your thinking......I think you are not a student of free speech.......I think you're an IDIOT!

Tell your Friends That!
Green[ Boycott enemies of Islam
2010-01-07 20:27:46 UTC

How are you? I completely agree with you...Those who insult/disrespect Islam needs to know this...I pray to Allah to guide them and help their sick minds...Ameen

Islam is alive after Karbala...

I hope I helped
2010-01-07 20:22:57 UTC
no, there are exeptions.... its expained in history II in colege...they should really have explainedit in high school, but under certain cercumctances it is not allowed

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