Where in the Quran does it state that if a Muslim marries a Christian or Jewish woman?
2009-05-12 15:19:00 UTC
that the children have to be raised as Muslims.

I'm asking because I saw an answer from a Muslim who said the Quran did not state the children had to be raised as Muslims.

I'm not looking for any opinion or hadith, I'm looking for a quote from the Quran. Thank you.
Fifteen answers:
Dhan Noon
2009-05-12 15:21:44 UTC
There is no such verse; the Qur'aan says:

((Chaste believing women from among the People of the Book))

It does not refer to children.
2016-05-30 04:04:48 UTC
What's racist or rather, intolerant, is your chosing to ignore any of the logic to this -- so you can rant against others. Judaism has obligations within a marriage that are Jewish based. Judaism is a community & family religion. Islam may think the woman is not very important to raising the kids (maybe that's what it is?) but in Judaism, it's considered that the MOM has the most influence & responsiblity in shaping them. In Judaism the woman is a key to the family & critical. So, to marry someone not Jewish means, the kids won't be Jewish. Fine, but not very effective if you want a Jewish family to go to services & holidays & study together. I don't know what Christianity believes.
My name is not bruce
2009-05-12 21:04:18 UTC
It doesn't say it directly. It isn't part of the verse or a set of verses together in which it says one who marries a non-muslim has to raise the child as a muslim.

You gotta apply all the parts of the quran against eachother.

Verse 66:6 commands muslims to keep themselves and their families away from hell.

Can't raise a non-muslim child while following that verse.

I'm not sure what you are saying about non-muslims burning in hell for eternity.............

God doesn't have multiple sets of rules.......Islam is it. We know if we don't follow god's rules we go to hell. Non-muslims are willingly not following the rules set forth by god in the quran........its not really a case of opinion...but the ability to read and make sense of words.

If you were specifically referring to the word "eternity"......then i agree it is opinion since we know all sins are forgiven except for a non-muslilm may be in hell for a few trillion years before forgiven..therefore not eternity.
2009-05-13 03:56:02 UTC
Everyone is born a Muslim, born in a state of Al Fitrah (Belief in one God). People of the book doesn't apply today as Christians and Jews have strayed from the path of Allah (SWT) and reject their prophets (peace be upon them). The Jews used to kill and harm all their prophetes (peace be upon them) and continue to reject Islam even though they know it is the truth. Christianity of today is not the Christianity of Isa (peace be upon him) as Christians lie about Mariam and Isa bint Mariam (peace be upon them both) and it is rare to find a chaste Jewish or Christian woman in today's times especially in the West. People of the book applies only to Jews, Unitarian Christians and Sabians revealed before the time of Muhammad (SAW). In all religons (except Judaism) children take the religion of the father. A Muslim man is ordered by Allah (SWT) to raise his children as Muslims and can get bad credit for not doing so. Plus in Christianity interfaith marriages are not allowed, it says "thou shall not be unequally yoked" so any Christian who marries a non-Christian is sinning according to their own religion!
2009-05-12 17:26:13 UTC
There is no mention of Christians or Jews in the Quran and if your translation of Quran shows Muslims and Jews you are reading a false translation of the Quran.

The word that imposters use for Christian is Nazaara and that can only be translated Helper but because translators also misjudge Isa to be Jesus they imagine that the companions of Isa who were called Helpers to be Christians, but if Masih is Christ how can Nazaaraa be mistaken for Christians?

The word used for Jew is Yahuud and that is Penitent.

Quran says women of Bani Israil are halal wives for Muslims because Bani Israil are also Muslim but Christians are haram because they are pagans and worship many Gods in one, or so they say, and they use Jesus as their God.

Quran also says the crucifixion and all that comes with it, which will include Jesus and Bible and Christians, is a Hoax, and the Bible agrees with Quran.
Brah Man
2009-05-12 15:30:45 UTC
It doesn't. It says men are allowed to take up to 4 Christian or Jewish women as wives, and it is simply assumed that the man will be in charge of what the children are taught as far as religion goes. Muslim women are not allowed to have a single Christian or Jewish man as a husband for this same reason. Muslim women are not allowed to make those kinds of decisions for their children. Probably because Muslim men do not think women are capable, responsible, or intelligent enough to teach religious dogma to children...who know nothing about religion until they are taught.

It's simply one more example of women being treated as inferior, and allowing the men to be in full control.
2009-05-12 18:25:00 UTC
I only have one thing to add...

The Quran does state that non-Muslims will burn in hell for eternity.

In order to be a "Believer" one must not only believe in Allah but they must also believe in Muhammad as the prophet of Allah.


YUSUFALI: Those who reject (Truth), among the People of the Book and among the Polytheists, will be in Hell-Fire, to dwell therein (for aye). They are the worst of creatures.

(What do you think the "Truth" is here?) Also check out Quran 46:29-35.


YUSUFALI: Say: "If ye do love Allah, Follow me: Allah will love you and forgive you your sins: For Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful."


YUSUFALI: Say: "Obey Allah and His Messenger": But if they turn back, Allah loveth not those who reject Faith.


YUSUFALI: If anyone desires a religion other than Islam (submission to Allah), never will it be accepted of him; and in the Hereafter He will be in the ranks of those who have lost (All spiritual good).


YUSUFALI: Those who deny Allah and His messengers, and (those who) wish to separate Allah from His messengers, saying: "We believe in some but reject others": And (those who) wish to take a course midway,-


YUSUFALI: They are in truth (equally) unbelievers; and we have prepared for unbelievers a humiliating punishment.


YUSUFALI: To those who believe in Allah and His messengers and make no distinction between any of the messengers, we shall soon give their (due) rewards: for Allah is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful.


YUSUFALI: O ye who believe! take not the Jews and the Christians for your friends and protectors: They are but friends and protectors to each other. And he amongst you that turns to them (for friendship) is of them. Verily Allah guideth not a people unjust.

I think that's enough for now.
2009-05-12 15:46:25 UTC
It is not specifically mentioned in the Quran that children should follow their father’s religion. However, humans and Jinns were born as Muslims (one who submits to God). Before Allah (Swt) granted us a life in this world, He asked “Am I not your Lord?” and we said “Yes, we testify to it”. This occurred before our birth so we do not make excuses on the day of Judgment and tell Allah (Swt) that we were unaware of Him or Islam.

And when your Lord brought forth from the children of Adam, from their backs, their descendants, and made them bear witness against their own souls: Am I not your Lord? They said: Yes! we bear witness. Lest you should say on the day of resurrection: Surely we were heedless of this. (Al-Araf 7:172)

As parents, we should give our children the opportunity to do their own research and follow a path which seems best to them. I am not talking about children who are not mature enough to understand who Allah (Swt) is, but the children who are willing to research about their religion and embrace nothing but the truth. In Islam, we believe that we are all born as Muslims and that is why Allah (Swt) has granted us free will – we either to choose to believe or disbelieve in Him.
`es ay ar ay.
2009-05-12 15:26:25 UTC
That's why we have Ahadith. A Muslim is a person who follows the Qur'an and Sunnah. Sunnah is in the Ahadith.

--It isn't encouraged in Islam to marry non-Muslim women, though. Christian women are told in their Bible that they have to marry a Christian. Although it isn't entirely discouraged in Islam, it's not highly recommended either. It's better for a Muslim man to marry a woman who has intentions of reverting to Islam; plus, even the Qur'an places the emphasis on CHASTE Jewish and Christian women.
2009-05-12 16:38:04 UTC
No Where,because no one is responsible for others deeds and choices each make.!!

Quran is The Revelation as far as we are concerned, neither hadith nor sunnah are revelations !
2009-05-12 15:24:41 UTC
youre not going to find it because its not in the quran. quran is only 114 chapters some only 3 ayat long... ok, u arent going to find the soloution to every situation inside
2009-05-12 15:28:16 UTC
Well All the qura'an says not to be a kafir and to be a muslim of course his children have to be raised as muslim. If he believe in Qura'an and Islam then he should know that all the qura'an says to be a muslim.

"wla takono kal kafereen"
2009-05-12 15:25:43 UTC
I have a question. If you saw your child about to be run-over by a bus, what would you do?


Questioner, it's not a rhetorical question. I really am asking what you would do


Also, I didn't realize you stipulated in your question that you want a 'quote' from the Qur'aan. Why do you make such a stipulation ?


1) It is relevant to your question, so don't be so hasty

2) Excellent response. So bearing in mind you would exact such caution in order to prevent your child from being scratched, then how about in the matter or them being one of the dwellers fo the Fire for eternity?


Questioner: You're beginning to sound tedious. Are you here to teach the Muslims what they believe? Before you audaciously decide to concur what is and what isn't in the Qur'aan, perhaps you could find out and/or ask someone who knows.

[007:036] But those who reject Our Ayât (proofs, evidences, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) and treat them with arrogance, they are the dwellers of the (Hell) Fire, they will abide therein forever.

And with regard to your misconception about ahadeeth, then know that both The Qur'aan and Sunnah are REVELATION. If we find something in the Sunnah that we do not find in the Qur'aan, then this has NO bearing upon one acting upon it,
2009-05-12 15:28:23 UTC
wiat i dont get ismail's question
Hab-Ali (The Spectacular )
2009-05-12 15:26:39 UTC
GOOd question Ismail....

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.