What is the difference between "Moderate" and "Extreme" Muslims?
2009-04-05 20:01:11 UTC
I heard several people mentioning this term...No offense intended.

I'm not Muslim but I don't disrespect them either.
23 answers:
✔✪ Abu Haarun Hussein ✪✔
2009-04-05 20:21:59 UTC
The terms "moderate" and "extreme" are judgmental terms that require a frame of reference to be used accurately.

As Muslims, our frame of reference is the Qur'aan and Life Example of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him.

With this frame of reference, a "Moderate" Muslim is one who follows the Commands of the Creator (God, Allaah) and who stays away from what He has prohibited. That is Islaam, the Middle, Straight Path.

An "Extremist" is someone who goes beyond the limits legislated by Allaah with regards to beliefs and actions.

Al-Qaeda and Taliban have been labeled as Extremists by the scholars of Islaam.

However the term "Wahhaabi" is a slur used to mock practicing Muslims. See

Frame of reference is very important. Because if someone is not judging using the rules set by the Creator, they wind up labeling anyone who does their obligatory prayers, pays their charities, covers their body with proper clothing, etc. as extremist. And such a label is a mockery of the Religion God sent for mankind to follow.

To learn more about Islaam and Muslims, I recommend
2009-04-05 20:44:57 UTC
Moderate Muslims can be described as moderate in their actions. The majority of Muslims are moderate, normal people. Extremist Muslims are the ones who go to extremes in their religion and an example of that would be the Wahhabis (in Saudi Arabia) Al Queda and Taliban of course. Anyway it is a good question whether or not you agree or disagree with anyone.
2016-10-17 11:27:57 UTC
Judeofascism is seen an ethnic slur whilst Isamofascism isn't. the reason being purely that Islamofacism is the logical effect of thorough utility of islamic regulation. Islam is political by utilising nature, and Mohammed replaced into brutal ruler. Islamic fundamentalists choose to re-created Mohammeds rule in Media, which replaced into totalitarian. As Hassan Al Banna, founding father of the Muslim Brotherhood, suggested: "Islam is particularly reminiscent of Nazism". The time era Judeofacism is an attempt by utilising the politically indoctrinated mass media to create a counterpart to the thought of "Islamofacism". that's of course nonsensical, by way of fact the government of Israel is democratic and cutting-edge and protects the rights of non-Jews. Jewish non secular fundamentalists have no political ambition themselves, so a Jewish state run by utilising the bearded nutcases is organic fiction. Islamofascism governmental; you will discover it utilized in all theocracies the place the Koran is the form and Shariah is the regulations. The intense dying created by utilising militant Muslims (20,000 terrorist assaults international-huge in view that 2000 and that's a random commencing factor) is genuine, while the so-called "aggression" from Judeofascists (aka the IDF) is basically a reaction to countless assaults on Israel by utilising the likes of Hamas, Hizb-Allah and Fatah. yet in accordance to the mass media, they're equivalent.
2009-04-05 22:05:31 UTC
Moderate describes those who would do anything for a dollar and extreme describes those know they are Muslims and what Muslims should do in the service of Allah, Who Sees and Hears all things.

2009-04-05 21:49:46 UTC
In Islam, there is no such concept of being a moderate Muslim, or an extremist- you are either a Muslim (believer) or not (unbeliever)...

and on that note, there is not such as being an "islamist," which we see so much in the media... every true Muslim is a "fundamentalist" "islamist"

In Islam, ur either Mu'min or Kafir... it's really that simple

May Allah guide you to the straight path.. Ameen
2009-04-05 23:06:47 UTC
In Islam you are either a muslim or you are out of Islam.

You cannot say I will pray four times a day except one Fard salah. You shouls have to accept all five.

Similarly, you cannot say I will drink alchohol in small quantities as I feel the need & a small does will not make me intoxicated. Alcohol is haram eve in a small quantity.

Hope this answers your question.
sleeping beauty
2009-04-05 20:30:11 UTC
Muslims can't be extreme because the essence of this religion is moderation...

Extreme Muslims are basically terrorists and don;t follow Islam as they should and are giving the religion a bad name...

Moderate Muslims are the rest....religious ones or non-religious ones, all call themselves that
2009-04-05 20:10:38 UTC
Moderate Muslims can be described as just normal people with normal lives. The majority of Muslims are moderate, normal people. Extremist Muslims are the ones who go to extremes in their religion and an example of that would be the Wahhabis (in Saudi Arabia) Al Queda and Taliban of course
G. #2
2009-04-06 02:28:21 UTC
Extremes are these nuts like Bin Laden or so who think that it is good to kill people, and that nothing is allowed in Islam, etc...

Moderate Muslims are the rest and normal people, lol.
2009-04-05 20:30:16 UTC
"Extreme" Muslims are those who do more than what is prescribed.

eg. cover themselfs in front of muslim women, avoid permissible comforts of life, do lot of optional prayer then get sick and miss the obligatory prayers, taking revenge with non-muslims by killing their family too. Introducing innovations into religion, by forbidding that which Allaah did not forbid, and introducing forms of worship and commitments that did not exist at the time of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him).

all these people are extremist.

The hadeeth which condemns extremism was narrated from ‘Abd-Allaah ibn Mas’ood (may Allaah be pleased with him) who said: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Those who go to extremes are doomed.” He said it three times.

"Moderate" are those who are not extremist.
2009-04-06 02:16:56 UTC
Moderate: Islam

Extreme: Not Islam
2009-04-06 00:51:00 UTC
a "moderate" of a religion is one who cherry picks what they choose to follow of their religion and what they choose to reject. This is not a bad thing, because these people want to (or have) integrated into Modern life, so they reject things that are incompatible with modern life, or things they find morally repugnant.

"radical" or "fundamentalist" or "extremist" followers of religions are the one who follow their religions to the letter - they do not omit the parts that are not compatible with modern life, and they don't reject that which makes them feel uncomfortable. They are "good" followers of their religion.

THIS IS NOT EXCLUSIVE TO ISLAM - as Christians have been doing this cherry picking thing for far longer.
Not Afraid 2 Stand Alone
2009-04-05 20:21:34 UTC
You can define it in many ways.

General meaning:

Moderate: One who is secular.

Extreme: An extremist.

Religious meaning:

Moderate: One who is a good example of a Muslim, practicing religion perfectly.

Extreme: One who goes extreme, doing something that is not prescribed in the Quran or Sunnah.
2009-04-05 21:26:43 UTC
An EXTREMIST muslim is one who goes outside the limits set by GOD, one who falls to either extreme, too little or too much. And God knows best.
wat up
2009-04-06 19:04:52 UTC
*The difference is nothing, they are all the same evil.

Seriously look at other religions of peace Buddhism, Jainism, Hinduism, Christianity, Judaism, Zoroastrism. These are religions

that promote non-violence and value creation not destruction.
2009-04-05 20:18:53 UTC
Moderate Islam is True Islam

Radical or Extreme Islam is not True Islam.

Radical Islam was created by a man named Haj Amin al Husseini, who claims to have been a prophet greater than Mohammed. However Haj Amin al Husseini was a false prophet.

to understand the difference between Radical (Extreme) Islam and True (Moderate ) Islam, it helps to understand who Haj Amin al Husseini was and what he did.

The best source that I have seen on this topic is a book by the title of " Icon of Evil, Hitler's Mufti and the Rise of Radical Islam" by Professors John Rothmann, Professor The University of San Francisco, and Professor David Dalin, Professor Stanford University, Palo Alto, California.

Haj Amin al Husseini was appointed Grand Mufti of Jerusalem in 1921 by Sir Herbert Samuel, who was then the Fritish High Commissioner.

Haj Amin al Husseini was recommended to Sir Herbert Samuel by his Secretary Ernest Richmond.

Ernest Richmond was supposed to be an expert on The Middle East.

However unknown to Sir Herbert Samuel, Haj Amin al Husseini was Ernest Richmond's Homosexual lover.

The only reason that Ernest Richmond recommended Haj Amin al Husseini for the post of Grand Mufti of Jerusalem is because Haj Amin al Husseini was Ernest Richmond's homosexual lover.

the Muslim community was outraged at the appointment of Haj Amin al Husseini to the post.

Not only was Haj Amin al Husseini a practicing Homosexual in violation of Sharia Law, but Haj Amin al Husseini had also dropped out of school and had never completed his religious studies, making him unqualified for the position of Grand Mufti of Jerusalem.

During the 1930s Haj Amin al Husseini formed an alliance with Adolf Hitler and the NAZIS.

During World War II, Haj Amin al Husseini was a guest of Adolf Hitler and the NAZIS.

During that period Haj Amin al Husseini created Radical Islam which is a mixture of NAZISM and Islam.

After World War II Haj Amin al Husseini returned to The Middle East and founded a number of schools to teach the Radical Islam (which is a mixture of NAZISM and Islam) that had been created by Haj Amin al Husseini to an entire generation of impressionable young boys.

When those young boys grew up they created their own organizations.

today the best known of those organizations are Hamas, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad and Al Qaeda.
2009-04-05 20:30:38 UTC
Islam is Allah's/God's constitution.

Muslims are those who is trying to live within this constitution, and Moderators are those who are trying to mix both for their facility to please the new era.

Real Muslims are those who live in Allah's/God's constitution.
2009-04-05 20:43:54 UTC
Fundi MENTAL ist

does that explain it? Most extreamests cannot read.
2009-04-05 23:08:57 UTC
One beheads Westerners.

One beheads Westerners on camera.
2009-04-05 22:43:09 UTC
What is moderation in religion?


Moderation in religion means that one does not exaggerate and go beyond the limit set by Allaah, and that one does not neglect it and fall short of the limit set by Allaah.

Moderation in religion means following the example of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). Exaggeration means trying to do more than he did, and negligence means not reaching that level.

For example, a man says, “I want to spend all night in prayer (qiyaam al-layl), and never sleep all my life, because prayer is one of the best acts of worship, so I want to spend the entire night in prayer.” We say, this is going to extremes in the religion of Allaah, and this is not right. Something like this happened at the time of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), when a group of men got together and one of them said, “I will pray at night and never sleep.” Another said, “I will fast and never break my fast.” The third one said, “I will never marry women.” News of that reached the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and he said, “What is wrong with people who say such and such? I fast and I break my fast. I sleep, and I marry women. Whoever overlooks my Sunnah does not belong to me.” These people had gone to extremes in religion, and so the Messenger (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) disowned them, because they overlooked his Sunnah which includes fasting and not fasting, praying at night and sleeping, and marrying women.

The one who is falling short is one who says, “I do not need to do voluntary (naafil) actions, so I will not do them. I will only do the fard actions. He may even be falling short in the fard actions, so this person is lacking.

The moderate person is one who follows the path of the Messenger (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and his rightly-guided successors (al-Khulafaa’ al-Raashidoon).

Another example: three men are faced with an immoral man. One of them says, “I will not greet this immoral man and I will boycott him, keep away from him and not speak to him.”

The second one says, “I will go with this immoral man, greet him and smile at him. I will invite him to my place and accept his invitation. He is just like any righteous man to me.”

The third one says, “I hate this immoral man for his immoral actions, but I love him for his faith. I will not boycott him unless doing so is in his best interests. If there is nothing to be gained by boycotting him, and if that will only increase him in his immorality, then I will not boycott him.”

We say that the first man is going to extremes, the second is negligent and the third is moderate.

The same applies to all other acts of worship and dealings with others. People vary between extremism, negligence and moderation.

A third example: A man is a prisoner of his wife, who directs him as she wishes and he does not stop her from committing sin, or urge her to do good. She has taken over his reason and has become the one who is in charge of him.

Another man treats his wife in a harsh, arrogant and high-handed manner. He does not care about her and regards her as less than a servant.

A third man is moderate in his dealings with his wife, as Allaah and His Messenger commanded.

“And they (women) have rights (over their husbands as regards living expenses) similar (to those of their husbands) over them (as regards obedience and respect) to what is reasonable”

[al-Baqarah 2:228 – interpretation of the meaning]

[The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:] “Let no believing man hate a believing woman. If he dislikes one of her characteristics he will be pleased with another.”

This last man is the one who is moderate. The second one is extreme in his dealings with his wife, and the first is falling short.

The same applies to all other deeds and acts of worship.

[Majmoo’ Fataawa wa Rasaa’il li Fadeelat al-Shaykh Muhammad ibn Saalih al-‘Uthaymeen, vol. 1, p. 42]

2009-04-05 20:22:13 UTC
There is nothing moderate about Islam...therefore a moderate Muslim is a hypocrite. They don't practice what their religion preaches.

But, honestly, it's much better that way!
`es ay ar ay.
2009-04-05 20:08:06 UTC
There is no moderate or extreme in Islam.

There's only Muslim.
2009-04-05 20:05:11 UTC
its names the spy agencies use to separate and label people

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.