Does Allah truly love Muslims?
2014-09-02 04:38:12 UTC
The Bible is filled with the expression of God’s love for man from Genesis to Revelation. This love is unconditional and not dependant on our good works but rather He wants is to do good works because he loves us. One way to say it is: “God’s love came first.” In the John’s first letter he puts it this way “God is love” (1 John 4:16) Other examples are Exodus 34:6, 1 Kings 10:9, John 3:16, Romans 5:8

In the Bible - God loves us first and wants us to respond to this love.

However in the Quran while there is plenty to say about how man should love Allah, but Allah only seem to loves those who do his will. Allah loves the good, Allah loves the steadfast, Allah loves those whose deeds are good, Allah loves those who trust Him, Allah loves the kindly. Allah loves not aggressors, Allah loves not wrongdoers, Allah loves not such as are proud and boastful.

This is a conditional love.

As far as I can see the Quran seems to imply that God will not love you until you love God first. I think that Surah 3.31&32 shows this well:

Surah 3.31&32
Say, (O Muhammad, to mankind): If ye love Allah, follow me; Allah will love you and forgive you your sins. Allah is Forgiving, Merciful. Say: Obey Allah and the messenger. But if they turn away, Lo! Allah loveth not the disbelievers (in His guidance).

So does God truly love Muslims or is he just putting up with them?
Twelve answers:
2014-09-02 05:42:55 UTC

Bismillah. Yes dear asker. We feel the Love of our LORD.

Alhamdulillah. Psalm 133 Amin.

These verses apply to Christians as well. (5:47 Qur'an)

The Holy Bible, the Good Book... Says the same thing.

Do not doubt that the Holy and Noble, Truthful Qur'an is the revealed Word of our LORD. (5:48)(10:37)(32:2)

What a Blessing the Word of God is. Alleluia. Ameen.

We hope this is helpful. Approach the Qur'an with humility. (Psalm 131)

2014-09-02 05:38:11 UTC
The concept of unconditional love in Christianity is false, because unless you believe that Jesus died for you and cleansed your sins with his blood, then you are going to hell.

Islam is the only religion that teaches hell is not eternal. Hell in Islam is more like a hospital where people can be purified from their evils. There is a saying of Prophet Muhammad (sa) that (i'm paraphrasing) there will come a day when the doors of hell will be swaying in the wind and it would be empty.

Of course those who incline toward God, God inclines towards them more because real love is not one-sided but experienced on both sides. Having said that, it is also important to remember that God has stated "My mercy encompasses everything" so it is God's mercy that we should seek rather than His punishment.
2014-09-02 19:13:02 UTC
Salam Yes really Allah does truly love not only Muslims but all humans what ever their religion even atheists and also all creations of Allah including animals and insects That is why we say that Allah is rahman and raheem which is included in 99 good names of Allah
2014-09-02 05:16:13 UTC
He certainly has a favourable bias towards men; that's for sure. That's probably because Mohammed was a man.

Read the scriptures.

2014-09-02 05:05:40 UTC
there is concept of hell in every religion but it does not mean god does not love his people. we can never understand why he does many things. he is like a mother loving all his kids equally but he does not favor anyone coz he is god n he can never b unfair. and the translation of quran that u provided r not right but yes there is mention in quran that wrong doers will b punished.
2014-09-15 02:47:14 UTC
Allah loves every human and not just muslims and Mohammed(PBUH) was sent to entire humanity and not just muslims. Muslims are muslims because they believe Allah as one and Muhammad Peace be upon him as Last prophet.
2014-09-02 04:48:11 UTC
The Dajjal
2014-09-02 04:47:08 UTC
Both the god of he bible and quran are sadistic monsters we are better off without.
2014-09-04 00:17:21 UTC
Yes He loves us , thats why he never asks us to die on the cross with Nonsense reasons :) another problem is that Trinity never teaches how to be free from sins , instead it offers you to just believe and do every kind of sin that others can ever desire , in result the life turns into living hell and whole society turns into kind of prostitution factory and everyone observes it that which kind of things trinity gave to world, with no living proof trinity keeps you in the old stories , on the other side there passed thousands and even more saints in islam to whom God talked himself and angels of God came to them to teach and still there are such people , thats what the difference between dead three in one God and the living God ..
2014-09-02 04:47:58 UTC
god does not believe in religions.. in all holy books it is clearly written that love was the religion of them who wrote these love is the path those who daily remember god and walk on the path of love...god loves them...source : holy books
2014-09-02 06:06:24 UTC

especially gay Muslims

but misguided heterosexual Muslims think Allah (SWT) hates gays even though Allah is gay himself
2014-09-02 04:39:10 UTC
God isn't real.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.