Why are muslims so jealous of hindu superiority?
2016-02-23 21:57:58 UTC
Hindus are peaceful, muslims worship a child raping pedophile. It's no wonder Indians are universally loved as doctors and models (priyanka chopra etc.) while muslims are known as monsters
143 answers:
2016-02-24 20:32:11 UTC
Okay your opinion is way too polarised

I come from a Hindu family and even though I have denounced religion now, my country is full of Hindus and take my word when I say this — not all Hindus are angelic.

Because at the end of the day we are all simply people, regardless of our faith. Hindus can be assholes and Muslims can be assholes. However there are more good people than bad on both sides.

As far as whom the Muslims worship — I have no clue. Never read into Islamic literature very much. But Islam is the second most practused religion in the world and I'm pretty sure so many people would not be willing to worship a "child-raping pedophile", as you said. There's got to be some truth the Muslims look up to. Try reading more about it — the world is abundant with knowledge and you got Google dude!
2016-02-26 06:00:32 UTC
I come from a Hindu family and even though I have denounced religion now, my country is full of Hindus and take my word when I say this — not all Hindus are angelic.

Because at the end of the day we are all simply people, regardless of our faith. Hindus can be assholes and Muslims can be assholes. However there are more good people than bad on both sides.

As far as whom the Muslims worship — I have no clue. Never read into Islamic literature very much. But Islam is the second most practused religion in the world and I'm pretty sure so many people would not be willing to worship a "child-raping pedophile", as you said. There's got to be some t
2016-02-27 08:30:04 UTC
Is that what happen in India? Hindus have those assumptions of Muslims? I live in Indonesia. More than 50% of the population are Muslims but we have a little island called Bali with more than 70% Hindus.

Hindu was the first religion that entered this country. We live side by side with Hindus till now, we respect each other's believes. No need to be jealous really.

Well and Shahrukh Khan is pretty famous here since I was on elementary school. I heard that he's a muslim.
2016-02-24 20:21:44 UTC
Well I'm not jealous of Hinudism, there are over a 1.6 Billion Muslims so you're trying to tell me every single one of those Muslims are jealous of Hindus?

You do realize that there are Muslims India right? You know Shahrukh Khan is apparently Muslim? You know that there are multiple countries that are Muslim not just the middle east? Arabs are not the only Muslim so if you're referring to the wars that are currently happening you're very immature. The country with the largest population of Muslims is Indonesia, are they know for rape?. Actually let's just take the religion out of this because surely by now you would of realize how ridiculous you sound 1.6 BILLION Muslims are jealous of what you say we are??? lol I feel so bad for you, smh.

Let me just give you a news flash there are rapists EVERYWHERE so you can go around pretending that Muslims are rapists but deep in your heart you know that people are responsible for their actions not a religion? (where does this concept come from). If you don't know that, crack open a book or use the internet and learn some facts or maybe google "rape" and see how many non Muslims will pop up. Honestly, it's 2016 and there are people like you that over generalize. I live in Australia and I can tell you straight up the only Hindu "superiority" I learnt about at school was the caste system Hindus have, child Labor and negative things because that’s what they do to people ONLY FOCUS ON THE NEGATIVE Do I go around thinking negatively about Hindus because of this? No because I have a brain and I don’t generalize.

and oh yeah! I remember having to learn about the gang rape culture prevalent in Hindu areas, but how DISGUSTING would it be if I just said all Hindus are rapists because of what I learnt. Just like you’re saying all 1.6 Billion Muslims are rapists and “jealous” when you have no concrete evidence to suggest confirm that. Just use your brain and do something you've probably have never done, be open minded and get your head out of your ***.
2016-02-24 05:49:08 UTC
I think you have the wrong assumption here. And we are NOT jealous. Why should we be?

I am an Indian and we cannot call all Hindus "peaceful".

And Muslims does not worship 'child raping pedophile'.

In Islam, we are only supposed to worship Allah alone. If you want to know what actually Islam is study the religion and how a Muslim is supposed to be in our Holy Quran.

There might be certain group of people who does something wrong but it does not generalise what certain group of people does for the entire religioun community.

There are Muslims who does right and wrong the same way,(they are just Muslims for namesake) there are also people who does stuff wrong or unacceptable in every religion (tbh I think, Hindus are the ones who rape more)

Study the religion properly before criticising and do not judge a community by the actions of a certain group. :)
2016-02-27 23:28:06 UTC
Hello Mr Asshole how are you?

unlike other fellow Muslims on this page

I am not going to let you go away with this easily

Your question can be broken into 2 scenarios

1- You are a white American hillbilly Asshole who is pretending to be a Hindu Indian and try to bash the religion, and maybe you are a real Hindu Indian asshole and by posting such a question; you are showing how Hinduism is Actually jealous of Islam

2-You legitimately asked the question out of innocence and want some one to force you into reading some books to enlighten your third world cow worshiping brain so you can understand that watching Fox News wont get you any where but make you more of an ignorant prick!

but since you asked, I will answer you my brother

Why would Islam be really jealous of Hindu population?

Talking about Population:

there are 1.6 billion Muslims scattered around every where, every country had a certain Muslim population even if its a single person! But how many countries are there that has Hindu People, taking in mind that those people are not immigrants but native people of that country??

I dont think there is any white french population that worships cows and fire right?

So Islam would rather be jealous of more reasonable religion that has a reasonable god and manners like Christianity than a stupid bunch of people worshiping cow ****

Speaking of Faith

Muslims believe that there is a god, only one god, that created this universe, and sent his prophets all a long on missionaries to teach people manners and behavior, and give them the right way to communicate with god, in an acceptable and respectful way, as well as teach people on how to treat each other, how to forgive and how to forget, how to Love and care for one another... Islam, Christianity and Judaism all come from one source and they complete each other... Dont give me those crap of Islam is a violent Religion taking into consideration what is happening around the world now... this crappy bullshit is made up to show the other image of the religion.

And speaking of Famous people

Your Crappy Religion has only one famous person which is Gandhi, and I dont know how true and honest that man was... but if we want to consider him as a good man, thats the only man you have.

the others are actually bitches or stupid... who watches a movie that lasts 4 hours and then the husband turns out to be his wife's brother??? If i want to count the famous Muslim people since the birth of this religion? I need the whole internet and wont Finish, Google is a thing my friend!

To wrap this up... I do feel that you are just an asshole troll who is using the current world situation to open up a debate to bash the religion, nothing more nothing less, and people actually fell for you! shame on you and your believes!
2016-05-17 23:49:40 UTC
Why should Muslims be jealous of hinduism? Lol I don't see worshipping cows and drinking cow piss and putting a giant dot on your head that looks like you are targeted by a sniper has any appeal to anybody by the way I think Hindus are jealous of Christians and Muslims because a Muslim neither a Christian won't be asking this stupid question has to be a hindu. And neither a Christian or Muslim isn't jealous of each other because islam, Christianity and Judaism are all abrahamic religions meaning they worship the same God think about it like this the Quran is the Arabic Bible just different languages but same stories and teachings.
2016-02-24 07:42:05 UTC
why do you think Muslims are jealous of Hindus? I'm a Muslim and as a Muslim, I'm supposed to respect every other religion, as it is written in the Holy Qur'an. And I do respect Hindus even though you people worship thousands of gods, pictures/paintings, statues and etc. Also while you speak of Indians being loved Universally, in which way I ask? Looking attractive being all naked on media? Doesn't Hinduism teach a woman how to veil herself? Now that's a shame.
2016-02-25 07:16:00 UTC
I highly doubt 1.6 billion people are jealous of a Hindu nor worship a man when their own testimony says there is no god but god? fun fact for you but did you know Muslims also follow Jesus?

You are quick to forget the bus load of Hindu men that raped that poor innocent woman and tortured her that much she died all because "she was with a man" yeah right.. backwards and barbaric.. Should we say now that all Hindus rape innocent women and kill them? No we should not, why? because it isnt true and is by far the most ignorant thing one could think, the same applies to a muslim.

there are bad people all around the world regardless of faith! they are just simply bad. Some are more twisted than others and try to hide behind a religion.

People with the mentality like you are the downfall of humanity! I doubt mindsets like this will be the next step of evolution.. pitiful.

Saying one is superior to another is ridiculous and if you are going to go on superiority many would argue it is the white man personally I dont believe such nonsense, when are we as human beings going to elevate one another and together achieve greatness? never so long as there are people with a mindset like you.. unless of course you die off, you know the weaker dying off and all that baloney.
2016-02-24 12:32:59 UTC
Oh wow, you are pathetic. I know tons of brigt muslims. 29% of muslim immigrants in the US have a college degree, compared to 25% in the general population. 19% of immigrant muslims have an annual household income of more than 100,000$, compared to 17% for the U.S. average. Modern muslims, aka. basically all muslims we meet, don't approve of the way the Quran praises some horrible things, like slavery and pedophilism, but that book was written thousands of years ago and isn't the basis more than the Bible is a base for all christians. Do all christians stone women who look at another man? No, because we have evolved. There are 20,000 Muslim physicians in the United States - that's 10%. Some of the most gentle and caring people I've met were muslim. Your claim is islamphobic, stereotypic of both hindus and muslims, a gross exaggeration and a biased non-factual statement. Maybe you should do a little research.
Maryam Marjan
2016-02-24 05:57:10 UTC
What's there to be jealous of Hindus? You have too many Gods and look at the way the Hindus are attacking muslims. After seeing that, I am sure everyone is thinking of the Hindus as "monsters" and "murderers"! Some of the Hindus only know how to attack the poor people, people who ate beef and blame and attack people on the false pretext of "sedition". They do this because of their cheap and low class thinking. They think what they is a huge deal and force their opinions on us.Besides our King Khan (Shahrukh Khan) is muslim. The world loves him! So is Aamir Khan,Salman Khan, Saif Ali Khan, Emraan Hashmi, etc. And Farah Khan, one of the great directors is also a muslim. Kareena Kapoor married a muslim guy though she is a Hindu.

Besides actors, our great scientist and former president of India, APJ Abdul Kalam, was also a muslim. So before you ask a useless question and make yourself look like a fool, think and once again think of what you say in here. Sorry I had to be so blunt!
2016-02-24 23:49:36 UTC
It may be true that Muslims are violent and dangerous creatures (as most terrorists come from Islam); But, it is not true that Hindus are peaceful people;

Treachery and leg-pulling are some of the common propensities in the Hindus; The Muslims could enter into and rule over India because of some Hindu traitors; This is an unpleasant truth;
2016-02-24 20:14:08 UTC
Excuse me?! I have no idea where you got the idea that Muslims are jealous of Indians.. I mean why should we be?? And I say 'we' because I am a Muslim too.And for your information a lot of Indians ARE Muslims so you sound foolish right there. And our religion is absolutely NOT about raping children. Islam promotes peace and doing things like that is a sin. I'm sick and tired of all these stereotypes against Muslims. Just because of one group of people in a certain religion does something wrong that doesn't define the whole group. You need to be careful and get your facts straight before making assumptions like that.
2016-02-25 07:48:29 UTC
Well you see ..every person feels he/she is superior...

Anyways to the question...Hinduism is the oldest religion in the world..its not even a religion..its a way of leading life..

It only teaches you to how to lead life according to the it eating..relationships or any other thing...

At the end of the day all religions are same and all religious texts are written keeping in mind the men of the society..

Now coming to models...Shahrukh khan is a Muslim..and he is the WORLD'S MOST RECOGNIZED MOVIE STAR as per TIMES MAGAZINE AND LA about his life and you will come to know that he only married once that too a Hindu and they worship both the religions...i am inspired by that. .and that's one of the many reasons why people love him...he married the only women he met...and that too before becoming a movie that says something...

I think we all are very rigid people..and cant take jokes on religion...wonder why??...i am a Hindu by the way..jokes don't harm.
2016-02-25 20:59:22 UTC
Im muslim and have never been jealous of them, i hardly know anything about them! The person you ignorantly called a pedophile is the prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, and we do not worship him under any circumstances. He is a prophet of God and is an example for us on how to be good muslims. He was not a pedophile. During his time it was normal for girls around 9 to be promised in marriage and then when they became physically mature (menstral cycle) to be married off. People were considered adults much sooner and at the time girls were accustomed to being married younger as life was a great deal more simple and people lived shorter lives. Muhammad (pbuh) taught against forced marriage and called for the equal treatment of women. If this were a lie, I a young muslim girl 15, would not be muslim. I am entitled to religius freedom and I choose Islam. I would say more but I am running out of space. I hope you find peace, happiness, and love in your life ~ American Muslim Female
foo foo
2016-02-24 05:15:40 UTC

If YOU are Hindu, I'd like to point out that the manner in which you asked this particular question makes YOUR own superiority up for debate (chances aren't looking good by the way).

Superior INDIVIDUALS (notice how I didn't generalize people because let's face it, there are awesome humans and sucky humans) aren't bothered about unnecessary things as asserting who's better than who.

They don't need to ask, they don't need to tell. They just know and their actions let others know
2016-02-24 01:04:38 UTC
I didn't know about the jealousy, but, the Hindus are, certainly, superior to the Muslims. The number of doctors, engineers, scientists etc that the Hindu Community has produced is much higher than most others.
2016-02-24 11:31:48 UTC
Hmm.. thats quite dumb assertions here...

First start with who is a Hindu - I believe and love to be corrected, that Hindu or Hinduism does not appear in any Religious text of India. So where have you got this name from? Was there any name for the religion followed by people living in Indian subcontinent prior to Arabs invasion?

The word Hindu is derived from the Indo-Aryan[23]/Sanskrit[24] word Sindhu, the Indo-Aryan name for the Indus River in the northwestern part of the Indian subcontinent (modern day Pakistan and Northern India).[24][note 8] According to Gavin Flood, "The actual term 'Hindu' first occurs as a Persian geographical term for the people who lived beyond the river Indus (Sanskrit: Sindhu)",[24] more specifically in the 6th-century BCE inscription of Darius I (550–486 BCE).[25] The term 'Hindu' in these ancient records is a geographical term and did not refer to a religion.[24] Among the earliest known records of 'Hindu' with connotations of religion may be in the 7th-century CE Chinese text Record of the Western Regions by Xuanzang,[25] and 14th-century Persian text Futuhu's-salatin by 'Abd al-Malik Isami.[note 9]

So now you see, all people living in Indian subcontinent were called Hindu, it is not a religious reference but more of a Geographical, like Americans, or Europeans...

Now for what is Islam and who are Muslims, you better learn it from the correct source - Quran. You and many others like you are ill informed by the media whom you trust more than anything else ( Like it is your Holy Grail)

The person whom you are referring to in an offensive manner - Muslims regard him Highest to anyone else Human - Even above one's parents and imagine he had a big following and if he was as you are alleging, he would not have any problem marrying almost all young girls as for everyone he was and is the Greatest Human Being ever. So why did he stopped at just one girl, any person with Sane mind would be able to figure out that there was some other reason. And also to note, during that times, marriages were as well executed at young age. Some people think being Dumb is an excuse to say anything, you need to think, as Humans are born with a Brain capable of thinking. If you are disabled to think, I feel sorry for you. The Person we discussed about is the Last Messenger of God to all Humanity Peace be upon him.
2016-02-26 09:13:23 UTC
What did you say? Muslms are not jealous of "Hindu superiority." You are probably just an immature 12 year old hindu.

Listen kid, before you go assuming things, do some actual research. We don't worship Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), we worship the one and only Allah. And we worship only Allah. Prophet Muhammed (pbuh) is the last prophet that Allah has chosen. We respect him, and that's why people put (pbuh) after his name, or (may peace be upon him).
2016-02-25 14:15:54 UTC
I really don't get your question. The reason why is because it is not religion that determine if someone is peaceful or not. I'm a Hindu and I don't believe that Muslims are monsters. Everyone varies. People are different and should be judged by their actions and not by their religion.
2016-02-23 23:53:06 UTC
we are not jealous of hindus. Majority of hindus don't have any grounded belief, so there is no point in being jealous of hindus for them being hindus, when infact hindus and christians are empty cultural tags. Hinduism(except the very few orthodox) declined after buddhist enlightenment., a large proportion of hindus are petty superstitious folks and ingnorant
2016-02-25 08:19:42 UTC
I am a Muslim, and no doubt I am not jealous of any Hindu culture. And I think I shouldn't be because there are no reasons. I am just trying to be honest. Unfortunately, there are no reasons :)

Are you hindu?
2016-02-24 16:17:47 UTC
I am Hindu yeah they gets jealous sometimes but not everyone.

They respect their culture and their religion and we do too but I don't think it's good idea saying Muslims in this way. They are also a human like us

Respect them and you will be respected too
2016-02-24 06:28:53 UTC
Not to get involved in your little god-off, since I'm not a Hindu or Muslim, but I find it ironic you talk about how peaceful you are while invoking violent and derogatory imagery of someone else. Also, I seem to recall one of the more peaceful adherents of your religion, Mahatma Gandhi, was assassinated, and if I recall further his assassin was not a Muslim, Christian, or Sikh, but a fellow Hindu (and he was murdered expressly for nationalistic and religion-based reasons), so you may want to reconsider your peace monopoly claim among the world's religions.
2016-02-24 06:36:33 UTC
I'm Muslim and I'm in no way shape or form jealous of low class Hindus. I worship the one and only God. why would I be jealous of Hindus who worship statues and paintings of multi gods that don't exist? I think you're jealous of us!

Aren't you the same people who attack Muslims in your counties? Yeah your people don't seem so peaceful to me.
2016-02-23 22:41:00 UTC
Salam.No we Muslims are not so jealous of hindu superiority
2016-02-24 06:24:09 UTC
You sound Vain, and arrogant. If you think you are superior, you would not be so vain nor arrogant. You would not stoop to others level and ridicule others just because you are proud of your faith.

I am so glad I born and live in the UK, because all races and religions can coexist in harmony. I am Muslim, with friends that are Christian, Hindu, Sikh, Buddist, and athiest, as well as other friends with other beliefs. None has questioned my religion or attack me especially with all that is shown in the media, nor do I bring up their religion.

Religion hardly comes into our daily conversations, apart from when we want to wish each other on our respective religious day like Happy Eid, Happy Diwali, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah etc, in which I never fail to wish my friends on their special religious day. Even my athiests friends that remembers wishes me happy Eid even if they do not believe. Simply because they are good people, and acknowledge they have friends who have different views of life.

... and since you think you are intelligent. You do realize Muslim Indians exist, it is why they wish Eid Mubarak on their star Plus channel (shown in the UK) this year from Indian Hindu actors and actresses.

Oh and by the way, my brothers are all British educated doctors. Doctors comes from all over the place.
2016-02-28 03:03:01 UTC
Thats your assumption bro.. the possibility is the opposite. Y would Muslims be jealous of hindus who r limited to india n handful of countries? Islam is the second largest religion in the world and the fatest growin religion on the earth. Pls (google it to confirm). Accordin to the recent survey in india ther is a decline in hindu population in the last few yrs. But increase in muslim population . N accordin to cnn bbc report by 2040 , islam will be the largest religion in the world (google it ). N to ma personal experience, I have hindu n christian frens who have reverted to islam by learning about islam.So theres no question of being jealous for nothin. Lol. Pls get sme knowledge bout islam. Dont speak of ur ignorance. Dont speak about ma religion wen u know nothin about it.. we worship one God. The creator. The creator of mankind jinn n everything that exist.. and We Dont worship his creations. I am proud indian and I have a lot of close hindu frens. May Allah give u hidaya..
2016-02-24 05:42:06 UTC
I'm a Muslim and I'm never jealous of Hindus. Its your misperception
2016-02-28 02:20:44 UTC
First of all, in Quran muslims are told to leave people alone at peace and that god hates violent people. It's also told that if someone was to make fun of Islam then leave them be for god will be the one to judge.

Now as far as things go, you and a bunch of others are being racist. Now, what do you expect humans to do when you start treatig them like animals? In the movie American dreamz an american soldier was full of haye while an arab was told to bomb a place when he hates violence. He threw the bomb away and the american soldier found it. Being full of hate, he decided to suicide bomb a stadium. Anyone can be a terrorist depending on what you say to or do to them.
2016-02-27 13:10:09 UTC
Hindu Superiority? Hindus worship idols and animals! Idol worshiping is a GREAT SIN. Hindus drink cow urine!
2016-02-24 06:36:46 UTC
Why would i be jealous of a person who defecates out in the open. What kind of culture allows you to just drop your pants and relieve yourself in public. ugh..

You cannot claim jealousy or superiority if your people dont know how to you use a toilet..Thats so gross. I had respect for their culture until i witnessed that. and then how superior are you by wearing the feces of a cow in your hair. HOW NASTY IS THAT? ugh
2016-02-24 03:09:13 UTC
If you were a member of a religion that churns out ardent non-thinkers and those you are taught to despise surpass you in accomplishment, morality, progress - every conceivable way,you would also be jealous of the groups that have humiliated you. (every group including Africans and Gypsies have greater moral character than Muslims because although

African and Gypsies are chronically low achievers that have a higher standard of morality than Muslims and their wholly immoral prophet)
2016-02-25 01:44:25 UTC
I think no religion is feeling jealous of another religion . As we all are human being but we have mostly noticed that many terrorist are found Islamic and they all are of the same religion i.e. Muslim , so we can say that Muslims are more arrogant. No one can say what anyone is thinks about another person.
2016-02-26 23:34:36 UTC
Why would I be jealous of Hindus? Or any religion?

I have never worshiped the Prophet Muhammad saw, if I did, that would remove me from the fold of Islam. In Islam you should only worship GOD.

Please, try to educate yourself a little. It'd save you from embarrassing yourself on the Internet further.
2016-02-24 01:07:59 UTC
Similar to why Muslims are jealous of their intellectual superiors, the Jews.
2016-02-25 10:01:18 UTC
You're deluded.

One cannot be jealous of something that doesn't exist Hindu's are not even "superior" in their own country.
2016-02-24 03:22:47 UTC
Buddhism wipes the floor with pretty much every other religion out there. Simply because a central teaching is to disconnect from all of the 'ties that bind' that this world offers in abundance, all in the search for enlightenment, which leads to knowledge which in turn leads to understanding and ultimately leads to peace, Firstly inward and then outward into the world, the Ether.

It doesn't cast a finger at others but inspires you to cast one towards yourself and in doing so you realize the connections between yourself and others, you see people as people and judge them individually instead as an entire race. Buddhism inspires and cultivates intelligence, REAL intelligence.

AND if practiced purely as a religious philosophy, since there is no central deity, it allows one to maintain faith in one's own central deity, whether that be God, Allah, Yahweh, Jehovah, Zeus or Odin or whoever you personally believe in, ALL whilst side-stepping all of the bullshit brought about by organized, politically-motivated, MAN-MADE religion.

As a religion, Buddhism simply exists and doesn't seek to conquer land or force itself upon others who may not agree with it, instead, it waits for YOU to come to IT.

It preaches peace and understanding and cultivates both of those things, among many others, all of which integral to the religion and survival as a race.
2016-02-24 15:11:04 UTC
Another Muslim-phobe. Im not even a religious person and people like this annoy me. I remember growing up in a catholic household, all the christian kids would treat me like **** on purpose. There are only GOOD and BAD people in this world regardless of race, religion, culture and/or nationality. Your logic of putting down an entire group of people based on tye actions of a few make you look just as bad.
2016-02-25 22:46:46 UTC
Muslims are not jealous of any religion. Muslim Feel Proud Of Being True Musalmaan
2016-02-24 09:16:54 UTC
I'm not Hindu or a Muslim.

However, I despise Muslims.
2016-02-23 22:51:29 UTC
This is either really good bait, or you're a little insane. Either way, I don't think you can say anybody is superior to anyone for any number of reasons, but you can believe what you want
2016-02-24 09:43:01 UTC
i was born muslim but am agnostic now, but seriously there is nothing for muslims to be jealous of hindus about, half the world doesnt even know there is areligion called hinduism. and its such a fake religion just like islam is, but even more sillier and stupid. monkey men, people worshipping elephant idols, so ridiculous.
Icey I
2016-02-25 06:11:39 UTC
You answered your own question with your ignorance, but unlike you i wont judge your whole religion for your foolish question. Adding the fact that you yourself are definitely not superior to many many people, including the Muslim race. You just showed how peaceful YOU were. What a joke :)
2016-02-24 08:04:38 UTC
No 1 is jealous of cow worshippers Muslim murdering poor Hindu monsters terrorists!

I am American btw & I find u inferior.
2016-02-28 00:02:41 UTC
Actually Muslims few of them have been brainwashed by mastermind. Good human being doesn't belongs to any religion, he or she above all religion. Because they found the truth. There is only one religion that is humanity. Its like If you are thirsty what would you like to drink to resolve your thirst-is it soft drinks or any natural resources. Religion is just like that. So Muslims are not jealous actually, they have been thought by some evil mind.
2016-02-26 15:35:16 UTC
I dont know much about hindus, but at least youre not ignorant about muslims like everyone else
2016-02-24 09:00:13 UTC
Hindus worship flying monkeys. And have murdered many, many Muslims for religious reasons.
2016-02-24 17:55:54 UTC
So that is why a river with only 1 bridge separates the Hindu & Muslim section of town. Now I know thank you.
2016-02-24 16:37:34 UTC
I Live in Sydney, Australia. I have many Muslim friends, Hindu friends, Buddhist friends, Christian friends and Agnostic friends. And we get along well, and Yes, we do speak about religion now and then. I think the poster (OP), just wanted to see the mayhem caused by the stupid question :(
2016-02-24 11:18:54 UTC
Because Muslims are jealous of everything.
2016-02-24 16:36:24 UTC
Because they don't find excuses to drive their religion down your throat and just live with it because they don't think they are superior assholes and everyone should cater to them because they have been treated horribly and discriminated against for oh so long because of stereotypes. No ***** if you want to function in society or atleast in ******* America, you're gonna have to make a few changes and beg for forgiveness.
2016-04-05 17:04:44 UTC
hindus are better looking,hold themselves better, walk better,smarter...more interesting, more intelligent and sophisticated. more normal as human beings when they interact with the rest of the world .kinder. have a richer deeper longer history. and have contributed more to society. "idol worshipping" all people have done (including all muslims) from ANCIENT times past (your ancestors) now they made a fake religion to say they are better for not doing the very thing they all did before (in their bloodline) they have forsaken their own people! and even murdered them! I have NO respect for muslims who trashed and left their former glory and culture to get owned by an arab!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! when that same arab was insanely jealous of SHIVA! (muhammed wanted shiva s powers)
2016-02-24 03:47:07 UTC
Haha what a joke

Hinduism is dead now anyways, all the Hindus I know laugh At their 'gods' being pictures
2016-02-24 08:14:48 UTC
You sound pretty Jealous of Muslims to me.
2016-02-25 07:13:52 UTC
Hindus were long time ago Muslims. I mean they worshiped one God. Check the Vedas. They will tell that God is one and He has no images. This was the message of Islam.
2016-02-24 03:34:20 UTC
Its sad how hate divides people, I have friends from different cultures and I see no difference in superiority everyone has their own special talents, perhaps your thinking on a individual level.
2016-02-25 06:41:11 UTC
im a muslim and my boyfriend is indian, i've never hated or got jealous from indians, look im sorry there are bad muslims but its not because of islam its because of the lake of education, not all muslims are the same and no we dont worship a child raping pedophile :)
2016-02-27 23:30:42 UTC
I think this is a very cheap and wrong question you have raised here. you should apologize for it. Try to raised this question at FACEBOOK if you dare then you will get best answer!

But apart from this question, one thing is clear that is Muslim people are losing their credibility all over the world!
2016-02-26 20:41:37 UTC
Well india is know for having a huge rape issue.. but yes Muslims do have a lot of problems because of their opinionated sexist fascist dominating culture.
Rick N
2016-02-24 09:41:29 UTC
I guess I don't understand why people need to force other people to believe how they believe. Religion / spirituality is a personal matter and it is for your own sense of well being or enlightenment or whatever - it shouldn't matter if someone else believes like you do or not - and this idea of killing people and forcing them to believe like you do is insane - regardless of the religion - Christians have killed plenty of people too. Personally why not believe what you believe and let someone else believe what they believe.
2016-02-24 20:56:28 UTC
Wow the fact that you could say something like that about muslims and your probably not even muslim is s really ****** up ****** move of you to do who are you to be judging my religion or saying who we worship its not one bit of your business so back off and ask yourself this not a whole comunity
Guru Hank
2016-02-25 10:18:24 UTC
I don't see much evidence of that around the world. The Abrahamic religions have each produced ordered, educated and well run societies because they spurn most of the primitive superstitions that animist and polytheistic religions such as the various Hindoo sects contain.
2016-02-23 22:08:12 UTC
Lol Hindus bow down to rocks and trees. Fool polytheists are the worst of all. Even Allan swt won't ever forgive them for committing shirk daily basis. We used to rule ya thousands of years. You people were slaves.
In Hoc Signo Vinces
2016-02-24 09:48:34 UTC
How about those Hindus who brutally murdered a Christian pastor and his son in India?
2016-02-24 08:02:38 UTC
Ya'll got to much time on your hands. Everyone knows there is only two kinds of people in the world...... Irish and those who want to be Irish. Ya'll need to get over it your missing out on life.
2016-02-24 04:25:03 UTC
no . you can't generalise muslims . and please shut your mouth up you don't even know what muslims and arabicans realise you just speaking oit of no soors okey so you comparing who is more beautiful or what

come on baby to morocco and you will se the natural beauty they don't need no makeup but you need a lot to cover your floss physicly and the floss that in your heart

because this is what you curius about . go to the mirror and try to treat yourself from the envy babe
2016-02-25 11:16:38 UTC
2016-02-23 22:00:29 UTC
That's not entirely true. I am hindu and I don't think that. If you are a hindu you should be ashamed of bashing another religion like that. We just don't do it.
2016-02-28 14:25:45 UTC
i m a hindu in india , but muslim are not obey the constitution in india they follow the sariya law , sariya laws first preference then any other law. if the population of the muslim crosses 50 percent then they do not follow constitution , they follow the sariya law. they take over the power , they take over the country they lived in, so muslim are danger in india . india is a hindu country , but it changes to muslim country after crosess the 50 percent . then they demolish the constitution and makes the law according to quran.
2016-02-24 11:16:00 UTC
Your are just desperate for answers, you will do anything to get attention. No one is jealous of anyone. You are having grandiose delusions, and I think you should get a life, and stop perpetuating racism.
2016-02-27 13:18:59 UTC
You are jelaous of arabs and i know many arabian models Gigi Hadid for examble.Dont be ignorant muslims are everywhere they are not a race and they dont give a damn about indians like the rest of humanity.
2016-02-24 04:28:11 UTC
What kind of question is this? Seems like a joke to me. Your religion looks more stupid to me than islam and they have 1.5 billion. Far more than yours and what have the no. Of doctors or engineers got to do with religion? You said muslims are monsters. I have lots of muslim friends who are really close to me and none of them are monsters or radicals. You are just a stupid indian looking for attention.
2016-02-24 16:53:55 UTC
Muslims want to be the top religious group of people, and they don't like anyone getting in their way.
2016-02-28 17:37:55 UTC
Hindus worship a cow as god cleverly pointing out anyone can makeup a god, totally taking the piss out of Muhammad and his invented allah ballah
2016-02-24 06:00:30 UTC
I'm an anti-muslim,but I HATE priyanka chopra
2016-02-23 22:11:35 UTC
Really? The same "peaceful" Hindus that hate Black people for no reason, have caste systems and think anything dark (when like 80% of their own population is dark) is inferior? LOL sure.
2016-02-25 00:31:47 UTC
I am Hindu and this is just nonsense.

Who showed you how to use a keyboard? Log off.
2016-02-24 13:11:46 UTC
You worship cow piss and bathe in a river dead bodies are thrown in! Hindus are a joke
2016-02-24 03:25:13 UTC
Hindus today :Are in nagging way keeping at their joyful,why I don,t know any reason of,silent in uselessness,and are giving them ,as for their general purpose,irritation .
2016-02-26 05:04:33 UTC
If one paints with too broad a brush they are likely to get some paint on themselves a bit of ego building
2016-02-24 23:00:57 UTC
MHMM excuse me look whos talking right now. At-least we don't worship COWS as our god. btw Islam is the second largest religion worldwide so ***** please how's could we be jealous of your "hindu superiority".
2016-02-24 08:11:58 UTC
Only an arrogant hindu would ask such a question.
2016-02-24 09:38:40 UTC
I'm Muslim and i'm not jealous of it
2016-02-24 09:44:05 UTC
Muslims are weak minded
2016-02-24 16:18:21 UTC
lol are you kidding me? India is where women get raped and the streets are literally filled with ****. So why would anyone be jealous of that pathetic country?
2016-02-27 23:14:56 UTC
clearly not jealous of their intellect if most Hindus think like you do.
2016-02-25 08:31:15 UTC
but at least islam is the right religion

at least we don't worship like 10000 gods like you idiots dumb mutherfuockers

I bet you don't even know all your gods names ahahahahahah

btw hindus are jelous of muslims because they know that is islam is the TRUTH

2016-02-24 05:03:56 UTC
Specify which Hindu, high cast or low cast.
2016-02-23 23:46:05 UTC
Great bait bro, drag more ppl with you to a hateful ignorant debate that only feeds on spreading more hate between.

Way to go!!!!!
2016-02-23 22:09:43 UTC
Muslims arent jealous and they certainly dont worship "a child raping pedophile" . You're seeing the side of the media. Muslims are NOT monsters and you have to respect different religions, dont be egoistic
2016-02-24 11:50:30 UTC
So true! Muslims are ignorant pawns being manipulated by their wicked leaders.
2016-02-24 14:07:53 UTC
the muslems are a religion which excludes every other religion as being inferior. that is nothing new in the way of religion, is it? when it becomes a point of contention that everything must be done my way, the way of my believing, then the children start to fight among themselves.

the skillet calling the tea kettle black.
2016-02-24 06:27:51 UTC
lol actually u Hindus r very smelly and dirty.. what would be jealous of ? uh..i remember ast time i passed by Indian one it was so disgusting ehhh .. i also remeber when 1 ****** indian wanted to treat me.. i told him i want to keep sick beter than get treat with smelly idnian as u lol
2016-02-24 09:53:46 UTC
hindu isnt superiority
2016-02-26 14:48:07 UTC
I bet none of you are writing this in your own country. It's people like you who will cause the next war. Just don't do it in my country or my vote goes to deporting the damn lot of you.
2016-02-24 05:22:51 UTC
That doesn't exist and no one is jealous of that
CandyCane L
2016-02-25 14:49:16 UTC
Muslims are truly stupid. Did you know their book of lies, koran, says meteors are space missiles thrown by allah at Jinn? HAHAHAHAHA... and a BILLION PEOPLE follow this mental defective book? that's just one of many many examples.
2016-02-24 22:32:22 UTC
You aren't peaceful. You're combative. Hypocrisy is very ugly.
brother trucker
2016-02-27 21:14:57 UTC
Your not one of them race relations experts are you? There is no room in the civilized world for your type of racism.

There are good Indians and good Arabians.
2016-02-26 16:11:48 UTC
Ancient sanatan dharma was supreme but modern Hinduism is **** and so are hindua.Especially the caste system.Videic Hinduism was golden and incomparable.
2016-02-26 12:39:22 UTC
models (priyanka chopra etc.) LOL

The 3 khans (Shah Rukh, Amir and Salman) are Muslims and they rule Bollywood.
2016-02-24 08:10:08 UTC
You sound like an idiot go read a book you're joke
2016-02-24 19:11:46 UTC
















2016-02-25 15:41:54 UTC
muslim aint jealous of any other religion especially that BS
2016-02-23 21:59:49 UTC
dont worry, indians are peaceful but the worthless muslims will one day push them to far and on that day India will end pakistan tyranny
2016-02-26 02:34:14 UTC
It really is a realigion Muslims better then Catholic and christion. Anybody can be one .
2016-02-25 11:47:06 UTC
That's the same notion of American Exceptionalism.
2016-02-24 19:45:03 UTC
This is why the world would be a better place without religion
2016-02-24 19:32:06 UTC
Gideon Seth
2016-02-24 09:15:03 UTC
Cause ****** hate spicks
2016-02-28 00:02:12 UTC
muslims islam is not even a religion thier existence comes from judaism....reaching straight back at history....ISLAM IS not even a word neither "muslim"....think again !
2016-02-24 05:04:55 UTC
They aren't. Your question shows your racist ignorance, regardless of your religious beliefs. So sorry for you.
2016-02-27 23:03:21 UTC
I'm neither but its all Matter of opinion
2016-02-24 21:28:09 UTC
Shut up you poor crazy indian monster you know nothing about islam you people suck
2016-02-24 17:17:21 UTC
Neither is superior to the other. We are all equal my friend.
2016-02-24 17:57:35 UTC
Uhh they aren't? Lol
2016-02-27 23:22:10 UTC
Love me
2016-02-25 09:51:38 UTC
It's not right.
2016-02-24 13:00:35 UTC
Why are you arguing? You both have made-up religions and are going to Hades when you die.
2016-02-24 08:00:41 UTC
Why do you assume they are jealous? Perhaps you are?
2016-02-26 22:00:47 UTC
tanu bada pata tai
2016-02-25 07:11:56 UTC
Ugghh no dude its nothing like that.

We all love each other so chill! :D :D
2016-02-25 05:10:39 UTC
I didn't know about the jealousy
2016-04-01 12:08:37 UTC
because they are not superior
2016-02-25 20:58:35 UTC
Who told you that?
2016-02-27 23:40:23 UTC
thatt is what happens when you smoke too much mariguana you start saying stupid things...
2016-02-24 21:08:46 UTC
No, Muslims never jealous of any other religions superiority.................................................... it`s true..............
2016-02-24 08:14:20 UTC
sometimes you find a joke where you never expect .
2016-02-25 11:36:37 UTC

2016-02-27 23:01:34 UTC
I think you should do us all a favor and shut the **** up.
2016-02-24 18:19:33 UTC
2016-02-24 15:50:42 UTC
Muslims... oh lord no...
2016-02-23 22:08:56 UTC
there is good and bad in all the groups
2016-02-24 07:53:06 UTC
troll question
2016-02-25 11:33:28 UTC
wtf your so dumb, just shut up if you dont have a valid point and also most of the famous bollywood actors are muslim, idiot
2016-02-25 04:43:00 UTC
you are wrong.
2016-02-24 09:55:08 UTC
Screw you wtf kind of question is that you racist ***??
2016-02-24 03:51:34 UTC
In the name of Allah, Most Compassionate, Most Merciful,

A man-made philosophy can never match an iota of the goodness of the Divinely-revealed true Religion much less be superior to it, and all the sadhus (Hindu ascetics) and gurus (Hindu spiritual guides) of humankind put together cannot match an iota of the goodness of a single Divinely-appointed prophet.

Further, of all the historical dispensations of the true Religion, Islam alone holds true until the end of time while all others are abrogated and no longer efficacious as spiritual paths, nor incorrupt as Divine Self-disclosures. Hence the Prophet Muhammad, upon him blessings and peace, alone is to be followed until the end of time while all the others came and went; and he alone is to be universally followed while they came only for their own people including Jesus who came only for the Israelites.

Hence Judaism, Christianity, Vedantism (a sect of Hinduism), any and all other purported paths of enlightenment and religious laws can no longer help the spiritual wayfarer to reach the supreme good – which is knowledge of God – except insofar as a terminally-stationary plane can help the traveller fly to his destination: he is inside the plane, the plane is thought by those in it to be fuelled and ready, but it no longer takes off and never will again.

In reply to the above points:

1. Hinduism does not recommend a person to follow any book whether its 1400 or 2000 years old, instead it allows man to attain the supreme conscious within himself.

In the pursuit of the supreme good “The Book” is not followed because of itself nor is it worshipped nor is its worth defined by its antiquity but rather by its quality as the uncreated Divine Speech from cover to cover, unlike any other book on the face of the earth. If any volume contains a recipe for attaining supreme consciousness it is the Discourse of its Maker Himself. Nor can “the supreme conscious within himself” be other than knowledge of God because there is no higher consciousness for creatures. However, inferior stations might be reached through self-denial and meditation which might be erroneously thought to be the supreme conscious by those that possess an incomplete knowledge.

2. Hinduism has pluralism and tolerance, whereas Islam lacks tolerance and pluralism

Islam certainly has more tolerance and pluralism than Hinduism or any other state belief can prove, as shown by the brilliant lives of the non-Muslim citizenry of Muslim states such as Andalusia and Mughal India.

3. Hinduism allows man to attain the supreme good through the process of a multifaceted theory of truth (i.e. One in many realities) whereas Islam speaks of only one dimensional truth (i.e. ones of reality).

To claim that Islam lacks a “multifaceted theory of truth (i.e. One in many realities)” and “speaks of only one dimensional truth” only shows ignorance of the ninety-nine Names of God in Islam and the relationship of the Divine Attributes to creation.

4. Hinduism offers no eternal hell whereas in Islam a non-believer will abide in hell for eternity.

Hinduism certainly teaches belief in eternal hell in the possibility of enduring bad karma for evil people. Further, it is wrong to attribute to Islam the teaching that the non-believer will abide in hell forever. Rather, the disbeliever will; while the non-believer is given another chance until he either believes or disbelieves.

5. Islam claims it only has ultimate truth and salvation is achieved only through it, while Hinduism acknowledges that everyone has the truth and anyone can achieve salvation.

So then, both Islam and Hinduism agree that Islam has the truth and achieves salvation. Why are you still not Muslim?

6. Why should a person follow the dogmas and rigid doctrines of Islam?

Because in Islam dogmas and what you call rigid doctrines are enlightened and rational and lift up the human condition. Islam is easy in comparison to man-made rituals, such as the Hindu daubing of one’s living quarters with cow-dung or the awful and iniquitous caste system, or the hellish karma cycle that condemns man to a perpetual abyss short of superhuman near-infallibility.

7. Why should a person obey the Islamic God, who will barbecue the non-believer in hell for Eternity?

Because our God commands nothing but what a sane conscience recognizes as pure goodness and truth, to deny which is enough in itself, regardless of any other-worldly hell, to roast that conscience in the unbearable fire of remorse and on the barbed spits of self-betrayal.

8. The Theory of Karma frees man from the fear of the “Jealous God” of the Abrahamic faiths

See replies 4 and 6.

9. The absolute monotheism of Islam is the root cause of intolerance whereas absolute monism (i.e. the Vedanta Philosophy of Shankara) is accommodating and accepts diversity

Accommodation and diversity are nice accidents, not the goal of the pursuit of truth. However, if they are goals in Hinduism then they should lead every sincere Hindu to Islam eventually. As for the Muslim tradition, we already replied (paragraph 2) if you mean by them pluralism and tolerance. Otherwise, the retrospective gaze of the accomplished ego-less spiritual seeker is all-accepting and all-loving because it realizes or experiences that everything Allah does is good without exception and He knows best.

raise be to Allaah.

What every Muslim is obliged to do, as you mentioned, is to love for his brother what he loves for himself of good things, and to hate for his brother what he hates for himself of bad things. This does not mean that he cannot like for himself what he likes for others. If he sees that his brother has something that he does not, and he wishes that he had it too, this is ghibtah (envy that is free from malice); if he wishes that the blessing would be taken away from them, this is called hasad (destructive jealousy).

Shaykh Muhammad al-Duwaysh.

You have to think long and hard about the words of Allaah (interpretation of the meaning):

“That is the Grace of Allaah which He bestows on whom He wills

[al-Maa’idah 5:54]

“It is We Who portion out between them their livelihood in this world, and We raised some of them above others in ranks, so that some may employ others in their work

[al-Zukhruf 43:32]

Hasad (destructive jealousy) causes a great deal of harm in this world and in the Hereafter. Al-Tirmidhi narrated from al-Zubayr ibn al-‘Awaam that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said:

“There has come to you the disease of the nations before you, jealousy and hatred. This is the ‘shaver’ (destroyer); I do not say that it shaves hair, but that it shaves (destroys) faith. By the One in Whose Hand is my soul, you will not enter Paradise until you believe, and you will not believe until you love one another. Shall I not tell you of that which will strengthen love between you? Spread (the greeting of) salaam amongst yourselves.” (A hasan hadeeth. Jaami’ al-Tirmidhi, 2434).

Concerning the meaning of the phrase “it shaves (destroys) faith”, al-Tayyibi said: “i.e., hatred takes away faith like a razor takes away hair.” (Tuhfat al-Ahwadhi bi Sharh Jaami’ al-Tirmidhi).

It seems, my brother, that you know the ruling and are aware of the consequences, and that you want to rid yourself of this blameworthy characteristic. Here are some solutions for you. If any such thoughts (of hasad, etc.) cross your mind, then seek refuge with Allaah from the accursed Shaytaan, and keep yourself busy with something that will make you forget these insinuating whispers and thoughts.

7- If you feel that you are jealous of a specific person, then buy him a gift and shake hands with him. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Shake hands, for this will dispel rancour, and exchange gifts and love one another, for this will dispel hatred.” (Narrated by Maalik in al-Muwatta’, 1413). Hasad is the result of hatred, whose opposite is love, the way of which is giving gifts and spreading (the greeting of) salaam, because the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “You will not enter Paradise until you believe, and you will not believe until you love one another. Shall I not tell you of that which will strengthen love between you? Spread (the greeting of) salaam amongst yourselves.” (Narrated by Muslim, 81).

Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyah said in his book Amraad al-Quloob (diseases of the heart):

“Whoever find in himself any hasad towards another has to try to neutralize it by means of taqwa (piety, consciousness of Allaah) and sabr (patience). So he should hate that (the feeling of hasad) in himself… But the one who does wrong to his brother by word or deed will be punished for that. The one who fears Allaah and is patient, however, is not included among the wrongdoers, and Allaah will benefit him by his taqwa.”

And Allaah knows best.


It is mentioned in Sahih Bukhari

“Narrated Ibn Umar (r.a.) That Allah’s Messenger (pbuh) said: Islam is based on (the following) five (principles):

1. To testify that none has the right to be worshipped except Allah and that Muhammad (pbuh) is the slave and messenger of Allah.

2. Iqamat-as-salaah (to perform prayers)

3. To pay Zakaat

4. To perform Hajj (i.e. Pilgrimage to Makkah)

5. To Observe Saum (i.e. fast) during the month of Ramadhaan

(Sahih Bukhari Vol. 1, Book of Imaan, Chapter 1, Hadith 8)
2016-02-26 06:53:56 UTC
2016-02-23 22:36:19 UTC
Idk Hindus are awesome though
2016-02-25 12:24:29 UTC
Lol wut
2016-02-24 17:54:03 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.
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