2010-03-23 19:09:58 UTC
I am ashamed to say I always thought Muslims were so different from me, from my beliefs, but I am amazed at all the things I am learning that are so similar.
Really the main difference as I see it comes down to Jesus and whether he was son of God or a phophet, and also the Holy Trinity. I just don't see these as such big differences at all. Maybe Jesus is Son of God as I was told, maybe he was a Prophet - does it really matter? If we all accept his message as being God's word, isn't that what is more important?
As for the Holy Trinity - again I do not see why this would divide people so greatly. Maybe what Christians believe is the Holy Spirit is simply just a name given to a type of faith or revelation we all feel when we are close to God.
To my Muslim brothers and sisters - I apologise for being yet another ignorant person about your faith for so long. While I hold my own eliefs dearly, I respect anyone who is passionate and incere in wanting a holy relationship with God, and who lives a life of integrity and compassion. As for what rituals and practices we follow to do this, our differences are what make us special and we should not judge each other but learn from each other.
Okay, so this wasn't so much a question, but it does make me wonder why so many people have the wrong idea about Islam? I guess it is the extremists that provide for a better media story.