Christianity and Isalm is so similar - why didn't i know this before?!?
2010-03-23 19:09:58 UTC
I recently started seeing a muslim guy, and seeing I was raised Catholic I needed to research his religion to understand it as I was unfamiliar with it.

I am ashamed to say I always thought Muslims were so different from me, from my beliefs, but I am amazed at all the things I am learning that are so similar.

Really the main difference as I see it comes down to Jesus and whether he was son of God or a phophet, and also the Holy Trinity. I just don't see these as such big differences at all. Maybe Jesus is Son of God as I was told, maybe he was a Prophet - does it really matter? If we all accept his message as being God's word, isn't that what is more important?

As for the Holy Trinity - again I do not see why this would divide people so greatly. Maybe what Christians believe is the Holy Spirit is simply just a name given to a type of faith or revelation we all feel when we are close to God.

To my Muslim brothers and sisters - I apologise for being yet another ignorant person about your faith for so long. While I hold my own eliefs dearly, I respect anyone who is passionate and incere in wanting a holy relationship with God, and who lives a life of integrity and compassion. As for what rituals and practices we follow to do this, our differences are what make us special and we should not judge each other but learn from each other.

Okay, so this wasn't so much a question, but it does make me wonder why so many people have the wrong idea about Islam? I guess it is the extremists that provide for a better media story.

Fourteen answers:
2010-03-23 21:58:20 UTC
Stick around this section for a while and you'll see just how the majority of them act and you'll see why people hate Islam. It's not fair to judge a religion based on it's members, but you gotta stop and think if people claim to follow a religion then they must be doing what that religion tells them to do. Muslims on here every single day insult Christians for believing in the trinity, they call us stupid, say we are insulting Jesus by calling Him the Son of God, they call the bible pornographic and that it's not the word of God, that man has changed it, that it's been corrupted, that is unless they can use it to twist the words to benefit them and Islam.

I came here 3 years ago to learn about Islam because I was engaged to a Muslim, then it was a civil place and I learned a lot about Islam, both the good and bad. Now this place is a cesspool of insults, threats, cursing, etc and unfortunately a lot of muslims act like the miscreants here.

Now on the good side there are some very respectful muslims here, you never see them insult anyone, they never curse or threaten. The muslims I personally know are like them and I know there are thousands more like them. These are the ones who portray Islam in the light it should be portrayed and these are the muslims who can give you very good advice and from whom you can learn a lot. They and my husband's family and Muslims like them are what keeps me realizing there is some beauty to Islam and they are the epitome of what Islam really teaches. If these were the kinds of Muslims most non-muslims could hear about then no one would hate Islam.
Autumn - Joy Killer
2010-03-23 19:23:32 UTC
I've always known they were very similar since I grew up in a Muslim family and in a predominantly Christian society. Many people don't know the similarities because they don't know anything about Islam. The three Abrahamic religions are very similar. However, what you consider to be a little difference (like whether Jesus was God's son - Astagfurallah - or a Prophet) is a big one to Muslims. The biggest sin in Islam is putting a partner to God and the Quran clearly states that saying that God had a son or has a partner as a God is the biggest sin. It also clearly rejects the assertion that Jesus was His son, it says that he was only a Prophet. So to Muslims, this is a big difference and a grave one. I don't mean to offend you but I'm explaining why it matters to Muslims. Regardless of what anyone believes, I respect them and only God may judge who is rightly guided and who isn't, for He is the Best Judge.
2010-03-23 22:29:17 UTC
I am concerned on this statement-"Maybe Jesus is Son of God as I was told, maybe he was a Prophet - does it really matter? If we all accept his message as being God's word, isn't that what is more important?"

It is written that no one comes to the father except through Jesus and Jesus said he is the way, re surrection, and the eternal life. When we all face our maker- we must have the faith OF Jesus.

Denying the Diety of Jesus is not a good option. As Jesus said seek first His kingdom and all will be given in to you.

Why not think that maybe you have a purpose there - to spread the word of God. To spread that only to Jesus Christ lies the true Salvation as promised in the Bible.

God Loves you and He is coming soon.

We pray for you iin the name of Jesus Christ.
2010-03-24 04:25:45 UTC
Because if you read the gospels which is the word of God means jesus you would found many discrepancies and jesus christ never teach or said that he was god or son of god it was people who says that..however, the Islam make it clear that what they are boasting about jesus are fall of doubts because jesus christ is no more than a messenger he the mightiest prophet of God and as such jesus could be a god himself..

so that is very clear you must read the quran with your heart and start practicing it Insha Allah by Gods will you'll be guided til the end..

2010-03-23 20:33:41 UTC
Peace.I think it is not so similar between Islam and Christianity because the Torah Bible have been corrupted while the Qur'an is the last updated life guide given by Allah which will enforce until qiyaamah.The original Torah and Bible were in line in principles with the Qur'an because all of these life guides given by Allah swt the oneness who has no ally,no parents and no sons.Allah has updated the life guide in the Qur'an so it is more perfect and complete than the old Torah and Bible.

The Qur'an has no contradictions.while in Torah and Bible have so many contradictions with so many versions.The originality of Qur'an is protected by Allah and until now it has only one version.

Allah says in the Qur'an that that there is no trinity Jesus was only prophet and rasool of Allah and he was not the son of Allah.Holy spirit was only Jibril angel the leader of all angels.Virgin Mary or Maryam was the daughter of Imran a.s family Allah says in the Qur'an that each person should account for his/her own deeds so we could ask for Allah's forgiveness directly without intermediary

Please continue your understanding of Islam because in Islam good and bad doings should be measured with the Qur'an and hadith.It means good deed in Catholic maybe is bad doing in Islam such as to recognize the wrong doings we muslims should repent and promise directly to Allah and do not through a pastor (imam in Islam) that we would not do the similar mistakes in the future.

We do not worship the statue of the prophet and rasool so we avoid to make the rasool statue for preventing shirk sin..
2010-03-23 19:53:59 UTC
I know you mean well etc, but Quran was given by Allah, and was revealed unto Muhammed pbuh. The linguistic beauty is of such nature, that there is nothing like therof. The Quran, a book of religon not science, contains scientific facts not known 1400 years ago. The point I make on this is if you look back in history, the church has had to change its stance on science, and change its meanings and so on.

The Quran remains at ease with science until this day, none of its science has been disproved.

The reason?

The Quran is the word of Allah almighty. The bible, was written by men and is in too many forms. The Quran is safeguarded by Allah almighty it won't change.

As a muslim I stand by no one who says Allah had a son or partner or anything therof, and I stand by no one who worships an Idol and I stand by no one who states there is more than one god, and I stand by no one who refutes Muhammed pbuh as the final messenger of Allah, Sorry, you are not of me, and I am not of you.
2010-03-23 19:20:39 UTC
Ah... NO. Christians believe that Jesus is the incarnate Son of God. He is God, co-equal and co-eternal with God the Father. God from God, llight from light, true God from true God, of one being with the Father. Begotten, not made. The Holy Spirit is co-equal and co-eternal with God the Father and the Son and with the Father and the Son is worshipped and glorified. He is not an angel. There is no possiblity to bridge the gulf between the Islamic concept of god and the Christian concept of god. The two concepts are not the same. No Christian who takes his or her faith seriously or understands it makes such statements. The Christian devotion to Christ as God made flesh is the central act of Christian worship and locus of Christian faith. It cannot be voided by a simplistic comparison to Islamic tradition. Even I know this as an Atheist. No Catholic who takes his or her faith seriously would ever negate the central locus of Christian faith, love and devotion which is the Word incarnate.

The Nicene Creed to which the vast majority of Christians adhere:

We believe in one God, the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, and of all things visible and invisible.

And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only-begotten Son of God, begotten of the Father before all worlds; God of God, Light of Light, very God of very God; begotten, not made, being of one substance with the Father, by whom all things were made.

Who, for us men for our salvation, came down from heaven, and was incarnate by the Holy Spirit of the virgin Mary, and was made man; and was crucified also for us under Pontius Pilate; He suffered and was buried; and the third day He rose again, according to the Scriptures; and ascended into heaven, and sits on the right hand of the Father; and He shall come again, with glory, to judge the quick and the dead; whose kingdom shall have no end.

And we believe in the Holy Ghost, the Lord and Giver of Life; who proceeds from the Father [and the Son]; who with the Father and the Son together is worshipped and glorified; who spoke by the prophets.

And we believe one holy catholic and apostolic Church. We acknowledge one baptism for the remission of sins; and We look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come. Amen.

This is by no stretch of the imagination, Islam.
Essam C-X .
2010-03-24 05:25:01 UTC
Thank You For Understanding Muslims ...You Dont Have To Convert if u dunt want to ...i saw some people saying wait till they ask u to convert and look at them if u refuse how they a muslim..i have a christian GF and i asked her to COnvert....she thought abt it...then she said that she is fine with her belief as a catholic christian..i respect her...and everything is good never change
2010-03-24 04:19:06 UTC
yeah you are right there is no big difference even prophet Isa or Jesus (peace be up on him ) is mentioned in Quran as a prophet and as i think prophet Mohammad was mentioned in bible and for us Muslims we dont hate Christians they are like our brothers and sisters but i want to tell you that Jesus is a prophet not son of Allah (god)

you believe in one god

and we believe in one god

you believe in judgment day

we also believe in judgment day

you pray

we also pray

but in Islam biggest sin is to say that Allah (god) have a partner or son or father or mother or wife or brother Allah is the only one creator who created Adam and Eve (Hawwa)

and who say there is more than one god i hope he change his mind

if you want to know more about Islam send me at
2010-03-23 19:27:40 UTC
There are so much truth in Islamic principles,law,economics,society and politics that remain undiscovered.The religion of Allah to human starts from Adam until Mohamadpbuh.During his time Islam was used as the name of the religion.All prophets including Jesuspbuh carries the same teaching i.e to worship Allah.Muslims accept Jesus@Isa pbuh as one of the greatest prophet.

Islam is a gift to anyone Allah deem qualified.To qualified there are test.Most are misguided by people or groups with bad agenda using all means of communications to believers and non believers.

I believe you will discover more about the beauty of Islam later.
2010-03-23 20:17:11 UTC
Juadism, Christianity and Islam are very similar.

It is just that the torah and the bible have changed and altered over time by men. God's message had lost when they were changed.

That is why God sent the Koran to muhammad as the last holy book to send the same message He had previously sent.
2010-03-23 19:16:07 UTC
There are some on either side who don't want similarities to be known you can include Judaism too. All religions preach the same things.
2010-03-23 19:55:36 UTC
Wait till they ask you to convert and see the reaction if you do not.

BTW--It is an old tired ploy by Muslims to pose as Non Muslims and repent asking for forgiveness.

Wait for planted ready answers where they will forgive you and praise you to high heaven.
Stuart H
2010-03-23 19:19:43 UTC
The big thing is that if you have not accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior then you have missed the whole picture. Jesus Christ gave His life on the cross as a sacrifice to cover your sins Mohammad did not.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.