If you consider Islam as a cancer, a moderate Muslim is a non-malignant cancer cell. IT will not kill you - now. But it may change, or it may give birth to a malignant cell. You simply don't want it around.
On another track, a Moderate Muslim is someone who self-identifies as a Muslim, but in fact knows very little about Islam, and just goes through the motions of being a Muslim without really knowing or understanding what he's doing or why.
You could write your paper from an objective standpoint, and examine the history of the region and admit that Israel has a perfect right to defend itself. but that wouldn't be very realistic, because no Muslim would ever think like that.
MUslims in that culture are enmeshed in a web of hatred. Hatred for Israel, even though Israel has done nothing to Arabs that Arabs haven't done to Jews with interest. Hatred for all other non-Muslims, in spite of aid and support the receive from the infidels. Hatred for all Muslims not of the particular tribe the individual belongs to, as they vie for scarce resources. Hatred for one's own family, for the intrigues, jealousies, power and humiliation that comes from the way the family is designed in that culture.
To hit the right tone, your paper should be a satire. Arabs attack and fire rockets at Israel on pretty much a continuous basis, and then cry to the UN about the evil Israelis when they have the temerity to strike back. You should complain about the severe travel restrictions and security in Israel, and how that makes it hard for a good PLO bomber to get his explosives to his intended target. You should express a longing for a homeland that never was, and a desire to return to a place where you have never been (Only the very old Palestinians were alive before the Jordanian/Syrian/Egyptian Arabs fled Israel and started calling themselves Palestinians). You should express envy about how rich the Israelis are with thier factories and farms, and how poor the Palestinians are. Somewhere you should work in the true story of a Palestinian mother whose only child was saved by Israeli Doctors in an Israeli hospital, and how thankful she was that her little Jihadi could grow up and be a suicide bomber to attack Israel.