First of all, there is no contradictions, mistakes, or anything that belittles the sound intellect in Islam (including in the Qur'an).
Muslims believe in the original Books that were revealed to prophets Moses and Jesus.
It is a well known fact that the bible has been altered. Simply seeing all of the different bibles out there is enough to come up with this conclusion.
(note to Zannah:
Firstly, it was an angel who conveyed the Qur'an to Muhammad (may Allah raise his rank). Also, God Knows (Eternally - with no beginning) about us and what we will do in the future. God Knows about what is in our hearts. So how do you say that maybe Muhammad changed the Qur'an? God (Eternally) Knows about His prophets).
(note to Belfast Girl:
you try to say that it doesn't make sense for an angel to speak to a human. Even though it is intellectually possible.
christians and all other religions resemble God to the creation , etc. and say many things that are simply IMPOSSIBLE.
Read below to see what i mean).
Proving Islam Right using our sound intellect:
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(The following are intellectual proofs that are in support of prophet Adam, prophet Noah, prophet Moses, prophet Jesus, and prophet Muhammad - They are proofs in support of Muslims and Islam.)
Intellectual proof that God Exists:
God Exists by necessity. Can there be a painting without a painter? no. So if you can't believe that there can be a painting without a painter, how can you believe that this whole universe came into existence by itself?
Muslims know and believe that God Exists.
Intellectual proof that God has no partners:
If one says that there are two Gods, for example:
Let's say that one of them willed for the sun to be square, and the other willed for the sun to be circular... We see that the sun is circular. therefore, the will of the first one was not fulfilled, and this means that he is weak, and the weak is imperfect, and the imperfect does not deserve to be worshipped.
note: If someone says how about if both of them willed for the same thing. This would mean that there is no need for one of them to exist; hence, this would mean that he is imperfect. And the imperfect does not deserve to be worshipped.
(note: this proof is enough to disprove any polytheistic religion)
Muslims know and believe that there is no God except Allah.
Intellectual proof that God does not need anything:
"The one who needs something is imperfect. And the imperfect does not deserve to be worshipped."
Only Islam defeats this statement. Muslims say God does not need anything.
Let me give a few examples of other religions that are disproved with this simple statement:
-Idols need someone to take care of them, therefore they are imperfect, therefore they do not deserve to be worshipped. Idols exist in places/in a direction. Therefore they need a place to exist in, therefore they are imperfect and do not deserve to be worshipped.
-Jesus walked. So he needed something to walk on. And he needed legs to walk. Jesus exists in a place/in a direction. Therefore he needs a place to exist in, therefore he is imperfect and does not deserve to be worshipped.
-The Jewish religion preaches that their god rests. This means that their god needs rest and is therefore imperfect and does not deserve to be worshipped.
They also preach that their god sits. To sit, one needs a body, and a place, and something to sit on. Therefore their god is imperfect, and does not deserve to be worshipped.
-... and so on ...
(note: this proof is enough to disprove every single religion except Islam!)
Muslims know and believe that God does not need anything.
Intellectual proof that God does not resemble anything:
"If one resembles something, one is susceptible to what that thing is susceptible to."
For example: if two tables resemble each other; If the mind accepts for one of those tables to be broken, then this means that the other table can be broken too.
So if one says that God resembles something, this would mean that He is susceptible to what that thing is susceptible to. For example if one says that God resembles humans (like christians do), they would be saying that God is susceptible to death, sickness, weakness, etc, etc. and it would mean that God is imperfect - and this is impossible. The imperfect does not deserve to be worshipped.
(note: this proof, also, is enough to disprove every religion except Islam!)
Muslims know and believe that God does not resemble anything.
Intellectual proof that Jesus is NOT the "son" of God:
If one has a son this means that the father resembles the son.
And Jesus is imperfect, he has needs (see the section "Intellectual proof that God does not need anything). So if Jesus is imperfect, and one says that God resembles jesus, this would mean that God is imperfect. And the imperfect does not deserve to be worshipped.
(note: this proof is enough to disprove christianity).
Muslims know and believe that God does NOT have a son, daughter, father, mother, siblings, etc, etc.
Muslims know and believe that Jesus is NOT the son of God. Jesus is the slave and messenger of God.
Intellectual proof that God does not change:
The one who changes changes for either the better or for the worse.
So, if one says that God changed for the better, this would mean that at one point He was imperfect. And, the imperfect does not deserve to be worshipped. And if one says that God changed for the worse, this would mean that He is now imperfect, and the imperfect does not deserve to be worshipped.
Therefore, God does not change.
(note: This proof is enough to disprove every religion except Islam! (next section puts this proof in use))
Muslims know and believe that God does not change.
Intellectual proof that God Exists without a place:
Who created the place? God.
So if one were to ask: where was God before He created the places and directions?
What would be the answer?
God created everything. So there was no place or direction before God created them.
Therefore, before creating place, God Existed WITHOUT a place or direction.
And God does NOT change. Therefore, after creating the places and directions, God Is as He Was, i.e. He Exists without a place.
(note: This proof is also sufficient enough to disprove every religion except Islam!)
(note: there are people out there who CLAIM to be Muslims. They say that God is in a place/direction. They are not truly following Islam. They are not Muslims. So be careful.)
Muslims know and believe that God Exists WITHOUT a place. God is not in a place or a direction.
Muslims know and believe that there is no God except Allah, God does NOT need anything. God is not in a place or direction. God does NOT resemble anything.
(*important note*: God does not have a gender. He is not male nor female. When "He" is used referring to God, it is out of respect. We use "He" because God referred to Himself as "Huwa" in the Holy Qur'an.)
There is no God except Allah.
visit and go to the "Islamic Information" tab for more information.
Muhammad is the last and final prophet and messenger of God. Jesus was also a prophet and messenger of God.
To embrace Islam, believe and say: "I bear witness that no one deserves to be worshipped except Allah and I bear witness that Muhammad (Abu Gasim) is the Messenger of Allah" ...
please email me if you have any questions...