Ramadan - is the Bible corrupted? If so, how?
2009-08-07 02:42:40 UTC
Many Muslims claim the Bible has been corrupted. Yet, the Qur'an says Muslims must go to and believe the previous Scriptures as they are from Allah (Surahs 10:94; 21:7; 29:46; 4:136 & 5:46-47,69). Would their god, Allah, ask them to go to a corrupted book? What's more, it couldn't have been corrupted after the Qur'an, since there are over 230 manuscripts of the NT, hundreds of translations in 11 languages, 3,135 lectionaries, and over 36,000 Early Church Father's Quotations all compiled before the Qur'an came into existence! There is no other book, secular or religious, which can make those claims.
Twenty answers:
2009-08-07 03:22:39 UTC
It is no more corrupted than the koran. If you believe that the koran was dictated by god to mohammed, what's to say he and his wife didn't make a few changes along the way?
jorge s
2009-08-07 03:25:32 UTC
To muslim 4ever, those words refer to 2 different portions of the same country that were in ''conflict'' at that time. One of the regions stayed faithful to God and the other abandoned Him to make illicit alliances with countries around Palestine, and so comitting figurative adultery. About the Bible being corrupted, if you compare the scripts with the original ones, you can see that the differences remain on the use of different synonyms or the removal of God's name and replaced for Lord or God which are titles and not names. The Bible has also lots of illustrations (like the one above) to make the readers think and understand, that if taken as literal doesn't make sense or confuse some. That's why some say It contradicts itself. What I don't understand is that the Bible say the God's name is JAHVEH and why the Coran says Muslins should read it as if it was from Allah. Another thing is the central message of the Bible is love and the central message of the coran is revenge. The bible says: Love thy neighbour as yourself... The Coran says: All the ones that don't believe in Allah must be crushed and destroyed amongst you. To Flint. Mohamed can't be mentioned in the Bible for the simple reason that the Bible was written long before Mohamed came to existence. I referred to the central messages of both books just to show that they are completely different and could not have came from the same source. Probably, because the Bible was around for so long, Mohamed referred that the principles expressed by the Bible were positive ones and could contribute for a better understanding of man. About the translations, you can buy several translations of a novel ( this is an illustration) and if compared they can be different depending on the translator's way of expressing, but the story remains the same. (Example: Yesterday I had some bubbly - Yesterday I drank some sparkling wine)
2009-08-07 02:53:58 UTC
This doctrine began in the 11th century - 500 years after Mohammed's death.

Now, who will you believe? Mohammed or some guy who lived half a millennium later?

Some will say that only a Bible from Mohammed's time would then be correct, therefore it's true and the Bible is corrupt. The problem with this is that tens of thousands of manuscripts exist that pre-date Mohammed.

Oops. Looks like someone made up a stinker and it spread.

The truth is, the Bible does not contain errors or contradictions. I would challenge anyone to find such a thing, study the issue carefully and then post it here. (It will never happen, not if the issue has been studied, for the individual will find the "error" was not an error, the "contradiction" not a contradiction.)

With all this said, I do wish Muslims, Christians, and Jews would WAKE UP and look around! Our rights to believe in one God are being stripped away. The only chance our children have is if we unite against the godless and allow each other to practice our faiths as long as we don't hurt or enslave each other.
2009-08-07 03:09:33 UTC
I think there are a few misconcepts going on in here.

The Quran confirms the previous scriptures of Torah and Injeel (the one given to Jesus). This means that the Quran confirms that they were from God. It does "NOT" ask us to follow them.

You may be wondering what is the difference?

There are religious books even among Hindus and Budhists. The Quran does "NOT" say that they are from God. Thus they are not confirmed, be they in original form or not. The scripture was not sent to these nations !!!

The nations that received the scripture were the descendants of Abraham. Thus the Torah and the Injeel are from God.

Now the question regarding whether they are corrupted or NOT !!

Well it is a VERY long and complex debate.


1)- How the Torah got corrupted, I think you may not be interested in it. Since it is a bit long, therefore I would leave it here.


How the Bible got corrupted.

2)- Whell that is INTERESTING to ME !!! (I don't know about u).

As per the Quran, the present day Christians are no more than Pagans. I know you may be enraged with my statement here, but this is what the Quran says.

The Quran ALSO points out HOW and WHEN they really paganized their religion. This is something which I found MOST interesting and eye opening. It also keeps me marvelling at this book (Quran). Surely the depth it has, cannot be fathomed.

The Quran tells us of the story of "Seven Sleepers of the Cave" in Chapter 18. This story is a marvel. At one point it is conveying so many vital messages (i.e. death, Approx. time to Judgment day) and at the other, it is pointing out the corruption in Christianity.

Search out the story of 7 sleepers of the cave on the internet. And you will find that these sleepers ran from the persecution of a tyrant king and community. They escaped from it and were made to sleep and then rose 300 years later and were then discovered.

The Interesting part is when you compare the following:

1- The Quranic version of the story.

2- The historical version on the net.

3- The approximate TIME and place where they slept.

You will find that they slept somewhere around 325 A.D. and the place is in Turkey, near the city of Izmir. You will also find that this place is the location of the "Nicene (or Nicea) Council (or Conference)".

Now check out what happened in the Nicene Council !!!!!!!!!!!

I think it is a sufficient clue how Christianity was destroyed and paganized.
2014-10-05 14:14:14 UTC
Babylon is Christianity! The Catholic Church is the mother, and all the different Churches that came from it are her child whores!

The Catholic Church wrote the Bible and it is the beginning of, or mother of Christianity.

Christianity is the pagan cult in Rev. 17:5 BABYLON the Mother of Whores.

Also the Catholic Church wrote the Bible which is fabricated in many places. The story of Jesus in the Bible is different then the Quran because it's a copy of Mithraism.
2016-05-27 13:47:55 UTC
Jewish priests did this work as they got afraid of the Popularity & teachings of Hazrat Essa A.S (Jesus). They also found verses in Bible which denied the concept of trinity & had prophecy statement that a last Prophet of Allah, Hazrat Muhammad S.A.W.A.S will come & establish Islam. That's the thing Jews got afraid of & so, the Jewish priests re-scripted it to their own wishes. (Quran); " And don't become like those who tried to cheat Allah & said to people that they are on right path".
2009-08-07 08:07:49 UTC
For those asking me to drop in and answer a question, here's one for old times sake:

The bible is an interesting book and has an interesting history. It came from oral histories that were passed down through generations in various Jewish tribes who were only "thrown" together after the diaspora. These stories were never intended to be taken as word-for-word literal truth and in fact, when they were written down, there was a lot of debate among the Jewish scholars of the time because they feared this would lead to literal readings and the spirit behind the stories would be lost. As we see today in many Christian fundamentalists.

Muslims believe that prophets are incapable of major sin. Christians and Jews do not. Ergo, we have very "human" stories about prophets committing grave sins. While this makes Muslims see Christians as disgusting, the Islamic idea of near-infallibility of prophets is, to many Christians, practically 'shirk'. I think the truth is somewhere in the middle, personally.

Moving forward to the New Testament, there were surely many copies of many gospels (injeel) that were written and circulated after the death of Jesus. These didn't always agree with one another, as they were written by different people at different times. For example, if there was a fire, and you were writing about it at the time it took place, it would a different story than if I wrote about it after the fact. This doesn't mean it's a contradiction, rather it's a different viewpoint.

Anyone who speaks more than one language can tell you that not everything can be translated directly, and that even when you can, you sometimes lose something. As the bible was translated from Hebrew and Aramaic into Greek and later Latin, not only were scholars forced to pick what they felt were the "best fits" for the various words, but many intentionally chose words they felt brought a different meaning to the text. Quite simply, they felt that the text had infinite meaning and that choosing these different words would further their enlightenment.

However, the use of the word "corrupted" by Muslims is fruitlessly offensive. If your goal is just to upset Christians, who should be your natural ally, then goal accomplished. If however, you wish to understand and be understood by Christians, you could find another way to discuss the matter of the texts being incongruent.

Generally speaking, Muslims look to the council of nicea as their fodder for the corruption of the bible. However, the Prophet (pbuh) was born somewhere around 200 years after this event. The gospels he endorses in the Quran would therefore seem to be those of his time, which are very similar to those today.

Do you know that the term "son of God" was a Jewish term given to Jewish leaders within the community, kings and scholars? It is very likely that this term was applied to Jesus in this way, not as a statement of his divine birth. Do you know that the concept of the Holy Spirit is very close to that of sakhinah (spelling)? We are more alike than we know, and yet we choose to stand apart and argue.

Muslims place a high value on the unchanged nature of the Quran. This is because they believe it to be the very word of God. Since the Christian fundamentalists tend to be more vocal than the rest of us, they don't get an opportunity to hear and understand that for most Christians, we do not take the bible literally, as in, word for word. The stories are, in our belief, true, but as another poster mentioned, it doesn't matter if the text says, "Jesus spake to the assembled people," or if it says, "Jesus spoke to the crowd." All that matters to a Christian reader, is what Jesus tried to tell them.

Although the Quran itself is unchanged, Arabic has. No one alive today speaks as the Quran is written. Therefore, they rely on scholars, tafsir and words that *may* no longer accurately reflect the same meaning as in the time of the Prophet (pbuh). There is at least some room for error on the part of the person reading and understanding the Quran, as there is for a person trying to read and understand the bible, even if the potential for error is somewhat less with the Quran.

My point there is not to insult Muslims, but to help everyone see that none of us should be so certain we know "all" there is to know, that we hold "all" the answers and that our source is "perfect". Since both books are mainly about treating one another well, we would do better to focus on that, rather than trying to "prove" to one another that there are problems with the other's book.
Maria A {Evergreen}
2009-08-07 05:38:40 UTC
Indeed, Today's Bible is corrupted. OT, NT tells us enough. through these books only we came to know about Christainity. In Quran Allah tells us to look at the previous scriptures and the changes in Bible tells us that Christianity is indeed not the final religion.

You will see various versions for Bible, but For the Quran, its exactly the same as how it always have been . There is not a single change in our Quran. ~!
I Am Legend
2009-08-07 04:34:30 UTC
Firstly, the Bible was given by God but the Bible as it stands today is not the Bible as it was given by God and as such, it is not worth the paper it is printed on.

Secondly, there is overwhelming evidence to suggest that the Bible as we know today was written by and added to by man, namely people like St Paul (who was not a very pious and religious man who did not uphold "Christian" values and who NEVER met Jesus). There are so many contradictions and additions to the Bible that it will be better to read a book of ficiton that to sit with the Bible.

Please enlighten me and "post" filth from the Quran to me directly via email. The Quran is not a book to read from right to left top to bottom. It MUST be read in context and with clear understanding of the principle behind each statement.

A non-believer like you who clearly read the Quran for reasons only to criticise would never appreciate the true meaning of Quran.
Undercover for Peace
2009-08-07 05:31:52 UTC
Out of the *least* vulgar stories in Bible:


Lot sleeping with his daughters in Genesis.

Please, produce your proof of so called *filth* from Quran.

Muslims never claim the whole Bible is wrong, but the claim is *corruption*, meaning - addition/deletion/change to the original-text.

We refer to texts from Bible and Torah, which are meaningful and compliant with Islam and Quran.
2009-08-07 02:58:05 UTC
I am a Muslim. Islam didn't say that the Bible is corrupted. It's that some Muslims hate everyone that is not a Muslim like them, they are the reason why Muslims are hated, but Islam didn't say that the Bible is a corrupted book. The Bible is one of the Good Books, it gave a heavenly religion. I believe in Qur'an, and in order to do that, I have to believe in the Bible. God told us that, and He also said that if there's any Muslim that doesn't believe in the Bible, then this person doesn't have a complete belief, but people believe what they want to believe.
2009-08-07 03:33:53 UTC
you must read the verses before these verses as well. in this verse Allah is talking to the unbelievers that if you do not believe this(Quran) to be the word of God then go and read your scriptures in which it has been mentioned that there is a Prophet to come who will be given a book. Allah is not telling Muslims to read older scriptures. Allah is telling unbelievers who do not believe Quran to be the word of God. in bible Prophet Mohammed(PBUH) is mentioned and other religious scriptures. Allah is telling you people that that it is mentioned in your scriptures that a Prophet is to come.

leave Quran first look at bible that is full of mistakes.
2009-08-07 06:24:56 UTC
Hi Kiki,

You have pointed out one of the main misunderstanding in a lot of Muslims. Yes you are very right that we as Muslims are told that we CAN NOT be a Muslim if we don't believe in the Prophets before Mohammed PBUH i.e. Jesus PBUH, Moses PBUH, Abraham PBUH to name the few. I believe that there were 250,000 messengers sent to earth from time of Adam to Mohammed PBUH.

In regards to the corruption of the Bible is concern, no where in the Quran, Jesus PBUH is mentioned to be son of God. You can read Chapter 19 Surah Maryam (also known as Saint Mary). I am forwarding you a copy of online Quran which I have been reading and researching on.

The other example that I can think of is the contradiction of old testament and letters of Paul to others. If you look carefully, you will notice that Jesus PBUH was made son of God and that as long as Christians accept Jesus PBUH to be their saviour, they are promised Heaven. It is true that when Jesus PBUH spoke to his people, he always spoke of God as 'Father' and it is mentioned on many places that the ones who will follow Jesus PBUH will be taken to heaven. I believe this to be 100% true. Upto the point of Jesus PBUH's coming to Israel and Islam been taught around the world, anyone who followed the preaching of Jesus PBUH will go to heaven.

One more issue that can be considered is that Bible for not written in a shape of a book until 50 - 70yrs after Jesus PBUH had left. So up till that point, it was word of followers, where as Quran was written as the verses came to Mohammed PBUH.

You have a valid point that Bible was complied long before Islam came on this earth and I have seen a lot of similarities in the Bible and the Quran and I don't believe the Bible to be all corrupted but there are contradictions that can be cleared up if we really research on it.

I have tried my best to answer your question and points that you have raised. I hope this answers some of your questions. I do apologies, if I have confused you but please do email me, if you wish to discuss anything that is confusing in my answer.
leon adrianto
2009-08-07 06:23:58 UTC
Yes, it has been corrupted, otherwise god wouldn't sent another holy book to correct it. God was disgusted by the terrible and unreasonable people who did all those things, meddling with the facts and lead people astray with the corrupted version of the book. They are god words, and they did that despite they called themselves a christians.
2009-08-07 02:54:10 UTC
As a Muslim we should respect others religion and should not use the word corrupt.
Timothy H
2009-08-07 02:55:19 UTC
Any story that has been told for thousands of years will be changed for dramatic affect or support a ideology or agenda. As ridicules as it sounds in another 2 thousand years we could be Jedi and the star wars films are prophecy's for told my the profit Matt Lucas!!
Moh S
2009-08-07 02:50:52 UTC
Allah asked us to believe in the previous ORIGINAL scripture which was revealed to moses and jesus (PBUT) not the current O&N Testaments , and its not been corrupted in its entirety there is some remaining truth in it .
2009-08-07 02:47:37 UTC
its mainly just religion, but the bible contradicticts its self, but thats all i can think, and i'm pretty sure its on about the same god just praising them in different ways.
2009-08-07 03:20:07 UTC
First of all, there is no contradictions, mistakes, or anything that belittles the sound intellect in Islam (including in the Qur'an).

Muslims believe in the original Books that were revealed to prophets Moses and Jesus.

It is a well known fact that the bible has been altered. Simply seeing all of the different bibles out there is enough to come up with this conclusion.


(note to Zannah:

Firstly, it was an angel who conveyed the Qur'an to Muhammad (may Allah raise his rank). Also, God Knows (Eternally - with no beginning) about us and what we will do in the future. God Knows about what is in our hearts. So how do you say that maybe Muhammad changed the Qur'an? God (Eternally) Knows about His prophets).



(note to Belfast Girl:

you try to say that it doesn't make sense for an angel to speak to a human. Even though it is intellectually possible.

christians and all other religions resemble God to the creation , etc. and say many things that are simply IMPOSSIBLE.

Read below to see what i mean).



Proving Islam Right using our sound intellect:

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

(The following are intellectual proofs that are in support of prophet Adam, prophet Noah, prophet Moses, prophet Jesus, and prophet Muhammad - They are proofs in support of Muslims and Islam.)


Intellectual proof that God Exists:

God Exists by necessity. Can there be a painting without a painter? no. So if you can't believe that there can be a painting without a painter, how can you believe that this whole universe came into existence by itself?

Muslims know and believe that God Exists.


Intellectual proof that God has no partners:

If one says that there are two Gods, for example:

Let's say that one of them willed for the sun to be square, and the other willed for the sun to be circular... We see that the sun is circular. therefore, the will of the first one was not fulfilled, and this means that he is weak, and the weak is imperfect, and the imperfect does not deserve to be worshipped.

note: If someone says how about if both of them willed for the same thing. This would mean that there is no need for one of them to exist; hence, this would mean that he is imperfect. And the imperfect does not deserve to be worshipped.

(note: this proof is enough to disprove any polytheistic religion)

Muslims know and believe that there is no God except Allah.


Intellectual proof that God does not need anything:

"The one who needs something is imperfect. And the imperfect does not deserve to be worshipped."

Only Islam defeats this statement. Muslims say God does not need anything.

Let me give a few examples of other religions that are disproved with this simple statement:

-Idols need someone to take care of them, therefore they are imperfect, therefore they do not deserve to be worshipped. Idols exist in places/in a direction. Therefore they need a place to exist in, therefore they are imperfect and do not deserve to be worshipped.

-Jesus walked. So he needed something to walk on. And he needed legs to walk. Jesus exists in a place/in a direction. Therefore he needs a place to exist in, therefore he is imperfect and does not deserve to be worshipped.

-The Jewish religion preaches that their god rests. This means that their god needs rest and is therefore imperfect and does not deserve to be worshipped.

They also preach that their god sits. To sit, one needs a body, and a place, and something to sit on. Therefore their god is imperfect, and does not deserve to be worshipped.

-... and so on ...

(note: this proof is enough to disprove every single religion except Islam!)

Muslims know and believe that God does not need anything.


Intellectual proof that God does not resemble anything:

"If one resembles something, one is susceptible to what that thing is susceptible to."

For example: if two tables resemble each other; If the mind accepts for one of those tables to be broken, then this means that the other table can be broken too.

So if one says that God resembles something, this would mean that He is susceptible to what that thing is susceptible to. For example if one says that God resembles humans (like christians do), they would be saying that God is susceptible to death, sickness, weakness, etc, etc. and it would mean that God is imperfect - and this is impossible. The imperfect does not deserve to be worshipped.

(note: this proof, also, is enough to disprove every religion except Islam!)

Muslims know and believe that God does not resemble anything.


Intellectual proof that Jesus is NOT the "son" of God:

If one has a son this means that the father resembles the son.

And Jesus is imperfect, he has needs (see the section "Intellectual proof that God does not need anything). So if Jesus is imperfect, and one says that God resembles jesus, this would mean that God is imperfect. And the imperfect does not deserve to be worshipped.

(note: this proof is enough to disprove christianity).

Muslims know and believe that God does NOT have a son, daughter, father, mother, siblings, etc, etc.

Muslims know and believe that Jesus is NOT the son of God. Jesus is the slave and messenger of God.


Intellectual proof that God does not change:

The one who changes changes for either the better or for the worse.

So, if one says that God changed for the better, this would mean that at one point He was imperfect. And, the imperfect does not deserve to be worshipped. And if one says that God changed for the worse, this would mean that He is now imperfect, and the imperfect does not deserve to be worshipped.

Therefore, God does not change.

(note: This proof is enough to disprove every religion except Islam! (next section puts this proof in use))

Muslims know and believe that God does not change.


Intellectual proof that God Exists without a place:

Who created the place? God.

So if one were to ask: where was God before He created the places and directions?

What would be the answer?

God created everything. So there was no place or direction before God created them.

Therefore, before creating place, God Existed WITHOUT a place or direction.

And God does NOT change. Therefore, after creating the places and directions, God Is as He Was, i.e. He Exists without a place.

(note: This proof is also sufficient enough to disprove every religion except Islam!)

(note: there are people out there who CLAIM to be Muslims. They say that God is in a place/direction. They are not truly following Islam. They are not Muslims. So be careful.)

Muslims know and believe that God Exists WITHOUT a place. God is not in a place or a direction.



Muslims know and believe that there is no God except Allah, God does NOT need anything. God is not in a place or direction. God does NOT resemble anything.

(*important note*: God does not have a gender. He is not male nor female. When "He" is used referring to God, it is out of respect. We use "He" because God referred to Himself as "Huwa" in the Holy Qur'an.)

There is no God except Allah.

visit and go to the "Islamic Information" tab for more information.

Muhammad is the last and final prophet and messenger of God. Jesus was also a prophet and messenger of God.

To embrace Islam, believe and say: "I bear witness that no one deserves to be worshipped except Allah and I bear witness that Muhammad (Abu Gasim) is the Messenger of Allah" ...


please email me if you have any questions...

2009-08-07 02:52:18 UTC
EDIT TO ASKER: I challenge you to post filth from the Quran as you said, as there arent at all in the Quran! Dare to take the challenge!

Below are from the Bible Ezekiel 23, you read it and tell me are those filth God's words: READ IT AND FACE REALITY:

23:1 The word of the Lord came to me: 23:2 “Son of man, there were two women who were daughters of the same mother. 23:3 They engaged in prostitution in Egypt; in their youth they engaged in prostitution. Their breasts were squeezed there; lovers 1 fondled their virgin nipples there. 23:4 Oholah was the name of the older and Oholibah 2 the name of her younger sister. They became mine, and gave birth to sons and daughters. 3 Oholah is Samaria and Oholibah is Jerusalem.

23:5 “Oholah engaged in prostitution while she was mine. 4 She lusted after her lovers, the Assyrians 5 – warriors 6 23:6 clothed in blue, governors and officials, all of them desirable young men, horsemen riding on horses. 23:7 She bestowed her sexual favors on them; all of them were the choicest young men of Assyria. She defiled herself with all whom she desired 7 – with all their idols. 23:8 She did not abandon the prostitution she had practiced in Egypt; for in her youth men had sex with her, fondled her virgin breasts, and ravished her. 8 23:9 Therefore I handed her over to her lovers, the Assyrians 9 for whom she lusted. 23:10 They exposed her nakedness, seized her sons and daughters, and killed her with the sword. She became notorious 10 among women, and they executed judgments against her.

23:11 “Her sister Oholibah watched this, 11 but she became more corrupt in her lust than her sister had been, and her acts of prostitution were more numerous than those of her sister. 23:12 She lusted after the Assyrians – governors and officials, warriors in full armor, horsemen riding on horses, all of them desirable young men. 23:13 I saw that she was defiled; both of them followed the same path. 23:14 But she increased her prostitution. She saw men carved on the wall, images of the Chaldeans carved in bright red, 12 23:15 wearing belts on their waists and flowing turbans on their heads, all of them looking like officers, the image of Babylonians 13 whose native land is Chaldea. 23:16 When she saw them, 14 she lusted after them and sent messengers to them in Chaldea. 15 23:17 The Babylonians crawled into bed with her. 16 They defiled her with their lust; after she was defiled by them, she 17 became disgusted with them. 23:18 When she lustfully exposed her nakedness, 18 I 19 was disgusted with her, just as I 20 had been disgusted with her sister. 23:19 Yet she increased her prostitution, remembering the days of her youth when she engaged in prostitution in the land of Egypt. 23:20 She lusted after their genitals – as large as those of donkeys, 21 and their seminal emission was as strong as that of stallions. 23:21 This is how you assessed 22 the obscene conduct of your youth, when the Egyptians fondled 23 your nipples and squeezed 24 your young breasts.

23:22 “Therefore, Oholibah, this is what the sovereign Lord says: Look here, 25 I am about to stir up against you the lovers with whom you were disgusted; I will bring them against you from every side: 23:23 the Babylonians and all the Chaldeans, Pekod, 26 Shoa, 27 and Koa, 28 and all the Assyrians with them, desirable young men, all of them governors and officials, officers and nobles, all of them riding on horses. 23:24 They will attack 29 you with weapons, 30 chariots, wagons, and with a huge army; 31 they will array themselves against you on every side with large shields, small shields, and helmets. I will assign them the task of judgment; 32 they will punish you according to their laws. 23:25 I will direct 33 my jealous anger against you, and they will deal with you in rage. They will cut off your nose and your ears, 34 and your survivors will die 35 by the sword. They will seize your sons and daughters, and your survivors will be consumed by fire. 23:26 They will strip your clothes off you and take away your beautiful jewelry. 23:27 So I will put an end to your obscene conduct and your prostitution which you have practiced in the land of Egypt. 36 You will not seek their help 37 or remember Egypt anymore.

23:28 “For this is what the sovereign Lord says: Look here, 38 I am about to deliver you over to 39 those whom you hate, to those with whom you were disgusted. 23:29 They will treat you with hatred, take away all you have labored for, 40 and leave you naked and bare. Your nakedness will be exposed, just as when you engaged in prostitution and obscene conduct. 41 23:30 I will do these things to you 42 because you engaged in prostitution with the nations, polluting yourself with their idols. 23:31 You have followed the ways of your sister, so I will place her cup of judgment 43 in your hand. 23:32 “This is what the sovereign Lord says: “You will drink your sister’s deep and wide cup; 44 you will be scorned and derided, for it holds a great deal. 23:33 You will be overcome by 45 drunkenness and sorrow. The cup of your sister Samaria is a cup of hor

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.