Regarding the code - 19:
I have "NOT" accepted the code-19, BLINDLY. I have verified certain counts in order to put a belief in it. Also I examined most of the evidences that Khalifa and his followers put up as proof.
Regarding this, I have MY OWN reservations. I do accept "Code-19" as a miracle. At the same time, I ALSO can see certain manipulations by Khalifa OR his followers that are "Dangerous". They have the potential to "BACK FIRE".
I would term this as "EMOTIONALLY OVERPOWERED ATTITUDE", where they LOST all prudency. And opened up the loops into areas where the number of probabilities will increase to dangerous limits.
While I do accept code-19, I do NOT accept it as "SUBMISSION" people propagate it.
Let me give you one example:
"Khalifa while trying to prove "Salat" with code-19, stated that the lips meet 19 times while one recites Surah Fateha. This proves that Surah Fateha should be recited in Arabic."
I have / had SERIOUS objection to what Khalifa said and I wrote back to submission to give me the details as "HOW" Khalifa could distinguish between an "Inspiration" and an "Inference". The email I received did NOT have any answer, not to say a concrete answer.
1- The verse :4:43 clearly tells us that the deliverer of salat MUST be aware of WHAT he/she is stating to God. It is like an audience and direct contact with God. It is something VERY clear.
Most of the deliverers of the Salat, just shoot the salat off the mouth with NO idea as to what they are saying.
2- The salat came through Abraham. And as per reports Abraham's language was "Armaic", which no matter how similar may have been to Arabic is still NOT Arabic.
Therefore WE are ABSOLUTELY UNJUSTIFIED in making this a rule. It is against LOGIC and also against the Quran.
Now what am I doing here. Am I placing code-19 above logic. "NO" !!!!!
I am not doing so. The two must go hand in hand.
Being good at mathematics I can foresee certain dangerous dimensions and manipulations. At the SAME time, I have absolutely NO doubts what so ever that code-19 is a 100% sign and a great miracle.
So I do NOT accept thing even from a messenger without first analyzing them and also verifying them from the Quran.
To me the message of the messenger is : God Alone, Quran Alone.
And I do admit that "Khalifa's" writings and discoveries enlightened me to greater heights than even "G. A. Pervaiz".
To me the messenger is an example in the sense that he did stand up against all odds and upheld the message. Stood by the truth firmly and strongly. And how he did it without asking for a return. And how he rejected the mass disinformation and pursued the truth. This is the example in the messenger. Not how he made love to his wife, and how he used to put water in his nose and how he used to eat and drink etc. etc. etc. etc. etc.......
Hope the above explains.
Ideally speaking, for me the Quran should be a book where it should provide COMPLETE information, to ANYONE who is living isolated on an island and does NOT have ANY other book.
However this is not the case at least to my knowledge. Even if it is, my knowledge has not advanced to the point of finding it out. Also I can see that God does point out certain references that lie OUTSIDE the Quran i.e. the months of Hajj (saying that they are well known), the Surah 52 or 53, which points out that the details of Zakat are in Mushaff Ibrahim and Musa.
Coming to the rakats of salat. The submission people and Khalifa state that 24434 is a multiple of 19. But this has a SMALL weakness. Let us assume that each salat is composed ONLY of 2, 3 or 4 rakats. Under such a condition, we find that there are 13 possible combinations of 5 digit numbers composed of 2, 3 or 4 digits that make up a number that is divisible by 19.
This means that 24434 is NOT a "Unique" combination / number. That also means that first the INFORMATION of 24434 should be available before hand and then it can be confirmed from the Quran. This means that the man on island cannot reach the conclusion of 24434. To me this is an unidealistic situation.
I try to reach the IDEALISTIC situation.
Now coming to Khalifa, MOST of the evidence is easy and VERY evident. There is NO need to go any further. However in their EOA (Emotionally overpowered attitude) they exhibit a certain phenomena which CANNOT be applied ACCROSS the board.
You see in Mathematics, you need to master just one formula and apply it correctly. Then you can solve ANY question and exercise that involves that formula.
Now Khalifa / submitters SOMETIMES would put the gematrcial values of "Khalifa" and sometimes of "Rashad Khalifa" in front of chapter numbers and sometimes just the number of verses to form a certain number that is divisible by 19. They would do it to verses that mention "Messenger" and is in commonality to both Khalifa and Mohd.
To me this is a bit objectionable. Because if you apply such an method then there should be CONSISTENCY in such application. IT should NOT be inconsistent.
Actually in many places Khalifa has other indications which he knowingly and unknowingly mentions. And these are USUALLY more than enough for a BELIEVER. Khalifa and his followers should realize that the Quran is for "Believers" (Mutaqeen and Momeneen). IT is NOT meant for the non-believers. They try to pick out every possible combination to make it convincing. That opens up more possibilities and makes their own methods inconsistent.
That is one reason, why I do not put my faith in EVERYTHING they may try to prove thru 19. I have to analyze it BEFORE I can reach certainty in the matter.
Regarding the 2 verses, I am fully convinced. And I think I have mentioned it quite elaborately EVEN for those who do not wish to get into mathematics of the evidence.
Instead of bombarding people and "Fighting Falsehood" who is quite new. I think the first thing to find out is "What is Salat".
I mean most of the muslims keep arguing about a religious practice but not at what really matters.
To me it is rather very strange to see that an entity like "God" would be so anxious at the fine details of the salat, which He himself did not bother to describe (as they are described by Hadithiites). And even more astonishing is the part that if hadithiites and Rashad Khalifa are true then this "God" who is supposed to be the MOST wise, is like a small child who would clap his hands at the performance of the salat and would not bother if the person is cutting throats, involved in massive corruptions, mass persecution, insolent and inappropriate behavior.
I mean it is ridiculous to see if God would only be satisfied with a peripheral ritual and its details and would turn a blind eye to the other affairs. This is COMPLETELY out of logic.
Take an INDEPTH analysis of this word in the Quran and I am sure it will reveal you a lot of other things than just a peripheral ritual.
Do me a favor, pick out ALL the verses from the Quran where the people in Jahanam are addressed i.e. those who enter and those who abide in it i.e. on and after day of judgment.
And see how many verses state that they did NOT follow the RITUAL of salat.
Also, keep in mind the verses 2:62, 5:69 and the verse 19:59, 22:40 - 41, surah 107 and 11:87.
I want to see what you can deduce !!!
If you were smart enough to know what I mean, you wouldn't have put this question in the first place. Your whole attitude would have been drastically different. But unfortunately u insist on ego. I have recently seen an answer from you on another question and I would say it is disappointing.
You may continue on your path. We are contended in our path. I have already given you an answer. Even if I conclude it is 5 not 3, I don't owe an explanation and answer to u. It is for us and is a personal matter between us and God.
You have a long way to reach your 40. You may discuss all this with some good submitter / Reformist when you reach near your maturity (40).
It is the height of your ego and arrogance that makes you a failure to appreciate and accept anyone's answers. Else I have already provided you very satisfactory answers. If you find that they are not, then I guess you possess a below average I.Q level. In that case, thank you for confirming me that I have been wasting my time.
BTW, I was NOT wasting time with you. I was showing a lot to the bystanders and observers. Some of them benefitted a "LOT". And you can feel that, even though you wouldn't like to acknowledge that (as always).
Regarding 40, forget it, you are not my target audience. I have already pointed that out to you earlier and I don't feel like repeating things over and over again.
The bottom line is that I have crossed 40 and God will direct me to the direction I have chosen. With regards to you, you have a long way to go. Clearly your path is a path of blind ego and self loving and self centered behavior. And if u fail to correct that by 40, then God will direct you to even greater heights of arrogance and ego.
In any case we all will know our judgment on the day of judgment. So let us wait for that decisive round.