I think you are only ranting here. U have not even any idea of the fabricated history of the Quran. I won't blame u, when u don't know what the Quran itself tells about its compilation.
The fabricated history of Islam (believed by almost all) says that the Quran was COLLECTED and then compiled in a form of book, under Othman (Usman). This happened perhaps just less than 20 years after the death of Mohammad. He formed an official copy and then copies of this were sent to all the provinces and states and new lands under the rule of Muslims.
It was much later to Usman, i.e. around 40-50 years after him, that the Arabs noticed that in the newly conquered lands and in far flung areas with Arabic with different dialect, were reciting it in a different way than the Quresh dialect and the new lands people were not able to read and recite it without the vowel markings. So Hajaj bin Yusuf, who was one of the governors in Arabia, placed the vowel markings. Though for Arabs the arabic text without vowel markings was readily readable, but it was very difficult for the rest.
This then form another version of the Quran, though very similar to the original Quran of the Osman times. Later the other Arabs who followed a different dialect, made changes to the spellings of certain words as per their own dialect. Thus today there are 7 versions of the Quran. 2 of them are not in print. Among the ones that are in print, three are most common. The Hafs version, the Warsh version and the Al-Doori version.
Your information is deeply flawed and amounts to just poor guess work, coming from some hate website, that has no other business, other than spreading false and baseless information.
your disinformation and COMPLETE and THOROUGH ignorance on the Quran is laughable.
First, there is NO such chapter in the Quran as "Greeks".
The chapter in the Quran is "Romans" , hhahahahahah !!
Secondly: The Romans were defeated. And the prediction was that they will rise again and win. The Roman empire had already lost steam. Third, the predictions in the Quran is UPTO the Judgement day. NOT limited to short terms. There are some hints and lessons in whatever is stated i.e. the Romans were allies not foes. This is a bit strange result. But since we don't know for sure what were the conditions and politics of those times and the importance of the link of Romans to Muslims, it is not possible for me to comment. I would only state, that you are indeed a laughing stock. Don't wish to ridicule you. But just wanted to say, that if you don't know about the Quran, please ASK !!. Don't pretend to be an expert, when u have absolutely no idea, what u r talking about. The hate sites can teach u very little, because they are focused on things **THEY THINK** are problems in the Quran. And of course they cannot face a challenger of their postulates and points on their website. But can they bear and face a challenge out in the open, in front of everyone ?? hahahahh !!. No they cannot.