Who did write the Quran?
2013-06-24 09:06:38 UTC
The Quran was a book acclaimed to be written by Muhammad, and many people put total faith into this book because of this claiming its 100% the word of God and uneditted.

Yet it was written 100 years after his death by MANY men. Many men in a land that was mutlicultural with Judaism and Christianity very much present. Is it a coincidence that the men who wrote the quran, a book that overlaps a lot with these other two religions, is very similar in area's - as in, word for word? But how can this be because the Bible and Jewish texts were both made by man! And the quran is purely the work of God? So surely there should be no overlap at all.
Twelve answers:
2013-06-24 11:59:18 UTC
You are highly misinformed about Koran. It is a know fact in the history that Koran was revealed to The Prophet and it has historical evidence as well.

Koran was completed in the lifetime of The Prophet and was then carefully organised as per The Prophet's instructions which were revealed to him by the Angel Gabriel.

In order to clarify you opinion about the signs of Koran being vague. Please consider this. Roam was taken over from the Christians and It was revealed that the Romans will be victorious in a few years. And they were in next 11 years. There is a whole chapter 'Greeks' in Koran.

Beside this it clearly states about the astrology, about human birth, about the nature, about human psychology and it offers the best of the reasoning which the mankind is not able to offer.

The authenticity of Koran has been accepted by the Jewish and the Christian. In the days when The Prophet declared prophet hood the Christians and particularly the Jews were looking forward to the appearing of The Prophet.

It was Jews and there were Christian Kings that refused to attack on The Prophet. What you think had stopped them to do so especially when Muslims were in scant numbers? It was the truth that they recognised and the message of God that was revealed to this Prophet.

I would be best if you shun away your prejudices and google about Islam and Koran to correct your views. The media pursue political goals and what they depict does not mean it would be religiously correct.

So think about knowing the truth about Islam.
2013-06-24 09:42:37 UTC
I think you are only ranting here. U have not even any idea of the fabricated history of the Quran. I won't blame u, when u don't know what the Quran itself tells about its compilation.

The fabricated history of Islam (believed by almost all) says that the Quran was COLLECTED and then compiled in a form of book, under Othman (Usman). This happened perhaps just less than 20 years after the death of Mohammad. He formed an official copy and then copies of this were sent to all the provinces and states and new lands under the rule of Muslims.

It was much later to Usman, i.e. around 40-50 years after him, that the Arabs noticed that in the newly conquered lands and in far flung areas with Arabic with different dialect, were reciting it in a different way than the Quresh dialect and the new lands people were not able to read and recite it without the vowel markings. So Hajaj bin Yusuf, who was one of the governors in Arabia, placed the vowel markings. Though for Arabs the arabic text without vowel markings was readily readable, but it was very difficult for the rest.

This then form another version of the Quran, though very similar to the original Quran of the Osman times. Later the other Arabs who followed a different dialect, made changes to the spellings of certain words as per their own dialect. Thus today there are 7 versions of the Quran. 2 of them are not in print. Among the ones that are in print, three are most common. The Hafs version, the Warsh version and the Al-Doori version.

Your information is deeply flawed and amounts to just poor guess work, coming from some hate website, that has no other business, other than spreading false and baseless information.


your disinformation and COMPLETE and THOROUGH ignorance on the Quran is laughable.

First, there is NO such chapter in the Quran as "Greeks".

The chapter in the Quran is "Romans" , hhahahahahah !!

Secondly: The Romans were defeated. And the prediction was that they will rise again and win. The Roman empire had already lost steam. Third, the predictions in the Quran is UPTO the Judgement day. NOT limited to short terms. There are some hints and lessons in whatever is stated i.e. the Romans were allies not foes. This is a bit strange result. But since we don't know for sure what were the conditions and politics of those times and the importance of the link of Romans to Muslims, it is not possible for me to comment. I would only state, that you are indeed a laughing stock. Don't wish to ridicule you. But just wanted to say, that if you don't know about the Quran, please ASK !!. Don't pretend to be an expert, when u have absolutely no idea, what u r talking about. The hate sites can teach u very little, because they are focused on things **THEY THINK** are problems in the Quran. And of course they cannot face a challenger of their postulates and points on their website. But can they bear and face a challenge out in the open, in front of everyone ?? hahahahh !!. No they cannot.
2013-06-24 10:06:27 UTC
Yet if you read the hadeeths it says a completely different story to your fake fabricated story.

t is an incontrovertible historical truth that the text of the Glorious Qur’an extant today is, syllable for syllable, exactly the same as the Prophet (p) had offered to the world as the Word of God.

After the demise of the Prophet(p), the first Caliph Abu Bakr, assembled all the Huffaz (those who have committed the Qur’an to memory), and the written records of the Glorious Qur’an and with their help had the whole text written in Book form. In the time of Uthman, copies of this original version were made and officially dispatched to the Capitals of the Islamic world. Two of the original manuscripts of the Qur’an prepared 1400 years ago still exist today; one is in the Topkapi Saray Museum in Istanbul, Turkey, and the other in Tashkent, Russia. Both of these are identical in content with the Qur’an available all over the world today. A quran checked by the prophet word to word was also used to see if the quran they had was correct, the quran was with one of the wives of the prophet.

For more details read this and watch your fabricated story melt.
2013-06-24 10:38:07 UTC
First of All the Quranic verses were not written instead they were memorised by large number of Sahaba's...So the acclaim is wrong

The Quran was written after the departing of Hazrat Mohammad (P.B.U.H) because of the fact that during a war most of the Sahaba's memorising the quran lost their the quran was then written during the rule of Khulafa....It is same as bible and other one or two Holy books at some places because it is the final holy book ....and those which were sent before .were re-written by Allah finally Sent the quran as the 4th and final book and took its responsibility to protect it from being written...its obvious that some commandments must be same...
2013-06-24 09:21:20 UTC
If you are saying the muslims claim that bible and torah were written by man than you got it wrong. It is clearly mentioned in the Quran "To thee We sent the Book in truth, confirming the Book that came before it, and guarding it in safety (Verse : 5:48)"

So yes the bible and torah were words of God too but they have been interpolated, altered etc

Those many men you are talking about were Hafiz who had by hearted the Quran like millions of muslim today do, this is also confirmed by the verse above which states how Allah will guard the Quran from any distortion.
2013-06-24 10:19:53 UTC
The old testement was use to be for Jews, Christians and Muslims. Then the kings and other people started changing it to better suit there needs. There is no historical proof that Islam has ever changed. Plus, its impossible. Theres hundreds of scientific and prophecies and signs in the quran that are true, none false. It is simply beyond human capability to "guess" these thousans of facts from the Quran, and someoe get them all right.
2013-06-24 09:22:18 UTC
It wasn't written after his death rather during his lifespan by his followers as the words were revealed to him. The messages were written on pretty much anything they could find and later compiled by the first and second caliph to preserve the message as many people who memorised the message were being killed in battle.

The quran is the most preserved manuscript/book ever there is no doubt or fabrication or error.

read this as well.

The quran was made for the entirety of mankind over the last 1400 centuries for people of all walks of life to understand.
2013-06-24 09:33:04 UTC
It was not written 100 years after his death it was written and compiled by Hazrat Ali (as) the successor of Muhammad but some arrogant people stole the seat of Caliph from him . It was written like a half century after the prophet Muhammad .
2013-06-24 09:43:35 UTC
Whatever the case may be, it was not directed by God as a God does not make scientific errors.

Edit: It always amazes me how Muslims take verses which are nebulous at best, and spin an unlikely 'scientific' interpretation onto it and call it a miracle of the Quran, yet when presented with verses which contradict science they dismiss it on the count of it not being specific enough.
2013-06-24 10:35:17 UTC
Initially, Mohammed's companions listened to what Mohammed said (i.e, so-called revelations that re got from a divine being called Allah - via Gabriel) and wrote the stuff on parchments and bones so they wouldn't forget. Some guys tried to memorize what he told them.

2013-06-24 09:16:43 UTC
First you read Al Quran ,, Al Quran don t tell only not to do bad things , it is mainly Prophecy (Signs) which has happened ... Which is not written in any of the Holy books ,, it is only in Al Quran mentioned about the signs... First read what is mentioned then speak ...
2013-06-24 09:35:45 UTC
Part of your answer lies somewhat here.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.