how do you make Allah tala love you?
2008-09-14 19:45:54 UTC
how do you make Allah tala love you???

wot by bein jealous, by sayin we r superior, and havin pride...

all these things will take people to the hell fire...
Nineteen answers:
2008-09-14 22:06:16 UTC
Obey Allah(swt)!

Follow the rules Allah has made for us!

Try2be Good muslim!
2008-09-15 02:54:01 UTC
When we look at the person of the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and give him peace) we see composited in him the Ideal by which Allah Tala would have men and women to become.

He (Allah bless him and give him peace) is the embodiment of the Quranic revelation we may say. As such in understanding the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and give him peace) in his daily life we are able to see with clarity what Allah tala intended in verses of the Quran which He Tala did not explicitly clarify in the Book itself. But like any person, his sanctified life was one with the visititudes that occur in any person; he married, was a father, a ruler, an arbitrator, a military leader, etc. His life unlike others being guided by divine providence though was laid out before us as one to be ultimately emulated and internalized.
2008-09-15 07:38:20 UTC
If you want Allah to love you then do what pleases Him and stay away from what displeases Him.

As for those who believe and do right actions, the All-Merciful will bestow His love upon them. (Qur'an 19: 96)

Also from a beautiful Hadith:

Allah's Messenger (peace and blessings be upon him) said, "Allah Most High has allotted you your characters just as He has allotted you your provisions. Allah Most High gives worldly things to those whom He loves and those whom He does not love, but He gives religion only to those whom He loves, so he who is given religion by Allah has been loved by Him. By Him in Whose hand my soul is, a man is not a Muslim till his heart and tongue are submissive, and he is not a believer till his neighbor is safe from injurious behavior on his part."

Once a Sheikh at the Mosque said [according to a scholar I cannot recall], if you want to know if Allah loves you; look at how others treat you.
2008-09-15 22:54:34 UTC
If you are seriously asking this then you must know a few simple facts about life.

Try answering them to your self please.

How do you make your employer like you?

How do you make your teacher like you?

---Definitely, in both the situations, by PERFORMING what they expect of you.

Now, what does God want from Us?

The answer is, "by being PIOUS".

And what is PIETY?

Piety, described in Koran (Chap-2, Verse-172) is something as follows:

It is not piety, that you turn your faces

to East and to the West.


to believe in GOD, and the LAST DAY,

the ANGELS, the BOOK, and the PROPHETS,

to GIVE ONE'S SUBSTANCE, however cherished,

to kinsmen, and orphans,

the needy, the traveller, beggers,

and to RANSOM the slave,

to perform the PRAYER, to pay the ALMS.

AND they who fulfil their COVENENT

when they have engaged in a covenant,


misfortune, hardship and peril,

these are they who are true in their faith,

these are the truly God fearing.

You implement & practice it in your lifetime, and God's Love shall be upon you, God Willing!!!

All the best in your life!
2008-09-15 04:22:08 UTC
Salam for you. Allah will love me if I love Allah. I will come near to Allah and Allah will come nearer to me.It is spoken by Allah in the Qur'an. Allah will love me if I obey to all of Allah's instructions and prohibitions stated in the Qur'an and explained in the hadits of Muhammad pbuh.Compliance to the Qur'an and Hadits as muslim life guide in daily life ,it will make me having more taqwa such as praying mandatory and sunnah on time,fasting during ramadan,pay zakat for the poors,love,respect and help parents and others who needed conceiting,no gambling,no insulting,no stealing,no gossip,no making cruelty,no khamer (alcohol drinks),no smoking,no cheating,no lying etc. I should say alhamdulillah when fovourable condition happened to me and I should be keep patient when unfavourable condition occured to me.

I should be humble and remind always Allah where ever and whenever I

go.or be.I should avoid bad doings.
2008-09-15 07:20:35 UTC
Assalam Aleykum!

Love your life, your family and near ones with the love that Allah gave to you and that love will lead you through your own question to be answered inshaAllah!

Allah hafiz!
Otherside !!!(Aldeen Nasihah)
2008-09-15 02:53:27 UTC
Your question's answer is in this ayah of Quran,and who can tell you better than Allah (saw)

He says:

Allah says:

قُلْ إِنْ كُنْتُمْ تُحِبُّونَ اللَّهَ فَاتَّبِعُونِي يُحْبِبْكُمُ اللَّهُ وَيَغْفِرْ لَكُمْ ذُنُوبَكُمْ وَاللَّهُ غَفُورٌ رَحِيمٌ

(Surah Al-Imran - 3 : Verse - 31)

(O Messenger!) Tell people: 'If you indeed love Allah, follow me, and Allah will love you and will forgive you your sins. Allah is All-Forgiving, All-Compassionate.'

So who ever loves Allah,and wants Allah to love him, should follow the sunah .
2008-09-15 03:21:58 UTC
Allah tala loves those who love him

And if you do what allah tells you to do then allah loves you more.
2008-09-15 03:00:22 UTC
akhi fillah be honest with your self and ask your self what is the most thing you love in this world is the answer is some thing to do with dunia then u need time to get close to allah with it's Allah and his msngr Seyedina muhamed SAW then you hold that until u meet rebek jela w3ala

Immortal Verses
2008-09-15 02:50:11 UTC
By following the Sunnah

Allah Almighty says, "Say: 'If you love Allah, then follow me and Allah will love you and forgive you for your wrong actions, Allah is Ever-Forgiving, Most Merciful." (3:31)
Intp female
2008-09-15 02:50:03 UTC
If you love Allah, Allah will love you
2008-09-15 19:15:12 UTC
by following HIS commandments
2008-09-15 02:57:54 UTC
Be a good obedience to Allah(swt)!!
Heart Lover
2008-09-15 03:09:09 UTC
do all what allah said , then he will love you
2008-09-15 09:46:40 UTC
Sad to say by leaving your home and fighting jihad.
2008-09-15 08:15:20 UTC
By submitting my will to Him.
2008-09-15 12:23:25 UTC
buy him a drink & hey presto!
2008-09-15 02:50:40 UTC
a good old fashion declaration of war, ya gotta love it.
2008-09-15 02:48:44 UTC
buy him a drink? wear something sexy? lol

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.