If you are seriously asking this then you must know a few simple facts about life.
Try answering them to your self please.
How do you make your employer like you?
How do you make your teacher like you?
---Definitely, in both the situations, by PERFORMING what they expect of you.
Now, what does God want from Us?
The answer is, "by being PIOUS".
And what is PIETY?
Piety, described in Koran (Chap-2, Verse-172) is something as follows:
It is not piety, that you turn your faces
to East and to the West.
to believe in GOD, and the LAST DAY,
the ANGELS, the BOOK, and the PROPHETS,
to GIVE ONE'S SUBSTANCE, however cherished,
to kinsmen, and orphans,
the needy, the traveller, beggers,
and to RANSOM the slave,
to perform the PRAYER, to pay the ALMS.
AND they who fulfil their COVENENT
when they have engaged in a covenant,
misfortune, hardship and peril,
these are they who are true in their faith,
these are the truly God fearing.
You implement & practice it in your lifetime, and God's Love shall be upon you, God Willing!!!
All the best in your life!