I think this question is a straw argument. The truth is Israel is under attack by Hamas and Hezbolah, Palestinian Organizations as well as organized criminal immigrants coming into the country under false pretenses. Many Russian immigrants, came into the country to be involved in mafia activities and to cause unrest. This began in the 1980s, and these criminals are linked with Palestinian organizations so of course they criticize Israel. They take advantage of Israel's lack of money laundering legislation as a way to carry on their dirty activities.
So, no, not all Israelis support the gov't and a large portion of the detractors are mafia with Russian/Iranian/Saudi connections. There are also links to neo-Nazi and skinhead groups which perpetrate crimes associated with the mafia/PLO.
The vast majority of Israelis are against Palestinian political violence (many are Saudis and Iranians not locals) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestinian_political_violence because they have relatives killed in both Europe and Israel. Most Israelis have dodged bombs and other attacks which were started against them the minute the Jordan and Israel were created from the territory. In Israel, Arabs have a voice. In Jordan and every other Muslim country, neither Christians nor Jews have a voice in any Muslim country. Syrians and others alleging to be Palestinians throwing missles at Israeli school children, for example, are not really Palestinians and the situation being painted as indigenous people is a big fat lie just like the kind Hitler used to tell.
Israeli citizens understand that Hamas & Hezbolah (the Palestinian politcal parties) would like to kill all Jews in the world because they have in their charters their goal is to eradicate Jews. This is the same goal as Nazi Germany.\\ Are you noticing a pattern?
So, your question begs an untrue assumption. It is Hamas and Hezbolah who are not tolerant of Israel's legal right to exist. Their original leader, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, is on record as counseling Hitler to eradicate Jews in WWII. They haven't changed their spots or tactics. The so-called Palestinians have eradicating Jews as their primary goal, not creating a homeland. They have a homeland, it's called Jordan, or Israel if they wish to stay there.
The real question, is why does all the Arab world condone genocide against Jews? Why doesn't Jordan, (which used to be called PALESTINE) settle and live peacefully? If Islam is a religion of peace, why make up a bunch of lies about Israel and put their money where their mouth is?