The Prophets in Islam?
2010-01-19 10:35:42 UTC
Okay I got 2 questions.

Firstly, when Islam says that Abraham, Jesus and other prophets were Muslims, do they literally mean they were Muslims? Can you explain to me what a 'Muslim' means in that context? It's not Muslim in the same way that that a man living in somewhere like Egypt is a Muslim, is it? Or when they say 'Muslim', is it more of just believing in a monotheistic God?

And secondly, if Islam says that Jesus and Mohammad come from the same God spreading the same religion (Islam), then why were these two Prophets so different in behaviour? Jesus for example taught about forgiveness and was completely against violence, but then Mohammad led armies, actively fought in battles, and was not that merciful to certain types of people.

Could you explain that to me please?
Twelve answers:
2010-01-24 23:14:19 UTC
Islam And Christianinty

The Oneness of God is the message of Jesus and all the Prophets, peace be upon

The True Message of Jesus Christ

The differences between Christianity and Islam
2010-01-19 11:12:55 UTC
Abraham and Jesus couldn't be Muslims because Muslims MUST believe in Mohammad who was born centuries later.

Both Moses and Mohammad led armies into battle so you can't say Moses was a prophet but Mohammad wasn't because he led armies into war.

The truth is, Both Moses and Mohammad were political/religious leaders of their people and if you look closely, you will notice that the laws they practiced were similar; it was eastern tradition. Jesus was different; he was strictly spiritual and didn't claim any political authority. Jesus often condemned the Jewish religious leaders for making traditional laws into religious laws; in fact, that's one of the reasons why he was so hated and eventually killed.

Jesus and Mohammad were completely different people; the Hadiths show Mohammad as a very traditional violent individual. Jesus taught to love God and love each other; nothing more.

Jesus wound have got the same sentence in Islam as handed out by the Jews..
2010-01-19 10:59:39 UTC
I don't think Islam says that Abraham and Jesus were Muslims, but that Muslims view Abraham and Jesus as prophets, not special god-like beings as portrayed by other religions.

One of the primary things that separates Islam from Judaism is that Muslims were told they were not among God's chosen because they were not born of Abraham. One of the primary things that separate Islam from Christianity is the christian belief in the Holy Trinity - it defies the whole "there is no God but Allah" thing. And, of course, the belief in Jesus as the Savior is what "created" the Judaic sect that became known as christianity.

Monotheism is the bridge between the three religions, but from there, theologies greatly differ. The Judaic god is vengeful; the Christian god is forgiving; and the Muslim god demands total submission.
2010-01-19 10:43:56 UTC
Muslim = Submitter to God

Believer= have completed Faith and are Firm , (refers mostly to Muslims)

People of the Scriptures= Christians Jews Muslims

Believers = are also referred as Ahl-Ay-Kitab , people of the scriptures.

Every prophet in Islam has its unique way Allah / God created him Peace be upon them.

Solomon PBUH = Was a good leader / King had controls of the jinns , approached Queen Saba

Dawud PBUH = Had an incredibly voice , and killed as Child Jarmut

Moses PBUH = Talked to God and could move mountains and split the sea with the help of Allah s.w.t /God

Yahya / John PBUH = Was the son of Zacharias/Zakariya PBUH

Yusuf PBUH = Could interprete dreams , talk to animals , and was incredibly beautiful this is just a few of them =)

Muhammed PBUH = Was a great leader in the history of humanity and made islam successful
2016-05-26 20:38:49 UTC
In the Name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. The reason God Mentions all these Prophets Peace be upon them in The Qur'an is because in Islam it is beloved that all the Prophets (pbut) all taught the same message and same religion. They were Muslims (meaning those who submit to the Will of God) by definition and all invited people to worship the Creator alone and do good deeds. For ex. Moses Peace be upon him in his Arcaic language from archeological findings called God El-Yah and Jesus Peace be upon him called God in his Aramaic language Aallah or Ellah if you look it up in an Aramaic lexicon and concordance. Also, you will read in the bible that all the Prophets like Abraham and Jesus (pbut) fell on their face and prayed like the Last Prophet Muhammad Peace be upon him and Muslims. The Qur'an is believed to be the Preserved and Last Book of God. I invite all to read it with an open heart and see. May God Guide us all to what is best. Amen. In-Sha'Allaah (God Willing)
Um Huda
2010-01-19 10:51:59 UTC
As already stated, the word Muslim means submitter or to submit.

So when Islam says that Abraham, Jesus and all the Prophets and Messengers that God sent to mankind are indeed Muslim we mean by that that they Submitted to their Lord and carried the unique message of One God, or tawheed. And that is indeed the same as the Muslim living somewhere like Egypt, since that Muslim has embraced Islam which carries that message for all mankind till the Day of Resurrection.

They did indeed come with the same message from the same God. Only difference between the previous prophets and messengers God sent and Muhammad is not actually what you mentioned.

Rather it is that Muhammad (pbuh) was sent down to ALL mankind until the Day of Judgment and is a seal to all prophets. Whereas the others noble prophets/messengers were sent to their nations or peoples.

Mohammad (PBUH) was only set down to perfect manners.

"The only reason I have been sent is to perfect good manners."

Allah subhaanahu wa ta ‘aala starts off Surah Al-Qalam, an early Makkan surah revealed to defend the status and honor of Prophet Muhammad sal Allaahu alayhi wa sallam by saying:

And indeed, you are upon a noble conduct, an exemplary manner (Al-Qalam 68/4).

The comparison you make is off-balanced. The battles that were held in the name of Islam were indeed noble battles that were

1) to regain their property, ie. when they were forced out and when to make hijra, migration, they later came back and retook their own homes and property

2) to gain freedom for the peoples to worship however they wanted, ie some villages would not allow or humiliated Muslims so leaders from around would fight for those Muslim's rights and when justice was restored everyone was allowed to worship what they willed.

3) and ofcourse that of self-defence, ie when the tribe of Jews did not honor the peace treaty made between them

There could be more or if I said something inaccurate I hope a fellow Muslim(ah) could correct me inshaAllah.

Now in reality, the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) only killed in his entire lifetime ONE person. by the name of Ubay ibn Khalaf.
2010-01-19 11:05:22 UTC
yes abraham , jesus were all muslims.a muslim is the one who submits his will to god ( follows the commandments of god).they were all prophets and they believed in one god and followed his commandments.ya muslims r same whether they live USA or Saudi.

who said u that they r different they brought the same message.both taught peace .i would recommend u to read about prophet's life written by good writers(muslims coz u can know islam by muslims not by non muslims). when they brought the same message then how can u say they were different?
2010-01-19 10:48:51 UTC
Asslamu alaykum warahmatullahi wabarkatahu...

really very good question..

Muslim means a Monotheist who believes in one God who is Self Sustaining and King of all that exists, existed and will exist....Abraham, Jesus, Moses, Muhammad (PBUT) were sent by Allah(SWT) to spread this message of One God. Anyone who blvs this and doesnot associate any partners with him is a Muslim. These Prophets you mentioned were not the only ones who taught this message. Thr wr many 100s and 1000s of messengers who came in between with the same message.

As I said above..thr wr many messengers who they all cannot be same..according to some Hadith...Muhammad(SAWS) was more like Abraham (AS) father of all Monotheist religions. Moses (PBUh) was more tempered, Jesus(PBUH) was more calm and collected..everyone was different in their own right.
2010-01-19 18:16:32 UTC
muslim literally means one who follows islam, and the word muslim comes from the word islam.

for your 2nd question the answer is they came from different times, they had different sorts of people, and the people in muhammad(pbuh) were extremely violent, example, Allah(god) is merciful, then why is he going to throw some people in hell? the people these days know from their hearts that islam is the true religion but they cant accept it. if god wouldnt be merciful to the people of hell on judgement day, then how can a slave be??????


Think Tanker
2010-01-19 11:33:19 UTC
Thank you for asking question..

I think answer to your questions are already given.

However, I would like add one point here..

Forgiving indeed is best behaviour and one of the basic teachings of Islam (religion of all Prophets). But, you have to differ here about forgiving personal enemy and enemy of God.

Forgiving is mainly for personal enemy. But, if life of enemy may bring destruction of Islam itself and killing of believers, how can one forgive such enemies. Forgiving such enemies will be tantamount to killing believers.

Additionally, the way evangelist do marketing of Jesus Christ is nothing but deception. If you read Bible it shows completely different picture of Jesus. You see him bashing Pharisees and Jewish scribes. You see him calling them generation of Vipers and snakes.

He also said that he came not to bring peace rather sword.

Where do you say a Peaceful Jesus with enemies?

It was only question of opportunity. Jesus never got chance to be ruler, But Mohammed PBUH.

Let me ask a simple question.

If OT and NT is from same God. Why OT teaches so much of violence. Answer is simple most of the part of NT (Letters of paul) are not from God and imagination of Paul of Taurus to attract pagans to Christianity. Jesus was an angry young man. But Christian did not liked it and they had to create a happy old man (Santa Clause!!!) to satisfy their impression.
The Lettered Wayfarer
2010-01-19 10:45:28 UTC
To answer your first question, Muslims believe that all Prophets were sent with the same aqeeda [same belief and same concept of God], but they may have had different Shari'a [sacred laws and principals which applied to their people and time]. But the word "Muslim" means, "One who submits" as in, "One who submits to the will of God." -So all former prophets were Muslims in the sense that they all submitted to the will of the same God.

Jesus [saas] was different from Muhammad in his Shari'a [sacred law] alone, and not in his aqeeda [belief]. -In Islam there are three prophetic archetypes. There is the law-giver [for example, Moses]... there is the reminder, -the one who reminds his people of what they have forgotten of God's message [such as latter-day old testament Prophets like Obediah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, etc] and there are those who are very spiritual and philosophical to remind the people to be close to God and respect all of his creatures, and to live solely for the sake of God... such as Jesus -who is the quientessential example. -However Muhammad [saas], the final Prophet, was all three prophetic archetypes. He was the law-giver, the reminder, and the spiritual sage.

Since Jesus [saas] only fulfilled one of these archetypes, and since he was not the final prophet, and since his message was meant for a specific people, naturally his shari'a [sacred law] would be different from that of Muhammad's [saas].

And Muhammad [saas] was merciful to all people, unless being merciful to that person would've put innocent people in danger.

Hope this has clarified everything for you and thanks for your question.
2010-01-19 14:35:39 UTC
jesus said in the bible :-

22 On judgment day many will tell me, `Lord, Lord, we prophesied in your name and cast out demons in your name and performed many miracles in your name.'

23 But I will reply, `I never knew you. Go away; the things you did were unauthorized.


John 16:12-15

jesus said :-12 ‘I still have many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now. 13When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth; for he will not speak on his own, but will speak whatever he hears, and he will declare to you the things that are to come. 14He will glorify me, because he will take what is mine and declare it to you. 15All that the Father has is mine. For this reason I said that he will take what is mine and declare it to you.

FOLLOW Muhammed because he is th last and final messengar of Allah .


This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.