Edit: Frankly my dear@@ I am not angry just a bit frustrated because instead of verifying facts for themselves most people are Quick to parrot "reviews" done by others. If you are really interested in the truth then you are welcome to Google "The mother of all arguments" and read my post on the subject (too long to post here)
Edit: Frankly my dear@@ Please find one similar to this one :) I will draw your attention to a single example that encompasses both 7 and 19, both numbers clearly indicated in the Quran and hereto remained unexplained in the relevant verses Quran 15:87 and 74:30. Every time you add a similar example the complexity grows geometrically and there are hundreds of similar examples all intertwined in the Quran. Please observe the following observable facts;
1. Number of letters it is based on are 19 (total number in Bismillah, the opening verse )
2. The length of the number below is a monstrous 114 digit long
3. The opening verse itself is repeated 114 times in the Quran which is a multiple of 19
4. The number below itself is divisible by 7
5. The reverse of this number is also divisible by 7, what are the odds on just this alone
6. The number itself mirrors the occurrences of Bismillah in the Quran chapter by chapter. 1 denotes one time 2 twice and 0 none.
7. Each natural number (1,3,5,7,8 in the quotient is repeated 19 times each exactly, that is mind blowing
8. And if there are still undecided, here is something that brings it all home. The number 15873 is staring at us in the quotient multiple times, please verify for yourself, the 15th Chapter, verse number eighty seven, third word, non other than seven (سَبْعًا)
Have fun explaining that one away :) And as God says in the Quran bring another example like it and you may ask all the humans and Jinns to form a team and have till the Day of Judgment to do it in.
Here is the number and the calculations;
111111011111111 =
1587301587301573015873 x 7
When read from right to left, we have:
111111111111111111 =
15873015873015873015873 x 7
And its all about Seven, the often repeating. Quran 15:87 with 19 thrown in as well, confirming the two major indicators. And even the sum of the chapter and verse number is perfectly in sync and 15:87 renders to 1+5+8+7=21=7 +7+7=7 x 3
The proof is the presence of the Quran among us. The entire Quran was compiled during the life time of the Prophet Pbuh in the order that he was instructed to do so by Gabriel. This is very important. Simultaneously it was committed to memory by a large number of the Prophet's Pbuh companions.
The proof that these are the words of God and the order in which the words of God exists in written form and committed to memory by millions is that Quran contains checksums. There are many type of checksums in the Quran, ranging from literary brilliance to scientific facts but the one that is verifiable by non experts is in the form of the Universal language, numbers.
These checksums in the form of number strings are woven through the Arabic text in such a way that each word and even each alphabet is rooted in its designated place. This mind boggling phenomena had a controversial beginning where by it was claimed that the Quran among us was tampered with, especially the last two verse of the ninth chapter but later research debunked that claim. What is also clear by now is the fact that the true internal numeric patterns should not be confused with the resulting secondary patterns that are invariably as a result of the complexity of the original and self referenced patterns. The complexity alone points to their Divine origins and must not to be mixed with other claims of numeric patterns through other scriptures. They are not even in the same ball park.
There is still a lot of Muslim and non Muslims that claim that these patterns are already "refuted" or deny the existence of these "place holders" outright, in both cases these claims are based on the "reviews" done by others. Needless to say this Signature of God so to speak can be easily verified by non expert individuals to a large extent, all you need is middle school level math under your belt.