Because Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said the final hour will not come until : "People will harass and eat off Muslims as if they are a pack of wolves devouring their prey." A minor sign of Qiyamah, it has to happen. Besides, Al-Qaeda is an Islamic EXTREMIST group. Anyway, 9/11 was an inside job done by the US Government itself. There is REAL and PROVED evidence, but the US just doesn't want to break, look, many people said there is evidence of 9/11 as an inside job, there are: PHYSICISTS, the ARLINGTON FIRE DEPARTMENT, INVESTIGATORS, etc.
Physicists have proved that the Twin Towers' collapses don't make sense. The airplanes hit them on the upper middle and top, there is no way it can explode and collapse from bottom AND the fall of the towers went completely against physics! The building imploded on itself, demolishing floor by floor without spread or tilted collapse. They have strong theories and evidence that it was a controlled demolition. Controlled demolition look EXACTLY the twin tower falls. The pentagon had no airplane pieces in them. The Arlington Fire Department complained to Pentagon authorities that they couldn't clean up any airplane pieces because they didn't find any at all. Investigators and Physicists said that when the airplane crashed into the pentagon, it was a large airplane, it should have made a broken rectangular hole for the wings of the plane when it hit, instead, there was one tiny holy in the wall. Expert and experienced airplane pilots have said that the way the government described how the plane hit was impossible. The double flip circular motion and the extreme turns of the plane were attempted and all failed. No amateur pilot could have done it. Investigators said the plane hit in Pennsylvania was a military plane because of the small hole in the ground, the small pieces, and the engine belonged to a military plane. Strongest evidence is the collapse of the towers and NO AIRPLANE PIECES UNTIL TODAY found in the Pentagon.
The reason America did the inside job? This rewinds back to the year 1988...Osama Bin Laden gave billions of dollars to Afghanistan which defeated the SOVIET UNION in a war!! How can a small country defeat the superpower!!! America wanted no Muslim that powerful. They had to rid of him. But they had to give time, it couldn't be too quick. Second reason....America started running low in oil supply in the 1970's, they made several attempts to steal oil from the Middle East in the 1980's...but they failed. They needed 9/11 to have a reason to go into the Middle East without their governments stopping them, so there came the devilish idea. Since they went there, this has happened:
-Over 3 million INNOCENT people were killed in the Middle East in a matter of 9 years!
-Hundreds of thousands of women, children, and even men were raped!!
-Tens of thousands of homes, farms/lands, buildings, and mosques were bombed and destroyed!
-America has propaganda against Muslims and made all these thousands of lies about Islam that spread very quickly!
-They supported Israel occupy and commit genocide on Palestine which killed millions.
-America has acted like it's the center of the universe.
-America lied and acted as if it was helping the Middle East.
-Muslims were hated.
I hate America's government gravely! Although, I am not an extremist who agrees we should kill America's people and constructions. The American people are innocent, it is just their government. I feel the GOVERNMENT deserves what it's gotten (Not the people), it needs more punishment too. But I feel bad for the people suffering through the attacks though. So why did they blame it on Muslims? Because they're low class, hypocrites, no culture, destined, nasty, and have nothing better to do in their lives nor can the American government ever be honest about anything for one.