if I may ask, what is the connection here?
you come here with the idea that Muslims hate Jews and start asking silly Qs. that doesn't really make any sense.
we know about her, and I, as a Muslim, don't approve of what Hitler did.
although the "six millions" victims is way big number to believe.
actually, this is not my saying, anyone that tried to search about the truth, end up being arrested.
check this link
but you should ashamed of your self because you are totally in approve with what the Zionists did and still doing.
and if you read the history, you will find out that those who tortured, killed, kicked, cursed and tried to make Jews leave their religion, were not Muslims.
you don't have to be a slave to your media. try to search for the truth as a change instead of believing whatever your media tells you.
The Palestinian Holocaust Memorial Museum
Quoted in Beit-Hallahmi, Original Sins, (Olive Branch Press 1992), a book by an Israeli professor which I highly recommend. Beit-Hallahmi sums up as follows:
It was easy to make the Palestinians pay for 2,000 years of persecution. The Palestinians, who have felt the enormous power of this vengeance, were not the historical oppressors of the Jews. They did not put Jews into ghettoes and did not force them to wear yellow stars. They did not plan holocausts. But they had one fault. They were weak and defenseless in the face of real military might, so they were the ideal victims for an abstract revenge...
A country founded in blood--built on the backs and the corpses of a group of its inhabitants--is badly off-balance and will never recover, if it does not undertake a terrible soul-searching, a flight from violence and lies. There is a stirring, a yearning for peace and relief from violence today, but it is still being mitigated by hatred, denial, greed, and the desire for revenge. When the Israelis learn to police their own lunatic fringe, can avoid offering with one hand what they withdraw with the other, and face the Palestinians with firm honesty, there will be a chance.
Remembering 60 years of Al-Nakba (catastrophe), The Palestinian Exile.
Israeli bulldozer driver murders American peace activist
John Rose
Israel: The Hijack State
The Origins of Zionism
History of Palestine
and Green Line Israel
by S. Brian Willson