It is okay. There are provisions for those you cannot fast.
I am sure you know the Arabic word "sawm" is used for fasting.
Here are the rules for Sawm:
The following exemptions apply:
1. The insane
2. Children who are not adolescent yet;
3. The elderly and chronically ill for whom fasting is unreasonably strenuous; Such persons are required to feed at least one poor person every day in Ramadan for which he or she has missed fasting.
4. Pregnant women and nursing may postpone the fasting at a later time;
5. The ill and the travellers can also defer their fasting.
6. Women during the period of menstruation or of post childbirth confinement. Fasting during these periods is forbidden and should be made up later, a day for a day.
Because you will be unable to ever fast you must feed at least one poor person every day in Ramadan for which you have missed fasting. You can do this a number of different ways.
Hope this helps.
And I agree with below to ask you Imam (Leader).