No we do not lol. Perhaps it's your own inferiority issues, ever thought of that?
1. I wake up and drink water have a bowl of cereal that's it. No "gorging" going on. I mean seriously how calorie rich are shreddries with skimmed milk lol.
2. I do not go around announcing I am "fasting" no other Muslims I have ever met do, so... Would love to know where all these Muslims are who are walking around announcing to all and sundry "fasting, I'm fasting, can't you see I am fasting people!"
3. Every Muslim I have ever known gets on with life as normal, getting kids ready for school, study etc and yes working. I have never ever asked anyone to make exceptions for me because I was fasting, never took a day off work for fasting. My husband gets on with his job as normal. No one is tip toeing around Muslim employees. It's an utter lie.
4. I have never had a single break, extended or otherwise that was for my prayers. I had breaks like all employees and what I did with my break, as you do with yours, was not anyone's business.
5. Yes when we break fast we eat, how shocking! We don't "party" we eat a meal at the table, it's nothing like Christmas lol. For myself and my family the opposite is true, our meal size is smaller and we eat less as we feel fuller quicker as our stomachs shrink when fasting. Clearly this image you have if us gorging and partying is to suit your own agenda, not the reality of our fasting at all.
6. Rofl tons if sherbet? What are we 5?
7. This farcical excercise you have laid out is not our Ramadan experience. So all in your own wee mind I am afraid. The reality is we spiritually enrich our lives and bodies from fasting. If you seriously think not eating from 2:35 in the morning till 9:20 at night is for the benefit of showing off to others then sorry but you are deluded beyond comprehension. Who is "flashing" anything anywhere? Hindus do not fast like we do, it's not the same at all.
Your worship, beliefs and fasting are none of my business, concern nor frankly interest. And yes I most definitely knew when my Hindu colleagues were fasting. It was not a secret, I'd not mean I though of them as "showing off"! Seriously it's your issue, not mine.
Also Hindus still drink fluids when fasting, it's not the same as total abstinence as when we fast. Sometimes Hindus call it a fast but they are just giving up a few things like salt or cereal. It's not comparable to our fasting at all. It's completely different.