why muslims?
2006-08-14 05:57:06 UTC
Why do muslim need to fast.We christians only fast on good friday.
27 answers:
2006-08-16 15:06:16 UTC
sorry that this answer will be long, however, it will explain exactly why is that we muslim fast...hope it helps.....

Fundamental to a Muslim's faith (or belief) are six articles: (i) belief in Allah, (ii) belief in Angels, (iii) belief in divine Books of Allah, (iv) belief in all Prophets, (v) belief in the Day of Judgement, and (vi) belief in Predestination. Articles (i) and (iii) demand that a Muslim must believe in, obey and implement, all the words of Allah contained in the Holy Qur'an. This is because ...His (Allah) word is the truth..." (6:73) and ::the truth is from your Lord, so be not at all in doubt" (2:147) and "...whose word can be truer than Allah?" (Qur'an). Thematically, Qur'an contains injunctions for mankind, allegories, stories of past events, accounts of future events, and a lot of lessons especially for Muslims. Of importance the injunctions are sometime directed to all creatures (men and jinns), or sometime to specific gender (men or women), or sometime to specific tribes (eg "Bani Israel"), or sometime to the progeny of Adam (i.e mankind), or sometime to Ahl-ul kitaab (the people of the book), or sometime to Muslims (i.e those who believe in One Allah) etc. In most cases, the injunctions of Allah to Muslims can be regarded as blessing and mercy and when fully obeyed often lead them to His straight path. Without mincing words, there is no compromise with Allah's injunctions: every sincere and God-fearing Muslim must obey them; this is a necessary precondition for being a Muslim. One of His injunctions, directed to Muslims (men and women), is:

"O you who believe, fasting is prescribed for you..."(2:183)

The phrase "O you who believe" is referring to: (i) those who submit to Allah's wills and commands, (ii) those who believe in the six articles of faith, (iii) those who testify that "La ilaha illa llaha Muhammadu-r Rasululla", (iv) those who practise the five pillars of Islam, and (v) those who implement and obey Allah's injunctions in the Qur'an and follow the sunnah of His Prophet, Muhammad (s.a.w). No followers of any religions satisfy these criteria of "O you who believe" except the Muslims. It is they (Muslims) that Allah is directing His injunction in 2:183 to. The injunction prescribed fasting as a compulsory duty for them thus:

"...fasting is prescribed for you (Muslims)..." (2:183)


"...whoever witnesses the month of Ramadan should fast through it..." (2:185)

Clearly, Ramadan fast is a divine injunction mandatory for all able-bodied Muslims who are free from compelling excuses. Whoever deliberately forgoes fasting in Ramadan, should know that (s)he has disobeyed Allah's injunction and no amount of fasting thereafter can give her/him a reward equivalent to one misssed Ramadan fast as obvious in this hadeeth:

Abu Huraira reported that the Prophet(s.a.w) said: "whoever did not fast one day of Ramadan without a genuine excuse or a disease then even if he fasted for a complete year, it would not compensate for that (missed Ramadan) day"

(Sahih al-Bukhari, vol 3,p.88)

(ii) To practice the tradition, and way of the pious people.

Fasting is not new to Islam; it is, indeed, as old as Adam(a.s) who was the first creature and the first Muslim to submit to one Allah. No one knows precisely when fasting began among Adam's progenies but it is the practice of all the Prophets of Allah and their followers. Qur'an mentions that Musa(a.s) fasted for 40 days (see 2:51) (this is what the Jews termed "Jewish Passover") and the Prophet(s.a.w) told us that Dawud(a.s) used to fast for half of the year (this involves fasting on every alternate day). 'Issa (a.s) (or Jesus) was also reported to have fasted for 40 days (this is what the christians termed "the Lent", usually observed before Easter festival). Since these Prophets were Muslims, it can be seen that by asking Muslims to fast, Allah intends to draw their attention to the practice and tradition of those pious predecessors who attained piety (in His sight) through fasting.

"O ye who believe, fasting is prescribed for you as it was prescribed for people before you ..."(2:183)

This verse shows that fasting was observed by the people (i.e "ahl-ul kitaab") who came to the scene before the Muslims and so it is a "sunnat Allah" (i.e a tradition approved by Allah) for those who lived aforetime and for the Muslims who are now the best generation ever raised for mankind (3:110). Qur'an says:

"(As for) the sunnat Allah (approved) for those who lived aforetime, no change will you find in (such) sunnat-Allah" (33:43)

Therefore, Ramadan fast should be seen as a propagation of the tradition approved by Allah for all those who submit to Him.

(iii) To learn how to attain piety

By the very nature of human beings, they are susceptible to sins and transgression of Allah's limits. This may be due to their ignorance, worldly struggle for ephemeral and tantalizing things, or satan's handiwork. In particular, Muslims are warned against gossiping, backbiting, slandering, hypocrisying, lying, cheating, duping, hatring, nursing grudge, keeping malice, fornicating as these vices negate the teachings of the Holy Qur'an. But since Muslims are like any human beings created to err as a result of forgetfulness, they need to be reminded and coached against any social vices from time to time. This will requires a fixed trainning period where Muslims will know and learn how to put an end to vices, learn virtues and get nearer to Allah. That trainning period is chosen by Allah to be the Ramadan fast which occurs once in every year. During Ramadan:

(a) compulsory five daily salaat are observed regularly and timely (this is to remind and train the mindless Muslims that salaat is an all-time duty for them);

(b) Zakat-ul fitr is paid on or before the 'idl Fitr (the festival that commemorates the end of Ramadan fast) (Zakat-ul fitr is to teach Muslims to do sadaqah and to remind them that after zakat-ul fitr they should not forget to pay on time their annual divine obligatory Zakaat, the fourth pillar of Islam);

(c) Tarawih and Tahajjud prayers are observed in the evening and night of Ramadan (this is to teach Muslims to observe nawafil (i.e additional) prayers after Ramadan so as to increasetheir iman and get their supplications to Allah accepted promptly);

(d) Doubtful hobby such as smoking is stopped (this is to train Muslims to be frugal as Allah hates extravagancy and to save themselves from diseases such as Tuberclosis, Cancer, and heart attack known to be associated with smoking and premature death);

(e) pornographic videos/pictures are avoided and kept away (this is to free Muslims' hearts and eyes from corruption and from shaitan's whisperings to do evil deeds);

(f) Excessive intake of food is avoided (this regulates the stomach from being pot-bellied and distinguishes Muslims from kaafir whom Qur'an describes as those who eat like cattle (47:12)); etc. All these good things which Ramadan fast teaches Muslims are the means to attain piety. This is why the verse on Ramadan fast says:

"O ye who believe, fasting is prescribed for that you will (learn how to attain) piety" (2:183)

(iv) To reap the full reward of the Night of Power (Lailat-ut Qadr)

The last book of Allah to His creatures, Al-Qur'an, was revealed in the night of Ramadan. What this means is that the first divine revelation to Prophet Muhammad(s.a.w) took place in the Night of Ramadan. Allah chose the night because of the special blessings in it. It is called the night of Power (Lailat-ut Qadr) or the night of blessing (Lailat-ul mubarak). The deed in this night is better than the rewards of deeds of 1,000 months (about 83.3 years). Let suppose that a man survived up to 100 years and he consciously witnessed 93 nights of Power, he would have in his account more than 7,750 rewards which exclude all other rewards he earned from doing virtuous deeds. It is this night that all Muslims are invited by Allah to look for in the month of Ramadan. Specifically, the night is in the last ten days of Ramadan and usually in one of the odd days (i.e. 21, 23, 25, 27 and 29th). A Muslim is expected to perform naafilah, recite the Qur'an, do zikr etc in the night. Since no one knows precisely which of the odd days is the night, Muslims are expected to be in seclusion (itikaf) during the last 10 days of Ramadan and the best place to do so is in the mosque.

It should be mentioned that the Angels descend in succession during the night of Power and they go round with special greeting of "peace" till day break when they will move back to their position. The number of these angels is uncountable and they descend with special command of Allah. The following chapter of the Qur'an details the event of the night of Power thus:

"Indeed We have revealed it (Qur'an) in the night of Power. And what will explain to you what the night of Power is? The night of Power is better than a thousand months. Therein descends the Angels and the Spirit by Allah's permission, on every errand: (they say) Peace" (continuously) till the rise of Morning!" (97:1-5)

Who will like to miss the Night after reading this description? It is this very reason that every Muslim wants to witness and reap its full blessing by fasting during the days of the month of Ramadan. As Ramadan fast is inextricably tied to the Night of Power (see 2:183) it follows that any Muslim who wishes to benefit from the Night of Power must fast during the month of Ramadan. Qur'an says:

"Ramadan is the (month) in which Qur'an was sent down, as a guide to mankind, and a clear guidance and judgement (so that mankind will distinguish right from wrong). Whoever among you witnesses the month of Ramadan should fast through it..." (2:183)

(v) To show to Muslims how to get their past sins forgiven

Islam is a religion that stresses equality: both the poor and the rich (men or women) are equal as slaves in the sight of Allah. In Islam the surest way to obtain Allah's forgiveness for one's past sins is Pilgrimage (the fifth pillar of Islam) which unfortunately is easy for the rich to afford the cost of the journey. The All-wise, Allah, did not put the poor Muslims in limbo, rather He made fasting during Ramadan as a means of placing the poor and the rich on equal footing in terms of asking for forgiveness for their past sins. If a Muslim has no means of going for hajj, there should be a way to compensate him/her. The All-wise has chosen Ramadan for all Muslims to get their past sins forgiven as evident in this hadith:

Narrated Abu Huraira(r.a): The Prophet said:"... whoever fasts during Ramadan with sincere faith and hoping for his reward from Allah will have his past sins forgiven"

(Sahih Al-Bukhari, vol.3 p.70).

Therefore, Ramadan fast unites Muslims and bring them together as equal slaves who can be forgiven of their past sins devoid of discrimination in the sight of Allah.

(vi) To show that Fasting is the epitome of the five pillars of Islam

Islam is built upon five pillars. The third pillar is siyam (i.e fasting during Ramadan). The wisdom behind its third position is because it is a fulcrom upon which the other four pillars (Tawheed, and salaat are in first and second positions while zakat and Hajj are in the fourth and fifth positions) are balanced. It is the only pillar that encompases all the four other pillars in the sense that:

(a) before one observes fast,

s(he) must be a Muslim, sane, matured, and free from excuses (such as menstruation, illness, travelling long-distances, child-birth bleeding, etc). And since a Muslim is required to proclaim Shahada (i.e Tawheed, the first pillar of Islam), fasting is directly tied to shahada.

(b) Salaat is the second pillar of Islam that delineates a Muslim from one who is not; this means that a Muslim must observe salaat regularly to become a true Muslim. It follows that fasting during Ramadan without regular salaat is like using a spoon to fill a porous basket with water.

(c) Zakat (the compulsory divine tax) is aimed to redistribute the Muslims' wealth so that the gap between the rich and the poor is bridged to a certain extent. In Ramadan, every fasting Muslim, who is free from insanity, bondage etc, must pay Zakat-ul fitr on or before the 'Idl Fitr day. Zakaat-ul fitr is in some sense a low-profile zakat, though aimed to achieve similar result, is completely different from zakat. Hajj is a duty which Muslims owe to Allah and it is to help the pilgrims to get their past sins forgiven. Coincidently, fasting during Ramadan has the same result. From the foregoing, it can be concluded that fasting is an epitome of the pillars of Islam. Therefore, every able-bodied Muslim must fast to learn how the other four pillars operate.
alya m
2006-08-17 01:55:27 UTC
I know Muslims fast 30 days during the daytime, and Christians fast 50 continuous days, not only Good Friday!
2016-11-25 05:19:39 UTC
Salam :) i'm a Muslim youngster residing in Canada. I placed on hijab alhamdullilah and it is for the most area standard right here when you consider that i stay in a large city with a large Muslim inhabitants. I do get the few ignorant comments and idiots in college inspite of the undeniable fact that who ask stuff like "yo were given a bomb less than there hahaha". inspite of the undeniable fact that the toughest area is being diverse out of your human beings. Being a Muslim, activities, alcohol courting boys wearing revealing clothing and so on is haram, or perhaps as i do not opt to target this besides, it would want to correctly be a touch awkward to ought to describe why i do not do it to those who evaluate it merely area of being an adolescent and its uncomplicated to them. Muslims residing in Muslim international places truthfully have it more effective common even as it consists of setting up in. And with food it would want to correctly be a touch complicated yet I continually attempt to ascertain the label if i'm no longer constructive of the elements. yet i doesn't wanna be the different faith no remember how confusing it receives and how diverse i have self assurance from each individual else, i'm satisfied to be Muslim :)
2006-08-15 08:28:48 UTC
We fast because we were told to fast by Allah(S.W.T) in the Quran. It is an obligation of all Adult Muslims(12 yrs.) and a pillar of Islam. It helps make them righteous while enstilling the fear and love of Allah(S.W.T). Its also supposed to prepare us to follow the right path of Islam and avoid what is wrong. I can say from experience that all of this is true and works, Fasting builds the patience and strenght to avoid the devils temptations. In Ramadan, during Fasting we are not only supposed to give up food and drink (from sunrise to sunset) but throughout the entire month we are also supposed to give up bad habits(lying, fighting, etc.). I hope this answers your question, and if you want to read more interesting facts about Islam and especially fasting try to find this book on ebay or :

Our Faith and Worship

Volume 2

Dr. Abiduallah Ghazi

Dr.Tasneema Khatoon Ghazi

Hope this helps. Good question!
2006-08-14 07:24:20 UTC
Christians and Jews also fast at times. Muslims fast regularly because they have specific times told to them. Christians and Jews have lost the meaning of a lot of the old customs and don't do the things they used to do. (Example: how many Catholics do you know that don't eat meat on Friday? Used to be all of them)

The Bible and Torah tell you to fast (just like the Muslim Koran), but without specifying when to do it.
2006-08-17 08:40:28 UTC
dear friend

i have few points to tell u

according to islam all the preachers (prophets)(PBUH) came before prophet MOHAMMED (PBUH) are also do what lord(ALLAH ) order to do

But all those are limited to there place or community and the coustome are different and every time ALLAH order to fast according to the time ,

And Islam is the only religion which includes all the prophets,

that mean in KORAN ALLAH described them

and some names are not mention

but every religion end at Islam

as every one know what jesus brought described in Islam ,

what for jews, and even for hindu like Krishna,

That one belief in Islam mean follower of all the good people born on earth


Now the question is that how Your are different from Islam, you to can fast as described,

And the last thing is no human is different from one another,

as ALLAH said all born as good and ALLAH made them very beautifully,

as a good christian you should reasearch the history and get the correct links to all,

hope so doing a good practice for ourself is not bad.

and Offcourse fasting cleans the impurities of the body

one day is not enough

continues fast for 30 days long not only cleans body impurities but the soul also,

making ourself affectioned and obedient to the ALLAH is just getting benefitting ourself,

That only the ALLAH want

As ALLAH never gets your money or food or any HE only want the HIS good creation is just obedient to HIM

Thanks to your question

and i am sorry if i got wrong any where or got disturbed to any one, its my thought

May ALLAH blesse all of us Amin
2006-08-16 04:27:28 UTC
we do fast cause it's one of our five pillars islam is based upon. during fasting we restrain fromfood, drink, bad talking, sex, anything that takes u away from being spritualy close to ALLAH. it's like being angels( angels don't eat, drink, or do any of the human daily things ).we try 2 focus on our relation with ALLAH & our fellow humans. our fasting doesn't count if we didn't get the poor their share of our money ( zakat alfetr ) cause we r plessed 2 b able 2 fast & find what we can eat, so we have 2 think of those who couldn't find decent food 2 short, fasting is all about 4getting all about the flesh & enhansing our relation with ALLAH & our fellow muslims.
2006-08-15 21:27:59 UTC
There are some very good answers here on Ramadan. I want to add something-the camaraderie. I have cooked all day long for the night meal, and so many friends come in to eat together and talk, and enjoy their time together. I am Jewish, but, I really enjoy Ramadan with friends.
2006-08-15 01:34:55 UTC
We need to fast to adapt to the life the poor are livin' in.It also helps us to lose weight.Another advantage,you will feel the GREAT JOY when the Hari Raya comes.It works mentally so Muslim Prophet and Gods are kind of smart to think like that mental stuff...
2006-08-14 06:03:52 UTC
Muslims fast as it is a prescribed thing in their religion, it's one of the 5 pillars of their believe to fast during the daytime hours in the month of Ramadan.
2006-08-16 06:30:57 UTC
because we are like that we have to fast for the whole month from dawn till sunset.each religion has it's own muslims pray 5 times daily christians whenever and wherever the y want.
2006-08-14 10:02:18 UTC
I thought you Christians were supposed to fast for 40 days during lent?
2006-08-15 12:03:17 UTC
some of the answers must have satisfied u. Ramzan whole month is full of blessings. Allah says that I open the doors of heavens n shower the blessing on you in this special month". so as much as good u can do, as much as worship u can do, u are blessed 1000 times more than what u do for Allah and with HIS creature. the whole month we pray (beside 5 daily prayers, we do extra prayers at mid night, early morning and other day evening timings), we recite Quran, we try to do good, we give alms n cherity, we do not use ill words for any one, coz its not only fasting of stomach but its fasting of your tongue, eyes n ears also. you should not utter any words from your tongue that can hurt some one or degrade someone. husbands n wives control their matrimonial desires during whole month. then we have a night that is supposed to be one of the last ten days of Ramzan month, that night is called Laila tul Qadar means the nights of blessings.....we believe that Quran was completed on this special night. that is extremely sacred for we believers. we do paryers thru out the night. and then after Ramzan month we have the Eid fastival. its the day of happiness for those who really did good in the month of Ramzan. automatically he/she would be feeling like so happy as got paradise or reserved the paradise in heavens. one of the purposes of this month is to remind us atleast once in a year that we are muslims. we have to answer our God for our deeds. thru out the month being so near to your God reminds u ur purpose of life on earth. we are not here forever. doing good doesnt requires much from u. when u do it u feel good. this month is kind of a practice for man how to be a good human being. how to control your wordly desires? how to have the patience? its a learning about sacrifice. its a learning about feeling others pain. its a month about to look around urself, look at poor ppl. its the month of saying thanks to our Creator for all HIS blessings. its not mere fasting, its not an ordinary month, it has amazing effect on believers lives. u wont believe that when it goes away, u feel like missing something in your life. and then u started waiting for the next Ramzan month. its not like that u can not fast in other months, u can for sure but Ramzan has its own speciality and fun. specially when u see all the nation doing same thing. such unity u will never see in other months.
2006-08-16 00:09:31 UTC
first and foremost we fast becuase is the month of ramadhan and in the 5 pillars of isalm it is said that we should fast in the month of ramadhan,we fast in this month to thank allah for the gift of the qurran which was given to the prophet muhammed in the month of ramadhan plus allah show us when we fast what the poor is feeling when they have no food so we have to give extra charity to the poor
2006-08-16 08:31:10 UTC
They fast because their GOD said so, to remind themselves of the poor and those suffering from hunger and what I can gathered from all the answers.

Its supposedly to gain inner peace with oneself and with GOD.

Will there be less bombing this time of their Holy Month?
2006-08-14 06:08:25 UTC
wel take it from this concept , people around u are poor miserble and hungry , sometimes they only have one meal a day probably beans or something like that , so u need a month every year to remember them , see how u r in a great blessing and thank god for wat he gave u , and donate some of wat u have to people who don't have any , and it is not for all the day just from sunrise till sunset , and after that u can eat every thing u want , so it is not very harsh compared to homeless and poor people.
gokul d
2006-08-14 09:09:36 UTC
muslim and christians have once in a only for but even have fast but have feast on other day on Ramzan, after Easter Sunday they eat 10 kgs of food , like birayani, beef and do have sex
2006-08-15 04:34:15 UTC
muslims fast... coz 2 understand d feelings of poor people...durin fastin muslims shud hav patience....
2006-08-14 16:31:16 UTC
its one of the 5 pliers of Islam. it helps you realize how much people take food for gran-id.
2006-08-16 08:12:31 UTC
leave the muslims alone...we dont care if they like to live like hell...we have democracy.. let them die blving to what makes them be like monkeys
2006-08-14 06:58:30 UTC
I guess its to cleanse their bodies and minds.
2006-08-14 06:02:33 UTC
I fast all the time.

When I'm sleeping.
2006-08-15 11:29:54 UTC
because god said so
vanessa m
2006-08-14 12:46:09 UTC
2006-08-14 06:00:38 UTC
Who cares. Let them do their own thing.
2006-08-17 10:29:14 UTC
what is lent all about?
2006-08-14 22:26:19 UTC
because it's one of the FIVE pillars of Islam! duh! smart one!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.