Ramadan: Just believe you believe your religion is the truth,?
2010-04-15 09:40:43 UTC
doesnt mean that someone is going to believe in it.

i'm not just talking about Islam,
however it is mainly muslims who preach about how their religion is the truth.

for example,
lets say someone who believes in multiple gods meets someone who tells them that there religion is the truth because they believe in only one god. Not everybody believes in just one god. Not everybody believes that god is male. Some believe that God ( or Higher Being) is above gender.
Eleven answers:
2010-04-15 11:14:02 UTC
And what is the truth?
2010-04-15 17:13:49 UTC
ok, so i re-converted to islam, not because i was forced, but because i considered facts, evidence,'s the only religion that talks about everything in life has a reason for everything? Have you heard about the scientific facts in the quran that have only been discovered recently? More insight into the religion will broaden your mind. It's a shame terrorists apprently call themsleves muslims yet go round killings hundreds, it's a claim they preach lies, it's a shame culture has tricked people into believing islam gives women low status and tells people to go kill others. Sorry, you may completely disagree with what i've just said, and that's completely up to you to decide. Forcing a religion on someone is completely wrong and stupid, if someone forced a religion upon you, you may begin following it, but you'll never accept it in your heart, you may possibly begin hating it more than you did before.

Was the universe really created from a big bang? What was there before the big bang? Is death really the end? If not, what will happen after? A person can gather up organ/body parts and put them together properly, but why can't they bring it to life? There has to be some sort of force that starts everything up. These are questions i'm sure a lot of us think about and want to find the answers to, i've found the answers in my religion, it's up to others to decide where they look for the answers
Butterfly Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ
2010-04-15 17:28:44 UTC
The way I look at it is like this. Imagine a very devout and pious Christian tries to convert a Muslim. Now they are going to tell them that Jesus is Lord and Savior and they must accept Him as such in order to go to heaven, which is the truth according to Christianity and to them Islam is false. How can they expect a Muslim who also believes that his religion is the true path to God to just stop believing in the religion he has followed all his life and accept the Christian's truth.

It should be the same with Muslims. They need to stop and realize that just because they say Islam is the truth they can't expect a Christian to just stop believing what he knows to be the truth and accept Islam. I think this is where some Muslims go wrong. They only see things from their side without realizing the Christian believes in his religion just as much as they believe in theirs.

I don't believe in Islam and I think there are some very bad things about it, but that doesn't mean I hate Islam or Muslims or think they are stupid because they believe it and it doesn't mean I can't see the beauty of Islam as well. I also can see some very bad things in my own religion. So why can't Muslims do the same and see the beauty of Christianity as well as the bad.

If I as a Christian am not going to tell them they are going to hell if they don't accept Christianity, why should they tell me I'm going to hell for not accepting Islam? If I can see how difficult and almost impossible it would be for them to give up all they've ever believed in then why can't they see the same.

Edit: Life Guru. That's the point you say, "We are right" but I also say "We are right" and both of us have proof that we are because both of us believe what our Holy Book says. You believe the Bible is corrupted and not God's word, but that of man and I believe the Quran was written by Muhammed and not God. Why is your truth better than my truth. I have as much proof that the Quran isn't the word of God as you do that the Bible isn't.

Edit: Muslim Knight: Don't put words in my mouth, I have stated numerous times that I don't believe only Christians are going to heaven. Many Christians do say that, but don't think Muslims don't. I've been told numerous times by Muslims that I'm an unbeliever and going to hell, yet I've never told a Muslim or anyone else they are going to hell if they don't follow my religion.
2010-04-15 16:51:54 UTC
You are absolutely right, and one of the verses in the Quran states: 2:256 There is no compulsion in religion. You can't force someone to believe what you believe. All you can do is provide the facts and then it is up to them whether or not to accept it as Truth. Whether they believe it it to be truth does not mean its not true however, so just because you don't agree with it doesn't mean its wrong, just means you don't accept it. However your accusation that only Muslims preach is far far lopsided a judgment. Jahovahs Witnesses go door to door regularly preaching that their religion is the only religion. The Baptist church I used to attend as a child regularly stated that if you weren't a Christian, you were doomed to an eternity of hellfire. Islam is the fastest growing religion because people are learning about it, (post 9/11 many people wanted to find out what kind of monsters could do such a thing and learned through personally exploring it that what happened is not what Islam represents) finding out about all the lies spewed about Islam and deciding for themselves that it is the truth. When you shove your opinion down someones throat, they tend to not listen to what you have to say. May Allah keep us on the straight path and open the hearts of those who are willing to listen. Ameen.
Life Guru
2010-04-15 17:17:13 UTC
But we are right :) and we are not forcing but we would be selfish not to put it out there. The difference is the Quran, the ultimate "go to" source. The certainty of the Quran is a huge advantage, the text contains inductive truths, these gems of knowledge can be used to build different models of understanding, without worrying about the corruption of the text thus eliminating the fear of reaching wrong conclusions. Hence the advantage I am referring to is two fold, first to verify seemingly established facts and the second underutilized advantage is to reach theoretically sound conclusions with absolute certainty way before human empirical understanding of issues catch up. This second option is extremely useful in eliminating the Lucy to Ardi or Big Bang to Dark Flow kind of nonsense.

Edit: if you would give your "rationality'' a long enough break to actually examine Quran the product, just the trivia of the Quran like word repetition is sure to blow anyone away :)

Edit: Butterfly@ here is my challenge to everyone, suspend your own beliefs for just long enough to critically examine the Quran the product, not where it came from and not who believes in it or not even who promotes it, like I am doing :) just take out enough time to look at it as something worth buying and I am confident, you will not leave it on the shelve.

When we say it cannot be compared, we don''t mean to be disrespectful to other religions but it comes out that way, Quran lets you have a glimpse into the type of intelligence that consumes you with every turn of the page and you are no longer satisfied with the world around you, you want more. Because of this overwhelming realization that hits you, you want to run into the street screaming eureka, eureka, listen world, this is it. The discovery will take your breath away, it floors you and raise you and humbles you all at once and it changes you forever.

Please don't think we don't read the Bible or for that matter other books, for us the question is a rational one, we are creatures of choice, once you discover Quran the product, there is no way we will not judge everything else against it. One runs out of superlatives in a hurry trying to describe this gift of gifts, it's like holding a perfectly cut flawless one of a kind diamond in you hand, it becomes your obsession, it becomes your favorite dish, it becomes your favorite drink, your brand of chocolate, your ice cream, your favorite restaurant, your favorite music, your song, your opera, your Mona Lisa, your Pieta, your Taj Mahal, your leaning tower and your Notre Dame. Your favorite dress, your favorite cap, your favorite color. And it never ever disappoints :)
Bright Noor.
2010-04-15 16:56:56 UTC
Indeed I agree with you, in fact Allah (swt) himself said:

''Let there be no compulsion in religion. Truth has been made clear from error. Whoever rejects false worship and believes in God has grasped the most trustworthy handhold that never breaks. And God hears and knows all things.” (Quran 2:256)

If you believe in Islam then God for you.. if you don't then according to me that is your loss but hey Allah (swt) will be the judge at the end of the day :)
2010-04-15 16:45:32 UTC
The elegance and beauty of the Universe all reflects on one design. Everything is made from the same substance manifesting the very signature of the creator.

Surely if there was more then one creator the Universe would be filled with vastly different designs but its not. Everything in the Universe has the fundamental similarity of being made from the same substance. From strings to Quarks to Atoms and this is the signature of the creator. So you see why to the rational mind polytheism seems dubious.

God is not male 'he' is transcendent beyond a need these things which we have.
M. Knight ♥Sunnah Defender♥
2010-04-15 17:47:58 UTC
First, Muslims find it part of their religion to tell non-believers about the Truth and to share with them the Light from God. Telling non-Muslims about our belief does not at all mean we are forcing our religion on them. Muslims are not the only ones who tell about their religion. Christians too, and you Christians complain from Jehovah Witness who bother you at ur homes more than u do from Muslims. Our religion teaches us that "there is no compulsion in religion" and that:

{♥In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. Say : O ye that reject Faith! I worship not that which ye worship, Nor will ye worship that which I worship. And I will not worship that which ye have been wont to worship, Nor will ye worship that which I worship.To you be your Way, and to me mine.♥} [Quran:1-6]

So, you are free to believe whatever u want and it's my duty as a Muslim to tell u about my religion about about the Word of Allah. So whether you accept it or not, it's your and only your choice.

May God lead u to the Right Path, Amen.

Butterfly, it's normal that any believer whether he is a chritian or a Jew or a Muslim think that the other who does not believe like him is going to hell. That's what u believe and that's what i do. However, I do not think Muslims tell people directly that they are going to hell (like many Christians who say Jesus peace be upon him is the way and anyone who does not believe in him is going to hell). We Muslims do not say that unless we are asked to. Our duty is to tell the truth revealed to our prophet peace be upon him not to tell who is going to heaven or hell.
2010-04-15 16:53:20 UTC
Islam is TRUTH. Islam believes in Proof.

Wahhabis are false. They are afraid of Truth that is why Saud rulers do not allow books from other faith in their country because they are afraid of Truth. ISLAM IS TRUTH. Islam gives proof.

Quran 39:18] Those who listen to the Word, and follow the best in it: those are the ones whom Allah has guided, and those are the ones endued with understanding.

Wahhabis are afraid of their falsehood. They do not want to listen the truth. Their Leaders preach that if they listen to Shia Majlis, their Nikah will be invalid. THIS SCARES WAHHABIS AWAY FROM THE TRUTH.

Quran 37:157] Then produce your writ, if you are truthful.

Quran 2:111] And they say: "None shall enter Paradise unless he be a Jew or a Christian." Those are their (vain) desires. Say: "Produce your proof if you are truthful."

Muslims are truthful. If anybody else is truthful then bring the proof (Burhan)
Fatima B.Quick
2010-04-15 16:43:57 UTC
What are you talking about? Christian folk are always saying this. Do you realize I have Church members knocking at my door trying to convert me to their faith? I live in the United States. The Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses do this so please don't say that is "mainly muslims who preach about how their faith is the truth." BTW: I've never forced my religion on anyone so don't try to speak for me.
2010-04-15 16:42:21 UTC
I don't get it. Where's the question?

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.