Was Saddam Hussain a practicing Muslim?
2008-12-11 12:19:41 UTC
And did he really take a 2nd wife and divorce his first?
Fifteen answers:
2008-12-11 13:36:08 UTC
You tell me...

People here are such idiots. If we were talking about Hitler or Islamofascist terrorists, they wouldnt think twice to say these people are going to hell. This guy murdered millions, used out of the oridinary, inhumane, brutal methods to kill people, and went to war with his own citizens, and their logic tells them hes forgiven because he said the shahadah.

Yes, we iraqis do hate mass murderers. The only Iraqis who like him are the people of his village whom he showered with money and protection. (We on the other hand were legally required to hang his pictures in our houses, had our family slaughtered in front of us, and treated like prisoners in our homes).

So anyone who tells us not to talk about the attrocities he has comitted can eat sh*t and die. He has ruined our lives, our nation, our history, and metaphorically (and literally) stabbed us to death. We will NOT be silent.!
God Bless America
2008-12-11 20:43:55 UTC
Hussein married his first wife and cousin Sajida Talfah in 1963 in an arranged marriage. Sajida is the daughter of Khairallah Talfah, Hussein's uncle and mentor.

Their marriage was arranged for Hussein at age five when Sajida was seven; however, the two never met until their wedding. They were married in Egypt during his exile.

The couple have had 5 Children.

Uday Hussein (Born - June 28, 1964 - Died - July 22, 2003)

Qusay Hussein (Born - May 17, 1966 - Died - July 22, 2003)

Saddam married his second wife Samira Shahbandar, in 1993. There have been no political issues from this marriage. After the war, Samira fled to Beirut, Lebanon. She is believed to have mothered Hussein's sixth child Ali, but members of Hussein's family have contradicted this.

Saddam had allegedly married a third wife, Nidal al-Hamdani, the general manager of the Solar Energy Research Center in the Council of Scientific Research.

She bore him no children. Her current whereabouts are unknown.

Wafa el-Mullah al-Howeish is rumoured to have married Saddam as his fourth wife in 2002.

There is no firm evidence for this marriage. Wafa is the daughter of Abdul Tawab el-Mullah Howeish, a former minister of military industry in Iraq and Saddam's last deputy Prime Minister. There were no children from this marriage. Her current whereabouts are unknown.
คђmα∂(iś ḃacǩ)
2008-12-11 21:26:46 UTC
we cant mix-up up politics with religion and we r not the judges to trial someone so no need to discuss about level of faith of someone we have to think how good we are.

when we die Allah will not ask was saddam practicing muslim or not? but he ll ask how much practicing muslim u were.
2008-12-11 23:55:21 UTC
There were pictures of him praying in iraq... but no he is a killer and a worthless muslim just like osama bin laden
2014-08-26 12:48:35 UTC
Are we stil stupid??

those who lied to us by sayying he is a killer lets get rid of him just look at them now what are they doing?

were is IRAQ of Sadda, days and now

Can we stop this non sence
2008-12-11 20:42:04 UTC
I will second what Lion of Ali said and add that true Muslims also do not amass fortunes for themselves while other people exploited by a corrupt economic system and government live in ghettos.
Devil's Incarnation...
2008-12-11 20:30:18 UTC
Imaan is between a person and his God. Hence, we have no authority to judge a person's level of sincerity towards God.

Let us delve into ourselves and see how good are we practicing our own religions.

May God rest his soul in peace,
Staff of Moses عصى موسى
2008-12-11 20:57:00 UTC
Saddam in deep hell .

"Did most Iraqis hate Saddam or was it just what the American media wanted us to believe?"

Are you kidding ?

When Saddam l.a executed .

the iraqi all over the world celebrate .

The same with kuwaiti .

@ Islam4life

The Pharaoh when he was sinking with his army .

he believed in Allah swt

but is that make him a Muslim ?

Bismellah Al-Rahman Al-Raheem

وجاوزنا ببني اسرائيل البحر فاتبعهم فرعون وجنوده بغيا وعدوا حتى اذا ادركه الغرق قال امنت انه لا اله الا الذي امنت به بنو اسرائيل وانا من المسلمين

And We brought the Children of Israel across the sea, and Pharaoh with his hosts pursued them in rebellion and transgression, till, when the (fate of) drowning overtook him, he exclaimed: I believe that there is no Allah save Him in Whom the Children of Israel believe, and I am of those who surrender (unto Him). 10:90

And now look @ these holy verses :

كداب ال فرعون والذين من قبلهم كفروا بايات الله فاخذهم الله بذنوبهم ان الله قوي شديد العقاب

(Their way is) as the way of Pharaoh's folk and those before them; they disbelieved the revelations of Allah, and Allah took them in their sins. Lo! Allah is Strong, severe in punishment. 8:52

كداب ال فرعون والذين من قبلهم كذبوا بايات ربهم فاهلكناهم بذنوبهم واغرقنا ال فرعون وكل كانوا ظالمين

(Their way is) as the way of Pharaoh's folk and those before them; they denied the revelations of their Lord, so We destroyed them in their sins. And We drowned the folk of Pharaoh. All were evil-doers. 8:54

2008-12-11 20:35:03 UTC
He said the shahada when he was being hanged and that is all that matters, May Allaah(swt) forgive him and have mercy on him

His son was killed, May Allaah forgive and have mercy on them all.

Staff of Mosses: Saddam unlike firoun believed in Allaah and the Messenger, and we Muslims have a hadith that says whoever says the shahada will be admitted to paradise, now stop being so jealous. God willing he will be forgiven and admitted to Jannah, he paid a high price for his bad deeds he was hanged that is enough punishment.

The shahada is not easy to utter when dying only those who practice it and believe it have this tawfeeq and good ending. Now this is what I believe, you can believe whatever you want.
2008-12-11 20:37:20 UTC
To be honest, I think he was just Muslim by name.

How could he call himself a Muslim after all the bad things he did?
2008-12-11 21:14:31 UTC
I don't kmnow but all I would like to say is...we are no one to judge what people did...none of us are even sure if he killed them people...if he did that was bad but lets just let Allah decide and keep out of his buisness
PEACE (Hijab Kitty)trolls beware
2008-12-11 20:23:25 UTC
I read somewhere that he wasn't a practicing muslim till the end of his life so he could gain sympathy.
§uperdot is trapped in colours
2008-12-11 20:34:50 UTC
We can't say unless we all knew him personally. I don't think anyone here knew him personally. Also, it depends on what practicing is to you, and what it is to me.
2008-12-11 20:38:33 UTC
Practicing Muslims don't kill innocent people.

do you have any idea how many innocent people he killed?
2008-12-11 20:28:44 UTC


and he deserves it

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.