Saddam in deep hell .
"Did most Iraqis hate Saddam or was it just what the American media wanted us to believe?"
Are you kidding ?
When Saddam l.a executed .
the iraqi all over the world celebrate .
The same with kuwaiti .
@ Islam4life
The Pharaoh when he was sinking with his army .
he believed in Allah swt
but is that make him a Muslim ?
Bismellah Al-Rahman Al-Raheem
وجاوزنا ببني اسرائيل البحر فاتبعهم فرعون وجنوده بغيا وعدوا حتى اذا ادركه الغرق قال امنت انه لا اله الا الذي امنت به بنو اسرائيل وانا من المسلمين
And We brought the Children of Israel across the sea, and Pharaoh with his hosts pursued them in rebellion and transgression, till, when the (fate of) drowning overtook him, he exclaimed: I believe that there is no Allah save Him in Whom the Children of Israel believe, and I am of those who surrender (unto Him). 10:90
And now look @ these holy verses :
كداب ال فرعون والذين من قبلهم كفروا بايات الله فاخذهم الله بذنوبهم ان الله قوي شديد العقاب
(Their way is) as the way of Pharaoh's folk and those before them; they disbelieved the revelations of Allah, and Allah took them in their sins. Lo! Allah is Strong, severe in punishment. 8:52
كداب ال فرعون والذين من قبلهم كذبوا بايات ربهم فاهلكناهم بذنوبهم واغرقنا ال فرعون وكل كانوا ظالمين
(Their way is) as the way of Pharaoh's folk and those before them; they denied the revelations of their Lord, so We destroyed them in their sins. And We drowned the folk of Pharaoh. All were evil-doers. 8:54