please answer shia muslim?
2009-09-09 05:46:57 UTC
i don't understand alot of things in Islam as im quite a new muslim. When i ask shia questions it's just to understand your beliefs as ive been told they are completely wrong. So without anyone jumping down my throat with criticisms could you please answer some questions i have, just because i may think there wrong it doesn't mean you need to get offended everyone has there opinions.
first question- why do you make your head bleed?
why do you pray on a stone with one of the sahabah's name on it?
why do you curse Aisha (r.a.a), umar (r.a.d)
Fourteen answers:
لا فتى إلا علي
2009-09-09 07:40:13 UTC
Firstly: this question is addressed to SHIA muslims...right??? then why on earth others are replying on our behalf... that is your never-ending dictatorship, you have to control our thoughts and opinions and answer for us.

dear asker: in regards to your questions I shall answer them to MY knowledge as a SHIA muslim:

1-only few bleed their heads on the day of ashura to show sympathy for the tragic events of karbala caused by Allah's enemy Yazid the son of Mu'awya...he seiged the camp of imam Hussien(as) killed all his sons, his relatives sons, his friends...etc

the women were tied to ropes and were taken to different cities of Iraq, Syria, Lebanon..etc (remind you these women are the granddaughters of who???? the prophet(pbuh&hh))) ...up to this point if you think islam was still the same, then you are definately misguided..

2-we pray on stone because it is a different translation of the hadith we muslims share..(God made earth for me a place of sujud)... we translated earth as basically earth (sand, mud, stones, or what grows from it i.e plants leaves....etc) we do not pray on mats made by man in unnatural ways... we use any sand to make disk like shapes to pray on coz that way they are easy to take with you whenever, and you dont have to fill your room with sand...

we use though, the sands of karbala, because we think that site is holy(site of the great massacre), but we dont worship it...etc like some people would say..

3- we don't curse in the way you imagine but we condemn Aisha, Omar, and Abu Bakr

Aisha: for waging war against imam Ali leading to the deaths of 10,000s of muslims when she is supposed to be the mother of believers...(a mum that kills her children is not a great of a mother right??) she also declared hatered towards imam Ali(as) read her response when she heard he will be assigned a khalifa.....pretty weird huh??

HOWEVER WE DON'T CLAIM SHE CHEATED ON THE PROPHET AND MA GOD KILL THE ONES WHO SAYS THAT, im not saying that because I like aisha (in fact I dont) but i say it to defend the prophets reputaion as we know that the honor of prophets is protected by Allah(sw)...

the hadiths you will find in our books about how she cheated are taken from your books only to illustrate how you are stabbing the prophet's honor... i.e we condemn those hadiths in your books not support it.. (by the way the people who claimed she cheated were SAHABA, which obviously means not all sahaba were good...agree??)

as for the other 2 people Abu bakr and omar respectively:

we believe they conspired to steal khilafa from Ali(as), thus they purposely missed the prophet's funeral to go to the meeting..etc

as a proof notice when imam Ali(as) made alligance and how?? about 6 months later....why that long?? and WHAT HAPPENED ON THAT DAY???


wonder why the prophets daughter Fatima(as) the wife of Ali(as) dies in less than a couple of months after her father??? why happened and why she died?? why is omar connected to this??? coz we have evidence which u may never approve of that he was the reason for her death....

finally, read the speech of Fatima(as) which she made to the people, and you will find out why she died, and why shi'as are opressed and the real story about the sects...

wa ssalam
2016-05-19 06:22:27 UTC
Look, there are differences in Shi'ite and sunni belief. They are not major but the sticking point is the acceptance of the hadiths. Though some say this is a lie or that is a lie, they ought to remember that it is almost sinful to say something in ignorance. I am a Sunni yet I pray with Shi'ites in the same jammat. They pray to the same Allah, and love the prophet (saws) as I do. Because they believe differently of the Caliphate and the traditions, doesnt make them a different religion. Just as we accept other religions, it is important that we accept Shi'ism. Writing something like this is a Shia lie, is really bad, unless of course you are a scholar and have the evidence to justify your words. Islam frowns upon ignorance and blind belief, you must be able to justify everything you say or not say it at all. Edit: One thing does strike me- Shi'ites have a major quality. I have spoken to many, and it seems to me that they know Islam better than (most not all) the Sunni's I speak to. They are able to quote the Quran well and justify everything they say. Though I don't agree with the justifications (the wudu wiping/washing feet argument for example), they at least can give you something to chew on. Isn't this something we should learn from...?
Nikhil W
2009-09-09 09:09:52 UTC
if u want to know abt shiaism then go to some website or google ur queries coz we are not here to show differences and disunity among us

i am tired of repeating this but ppl wont listen.

islam bashers like TOM might be laughing right now yet u guys keep asking such questions

2009-09-09 07:02:13 UTC
@الله أكبر : first let me point out to u that no shia beleives ayesha commited adultery. we believe she disobeyed the prophet (Saw) after his death, but not that she commited adultery. hence showing that you did not get ur "facts" from shia books.

and secondly, we have tried to use shia sources before, but the response has been that "sunnis do not accept it, simply because its a shia source". by using ur ahadith, we only go to show that sunni reject their own books.

but im not here to pick arguments, you obviously feel like it since you have edited at me twice today, and for everyone else's sake i ignored you the first time. if you want such debate email me, because otherwise this may only escalate into more questions...and then we all know what happens.

EDIT: wow, my answer with my other account (which should have been above)..containing all the shia points of view got reported...i wonder why...
Staff of Moses عصى موسى
2009-09-09 10:22:30 UTC
As-Salam Alaikom

I don`t know why they answer , I mean they are Sunni and you asked shia to answer.

I think they are afraid reverting to Shia Islam after knowing the Truth .

thats why they answer .


I think you know about Imam Hussain a.s tragedy

Prophet Jacob a.s cried on his son Joseph a.s until he became totally blind !!

"And he turned away from them and said: Alas, my grief for Joseph! And his eyes were whitened with the sorrow that he was suppressing. " 12:84

And by making some blood go out of our buddies is NOTHING to our Master Hussain a.s :)

we read the following statement which is considered to be the words of Imam Abu Abdullah [as]:

وقد شققن الجيوب ولطمن الخدود الفاطميات على الحسين بن علي عليهما السلام، وعلى مثله تلطم الخدود وتشق الجيوب.

"The Fatimi women tore the front opening of their shirts and beat their cheeks over Hussain bin Ali (as) and to do this for some one like him, it is permissible to beat the cheek and tear the front opening of the shirt".

Tahdib al-Ahkam, Volume 8 page 325



When Imam Ja'far al-Sadiq (as) was asked about the philosophy behind prostrating on the earth, he said:

"Because prostration is surrendering and humiliation to the Almighty. Therefore, it shouldn't be on what is worn and eaten because people are slaves of what they eat and wear, and prostration is worshipping of Allah, so one should not put his forehead during prostration on that which is worshipped by the people (food and clothing) and that which conceits people."

Wasa'il al-Shi'ah, Vol 3 page 591



We curse what the Imam a.s and the Prophat PBUHHF cursed .

And the Quraan Cursed the Hypocrites .

Btw this is a website of People revert to Shia Islam (The True Path )

And this is a good W.S. for answering your Questions .

The sky cried on Imam Hussain a.s from History Books
2009-09-09 07:36:21 UTC
1. Its Matam, where we mourn Imam Hussian (as) and his companions who were martyred on the plain of Karbala where they made a stand against Yazid's army (Yazid beingMuawiya's debached tyrannical son who wanted to be endorsed as the Amir ul Monineen by Imam Hussein (as) and thus gain a holy status for himself and his dynasty in the eyes of the public).

Matam is the tradition we follow of the women of the prophet's household like Bibi Zainab, who wept and struck themselves in grief over the murder of their loved ones.

The Matam of Chains, I heard, was stated by Mukhtar, a rebel against Yazid who was imprisoned during the time Karbala, When he heard of the murder of Imam Hussain he was over come with rage and grief and beat himself bloody with his chains

The Imams mourned and encouraged us to mourn the tragedy of Karbala so that people never forget that time, when the grandson of prophet muhammad (pbuh) was killed by those who claimed claimed leadership over the ummah. So that no one forgets the sacrifice of Imam Hussein(as) who chose to lose everything he had, rather than submit to a corrupt tyrant and legitimize his rule and open the door to Islam becoming a religion revolving around a monarchy.

Please note that different Shia jurists have different opinions of Matan, some thinking its completely wrong, so thinking its only wrong if you go to far and make yourself bleed.Generally its us Shias from the subcontinent who go the whole horse with the blades, I guess we are people with more passion.

2. That stone we rest our forehead on while prostrating is called the Turba or Sajdagah, It is the Sunnah of the Prophet (pbuh) that during prayer you rest your head on stone, or leaves, something natural, why we use stones decorated with the name of a sahabi, well its not any Sahabi, i guess your talking about Imam Ali(as) who was by far the best of the sahaba and was the first Imam.And we love him.

3. Why do some shia curse? well its because Ayesha and Umar, in our opinion were opportunists, who conspired to usurp the Caliphate for themselves and the Ummaya clan. Umar injured Hazrat Fatima (as), when he became Khalifa made a lot of changes such as praying tarvih, or the whole dhimmi law thing. Ayesha had Abu Bakar give her Hazrat Fatima's land in Fadak and when Imam Ali(AS) was chosen by the people as Khalifa, she raised an army of her tribesmen and wnt to war against him who was legitimate ruler of the Muslim nation, read about the battle of the camel.

We Shia believe in real history not happy happy fairy tales, and we follow those who were selected by our prophet(pbuh) to be the guides for the Ummah. We follow the Imams rather than this and that lapdog yes-men scholars of the old monarchies that the Sunnis base themselves upon.
2009-09-09 06:05:41 UTC
there is a word in English Dictionary which is Called "Status"

You Know Islam have picked Status for every person . Regarding the Status of Bibi Ayesha She is the Wife of our beloved Holy Prophet .

but in Shia'Ism we see the Status of Every person with the intensity of Loyalty with the Holy Prophet and Allah Subhanotallah .

This is a Long story of Split but for now I will only tell you one thing which will help you to be more curios .

Your Name is Maryam . Maryam Mother of Essa AS .

When Maryam was about to birth Essa She tries to Enter in Kabah but she was refussed because Allah Have Said Maryam this a Pure Site . But when Fatima Bint Asaad Mother of Imam Ali Al Murtaza about to Birth Mola Ali al Murtaza she was asked to come in the Kabah of Allah Tallah . the wall Splits and a Path was cleared for the Mother of Ameer al Momineen .

If you think that break of Kabah Wall is not Shown after 1400 you are wrong . In fact it is very clear that the Saudi Arabian Government is fighting hard to hide what Shias Believe in Search internet you'll find that
2009-09-09 05:58:57 UTC
good Qs i hope they answer

but for reading


But there are more things in their books which is 180 degree with Islam, I name here only:

Usolul Kafi book, part one
2009-09-09 07:42:00 UTC
my answer got reported so im posting it again :)

"[B] why do they pray on a stone

►well shia have a lot of pagan routine,they love a person to the point of worship,they ask help from their imams,they regarded them as higher from prophets and angels(but not higher from prophet muhammad(pbuh)),they give their imams Allah(swt) attributes.....basically other then their wrong aqida they commit acts of shirik

[C] why do they hate Aisha(ra)

►there was a battle happended between aisha and imam ali(ra) but it wasn't no ones fault and they work things out after,but shia who love alot ali to the extrem hate anyone that had an issue with ali,even though the matter was solved and it was a misunderstanding,they claim that she disobeyed the prophet(pbuh)....all lies,they do not regard her or other wife's of the prophet(pbuh) from ahlul bayt even though the qur'an is clear abt this matter,wife's of the prophet(pbuh) are from ahlul bayt,and if they deny their hate to her then they are doing taqyya i.e lying which is a tenet of their believe,their ayatollah accuse her of fabricating Hadith which is another act of Kufr.

Fabricating Hadith is considered Kufr by both the Sunni and Shia Ulema! It is unfortunate that she is called a Kaffir when Allah Himself declares her a believer:

•••►“Surely those who love to spread around slander about those who believe will have a painful punishment in this world and in the next world; and Allah knows and you do not know.” (Quran, 24:19)

►Moreover, Allah declares Aisha to be a “good believer”: “Verily, those who accuse chaste women, who never even think of anything touching their chastity and are good believers, are cursed in this life and in the Hereafter, and for them will be a great torment.” (Quran, 24:23)

[D] why do they hate umar(ra)

shia fabricate all kind of lies abt umar(ra),all that bcz he became caliph before ali(ra),shia actually hate all first 3 companions cz they became khaliph before ali(ra) and they regard them as kafir (astaghfirullah) they tell lies like umar attaked aisha and killed her unborn baby,that's not true,no one would dare to attak prophet(pbuh) daughter(ra),also how could her husband ali(ra) say nothing abt that,see they make him look like a coward !!...umar came to her house but never attaked her !!


►hope i answered ur Q,thx for asking,salam
2009-09-09 06:30:53 UTC
dude above me: do you actually know what those two words mean because your accusation is really wrong to the meaning of those words... unless youve met the sister personally and she is like that which i doubt it

to asker: Shia are meant to hide their faith they will tell you something that isnt 100% true it could be half true of what they actually believe but the details will be fuzzy.


from their books


Beating the head: To show grief at the Martydom of Ali(ra),Hussan(ra),Hussien(ra)

- Usul Kafi (Shia Ahadith)

Stone thingy aka Turbah: They say its a holy stone and its from Karbala where Hussan(ra) was martyed.

- Furu Kafi(Shia Ahadith)

insulting Aisha(ra): Because they say she commited Adultery and She cheats on the Prophet(as) and her father is more worse then Shaytaan

-Usul Kafi(Shia Ahadith)

-Furu Kafi(Shia Ahadith)

insulting Umar(ra): Because he "snatched" the Kalipha from Ali(ra) same reason why they hate Uthman(ra) and also they think Abu Bakr(ra), Umer(ra) and Uthman(ra) didnt give the Ahlul Bayt their rights.

- Usul Kafi(Shia Ahadith)

-Furu Kafi(Shia Ahadith)

@Elda: before you comment this comes from your two biggest Ahadith - The Shia ones... :)

btw why did you take sunni Ahadith when youre a Shia and you people say our Ahadith is bull....?and its unauthentic ect ect:

Why didnt you use own Ahadith?
2009-09-09 07:42:23 UTC
No doubt, Shia brothers and sisters beat themselves to show there love and they have certain supporting Authentic Ahadith too...some are mentioend by Elda..but I think she didn't mention the Hadith in which A sahabi broke his teeth (all) when he heard about the Matyred of a tooth of Prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him) in a Ghazwa...

he did it in order to go through the same pain as he thinks that Prophet Mohammad went through because of this...He did it in love...

But the other Ahadith which is mentioned in favour of beating...doesn't prove that beating one's own self so that his whole body bleeds is allowed...or beating one' sown self with knives or sharp intruments is allowed

There is a difference between slaping and beating...

slaping is allowed (no-doubt about it) but beating as Prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him) ordered to beat the person who came after drinking alocohol is quite different thing...

The intensity of beating in case of slaping and bleeding is quite different..

Even if we believe that there is some room of beating proved from Ahadith,, but nowhere it is mentioned that one should make it a religious ritual....

Second thing is ......why Shia brother (who believe in showing their love in this way) beats themselves only in Majalis or in Moharram..why don't they make it a routine practice....or does that mean that in daily life they don't bother to show their love..

And, ofcourse one can bleed himself only if he loves someone too much and I have no doubt about their love ( if they say so)...But why all of their love appears only in these sort of rituals not in daily life interactions and business matters...

They are in great love as compared to ordinary person like me, so if I do something against the teaching of my Imam, though I should not but as my love is not that much strong that I can beat myself in love, it is understandable...but shia brothers and sisters are in great love ...then why they forget their great love in daily routine life by going against the teachings of Ahl-e-bait..

Did ever Hazrat Ali said any such words which today shia say about our Mother Hazrat Ayesha ?

Did ever Hazrat Ali ever said that Caliphate was my right and hazrat Abu bakkar took that while I was busy in the funeral of Prophet Mohammad (Peace be upon him)?

Don't you think that by saying this that Hazrat ALi kept quite for the sake of muslim unity but wrote something in a are blaming hazrat ALi of having dual personaltiy? (Naooz billah)

Did ever Hazrat ALi asked you people to talk about the wife of Prophet Mohammad (peace be upon him) like the way shia brothers talk?

If you first Imam never asked you to do that...then who are you to go beyond the teachings of your First Imam??

What do you think that if Hazrat Ali come today and listen what ever shia brothers say about our Mother, will he join shia brother in that act or will he stop them from doing so? or will he just stop them from doing so in a polite manner or a harsh manner or even by force??

Whatever those people did with eachother is their family matter...

Servants are not allowed to indulge in any family matter of their Bosses..neither they are allowed to say any word against any side (right or wrong)...Family will deal it by themselves....

and we all are servant ....

Allah knows best.......
2009-09-09 06:17:39 UTC
cursing the sahaba is kufr, attacking fellow muslims is also kufr, i think jews and christians have more respect for islam than sunni and shia have for islam.

You are completely acting like a w-h-o-r-è trying to provoke muslims, behave yourself s-l-u-T
Think Tanker
2009-09-09 06:10:19 UTC
Try this site
2009-09-09 07:29:36 UTC
[A] why do they hit themselves

►Hussain (ra) decided to send his cousin Muslim Ibn Aqil (ra) to investigate the situation in Kufa. Ibn Aqil (ra) arrived in Dhul Qada where he stayed with Ibn Awsajah al-Asadi. The Kuffans met Ibn Aqil (ra) and pledged the support of 12,000 Shia’t Ali of Kufa. They promised to fight with and to protect Hussain (ra) with their lives and all they possessed. When the number who pledged support rose to 18,000 Kufans, Ibn Aqil (ra) felt confident enough to dispatch a messenger to Hussain (ra) informing him of the bayat (oath of allegiance) of the Kuffans, and urged him to proceed from Mecca and relocate his base to Kufa. So Hussain (ra) and his near ones began the trek to Kufa.

►When Muawiyyah (ra) died, however, his son Yezid declared himself the new Caliph, in violation of the agreement settled with Hasan (ra) which stated that Hussain (ra) would be Caliph. This angered the Shias of Kufa. So it was that in Ramadan 60 A.H. that the Kuffans sent letter after letter from Kufa to Mecca where Hussain (ra) was staying after his flight from Medinah. The Kuffans assured Hussain (ra) of their loyalty and allegiance to him; they had not accepted Yezid as leader whom they resented.

to make a long story short

►Yezid thereupon dispatched 4,000 soldiers to intercept Hussain (ra ). These 4,000 soldiers were actually on their way to fight the Daylamites, but Yezid re-routed them to Karbala. These 4,000 soldiers passed through Kufa. The Kuffans witnessed the departure of this force from Kufa with their own eyes, full well knowing they were headed to Karbala to intercept Hussain (ra). This would be the Kuffans’ last chance to honor the oaths of allegiance to Hussain (ra) which they had taken upon the hands of his cousin Muslim ibn Aqil (ra). This was the final opportunity to rush to the side of the grandson of the Prophet and protect the Ahlel Bayt. It was after all the invitations and assurances of support from the Shia of Kufa that encouraged Hussain (ra) to abandon the safety of Mecca for Kufa. But once again faithfulness, courage and commitment was found lacking in the Shia of Kufa. Only a handful emerged to join Hussain ( ra) at Karbala. Hussain (ra) would comment:

“Our Shia have deserted us.”

►The Shia of Kufa outnumbered Yezid’s men 18,000 to 4,000. Actually, the number was greater than 18,000; 18,000 was simply the number of men who had pledged Bayat (oath of allegiance) to protect Hussain (ra). Had they wanted to, the Shia of Kufa could have defeated Yezid’s men and protected Hussain (ra). But instead, they did nothing but watch from afar with cowardice. The Shia of today will eulogize this day and talk about how 71 men fought against 4,000 of Yezid’s troops. Where did the other 18,000 go?

►►Al-Tawwabun (The Penitents)

►Four years after the massacre of Karbala, the Shia of Kufa attempted to make ammends for their desertion of Hussain (ra). They called themselves the Al-Tawwabun, which translates to “the Penitents.” This group went to Karbala to comemmorate Hussain (ra), and here it was that they began Matam, with loud mourning, lamenting, and self-flagellation. These Tawwabun hit themselves to punish themselves for the cowardice that they had shown that led to their Imam’s death just four years earlier. This is the origin of the Shia ritual of Matam. It is altogether amusing how the Shia never really wonder where this barbaric custom started from or why it started in the first place. Little do they know that it is a testament to this day of how they killed their own Imam, and how their whole religion is centered around a false commitment to the Ahlel Bayt.

►To this day, the Shia still commemorate Ashura by doing Matam (self-flagellation). This ritual was passed down the generations by the Al-Tawwabun (the Penitents) showing us that the Shia of today originate from the same Shia of Kufa who betrayed Hussain (ra). The very reason that the Shia beat themselves is to punish themselves for this betrayal of the Ahlel Bayt.

►The Shia betrayed Ali (ra), Hasan (ra), Hussain (ra), and Zayd ibn Ali ibn Hussain (ra). The irony is not lost that the Shia claim to be lovers of the Ahlel Bayt and yet historically they have betrayed them and lead to the deaths of Ali (ra), Hussain (ra), and Hussain’s grandson (ra).

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.