I want to convert to Islam, but...?
2015-11-01 15:59:54 UTC
My parents are Islamophobic.
I have an online friend from Tunisia, who happens to be muslim. He introduced me to the religion and I felt connected. I was talking about maybe meeting him one day in the future. As soon as they found out he was Muslim, they said things like "you can't go to Tunisia because you'll never come back" (hinting at me joining ISIS? No!! They don't understand muslims aren't terrorists and it's a religion of peace).
They don't understand the religion, but I want to tell them so I can officially convert, go to the mosque, wear hijabi, and take part in Ramadan.
They always make bad references about muslims and I'm sure they'll disown me if I tell them. I'm a 16 year old girl. I don't want to wait to convert, but I'm terrified. What do I do?
236 answers:
2015-11-01 21:10:40 UTC
All the religions are good. I think you have not understand your current religion well enough. Furthermore if you are aware, all religion does not teach us on war or quarrelling with others but only the followers are doing it. For example why does most Islam countries quarrel with others. Is there any particular reason? Is there a real reason why there was 9/11 incident. From my point of view, the 9/11 happened because the Islam want them to be recognised in the eyes of the world. How foolish a person want to go and comit suicide on the 9/11 incident. The bottomline is Islam always want them to be recognised doesn't matter in what way. Another thing Christianity, Hinduism, Chinese are among the largest religion in this world, Does anyone of them have problem with each other? The summary of this is if you wan to learn good thing stick to your current religion and learn more about it..
2015-11-03 18:22:30 UTC
Yeesh. All the prejudice on here is helluva' lot of feck. Honestly, if you're not going there and he's not coming to marry you, then it's your choice! I'm a Catholic, my sister is an Atheist and my wife is Wiccan! It's not like anyone can stop you!

One word of warning though, do not let him try and manipulate you. If he is just a friend, do not fall for anything else like a visit or what have you. That's an age old trick to get people to go there and marry.'re 16? I mean, it's your choice but I didn't make up my mind until I was at least 20 or so. Just make sure you research other faiths too before you commit yourself to it. Look into Sikhism and other faiths too, even Maronites and Coptics have similar ideals and are "people of the book" to Islam. Maybe that's the middle ground?
Lindsey Loo
2015-11-03 18:45:04 UTC
Technically because you are 16 legally you can't convert until you are 18 because your parents still make that decision over you. If they won't let you then you can't be legally recognized as Muslim but spiritually you can be. I would suggest meeting muslins in your area and studying with people who really know what they're talking about. Independent research can only go so far and it's always best to hear things straight from the source. Study and really make sure this is what you want and use it as a chance to warm your parents up to the idea. Once you are 18 or you can make your parents understand your faith feel free to be who you are.

Good luck.
2015-11-03 00:37:19 UTC
If there have been emotional issues in your past then I would suggest a good counselor or psychologist rather than a change of religion. Sort yourself out first than once you have some good emotional boundaries in place look at the religion that interests you.

'...I want to convert to Islam...'

What is it about Islam that appeals to you? Honestly. Write this out. Is the appeal due to it's teachings or more because your 'friend' introduced it to you?

'... I am not converting because of him! I do not love him. He is a friend and we're not even very close anymore...'

...Anymore! So he was something to you at one stage?

'...Update 5: By the way, I am not going to meet him....'

yet earlier on you said

'... I felt connected. I was talking about maybe meeting him one day in the future...'

You are contradicting yourself. Hence, you are lying. And possibly to yourself.

Yes, I have read other responses and seen your other questions. He (your mate in Tunisia) features in these as well. He has insulted you, asked you to change yet will not disclose what it is about you that you need to change, insisted that you become closer despite the relationship only being new. He does the hot cold of insulting you then complimenting you. He flits with you and threatens you.

'...Update 2: I have been reading the Qur'an and researching by myself for weeks, I know what it's about...'

I am sure you do. Here is something I think you would be better researching. Domestic Violence. Much of what he is doing is done in domestic violence situations. It is about control. Also look at Emotional Manipulation. If you have been abused when you were younger then you are much more open to emotional manipulation. Look up Cialdini's 6 weapon's of influence. Don't use these to manipulate but to identify when you are being manipulated.

There is a book called 'Captive Hearts, Captive Minds'. it is about mind control and cults. I am not saying Islam is a cult, what I am saying is this guy is using many of the tactics in this book to manipulate you.

Many really good questions on Yahoo Answers have some crazy terrible answers. In your case you have had some fantastic answers. Especially in regards to the one about your ex (eg fool in Tunisia) insulting you. Go back and look at those answers. Please take them on board.
2015-11-03 17:08:58 UTC
I think you should wait till your an adult and make a decision. Whatever you decide, your parents will hopefully still accept you. The only thing i can tell you now is, don't let anyone discourage you by saying it's a bad religion because they are just people who are ignorant and arogant. So if you want to find out the truth about islam, read the quran and talk to religious leaders, not random people who say they know what they're talking about. And one last thing, people will accept you if you do decide to convert for the right reasons.
2015-11-02 16:38:32 UTC
Before you join Islam first read the Koran and the Hadith. Red the for yourself without anyone coloring what you read.Most say the best translation is the Noble Koran. You can even find copies on the Internet but a book is better in my opinion. There are certain versus where some Koran's say Kill the Infidel wherever you find him and others say fight instead of kill. Look up on Google translates or other translate programs the world for kill and the word for fight and you decide for yourself which it should be. The Jesus in the Koran is called Isa and it is claimed he did not die on the cross but a likeness was put in his place. It is hard to find any of his teachings in the Koran. Moses in the Koran does not bring down the tablets with the ten commandments on them. It is hard to find a complete set of Hadith as they are very numerous but you can find many Hadith and they tell the story of the life of Mohamed. You will discover that he married the daughter of his best friend when she was six years old, Aisha and consummated the marriage when she had her first menses at the age of 9. Some Muslims try to claim she was older than 6 but many agree and use the fact to marry child brides themselves in Yemen, Afghanistan and many other Islamic countries. When you read the Koran and Hadith you will discover these and many other facts about Islam that are not widely known by the general public or eve the media and politicians. If you join Islam without reading their texts for yourself you are choosing a path in your life without researching it in other words going into it blindly and would you do this in choosing a college or buying a car or a career? No it would be foolish and for such a decision in the world to day where Muslims are killing each other and others on a massive scale would be insanity. Now you say Islam is peace.When you read the Koran look for the "Peace" in the Koran. And the koran constantly says Allah is merciful. When you read the Koran seek out instances of Allah's mercy.

I just noted your update so if you have not discovered what I referred to look back at the points I made. And you have not mentioned the Hadith they are very important to Islam so read them. Also the two major sects and Shia and Sunni. Have you studied the difference and decided which faction you want to join. There are also many other sects but these are the two major sects that cause most of the fighting between Muslims.
2015-11-02 08:33:43 UTC
Just because your parents dislike Islam does not make them Islamophobic - it makes them realist. As a teenager is it your job to rebel against society and parents and you are suppose to believe that you know more then all adults in your life. Well done you are doing as you are suppose to.

In a few more years you'll grow up and realize you were actually really stupid as a teenager. Don't worry, most people go through this stage. Making it alive, to the next stage of your life should be your priority right now. Flirting with a dangerous religion like Islam is probably not the best course of action. It is fine to explore but don't make any commitments until you are old enough to understand the consequences of your actions.
2015-11-02 18:13:51 UTC
As a Muslim it's better to wait until you are not in your parents' care anymore. Even if their wishes goes directly against Islam, it's one of the highest priorities to obey your parents while they care for you. The best way that you could convince them that Islam is not a terrorist religion and more a religion of peace is through your actions, the media at this point is going to be stronger than words. You are a very courageous person to think like this, and you have to do decide what is going to be best for yourself and your family. If you are afraid of them disowning you then it would be better for you to wait, because then you would be able to do your own actions without their influence. It would be really hard, but you won't stop loving them (nor they will to you) and you will have learned a valuable life lesson. Keep understanding everyone's perspective, and you will be surprised how easy it will be to move on after that. Do what you feel like is best for you and your family, take whatever piece of advice will benefit you, and may Allah shine His guidance upon you.
2015-11-05 09:03:02 UTC
You can be any religion you want because that is solely 100% your decision and no one else's no matter what their opinion is. It's only between you and God, or Allah, depending on what language you wanna use to say his name. Excluding the extremists that give the whole religion a bad name the only major difference between Christianity and Islam is that Muslims do not believe Jesus was was the son of God but a profit. Other than that they're pretty much the same beliefs. Ignore everyone's uneducated hatefulness simply because they don't understand something and they're sheep so the just follow and believe what they hear. And also remember that God hates religion. Too much bad comes from it which is why I believe it's best not to put a label on it. Just know what you believe is right from wrong and talk to God. Good luck!
2015-11-02 12:20:32 UTC
My Dear, don't worry.

You don't need to go to Tunisia to learn Islam. As long as you have the Qur'an, you shall be guided.

Allah has spoken to you and you have listened.

There is a lot of negativity regarding Islam on the internet.

Do not listen to these people who say that you're just a kid who feels the need to rebel against her parents. Maybe you are, but that doesn't disqualify the fact that you are right.

For the moment, I say, listen to your parents, stay with them, respect them, for that is one the principles of Islam. Study Islam, from authentic books and sources. Gain knowledge. It's very easy if you have the will.

By the way, be wary of people who might be potentially harmful for you while in the guise of Muslims offering religious teachings. Your friend sounds like a good person but always be on the lookout. There are a lot of black sheep among the Muslim community.

Anyhow, May Allah guide you and Bless you. Don't feel disheartened. Remember, Allah is always there, even if the whole world is against you.

My Skype ID is mrmysteryman.ktk - contact me if you ever feel the need to talk or gain Islamic knowledge though I'm no expert either. Just a mere student, like you.
2015-11-02 02:02:21 UTC
The answer is already in your heart, you just need to let it come out with the help of deep concentration.

You can seek lights and guidance of Islam from anywhere anytime. Going anywhere i.e. Tunisia is not compulsory if you want to convert to Islam. When anyone starts searching the path of God, in the meanwhile God also starts showering tons of love, mercy, wisdom on the heart and mind of that person. Today, Internet is one of the best resources we have. You can google, Youtube, and can seek online guidance from many Muslim scholars, there are thousands of People serving humanity and spreading the wisdom. You will find complete information from teachings to practices. You can seek complete knowledge and then you can be a role model for many others whom you find the same situation in which you are right now.
2015-11-02 17:19:47 UTC
Assalamu Alaikum,

I just wanted to let you know there no age that grants for permission to convert. So people who say your too young, are probably just against it. I know a friend who converted to Islam at just 15 and his parents were against it at first, but soon warmed up to it. If you want to go ahead with this conversion, then you shouldn't be held back. At the end of the day God will judge you for the choices you've made, not for the ones you could've made.

Good luck Brother and may Allah guide you to the right path.
2015-11-02 08:23:00 UTC
You are a child yourself. You are going through what all children go through, rebellion against their parents and culture. However, be grateful you can rebel because in other countries you would be beaten severely for saying these things.

Have you ever been to Tunisia? I have. Have you decided you could live in those conditions? You must know a gunman killed many europeans on the beach not that long ago? So do you think you would be welcome? You would have to wear clothes covering your body completely - not ust for a party or bit of fun but every day, day in and out or face the consequences.

The other point is, this man who is skyping you - I dont spose he has mentioned that he would love to live in england has he? We hear so often of young or old women being fooled by people just looking for a visa into europe.

Ok, you choose islam as your rebellion rather than punk, skinheads, mods or rockers but remember those phases pass for young people and they are still safe in their own countries with people who love them. Choosing a religion as a fad is not on, its a very very serious decision and one which will be difficult to return from.
2015-11-02 13:26:48 UTC
Don't become muslim it would be like killing yourself look i live in generally muslim country I was muslim but then realised that islam is not really good religion it doesn't let you do whatever you want islam doesn't let people question things it wants you to stay naive and believe everything people say also you can understand this religion is fake even if you use your logic allah is the moon god from arabian mythology if you want to convert a religion research the religions most of the people who converted to islam regret because they become muslim reading quran they didn't know how most of the muslims were please think about it
2015-11-02 09:45:45 UTC
First thing's first, I just want to say that your courage is amazing and I'm so inspired that you have decided to join a beautiful religion. I can see that your parents may not have thought about the good sides of islam, as there are many, but are usually out shined by the bad. My advice to you is to sit down with them and explain to them calmly what you would like to do. Start off by talking about you doing your own research, so they do not believe that your choices are simply based off of a boy you met online. Show them the good parts of Islam, rather than just letting them believe what they do already. Also, think about the travelling to Tunisia. Why are you going there in the first place? Is it only to meet the guy? If it is, maybe you can decide on meeting somewhere more understandable for your parents, and more appropriate for them. If it is not, maybe you and your parents could compromise and you could go to another islamic country to experience it for yourself. There are lots of places you can visit! But Tunisia is an extremely beautiful country, so if you ever get the chance to, please visit (not from there- no bias), just maybe not on the first try, and please, please do not take half of the things answered on here seriously. almost all of what they are saying about Islam is completely not true, as a muslim myself (don't worry, no biases here). Yes, there are some things about women's rights that I do not agree with completely, but I still stick by this religion, because it is still the religion of peace, and you can see that by reading the qu'ran. I wish you the best of luck, and I hope that you can convert to this beautiful religion with your parents support, and maybe even convince them to convert themselves (long run i know) :)
2015-11-04 05:47:15 UTC
Almost all women who 'convert' to the religion of hate, misogyny, violence and repression, wil at some time in the near future regret bitterly their decision to do so. And, if you are foolish enough to be taken in by your Tunisian 'friend' then it will be the last decision you are ever allowed to make, for ever after all decisions will be made for you, and you will have no choice, you will obey, or probably be killed if you refuse.

Please don't do it, it might sound attractive to a wet behind the ears kid, but Islam is hardball fundamentalism from which there is no escape.

Enjoy your life, don't throw it away for some sand monkey with a silver tongue.
2015-11-04 08:32:08 UTC
Islam is a very peaceful religion, it has nothing to do with all the crap people are talking about, well it is a very peaceful religion, in the five pillars it is included that you have to believe in all prophets, which means that you have to believe and be respectful to all the religions. Overall, I want you to know that every single person has their own way of understanding islam, some people are extremely violent and kill with the name of islam, and others are extremely different, they might not pray, be a bad person, you never know. But most importantly, is to not be on neither the black or white side, be on the gray side, pray and fast and be a nice person. Even if you cant convert that god always looks to our intentions, not our actions, because he knows how we feel and what we want to do, but the culture is always opposing us and proving us wrong.
2015-11-03 19:04:40 UTC
Try going without any religion for a year or two then see what you think or if you feel deeply connected with that religion why not explore other religions before committing to just one? It's kind of like marriage, it's best to wait and think about it before jumping in too quickly. Whirlwind marriages often end badly, it takes a little time to learn if a deeper commitment is what both want. Religion can be that way too. Just like dating when you are young it is wrong to commit too seriously to a relationship before you find out too late that as you grow your thinking and aspirations in life will change. Once committed it can be difficult if not painful to extricate yourself from such a serious commitment. Don't rule out exploring other belief systems as a sound means of assuring yourself that you are making the right commitment. You need a strong understanding of why all of the other beliefs are not right for you and yet those beliefs are right for the people who follow them. It may also help you learn why some people are unable to follow any belief. I hope you find peace but you are not in a race to find it, take your time.
2015-11-02 15:04:37 UTC
You are too young to really understand what converting to Islam really means. Trust your parents, they have your best interest at heart. Learn about Islam. Read the Quran. Read books that challenge Islam. At 18, if you still feel the same, then convert. Please stay out of middle eastern countries. It is not safe, especially for an American woman. You can't trust anyone on the internet. Beware, learn more, be grateful that you have parents who care about you.
2015-11-02 10:52:44 UTC
This is a very interesting question. If i was you, i would follow what my heart and soul tell me. I am a Muslim and i have had no regrets in my life about choosing my religion. There are many things in this world which science will never be able to explain (such as the existential question) and Islam is the only religion which seems to explain these unanswered questions the best - in my opinion. I believe that if you have researched well into Islam and believe it to be to path into heaven, follow it. Why should your parents have an impact of your wellbeing and beliefs through stereotypes and prejudice?
2015-11-03 04:05:52 UTC
The answer is already in your heart, you just need to let it come out with the help of deep concentration.

You can seek lights and guidance of Islam from anywhere anytime. Going anywhere i.e. Tunisia is not compulsory if you want to convert to Islam. When anyone starts searching the path of God, in the meanwhile God also starts showering tons of love, mercy, wisdom on the heart and mind of that person. Today, Internet is one of the best resources we have. You can google, Youtube, and can seek online guidance from many Muslim scholars, there are thousands of People serving humanity and spreading the wisdom. You will find complete information from teachings to practices. You can seek complete knowledge and then you can be a role model for many others whom you find the same situation in which you are right now.............
2015-11-03 21:50:39 UTC
A reply to Shawn !!

Islam is not a small religion and does not need promotion !

My dear friend welcome to Islam , God will reward you with love !!

All other religions that has a book , such as Christianity, Jew, and couple others are religions of God, but I consider Islam as the last and most updated religion of all , things such as Alcohol being forbidden , praying 5 times a day, keeping your beauty for your husband, giving donations to the poor, believing God has NO son and family, being honest, not charging interest and many updates, which make Islam the updated version of all .

Although , we as Muslims have full respect for all other past Prophets and religions .

One important thing for our new buddy is that , whenever someone translates Quran, they make a small mistake somewhere . From what I understand the part that says " Kill Kafirs " it was part of the time , when Muhammad was asked this question " Muhammad , you said not to kill none Muslims during the war when enemies were captured alive , after we release them , they come back to kill us " and that was the time that muhammad ordered ti kill . Now the word " Kafir " does NOT mean Christians or other religions from the past, Kafir was referred to the people who would worship statues or Gods . You Made the right choice , goto Wiki and type " List of people who converted to Islam " You'll be shocked !
2015-11-02 19:25:38 UTC
I would reconsider. You are young and (Obviously) too ignorant to make this adult choice. Your life as a Muslim will be horrible. At 16 years old you are far too old to become a wife of a Muslim. You are far older than the 8 year olds Muslims prefer as wives. To the average Muslim man you are an old maid. Plus you may be required to undergo female genital mutilation or "Female circumcision" which trust me, you WON'T like. Then there is the burka.... Before you make the choice I suggest that you take 2 weeks. Week 1 don't shower for the entire week. Without showering for Week 2, wear nothing but a burlap bag over your head and body with an eyehole cut out of it. And then try to imagine living like this for the rest of your (Very short) life in a climate where the temperature hits 100 degrees every day.
2015-11-02 22:06:46 UTC
If converting to Islam or Muslim or believing in Allah is what trully makes you happy down to your heart, do it. Don't worry about what ANYBODY will say. Do it because you have found your faith. If this is something that makes you feel complete as a person then be happy. A lot of people aren't always going to agree with the decisions you make for yourself but hey they are nobody to judge you and it's your life, you're the one who is going to have to put up with your decisions. Do what makes you happy 😊
2015-11-03 14:22:42 UTC
I felt compelled to comment because I feel bad for you. Some of the comments are so ignorant it's unbelievable (the guy saying Chinese is a religion springs to mind) and you've taken a lot of beating.

Really look deep into the religion and the culture surrounding it. Get in contact with local groups. You're lucky if you live in Birmingham or Leeds. Up here in Glasgow 7% of people are Muslim so anywhere you go you will find people like you.

As for your parents, you are your own person; not your parents', not the Tunisian friend's, you make your own choices in life. If they dislike it, stuff them. Don't be swayed by your friend though.

Please remember, like marriage, this decision should be for life. Think of when you're 70, will you be happy with how you are? Regardless of where you end up I wish you the best of luck.
2015-11-02 17:22:49 UTC
Well you should do what's right for you. I'm a 13 year old muslim girl and I recently started wearing hijab, and it's been hard but definitely worth it. People are going to discriminate you, obviously but you just have to push through it and fight for what you believe in. If you want to convert than you should. I'm not going to lie. Since your parents are islamophobic it will be hard transitioning, but if they truly love you they will support you and your choices. Islam is a great religion that makes you feel close to god and prevents you from making bad choices. I hope you make the choice that's right for you
2015-11-07 21:39:40 UTC
I am also considering reverting to Islam but make sure that it is what you want to do in your heart. DO it for yourself and understand what your getting into. There is only so much research can do before you need clarification. Set up an appointment at your local Mosque and talk to some of the muslimah's there. They will give you insight and guidance needed. Never forget to keep doing research and ask questions when you dont understand something.

Good Luck
2015-11-02 10:32:50 UTC
OMG me too not that i want to join i feel like people always hate against what the media tells them ugh i think they want all of us to be like some kind of people hating christians those are the ones you ll find on the internet i think it would be a great idea just make a plan if that fails and i m not saying this because its islam im saying this because sometimes plans fail so make sure you are on good terms with your parents or at least have some friends you can stay with but i think all will go well good luck and enjoy life :)
2015-11-01 18:07:47 UTC
Tehabwa had a point, which he addressed harshly.

Tunisia is an ISIS territory, do you actually want to end up being raped or murdered like thousands of Tunisian girls are suffering it even now? Tunisia is struck with terrorists and England is way better. Your bent on giving yourself hell by moving there. convert to Islam by your own wish not for some inhumane animal.. So reconsider.
2015-11-02 10:02:01 UTC
Islam is the greatest evil in the world today. If Islam were to disappear so would a majority of all conflict. Think about how much further our planet would be if that religion had never existed. Islam = death, destruction and chaos. I'm not sure what it is about that religion attracts people. Maybe you can explain to us what exactly is it about Islam that you love.
2015-11-04 05:17:59 UTC
You are being recruited and not for what you think. Jihadis are very charming and yes very likable on the surface and for recruiting purposes the best of the best manipulators are online. Given time they can and will convince you that you have a destiny to fulfill. This in turn will make you feel special on a cosmic/spiritual level; I fear that you are heading that way now.

You would not have posted this question if you were not uneasy with whats occurring within you; it is a transformation. I believe it is a cry for help and understanding.

Listen well... they "Jihadist" are masters at molding underdeveloped spiritual people; those who are looking for more in this life and the next. It will seem magical, and in many was it is; when you are taken outside of yourself for a cause larger than yourself. This induction phase that you are in garners a sense of pride, belonging and purpose all emotional ties that your current handler will feed on like a savage.

My advice to you is to find a Muslim friend within the country you live not online its extremely dangerous. Walk into a Mosque anywhere and introduce yourself as someone who wants more information about the faith. Please be mindful that a naive person is a prime target for exploitation and indoctrination; don't be that person.
2015-11-04 04:36:51 UTC
The answer is very simple ,"Do what your heart says". What is it that you like about Islam? Or is it because of the particular friend? I have become a Moslem myself, and the thing that appealed to me most was the scientific proofs in the Quran. For instance, the Quran says that the universe is still expanding, it talks about the "black hole". All this wonderful things amazed me. Then I read about the Prophet's hadith and wow! what a perfect man! All the accusations on Islam and Moslem will be cleared out only if they read the quran and the hadith. But I would still suggest you to wait till you are 18 or sth because most of the time we take decisions that we regret with the rest of our lives. But I haven't though :)
2015-11-03 02:35:56 UTC
Troll. Your just here to spread Islam. Islamophobia doesn't exist because NOBODY is scared of Islam, like people say "racism" for people against Islam when Islam isn't a race. You aren't going to convert anybody with these stupid posts attempts!
2015-11-02 00:44:28 UTC
Salam sister, don't wait for ur parents approval to revert to can revert today itself, if u are not comfortable openly declaring in front of witnesses for obvious reasons,then don't, it is not an obligation.You don't have to tell anyone it can remain a secret between u and Allah for as long as u are comfortable saying it to your parents.You can start praying,if u cant go to the mosque,u can learn it from ur muslim friend or u can just come here and ask also there are many videos on youtube that teach u how to pray.As for hijab,just so u know hijab is not just mandatory in Islam but is also mandatory in Christianity and Judaism,most orthodox Christians and Jews practice it.

After u revert u can slowly introduce ur parents to the real islam,telll them what islam is really about,clear their doubts,answer their questions,get them some books on islam.They will obviously take sometime to understand so you will have to be very very patient with them.

Umar Ibn Al Khattab (r.a) said "Invite people to Islam even without words.” They asked: How? He replied “With your Manners."

Don't worry about Ramadan,it is many months away,the islamic year has just begun so u take ur time.In sha Allah by next ramadan ur parents will accept ur decision.

dont delay ur decision to revert, just say the shahadah

Ash-hadu an laa ilaaha illallah Wa ash-hadu anna Muhammadan rasulullah

“I bear witness that there is no god except Allah,And I bear witness that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah.”

This will bring u into the fold of islam,dont be scared seek Allah's help and he will guide u and make it easy for you.You may face some difficulties but dont let that discourage you just know that u are being tested and Allah is with you always.
2015-11-03 17:51:09 UTC
I'm around your age and I kinda understand what your going through. I think you should wait till your older and have more knowledge about different religions. And I'm not saying this because it Islamic you wan to convert into but any religion, your young right now and don't understand the full effect.

Also whatever religion you are currently you gotta understand that we all pray to one god, we just have different names for god like Allah, Jesus etc

I hope this helped you.
2015-11-04 00:56:54 UTC
here. my dad is a muallaf. his story was almost the same like you, he really wanted to be a muslim but his mom didnt let him. his dad was a bad muslim that he drank and gambled and stuffs. and then, i dont exactly know why did he really want to be a muslim but at year 14 my dad left home, alone, without his parents knowing. he met an ulema on the bus and asked many things to him, the ulema invited him to a mosque that his family owns, and that was the time my dad converted to islam, and btw he came home 7 years later. his 5 other siblings now r muslims, and the 4 others + his mom r christians. Im not telling you to leave home lol no its just my dad's story. now if youre still doubting it then dont, think about it. really its all on you. maybe you can wait until youre turning 18, you could just change ur mind, who knows?. also:::you can maybe watch the debates between zakir naik and pastors tho
2015-11-02 10:34:51 UTC
lol thats what my islamic friend did and i have still be connected but i will never convert thats why those people are opn the internt to convert you so much of them on the internet and one day you will end up knowing im joinng isis don't convert okay i warn you now because you will regret it. 16 see they want to go to kids to convert them thats what my islamic friend tried to do, and many girls that are 16 where i live in England have done what you did go on the internet and Islam is the one thing they think about and they go to Syria in the name of jesus that will not be you amen
2015-11-06 09:10:18 UTC
Is there a Muslim place of worship near where you live? Perhaps you and your parents should make a visit and speak to the Imam. There is a Muslim educational center in my town. When the 911 attacks occurred, many representatives from this center were contacted by local media and others to talk about it. It was very worthwhile.

Islam has a lot to offer. Making the conversion takes a long time and you need to be educated (taking classes, for example). That's why I think you and your parents should go.

If they are still against it, you may have to wait until you're an adult and on your own to convert.
2015-11-02 03:32:52 UTC
Its true that people without understanding islam tells that this religion is dangerous but when u learn QURAN and the teachings of prophet u will know what the real islam is about. Then u will understand the meaning of peace.

And the idea of going to some other country leaving ur parents is not good. Stay there. Just be good to urself and to others.
2015-11-03 16:13:42 UTC
Hii, im 17 and a Muslim girl :) I actually heard tons of similar stories like yours. Wanting to be muslim but family is against. Here's what you should do..

Since your under 18.. i say become muslim and not tell your family. Like mom,dad,brother,aunts etc;

but still shows modesty side. Dress in skirts, longsleeve, go to school with the hijab etc;

but when near around your family try not to mention islam or muslim. Become a muslim from within and practice. If its something you truly want becareful and convert.
2015-11-04 08:47:19 UTC
Hello there , I'm Muslim , and I just want to say don't worry what other people think because you're doing it for you :) I know there's a lot of negative things going about Islam and I know you understand how islam really is , speak to your family calmly and explain how much islam means to you, and inshallah they will listen .:)
2015-11-04 08:03:15 UTC

Im glad that u want to covert as islam if u understand it well it has the complete truth. All the profits come with the same message which is worship non but allah the creator of the universe, rules were similar but the final rules for rest of humanity to follow came with the final prophet, prophet mohammad pbuh. To become a muslim all u have to say is *i witness that there is no god but allah and that mohammad is allahs messenger* then follow the 5 pillers of islam that u know and obstain from sin as much as possible, if u make a mistake repent to allah and allah will forgive u.

As for dealing with ur parents, go to a nearby mosque and get introduced to the muslim community, then go to other mosques until u find one that u like. When u are praying wear the hijab but wearing the hijab all the time is very recommended but in your case and my personal advice (might not be correct) hold back until ur parents are more accepting or when ur more independant but dont hide ur faith. :)
2015-11-03 14:29:31 UTC
Do you know that allah really love because he showed you the way now uou kn8w the truth of life and why we are created only to worship allah and for your parent uou only to convert to islam and then trat them well even they are non muslims nut they still uour parent and they accept that dont worry many stories i,ve read like this almost parents convertd at last just say chahadatan and read about islam how salat (prayer ) may allah help you and bless you
2015-11-04 06:30:44 UTC
I have only one thing to tell you. That Jesus Christ is the way, the truth, and the life, and noone can come near the Father but through Him.

Oh.. and another thing.. you might not love this online dude, but he might... and he might just as well trick you, and do something bad to you when you travel to meet him.

Wait till you are adult. Think of the IQ you will possess when you are 25... use that IQ to determine; not the IQ you have now when you are 16.

But I say it again... noone enters Heaven but through the blood of the perfect offering for our sins; Jesus Christ.

Also... Did you read the part in the Quran where it states a man can beat his wives?

Did you read the part in the Quran where it states a man can have up to four wives?

Did you read the part in the Quran where a man can "have" his female slaves, even if those female slaves are already married?

I'm sure you won't see the light through mohammed or Islam.. just remember this in a few years when you'll think "well, I was warned."
2015-11-03 06:29:06 UTC
There will be a lot of controversy because of the propaganda surrounding Muslims. Muslims are not bad people, if anything, the absolute opposite. Many prefer to generalise. Islam is an intriguing religion and very good to follow. If you read the Quran, you would know. I just hope you make a decision that will make you feel happy.
2015-11-02 00:42:09 UTC
Sister there are lot of people who thinks that this world is only one and last, life will end and they will never be alive again this concept is totally wrong these people might have read only few verses from Quran but they will keep criticizing.Islam is a religion of piece you might have read a verse that ''To kill one man is to kill whole humanity and to save life of one is to server whole humanity''. Isis is totally antislamic.I advise you to read Quran and try to understand true meaning also listen to Islamic schlars like zakir naik and many more and get more help from Holy prophet sayings
Paige K.
2015-11-02 08:17:04 UTC
At sixteen you're as naive as can be. Your parents have every right to be worried. Girls your age have gone to other countries and died. I left islam at sixteen, and I am eighteen now. Islam is far from a religion of peace. It is a violent religion that seeks to repress human nature and control every little aspect of your life. There are hadith detailing mohammad's actions. He slept with a nine year old girl, had sex with a woman right after killing her whole family, allowed his men to have sex with captives of war with no mention of consent, allowed slavery, etc. Islam is the most oppressive religion towards women as well, which is one of the reasons I ended up leaving. As a woman, "men are a degree above you" (quran), a man can get a legal divorce just by saying "I divorce you" while you must prove your case to other men, you get less inheritance, your husband can marry another woman without asking you, your husband can hit you if you disobey him, etc.

Honestly, you'll do yourself a huge favour if you research this religion thoroughly before making a decision.
2015-11-05 09:31:27 UTC
It's your choice to convert or not. It's not their choice to control you. I'm glad that you want to take this decision. They are afraid of Islam because of what they see on TV and on news. If you convert to islam and show them that you actually became a better person because of it, they will be introduced to true islam. Try your best to teach them, and tell them how you feel and why you want to make that choice. If they don't understand, you can become a muslim secretly by just saying the shahaddah and truly believing in it, them you can declare it to your family. You don't have to take their advice to convert. I'm sad about the answers on here and how blind and Islamphobic they are, but I'm glad that you truly believe and feel the connection with God, and I'm glad you don't let those people affect your thinking :) I hope I helped and I wish you the best!!! You're amazing, god bless you
2015-11-03 20:06:16 UTC
I was going to reply to this question, but prof.grenetogolot answered amazingly.I will say though changing religion because of someone on the internet is lame at best. It should be discovered by yourself without propaganda bias input. As well as this Tunisia? I'm from UK and a woman near me was killed in Tunisia in the beach attack just be careful. I'm not slandering Islam, but isis / isil operate very cleverally in cells of five. And to a young mind like yourself you are vulnerable to ideas that maybe you don't fully see/understand.
2015-11-03 08:18:05 UTC
So good to hear you're coming into Islam. Alhamdulilah. It'll be a hard journey but honestly all I can tell you is that God will be with you through this life changing transition. Also, your Muslim brothers and sisters will be here for you (where you'll meet at the mosque). We love to help all but more importantly reverts. You are in my prayers! May Allah (swt) make it easy for you & guide you on the straight path, Ameen.
2015-11-02 21:03:29 UTC
The first thing you should do now is to not listen to all the stereotypes and racist people out there, don't even listen to those who praise the religion, i am Muslim myself, you need to want to be Muslims, don't just listen to what people say, when you truly believe in Islam and its belief's that's when you convert. Take it easy, and use trusted sources, something like wikiislam is not trusted... I hope god guides you to the right path sister!
2015-11-02 21:43:42 UTC
I have seen the both sides of Islam, and they are in conflict with each other, I believe that Allah would have been a peaceful God who wanted peace in the world and somewhere in time rebellious members decided to change the religion from peace to warmongering and all through time this waring has escalated into to cold blooded killing, the rest of the Muslim people practiced the original faith of Islam and have been victimised by this so called death cult mutation.
2015-11-02 12:32:33 UTC
Islam is the truth.

I am a proud muslim.By devil/saitan/dajjals doing islam now a days looking like a terrorist religion.But we have to understand media is playing a very big role in this for the zionists.

Quran is best of all the books, every great sceintist poets writers and philosophist has accepted that.Every solution of ervery problem is in the Quran.

Sister i just have one thing to say: Allah will not help any body unless he or she accepts his greatness and prays to him with a beliving heart.
2015-11-03 09:53:14 UTC
Hello dear, islam comes from the word "peace" sadly, the community, media and the wrong believes turned Islam into an unrecognized evil which is NOT Islam. It's Islam which got its image ruined by bunch of liars. Therefore, knowing the fact that you searched for the answers and found happines and joy in the real religion. Then you should go for it. God chose you for a reason and your parents could have their believes which you cant change but there is one thing you can do, is show them how Islam changed you into a better person. And that is the start. You can't change someonems beliefs but you can show them what positive changes this belief fid to you. I'm not telling you this cause im a muslim. But because Islam taught me how to love mt family, appreciate my friends, appreciate myself, protect myself from all the bad things with my acceptance. Cause it made me a better decent person with valuables im proud of. Islam is the key to a joyful life but only those who read about it know.
2015-11-03 21:14:44 UTC
Without any doubt just take islam. Because this only the religion which helps you get the rid of all punishment after death.Because Allah Subhanah Taala said in quran that only islam is the acceptable religion.So, As a elder brother i suggest you pls take the right religion which name is Only Islam. Please There is no God Except Allah. So, I hope you understand what i want to say. No need any Terrifying.
2015-11-05 10:02:05 UTC
I won't be prejudiced by saying terrorist or anything, and you can say that islam is a religion of peace, but it is run by people, so please do a reality check first. As you are born a female, islam is the religion with least female freedom. And I am not making an empty statement with no evidence, look at history, look at what is happening. A women can be killed by their own family as "honour killing", you lose your rights as a human being if you marry into the wrong household. Why would you throw away your freedom for? What do you wish to achieve? The heaven they describe is for men, not women.
2015-11-03 23:14:56 UTC
Not trying to lash on you straight away but your parents have their concerns regarding to converting to Islam. Have you been aware of girls around your age that converts to Islam and runs away to join ISIS and the sorts? It’s been on the news for a while so get to read it. I’m not saying converting is a no no straight out but, be aware of the religion well enough.

Did you know there are different sects in Islam? Even to say in Christianity there are different denominations such as Catholics, Anglicans, Methodist and more around the world, I have to remind you the translations or understanding of their holy book and teachings are slightly/more different than others.

Quote 1: He introduced me to the religion and I felt connected. I was talking about maybe meeting him one day in the future.

And Quote 2 and 3: Update 4: I am not converting because of him! I do not love him. He is a friend and we're not even very close anymore. I simply feel connected to the belief of Allah.

Update 5: By the way, I am not going to meet him. So please can everyone stop talking about him.

Did you realize what are you saying in the first place? You are contradicting yourself.

You said that you are 16, but did you realize to convert needs parental permission? In other SEA countries (I won’t quote the name of the country(s)), some did illegally convert school children to Muslim without parents permission.

Quote 6 and 7: Update 2: I have been reading the Qur'an and researching by myself for weeks, I know what it's about.

Update 3: Please can everyone stop slating Islam. If you have nothing to say, don't say it. You won't change my faith.

I have no say to your belief. Reading by the book and understanding it comes a long way. Even religious teachers have different interpretation on what they understand. It’s not a one day thing to understand their holy book. They have the Quran and Hadith (not sure about more of it).

Quote 8: … Why do I like Islam? I like the whole idea of giving to charity and covering for modesty. I believe in Allah and Prophet Mohammed (PBUH). The five pillars are also great, and having guidelines for living makes me feel more secure in what I do and don't do. No, I do not agree with killing kafirs, and I do not believe killing/violence is good for anything.

I want to restate that I am not converting for the guy!

Dressing yourself is by means your own right. No one said that you have to dress in a particular way to be conservative and modest. There are lots of choices of clothes for you to pick and not necessarily need to convert. Interest with the religion doesn’t make one need to convert. The five pillars, (I’m assuming you have a Christian background and forgive me if I’m not) Christianity have the 10 commandments too. They are the guidelines it’s whether you read it between the lines, above or below the lines. No ones like violence by nature (but it does not apply to all). You think all world is good and peaceful if there is no evil and misdeeds? Think again, nothing is perfect.
2015-11-03 09:36:22 UTC
As salamu alaykum! It s great that you are looking into Islam and you see truth in it. I will pray that your parents be guided as well. Understand that they want what they think is best for you. They are looking out for your safety when they say not to go to Tunisia or talk to random people online. However, you don t need to go to another country to understand Islam. Also, it s great that you want to start practicing right away, but understand that it will be a huge burden on your parents to see you change so quickly. My suggestion would be to first and foremost, go to your local mosque and ask someone to help you become a Muslim. After that start slow by learning how to pray. You don t necessarily have to tell your parents what you are doing at this point. Get comfortable with the lifestyle, and start being very good with your parents and other people. When you feel the time is right, then you can inform your parents that you are a Muslim, but no matter what happens, keep your composure with them. Respect them and what they say. Don t raise your voice or act as if you are better than them. In sha Allah (God willing) they will be accepting of you, and they will see how much of a positive change Islam has made on your life. After they get comfortable with you, you can start wearing hijab. If you start wearing hijab right away, it might seem like a HUGE change very quickly to them. But please do visit a local mosque and ask for their help and guidance. And please please do not hesitate to email me at if you need help or guidance. You are in my duas, As salamu alaykum
2015-11-02 18:01:34 UTC
Sister. We live in the 21st Century. Islam is a religion not a Fashion or Political Statement. Just do the basics of Islam but hide your faith. Companions of the Prophet did it. So why not you? Its simple sister dont make it hard on yourself. At the end of the day. WHO CARES. Its just between you AND your CREATOR. But dont forget your Dunya. Dont get all Holy and say Im going to do it. And Your Dunya suffers. Unless you can really do it and withstand it.
2015-11-01 18:15:45 UTC
Convert to Islam first. Practice it intently and study it for a year and then go to Tunisia and marry your man. Otherwise, you are selling yourself out to something you may not can handle. If that pours cold water on your plans, then your plans are bad.
2015-11-02 17:39:16 UTC

Do you see what ISIS is doing to people just because they don't agree? Christians are being hunted down and slaughtered for refusing to become Muslim.

Here's something for you to consider as to the reality of what Satan is pushing in your mind right now:

If there were a group of Christians hunting down and slaughtering Muslims and everyone who disagreed with them, but especially Muslims, would you not look at what they were doing and say to yourself something like, "I will never become Christian because what they do is horrific!" Yet, you will become Muslim in spite of that very scenario playing out not just once, but many many many times wherever Muslims go.

Now consider that, and think to yourself, why, if Christianity is a false faith, are you so compelled to reject it, even in favor of a faith such as Islam that you would literally reject Christianity on a basis that you would never reject Islam for, even in spite of the fact that Islam is so consistently having an issue with that very same basis for as long as Islam has existed.
2015-11-03 19:42:44 UTC
As a muslim(not a very good one tho) i must say there is no age restriction to convert...but travelling all the way to tunisia doesnt sounds very good or safei wouldnt let my own sister travel alone at that age QURAN ONLINE and read about it learn it ask muslim friends about it if u dont understand something there are many forms videos online..after all understanding ask a Muslim friend to introduce you to a lady preacher and accept Islam.
2015-11-02 11:40:05 UTC
Before u try to do any thing everone who committing or done it realize this that dont look at islam by the Muslim we allknow they are humen that some dont crearly follow it but own culture over thier religion if dont believe me islam is beautiful religion and follow what a random person says or even think that isis are even Muslim my friend u are lost search it up in the end if u dont u are goinh turn out pretty stupid in the end
2015-11-04 03:13:30 UTC
Assalamu alaykum. I'm a Muslim from russia ,Alhamdulillah. If you want to convert to Islam,firstly you should be read the Quran,then read hadiths.

P.S chatting with not mahrams(your relatives,wife/husband) is prohibited at all! It is allowedOnly if there are so big needs! All depends of your intention.Umar b. al-Khattab narrated that the Prophet (S) said: Deeds are [a result] only of the intentions [of the actor], and an individual is [rewarded] only according to that which he intends. Therefore, whosoever has emigrated for the sake of Allah and His messenger, then his emigration was for Allah and His messenger. Whosoever emigrated for the sake of worldly gain, or a woman [whom he desires] to marry, then his emigration is for the sake of that which [moved him] to emigrate." Narrated by Bukhari and Muslim.
2015-11-02 20:45:16 UTC
You have a lot to learn about Islam.

-Women are treated as second class citizens in most Muslim nations

-Criticizing a religion and presenting facts like the one above is not Islamophobic, that's a silly word used by Muslims and idiots who defend them to quash criticism. If what I said is Islamophobia then people criticizing the Christian bakeries is Christianophobia.

-Yes not all Muslims are terrorists but, when a terrorist attack happens, Muslims do not come out in droves to protest. They did when Charlie Hebdo made those cartoons about Muhammad.
2015-11-02 01:56:27 UTC
Don't be confused ... this is not the right forum. Go to Islamic centre if you are interested in Islam.

As regards ISIS it is not an Islamic group but ... a creation of USA, UK and Israel and they are using it against Muslims (Islam). There is much detail on ISIS... just go to Youtube - Who is behind ISIS - American Govt.
2015-11-03 10:53:18 UTC
I don't understand your defensive reaction to the answers being given. It seems you already have your mind made up, and are just looking for people to condone it. There are tremendous truths being laid out here for you, against this decision it seems you've already decided on. I hope you really consider them. What are you "terrified" of? Your parents? You want to travel half way around the world to a place you don't know, but you're terrified here and now? There are many contradictions you give, indicating confusion, which is normal at your age. Give it some time before doing anything crazy, and, for the record, Jesus is the ONLY one that can give you the fulfillment, and the peace that you seek. Unlike allah, He seeks to know you personally, to save you, protect and bless you. If you just give Him an opportunity, He will make Himself real to you, as He has billions of people over time. I wish you well.
2015-11-04 09:42:34 UTC
If you believe in Islam you are a Muslim. That is how religion works, it is a belief system. Nobody can stop you from being a Muslim if that is what you truly believe.

If you can get some privacy you could pray in your room if your parents are so adamantly opposed to letting you go to Mosque. When you're 18 if you still believe in Islam insist on going to Mosque.

Keep an open mind. Maybe you will change your mind. Maybe not. That is up to you.
2015-11-02 16:41:11 UTC
Convert if you feel you must, read the Quran, if its your cup of tea, go for it. I will say avoid the teachings from friends, make it a personal statement. You are who you choose to be, but be wary of the minority groups of islam who try to create an ideology of what once was the most peaceful religions in the world.
2015-11-04 02:15:25 UTC
Hi I'm a muslim and i just wanted to tell you that converting to islam would be a beautiful major step for you but before you do you need to know the basics of islam and that its not just a club you would join it is a religion and that you need to beleive in it and believe in every word in al quran you dont have to put on hijab if you dont want to be critisized by idiots you simply just need to beleive its all about believing and if you really did beleive than this your parents agreement wont matter anymore. So if you think that you are up to it then just do it regardless of anyone's opinion.
2015-11-01 20:09:30 UTC
Assalamu Alaikum (Peace be upon you), welccpme to the right path 🎆✨🎉. If Allah (swt) guides you,no one can misguide you. Try reading the Quran with English translation and explanations,as to why the verse was revealed and is it applicable to a specific time or general,so you're not mistaken. Also try reading new reverts to Islam story,on how they came and how they have changed for the better. Alhamdulillah. I pray the best for you,your family and your friends.
2015-11-02 15:47:53 UTC
Please read An Autobiography of A Yogi.

It has been translated in over 20 languages and the world's most beloved


I am not trying you to change your mind ad I justwsntyou to see the beauty of many religions. THID is more of a philosophy thsn a religion. I think because you have this new friend you are enamoured of his religion.

Thus lovely paper back will help you see all religions are wonderful and filled with mystique.
2015-11-03 18:46:07 UTC
If you think Islam is a nice religion to convert to, look at countries where Islam is the rule of the land.(AKA Sharia Law).
2015-11-04 01:39:44 UTC
The point is that you can't be rude to someone based on their religion or colour of their skin. Remember America with slaves centuries ago? My own friends are Muslim and I completely accept them regardless of their skin colour or religion. I know that Islam is a religion of peace, you can't just judge someone just because the media is showing bad things about Muslims. They are NOT terrorists ! They are just people, just like you and me.If you want to be a Muslim, that's fine by me...but people, please, be more acceptable in today's world. It's all about equality, not what makes us different from other people.
2015-11-02 19:34:35 UTC
I think you should keep faith for now. Allah can see you're trying and have faith in him, so you dont have to officially convert right now. Wait til youre older and continue to further your knowledge on the religion and expand your connection with Allah until then. And when you're older convert if you still have a strong faith. Your parents may still not approve but thats okay. Try to still keep connections with them if possible, and pray to God that Insha'Allah they will understand. If not thats okay. God will see you trying and help you. Good Luck!
2015-11-04 13:20:46 UTC
Forgive me if I don't share your belief that Islam is a religion of peace. My friend was murdered on a London bus by someone calling himself a Muslim.....It's not good enough to say that not all Muslims are terrorists but the leaders are not doing much to stop them.
2015-11-02 01:55:08 UTC
Before you choose to follow Islam, you should take the time to check it out and test to see if it is based on true or not. So, did Muhammad speak the truth, or was he a false prophet?

If Muhammad was a true prophet of God, he should have had moral standards that were head and shoulders above everyone else. But he his standards were not as high as they should have been:

• married a girl who was still but a child and slept with her at the age of nine, (Sahih Muslim 3309)

• started wars and raided caravans, (Ibn Ishaq/Hisham 424,425)

• killed people who mocked him (Ibn Ishaq/Hisham 458)

• Muhammad himself had slaves (Ibn Ishaq/Hisham 878, Sahih Muslim 3901)

• he had men tortured to death to gain wealth (Ibn Ishaq/Hisham 764)

• he had way too many wives and yet he still found it necessary to sleep with women captured in battle, (Sahih Muslim 4345)

• he even encouraged his men to rape women captured in battle. (Sura 4:24, Abu Dawud 2150, and Muslim 3433)

Muslims make excuses for him saying that “it was 1400 years ago and things were different back then”. This excuse is rubbish! Is God a man that He should change His mind? Wasn’t Muhammad supposed to be His prophet? Jesus was born 600 years before Muhammad and the standards Jesus set are higher that anyone has ever been able to reach.

Comparing Jesus to Muhammad on morality, Muhammad was not a candle in the noonday sun. Even compared to modern day western secular society, Muhammad morals are lacking. So, if Muhammad was a true prophet, why weren’t his moral standards higher?

This is the standard he should have met: Matthew chapters 5, 6 & 7
2015-11-03 08:18:15 UTC

Despite all the fake Islamic terrorists and the thrashing of Islam,people still want to convert when they see its the truth.Do not involve yourself in the Hadith as Allah says to follow his way.Not the prophet.That would be shirk
sam m
2015-11-03 06:54:49 UTC
Brother, Simple.. If you want to be a Muslim, Believe in one God Allah and Accept Prophet(PBUH) to be his Messenger.

Second thing is Try good deeds in the way Prophet PBUH has taught you to do. Follow his principles in our day to day activities. Sitting, Standing, Walking,Eating,Drinking Water,Talking,Helping others. It is all available in Hadith books.

Islam Spread not by sword but people of Makkah accepted Islam by looking at the way prophet PBUH lived his life and his principles.

Only way for your Parents to fall in love with Islam is showing them how a Muslim is supposed to be.
2015-11-03 22:08:44 UTC
Right now Islam isn't looking to well with the way the world is going and people will always turn Islam around as if their a part of just be warned your going to face alot of hate over this religion....that is if it even exists 30 years from now thanks to ISIS destroying everything about the past of this religion.
2015-11-03 09:18:12 UTC
At whatever country you live there are likely many Islamic people. Have you reached out to meet them and attend Mosque in your community?

Perhaps this would be a better choice the talking about going far away to meet people that are far from your home and family. There are many good reason to stay near your family as a young pious Islamic woman. Even though your father isn't Islamic you would recognize his authority in your life. When you are perhaps older and with traveling companions approved by your parents you could travel to another land.

I didn't chose Islam for myself but as a teenager I lived in Indonesia and attended an Islamic High School. I was very taken by the stable family structure and way of life. I had many good friends and a life I enjoyed while I lived there. It influenced me greatly.

In the end I made different choices. You may not when it come down to a time for you to deside. But your parents are wise to keep you in a place where the choice will be yours.
2015-11-03 01:36:09 UTC
I think you should do it. But you should study it first and perhaps wait until your no longer dependent on your parents to convert, and always try to keep the peace with your parents because in Islam you must give your parents lots of respect, always.
2015-11-01 17:10:29 UTC
Don't convert for some man.
2015-11-02 15:17:10 UTC
Islam can be a violent religion. Your parents have probably seen that side of Islam.Many Islam extremists kill Christians in belief that they will go to heaven and have seven virgins.
2015-11-02 09:26:51 UTC
Tunisia seems a bit far to go to meet someone you "aren't that close too" any more. why don't you visit some Muslims nearby?

there is no shortage of them and any i have met or worked with have been most forthcoming with their views and very helpful.

i have never been to the middle east, it flippin mental there as far as religion goes, if you absolutely must go abroad for this then there are better areas, Malaysia for one is much more stable and have a huge Muslim population.

i would never tell you what to believe, personally i would never convert to any organized religion, but that my choice, you must make your own.

but apply common sense, you are only sixteen and "weeks" if research isn't really enough to up sticks, change your entire live and run to one of the worst and unsafe regions in the world.

screw ur parents, but don't screw yourself please.
Maria S
2015-11-01 16:40:29 UTC
If you want to convert to Islam thats your choice.

I truly hope it's not for this man you mention though. Judging from your past Questions on here, he is a jerk.

I want to add that even if you aren't dating this man...Going to Tunisia would NOT BE GOOD because like I said..he sounds like a jerk.

A man that cares for you isn't going to treat you like dirt, and make fun of you.
2015-11-03 23:57:26 UTC
"I am not converting because of him! I do not love him. He is a friend and we're not even very close anymore. I simply feel connected to the belief of Allah"I LIKE IT!! everything will be alright soon.try to contact Islamic councilor on your area. Dont trust online people and their comments might ruin your brain......
2015-11-01 23:43:05 UTC
If you wanted true guidance then you have come to the wrong place bubba.Muslims here will keep telling you to convert and not to listen to kaffirs,non-muslims will keep telling you not to trust Muslims or Islam.You will be stuck in this haze of pointless argument forever.It's better you make your own choice ....
2015-11-02 00:57:15 UTC
Why do you look to teachings of Muhammad when there is Jesus?

• No one ever died in Jesus' presence . . . . . Many people died in Muhammad's presence -- he had them killed.

• Jesus received instructions from God the Father . . . . . When Muhammad heard from an angel in the darkness of a cave, he cowered, was uncertain, and wanted to commit suicide.

• Jesus never fought . . . . . Muhammad fought many, many times.

• Jesus had the power to take life, but never did. He restored it . . . . . Muhammad had the power to take it, but he never restored it.

• Jesus never killed anyone . . . . . Muhammad killed many.

• Jesus never married . . . . . Muhammad had over 20 wives and even married a nine year old girl.

• Jesus performed many miracles including healing people, calming a storm with a command, and raising people from the dead . . . . . Muhammad's only alleged miracle was the Quran.

• Jesus fulfilled biblical prophecy about being the Messiah . . . . . Muhammad did not fulfill any biblical prophecy except the ones about false teachers (Matt. 24:24).

• Jesus voluntarily laid his life down for others . . . . . Muhammad saved his own life many times and had others killed.

• Jesus died and rose from the dead . . . . . Muhammad died and stayed dead.

• Jesus owned no slaves . . . . . Muhammad owned slaves.

• Jesus spoke well of women . . . . . Muhammad said women were 1/2 as smart as men (Hadith 3:826; 2:541), that the majority in hell will be women (Had. 1:28,301; 2:161; 7:124), and that women could be mortgaged.

Jesus you will find to be a very, very different sort of person. He was Godly, loving, giving and yet He was untamed, radical, a bit wild and certainly not one for the status quo; He was different. Look at the Bible and what it says about this man Jesus.

Jesus did not do circus tricks; he would not perform miracles to prove he was from God. The only miracles He did perform were to meet the needs of those around him, healing the leper, restoring sight to the blind, raising the dead etc. But he did not pander to governing or the religious authorities of the time who wanted “a sign from heaven”.

Some from within the Jewish religious authorities tried to set traps for him but He saw through there duplicity and turned the traps around and left those who came to set the trap, questioning their own motives.

He was a friend of the outcast. He hung out with tax collectors, the down trodden the helpless, and the “sinners”. He even saved an adulterer from being stoned to death. Jesus was different!


Muhammad, while recognizing the prophets of the Old Testament and the New Testament and presenting a claim to be of the same prophetic lineage, contradicts the prophets of both the Old and New Testament in countless ways.

Many Muslims have argued that over time, it is the Torah and the Gospel (Old and New Testament) have been corrupted, but this argument does not hold water. There are still in existence today more than 5,700 manuscripts that were created before Mohamed’s was born. And these are the texts upon which that the modern New Testament translations are based.

So if the Biblical text was changed, why didn’t God tell Mohamed about it? And why wouldn’t it be stated clearly in the Quran?

But instead we find these words:

"And if thou (Muhammad) art in doubt concerning that which We reveal unto thee, then question those who read the Scripture (that was) before thee. Verily the Truth from thy Lord hath come unto thee. So be not thou of the waverers." Surah 10.94

Turn to Jesus and there you will find the truth.
2015-11-01 16:45:37 UTC
First of all, I think that this is another pathetic attempt at Propaganda and all that you're saying here is pure hogwash. Any fool knows that Islam is NOT the Religion of Peace and if you've been "researching" it and reading the Qur'an for weeks, you wouldn't be saying that.

Second of all, if you're converting because of a "friend" you met on Skype or whatever on the Internet, and, you want to go Tunisia then, you must need serious medical psychiatric help.

That being said, go ahead and convert and go to Tunisia. You deserve everything that will happen to you.
2015-11-03 09:02:09 UTC
DO NOT CONVERT, and you should break off this dangerous relationship. If you convert you will always be seen as an outsider, not a real devotee of any faith. You will be pressured to prove your faith, you have joined a gang, now prove loyalty. Just rememer that true faith does not require you to demonstrate your faith, that comes from within.
Dr. D
2015-11-01 16:33:22 UTC
I know many good Muslims, but their prophet, Muhammad, was evil.

Muhammad killed many people:

Why do you think there is so much fighting going on in Syria, Iraq, etc.? ISIS and the Taliban are good Muslims too. Approximately 20% of the world's Muslims support terrorist goals.

Yes, there are good Muslims, but Islam has a problem with violence, and abuse of women.
2015-11-03 20:54:15 UTC
Telling your parents is a BAD idea. They obviously have a misunderstanding of Muslims.

How do you get them to understand them better? I honestly don't know, unless they meet a Muslim for themselves. As a Christian, I see a lot of misunderstanding of Muslims amongst... basically everyone who isn't, who hasn't met a Muslim.

In any case, there's not much you can do at this point. Perhaps your parents will become more open-minded in the future. But attempting to talk to your parents about Muslims is probably not a good idea.
2015-11-02 16:07:08 UTC
don't, Islam is a false man made religion which offers no salvation and was created by a warlord out to gain political power and islam was the tool he used to gain it. he saw how catholicism held massive influence when he visited syria as a merchant, and tried to do the same. muhammad killed many jews during his jihad during the battle of qurayza and only spared those who converted to islam. in islam heaven is just 72 virgins and the only thing you have to do to gain salvation is fight and die for islam. if you need a REAL religion to follow. go to church and gain real knowledge about the glory of the catholic church established by Christ for the salvation of souls. before converting to any religion study about the lives of the founders and how well they lived their lived according to their creeds.
2015-11-03 01:51:47 UTC
You say as do many Muslims that Islam is a religion of peace.

Nowhere do I see it described as a religion of love.

Killing non believers is hardly peaceful.

Think again and stay away from organised religions that prey on

young impressionable minds.
2015-11-03 05:22:43 UTC
I would just suggest you to follow the good teachings of Islam. People are saying that Islam is not producing terrorists, but we all have to admit that 99% of the terrorists are Muslims. see both good things & bad things. But i suggest you follow Allah's good teaching & I hope you find peace.
2015-11-03 20:09:45 UTC
Please convert to Islam while in the US Army.

US Armed Forces offer training in languages

and Islamic current affairs that religious study

tends to omit. Be everything you can be but

be paid to service more than just yourself.
2015-11-03 09:10:59 UTC
try talking to your parents. Have a calm conversation don't yell. I've heard of girls in your situation they hide that they are Muslims behind their parents back until they move out. You could do that if you want like wear a hijab when your parents are not there (it's okay to not wear it in front of parents or girls, in case you don't know) or go to the mosque when you move out. I don't know what else to say but I'm sure your parents love you. Well wish you luck🌟
2015-11-02 21:10:21 UTC
Islam is in no way a religion of peace and any Muslim who is not blowing people up is not practicing the real Islam.
2015-11-03 18:42:30 UTC
Islam is not love at all. in all of Allah s names, there is not one that even hints at love. Islam s treatment of women is shameful as well. i know every Muslim isn t ISIS, but doesn t Islam say in the Koran to kill all that are not converting to Islam. Islam is not love.
2015-11-02 04:01:42 UTC
Should send your location and full health examine cause converting makes people nudes others for some reason ... Peace loving Muslims gotta love me
2015-11-03 10:03:30 UTC
I advise you don't because people will label you as a terrorist.. I know Islam seems like a nice religion however the risks of getting attacked verbally and physically and mentally are high.
2015-11-02 11:59:12 UTC
All the things you mention with your family, see it as a test from Allah, our Creator. He knows what is in your heart, and He wants to see become stronger in your belief (your Imaan) and see you do well.

If you are sure of your faith, if you are sure that Allah is one and there is no deity but Allah and that Mohammad is His last prophet and messenger, say the shahada now. You never know when it's too late, for indeed, life is not given. And rather walk away with the shahada than going away without. So if you are sure of your faith in Allah, say the shahada and be strong. Allah is with you and you will become a part of one big ummah - a large community of brothers and sisters who will welcome you with open arms and support you and strengthen you in your faith. Islam is peace and love, and YOU can show your family that it is true, by being a Muslim, and treat them well, which is prescribed for you. Take it as a test.

Allah, Glory be to Him, says in the Quran: "Do men think that they will be left alone on saying, 'We believe,' and that they will not be tested? We did test those before them, and Allah will certainly know those who are true from those who are false" (Quran, 29: 2-3).

Look at this website:

But if you are sure, say the shahada now rather than later.

Say "Ash-hadu an laa ilaaha illallah Wa ash-hadu anna Muhammadan rasulullah" (I bear witness that there is no god except Allah,And I bear witness that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah.)

Welcome to Islam sister.
2015-11-03 19:48:43 UTC
Hello Dear,i just want to tell u, whether u want to convert or not, it is all up to u, YES , it is all up to you.. but before you convert to any other religion, u need to know what u really want in your life, you have a long way to choose about your future life....
2015-11-02 17:52:14 UTC
Good luck :-) and don't fall into this secularism islam is one religion and belief in one god to be a muslim if you wanna be is just that this sunni and shia etc.... is haram not allowed the prophet forbid it so read and learn and do not worry stay strong in your belief and tell them they will accept if not it's your belief they and no one can force you to believe
2015-11-02 08:37:40 UTC
religion of peace? you haven't read enough about it to even think that

the Koran explicitly states anyone who does not join Islam will be beheaded

if you read the life of Mohamed he was unsuccessful in the beginning of his endeavor until he found out the swift decision of the sword, and he virtually wiped out any opposition to his teachings

peace certainly DOES NOT mean beheading those who don't agree with you

you are being fed a 'bill of goods' and it is not that attractive in reality
2015-11-02 21:15:36 UTC
Yes sister Allah is guiding you to the truth but before you do Understdand what Islam is and read Quran and Some Hadiths and know what being a Muslim is .:) good luck inshallah you do
2015-11-01 16:19:34 UTC
Well... Your just naive and young, research Islam first and then convert, seems like your doing it for someone that apparently 'loves' you. Remember that people are not who they seem online and are different in real life. Tunisian guys are strict on marrying someone of their own culture and people in general because they are Arabs.
2015-11-04 06:57:20 UTC
I wish I could I say I was genuinely shocked about all the ignorant, incorrect, stereotype comments. If i had the time to respond to all these ignorant comments. But I'm not shocked.

Anyways, Hey dear! You seem like a sweetheart. I think its fascinating you are so mentally mature at your age to think deeply about religion. Most girls your age, that is not their main concern. This is my personal advice,

(a very american and proud to be woman raised under Islam).

I think your concerning yourself too hard on the concept of "converting", God/Allah accepts anyone who in their heart truly believes and lives by his word. If you want to live by muslim lifestyle, so do it!

Skip the pork, alcohol, gossiping, lying, and backtalk to your parents. Apply all the guidelines you have learned to your life. Most importantly, the main focus and principle of Islam, is to be the best human being you can be and have faith.

Be a good person, follow Islam and have faith. Guess what? Your now a muslim. Contrary to what others believe God is very understanding and merciful, this step for you to live your life that way is beyond sufficient in the eyes of God.

Now as for the parents thing, both in respects to maturity and religion, respect your parents. Do not lie to them, but do fight them about converting. Wait till you are on your own and of age to do a legal conversion if you feel needed, Simply, tell them, I found something i believe in and has answered my questions.

Don't be frightened by them, They will still love you. I promise you that. You are their Daughter! Even if it is difficult and fights might occur, hold on to what you truly believe & never be discouraged.

Keep in mind, it is VERY difficult to live as a muslim in the modern day world. You will be treated differently with the hijab. People will question you. And be rude, and cold, mean. Growing up will be different also!

Modesty is great, but hard to do in the summer when you would like to go to be a beach party with friends or whatever it may be.

Friends will be different. I found myself sometimes being embarrassed & hiding the fact I was Arabian & muslim ALOT growing up. My best friends would call me a terrorist, or sand N*gger, mock me, mock my mother for her accent. It was really hard! Even now as an adult successful business woman, I tend to have to be lucrative about my personal information and background and use a different first name. It turns people off and has even lost me business in the past.

I do not want to scare you away, Point is, this is a difficult choice on multiple levels you possibly might not have fully realized.

I TRULY recommend living by the muslim guidelines and lifestyle as much as you can, but wait on the hijab. Wait on converting. Wait on trying to change your parents minds right now and instantaneously.

You can choose to live your life the way YOU want to live it without the technicalities. Just keep in mind God/Allah knows the true intentions in your heart, & that means quite a lot.
2015-11-02 07:40:33 UTC
Don't do it... It's could be a trap. You are talking like a brain washed kid. You are too young to decide. You don't need to follow anyone but your brain. You need to learn why your parents are worried. You don't need to convert to any religion to find a god. God is everywhere.
2015-11-02 10:49:23 UTC
If you want to know about Islam, don't look at all the people, read the holy book. These days very few people manage to represent their faith properly and nobody is perfect.
FishHitsWall SaysDAM
2015-11-01 16:45:25 UTC
Did you read the part in the Quran where it states a man can beat his wives?

Did you read the part in the Quran where it states a man can have up to four wives?

Did you read the part in the Quran where a man can "have" his female slaves, even if those female slaves are already married?

I'm sure you won't see the light, but just remember this in a few years when you'll think "well, I was warned."
2015-11-02 12:31:16 UTC
Don't listen to these anonymous extremists talking negative about islam who can't reveal themselves because they're liars just obey and love your folks and slowly follow islam and slowly time after time tell them about islam so they will find it easier to cooperate
2015-11-03 08:43:50 UTC
The best way is to talk to a local imam. By looking at our history and my experience with people like you, I would advice you to remain where you are for now and practise the religion as much as you can whilst keeping it a secret until you are confident it's time to divulge.
2015-11-02 10:45:27 UTC
Follow your heart. Allah is guiding you in the right direction, ignore all of those stupid *** people and follow hats true to you. Believe me you are in the right decision. Just because you are sixteen doesn't me you don't know what your doing or anything like that Allah is trying to show you your destiny. Please please please follow it. By the way it doesn't matter if he influenced you to Islam, Islam is a peaceful religion. PS all those racists saying all Muslims are terrorists, I can't actually believe how to media have influenced people to be like this, I know deep down you no we are not terrorists.
2015-11-03 18:33:35 UTC
It's you\re life if you want to convert go for it no one will stop you
2015-11-03 09:58:04 UTC
Salam young sister ,I don't agree with your parents wat they say about our religion but they right abut you going to tunsia all alone , plus you are underage , I suggest you learn about Islam in your own country , there must be a muslim community nearby, go there ask your queries

Islam is a true religion, and life of a muslim is a disciplined one , so choose carefully

Good luck
2015-11-03 02:42:19 UTC
what is religion according to you ? Going in church, ,mosque or to holy places, no, religion is; to spread peace, love , to help everyone. Name of any religion like Christianity, Islam etc divide us. We are all human and humanity is the biggest religion. Try to help needed people you will feel which can not be described.
2015-11-03 12:23:07 UTC
If you wanna be an Islam, then Girl/Guy you go for it! You don't need to care what others think, as long as you're happy then its all right. <3
2015-11-04 00:31:40 UTC
islam is a religion with kind , forgive and the best thing in world

if you dont know about islam you can search about it.

ashura , muharram , imam hosein , imam mahdi , qadir , quran , nahgol balaghe and the others sermoney in islam.

islam isnt daesh and daesh want to changing the face of islam :)
2015-11-06 09:41:01 UTC
There is saying in Hindu religion, "You cannot change the religion in which you are born, by changing your religion you are just changing your views". The truth is, even if you change your religion it is strongly possible that you will still believe in rituals, practices and objectives of your previous religion. So before becoming or converting to "Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, Christian. Jain, Catholic" become a good human being. Humanity is the biggest religion. I am Hindu boy married to Christian girl but I have never asked her to convert to my religion completely.
2015-11-01 17:01:45 UTC
Salam Yes you are quite right that Islam is a peaceful religion so we Muslims love peace.Islam is not a racial religion.Islam is dedicated by Allah for whole humans what ever their race,ethnic and skin color.Muslim terrorists are misguided Muslims so we most Muslims hate them.We Muslims have tolerance so we can live with non Muslims peacefully. You can convert to Islam by visiting the nearest mosque and contact the imam about your intention..You are welcome to say shahadah in front of the imam witnessed by Muslims.You must wear hijab and know how to make wudhu and to perform prayer.You must continue to learn the Qur'an and hadith gradually and practice it in your daily activities You must keep it secretly from your parents because they are Islamophobic.You must focus on your study..May Allah bless you and guide you to the right path.
2015-11-02 09:07:38 UTC
You are letting Islam manipulate your mind. Very sad. You should really do more investigating before you allow someone/something else take control of your life.
Tyler Durden
2015-11-04 13:18:22 UTC
you don't have to convert to islam just because you have a friend who is a muslim and you think it's coo. think about it first--Islam is one of the most murderous religions in the world. all that baloney about being a religion of peace is, well, just that: baloney. I think you just want to rebel against your parents.
Adullah M
2015-11-01 19:40:22 UTC
You are one of the sisters who are stern in your blieve,so that is a good start ,remember GOD said there is no religion in those who do not use their intellect.Since you are starting off with Islam by reading and studying Al-Quran and do the research on Islam,then this mean you have the only religion of GOD with you through your intellectual capability.

Remember, you have to treat your mother very well and must not start arguing with her, by listening to her with patient but must not act in ascribing partners to GOD,incase of your parents are believing that Jesus is the son of GOD.

You can show this news to your mother let her read and see what she comment ,doing this bit by bit hope she would finally agre with you.

You must always show your love to her,since heaven lies under the feet of mother.
2015-11-03 23:16:10 UTC
Keep away from it. Islam has caused nothing but trouble since it's conception fourteen hundred years ago.
2015-11-05 09:56:42 UTC
I recommend following NO religion. Have domain over your own life. I left the church because they preached the world is 10,000 years old ( very stupid assertion ) but I got tired of hearing about original sin and how horrible I was, threatened with Hell, bla bla bla. Live your life unchained, don't let some rabbi or minister tell you what to do!!!! That's a wasted life!
2015-11-05 23:36:14 UTC
If you are of age, you can convert to any Religion you wish.

Just remember, if you change your mind after converting to Islam, you can be killed. You need to be very careful. Choose wisely.
2015-11-04 14:49:32 UTC
You are a fecking idiot. There are cruel people in the world and you want to join them, go ahead. Just be careful you don't lose your head. If I had my own way, they would all be dumped in the desert. I just watched a vid of them stoning a 19 year old girl for having sex before marriage. She was most probably raped. If you rape an unmarried female, you are ok but that is what happens to her. I would like to see the lot of them be forced to build their own prison.
2015-11-03 00:01:16 UTC
Do what ever you believe is right. I am a Christian and have been my entire life. It disgusts me to see others put down others religion. Most all of us believe in a higher power. Just stay connected with God and things will work out :)
2015-11-06 14:12:37 UTC
Masha Allah sister, I am very happy for you. I am a muslim woman happily married with a new muslim Elhamdulillah and I have had experiences in online chats. I would like to advice you now that you have found your right path and the purpose of life, don't stop but only working on it to improve yourself and build your deen. I strongly advice to separate religion and the faith you have for God with the feelings that are developing for the man you have encountered. DO NOT TAKE ANY STEP of going anywhere to meet anyone! LET the one who is interested in you come to you, talk to your father first and then take action in other steps such engagement. Do not do anything related to ISLAM just because he is a muslim and if you do islamic stuff he will like you more and approach with you more. I know islamic men are very pressers. NO! A muslim is patient, if he is interested in you he can go ahead because he is allowed to marry a non-muslim according to shariah. He will wait for you and treat you very delicately in every delicate topic. If you believe with ur heart that There is no God who deserves to be worshipped and the last prophet was Muhammed pbuh, that is enough for you to be called muslim. Quran and the Sunnah is the way how to live your life in the best way a human can! Then after you have understood and known and felt who is your God and you admit that, then go ahead and start learning more about how to live ur life in the most beneficent way, how to earn the love of Allah SWT etc. etc. Why do you wanna spend one more second in shirk, at the edge of fire? About the fact that your parents are islamophbic, you have nothing in your hand that you can do about it. May Allah ease your way to him! That is something you shouldn't worry. You have your right to grow up, learn, change, something that your parents can not interfere. In Fact you should worry about them who have that age and yet don't know who their Lord is. If the matter with your parents is that serious that they would indeed disown you, don't tell them. Keep the faith for yourself until they slowly would understand you and accept you. Allah SWT will make it easy for you insha Allah. My muslim converted husband has still not yet said to their parents too, but little by little this is how your journey begins! Don't rush up and change everything in 1 day! Do things because you feel that is the correct way and for the sake of Allah and nobody else.

So Go Ahead sister, accept islam, Praise Allah SWT for being merciful to you and guiding you, and then live your life as is suits you!

As for the man, please be very careful because men are very deceitful, especially with your age. They even reach the point to use religion to gain what they want. So separate your faith with him. Worship God because you are his creation. And do not take any effort to do things for him. Test him A LOT if you both want sth in the future with each other, otherwise cut relations because friendship between a girl and a boy doesn't exist! Also islam forbids too! BUT don't forget to be grateful with him because, through him, God walked you to the right path! May Allah bless you and make your journey to islam easy! If you wish to chat more on your difficulties, know more on islam, or anything else you can text me a way of contact and i will contact you. Aleykum Selam Sister!
mystery smartperson
2015-11-01 21:43:36 UTC
Sweetie you found the correct religion Alhamdullilah don t worry Allah will guide you and the mosque will help out with your parents because Islam IS peace, you will be totally fine :)
2015-11-01 16:04:38 UTC
how old are you? you seem to believe what strangers say instead of the people you know love you. Read up on the way of life that islam actually is and talk to people who are in your community about it. Then when you are really informed about the whats and whos and wheres of islam you can join when you are of age.
2015-11-02 17:31:14 UTC
If your heart thinks so. Do it. Islam is a cousin of both Christianity and Judaism.
2015-11-02 11:28:08 UTC
Your going to convert are you???? Your going to work your way to God's righteousness are you?? bible:All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, the answer is the atoning work of Jesus Chist as a substitution for your sin, but go ahead your free to do what you want. Work your way God, and see where that leads you too, WORK,WORK, WORK, do everything your cleric tells you to do and the end you come up short, but be my guest, go for it!!!!!!!!!! Because YOUR WORKS are like filty rags in the site of a holy God.
2015-11-06 21:34:50 UTC
Wait you want to join Islam? Don't you know that once you join Islam you can't leave on pain of death?

Bukhari (84:57) - [In the words of] "Allah's Apostle, 'Whoever changed his Islamic religion, then kill him.'"
Lucas Clouner
2015-11-03 09:58:25 UTC
I am not Muslim but I know that the middle east was is and continues to be a dangerous place. From living in Ukraine for five years we constantly had to worry about terror threats from the middle east. I do not recodmend going to the middle east unless you are planning to begin pilgrimage to mecca which is one of the safer places in the middle east.
2015-11-04 09:50:40 UTC
Why not adapt it alongside rather than converting? You don't have to officially declare your religion, just adapt the teachings in your life and live by them. Simple as that.
2015-11-02 10:15:11 UTC
The best way to go about it in my opinion is to be a better son to them. In Islam we are to be good to our parents. They themselves will see the good change in you. Try to obey everything they say except that which islam forbids. All the best.
Outlaw Biker
2015-11-02 15:08:39 UTC
Jesus is indeed the Son of God and His blood is the ONLY way to heaven. So, with that in mind, which way will you choose. ...Satan's religion which is Islam, or Christianity which is God's outstretched hand to all who loves the truth.
2015-11-03 19:13:37 UTC
Can you tell me what makes it a religion of peace? That's something I've just never been able to figure out.
2015-11-01 16:25:05 UTC
Even as a Muslim, I don't befriend random religious Muslims online and Skype with them. You never know what they can get you into.

But if being Muslim makes you feel more connected, go for it, do whatever that makes you happy.
2015-11-03 05:36:23 UTC

I just want to share with you the word of Jesus Christ who came to Earth and died for our sins and all the bad things we have done and are going to do. He died for us! He has risen and now lives at the right hand of God in heaven and reigns over us. Please consider what you are doing and pray. The Lord will guide you in his pathway and he knows what is best for you. Read the Bible, it is God's words.

Please consider this as it is written that 'whoever does not believe, shall perish in hell'

May God lead you in his way.
2015-11-01 17:08:03 UTC
Assalamualikum, And Welcome to Islam , Religion of Peace.

First of all do not listen those trolls and enemies of this Noble Religion.

If you want to ask here make sure you block the non-muslim trolls and bigots who lie and post false information to deceive you, always confirm with a Muslim who has knowledge and block the trolls and bigots, blocking is best. May Allah (swt) guide us on a righteous path to heaven (Jannah).

You are on the big way to your life experience . You will come to a lots of thing that will be new to you. but remember , and all ways remember, that your chance to Enter Paradise is great and that is a big gift your Creator chosen for you.

Meaning: the biggest gift is to be a True Muslim, the one Guided.

As for your endeavour with a Muslim man in Muslim country, well, he could be a person blessed like you. How to know this? You will , if you know Islam your self. Lots of Muslims are cultural ones. and thus very far from Islam. I know some who have married reverts and when she become better then him ,problem started. She would find that he is good to talk and to tell others about islam, but he him self was last and non conformed one....thus giving very bad name and impression to Islam and Muslims.

Tunisia is very similar to Egypt. People are very , very hospitable,loving and genuine.It will be big experience for you, trust me, and good one too. Enjoy it, but all way remember Allah watching you.

You can do Shehada as soon as possible. You can visit the country if you can, on holiday. Ask some of your relatives to visit the family and them to see it for them self what is what.Todays nothing is hidden.

May You succeed , inshallah.
2015-11-03 03:59:25 UTC
I am fed up to the back teeth with silly immature young girls like you,I suggest that you go to TUNISIA meet your friend get raped and pregnant and become a sex slave for the rest of your life also having daily beatings,girls as stupid as you deserve every thing that you get.ok.
2015-11-03 08:44:59 UTC
Your parents aren't Islamophobic, they are more intelligent people than you give them credit for because they can spot a scam a thousand miles away. kudos to your parents for saying no.

You don't have an online "friend", what you have is an online acquaintance who for his religion is bound by his holy book to convert, and that's all he's thinking about is converting you and nothign else. Their holy book says they can lie for convenience sake, and that they are looking for christians to convert or kill, and those are your two options.

Today there is a large muslim group that IS terrorist, and recently again they said they're after the west.

So you are still a child you tell us. Your parents are responsible for you. You can't make yur own decisions, and you aren't even maturely thinking until you begin that at 22.

You are terrified so you just stop communicating with that acquaintance. Get off the damn internet and do it NOW.

You don't know him at all. You do not know what the Quoran is about or else you'd be running away from that as fast as your little legs could carry you.

No one is slamming, we're giving you warnings and you should listen. You should be educating yourself for college, putting your nose to the grindstone and determining your career and even taking college courses next year while you're still in high school maybe on a pell grant.

Thee was Judeasm and Islam fell away from the Jews and started their own religion. They treat their women like dirt, you can't go out of the house without a man taking you, they don't want their women educated. So when you say it's not because of him (by the way they can take 3 wives) and a really quick comment can bind you two for life so be sure not to talk to any guy who is muslim.

Islam was formed when a guy cheated on his wife and their bastard child became the leader of Islam. Anyway, Catholicism came ouf of Judeasm, and the protestant religions came out of Catholicism. So if you are attached to Allah then why aren't you converting to Judeasm?
Elyse Rose
2015-11-05 00:52:27 UTC
Real Islam teaches the young and ond to kill those who refuse to subscribe to their cultic ways and their supreme leaders also inform the world (including you) that Islam is not a religion of peace.

~~~ and you're going to do what ?!
2016-06-05 00:23:28 UTC
Many folks have a talent for writing, but locating a way to get paid for your talents can be the most hard part.
2015-11-02 13:51:37 UTC
Peace ? Salam upon truth seekers.

as a scholar on they unity of faith who helped many like yourself, let me help you on parents & faith.

what is the back ground of parents? especially faith wise.

are you near major city? assuming that your age is over 18, are you planning to observe pillars 2 to 4 for now?

[BTW, poor-due and Hajj / are for rich people only]

and, any questions in mind?
2015-11-02 15:42:43 UTC
Read a Bible. P.s. Islam is the most hated religion in the U.S and with good reason.
2015-11-03 00:02:56 UTC
Its your choice when it comes to religion no one elses so don't listen to all the comments because none of them matter only listen to your heart with this one
2015-11-02 19:11:12 UTC
young foolish little girl. you don't realise how innocent you are that your mind is easily warped.

I wish you all the best, enjoy being covered in veils all day, enjoy having no rights and being treated like a slave.
2015-11-02 22:05:28 UTC
Don't bother. What Muslims believe isn't true. No religion is true.
2015-11-03 01:48:49 UTC
You should check the Baha'i Faith out, it's a very peaceful religion and one of the newest religions to come!
2015-11-03 08:08:03 UTC
Kind of a personal decision. Second to seeking the people on a thread such as this.
The Psychedelic Ufomammut
2015-11-06 06:08:10 UTC
Yea you could convert to Islam... or you know, you could use your critical thinking skills and not be a brain dead moron.
2015-11-02 10:55:33 UTC
People need to relise that christianity used to have an extremist part. Heard of the crusades?
2017-02-17 15:31:30 UTC
2017-02-15 05:22:46 UTC
2015-11-02 02:41:18 UTC
Yes go for it girl. Now get in your burka stop using a computer and cook your husband a curry.
2015-11-03 02:17:40 UTC
Just look at the hate and intolerance in the Qur'an. Your parents are right, it is just like saying to them that you want to become aa Nazi or join the KKK.
2015-11-03 04:29:39 UTC
Don't let people make your choices for you, they've made their choice now it's your turn to make yours. Go with your heart not with your head
2015-11-04 02:00:54 UTC
Aww just convert, read the Quran and you will love it.
2015-11-05 06:11:05 UTC
It's a riddle chill tf out
2015-11-02 18:56:57 UTC
They know that you will kill them after you convert.
2015-11-03 00:26:47 UTC
I think maybe because your parents are Islamophobic that makes you want to go against them and that might be the reason just think about it.
Ben Dover
2015-11-02 09:31:49 UTC
Remember, man created religions, not God. Choose wisely my friend, because you are on a slippery slope.
2015-11-01 16:12:51 UTC
What is it exactly about the origins of the Quran that make you think it is the inspired word of any sort of God? What is it about the history of how Islam formed that make you think it is the correct religion? Have you even researched either of those very thoroughly?
2015-11-03 16:32:34 UTC
Religion makes you stupid, forget religion and live a like a good human being.
2015-11-01 16:31:07 UTC
You should be careful of the hidden dangers that Internet can pose.

You are only 16, innocent and naive. You need to be careful of guys from foreign countries. They can claim to be Muslims and use Dawah just to get close to you. Unfortunately, they are not what they seem.

Watch the language that they use to win your trust.

The minute they start calling you "beautiful girl," "lovely sister," "dear sweet girl," "nice girl," whatever, CUT THEM OFF immediately. When they talk to you like that, it means their disrespect to you.

How many times did your Tunisian guy tell you that you are "beautiful," "sweet," "lovely," and all that stuff? Too many times means he thinks you are stupid and that is the truth with most gigolos who chase western girls for passports via marriage.

Listen to this, carefully. In a gigolo's vocabulary, "beautiful" means stupid; "lovely" means naive; "nice" means too giving in a foolish way.

I think you should cool your emotions for this Tunisian guy that you're communicating with. Thing is, he is living abroad. He is not going to marry you unless he wants a passport to your country. You won't really want to live in his homeland where you will likely suffer from homesickness. Forget him, no matter how charming or handsome he may be. What you feel for him is only a passing infatuation.
2015-11-04 03:52:27 UTC
There Is no age to change your religion . Bro

u want to be a muslim .

Allah bless you . my opinion is first make urself muslim . then try to guide your parents about islam after research . definately u will observe true Deen .

We welcome you . /
2015-11-04 07:18:23 UTC
As long as you aren't a woman.
2015-11-01 16:07:56 UTC
Did you know muhammad was a pedo? He have sex with his 9 year old wife Aisha. You want to join a religion where a pedo is seen as the best example for humankind?
2015-11-04 12:28:09 UTC
sure. I think all religions are a bit outdated but if that's what u wanna do that's what u gotta do
2015-11-02 11:03:08 UTC
Type "Richard Dawkins" into YouTube and watch some of his videos.
2015-11-05 08:54:06 UTC
Covert to what you want they can't force you into what you believe in that's your choice
2015-11-02 10:03:18 UTC
Consider atheism. All religions are bad.
2015-11-02 15:12:35 UTC
Don't because I'm probably gonna go to hell because I always eat pork and I'm muslim
2015-11-04 07:47:56 UTC
So: you want to get to live like a I hope you wake up before it is too late.
2015-11-03 00:02:20 UTC
If you want to believe in fairy stories answer is grow up ! Religion is BS !
Abo MuJāhid al-GhaZi
2015-11-04 06:46:01 UTC
You are going to die alone, enter your grave alone and stand in front of Allah alone, where's your parents in all of this?
mataripis a ugnay
2015-11-03 05:24:41 UTC
It is a worldwide deception!The true redeemer and salvation is God the Son.Yes He is the Word that became flesh and The Word that is God.
2015-11-02 23:06:08 UTC
You are free to follow whatever silly mythology you want to.
2015-11-02 01:51:33 UTC
Follow your heart. Stand for what you believe. Masha Allah. My Indian Friend tells me that all the time. :)
2015-11-03 15:47:15 UTC
Don't become radicalised
2015-11-03 14:09:49 UTC
You are being lied to.

Stop talking with this person.
2015-11-02 13:34:05 UTC
pray to Allah to guide your parents and you.

Pray to Allah for a solution.

my regards to your Tunisian friend who helped you find the true path
2015-11-06 19:37:57 UTC
They need to understand about the religion, instead of listening to the media.

I hope, it help.
2015-11-03 10:28:58 UTC
yeah yeah. 2^7.

#ciabankcardrt #busted #notasilence #7eeswedkyokohera etc
2015-11-03 00:04:33 UTC
I would go to join Isis but the plane the stop
2015-11-02 14:28:46 UTC
Just do you boo, you only got one life to live.
2015-11-01 17:14:17 UTC
Don't do it
2015-11-03 00:09:21 UTC
Go for it. You only live one so live your life for yourself not anyone else
2015-11-02 19:15:58 UTC
Be strong and never give up. May Allah help you
2015-11-05 03:25:55 UTC
Do what you want girl.... but get off the Computer about it.
2015-11-04 00:38:09 UTC
always listen to your parents. btw no relegion teaches terrorism
2015-11-02 19:23:38 UTC
is the word ISIS been branded around somewhere in the topic of the convesations by any chance?
2015-11-02 10:37:28 UTC
I think you need to see a therapist. NOW.
2015-11-02 10:20:56 UTC
2015-11-02 19:50:29 UTC
Don't tell them
2015-11-04 11:26:03 UTC
But but but its a nasty religion, sharia law? really seriously? now you can hurt your parents!!! thats the punch line here. Live it up fellow
2015-11-03 09:11:04 UTC
Jesus said I am the way the truth and the life, no man comes to the Father but thruogh Me.
Mir Quasem
2015-11-03 04:41:05 UTC
Choice is yours. If you feel for any religion--proceed.
2015-11-02 19:49:54 UTC
Do whatever you want
2015-11-03 18:23:30 UTC
Your parents have more sense than you, there is no doubt about that!
2015-11-02 06:33:17 UTC
Well anything is better than atheism my friend.
2015-11-01 16:41:40 UTC
Salam, I am glad you want to convert to Islam,

1. Read the Quran and understand it, you can ask questions here to help you understand it, this is the first thing you have to do to understand Islam you need to understand the scripture. You can read hadiths (extra stuff) at a later time but Quran is mandatory.

2. Learn how to pray and understand how to pray in Arabic, you need to pray 5 times a day to your Lord Allah (swt).

3. You need to fast on Ramadan from dawn till tusk.

4. You need to say the shahada (probably should have mentioned this as #2) where you recite:

lā ʾilāha ʾillā-llāh, muḥammadur rasūlu-llāh

Which means:

There is no god but God. Muhammad is the messenger of God

If you were Christian there is a bit more you need to say: Jesus (pbuh) is a slave of Allah (swt).

5. Once in your life you need to make hajj (pilgrimage) to mecca.

6. Believe in the 6 articles of faith: Allah (swt) the one God, the prophets, the angels, the books (bible, torah, psalms, etc), the last day, and predestination.

7. dress modestly if you are male or female, do not commit fornication or adultery or homosexuality, marry those who are permissible for you to marry, accept everything in the Quran, etc.

There is a bit of advice I would like to share with you, reverts (not converts since we are all born Muslim) sometimes lose faith in Allah (swt) after accepting it within 3 years, so do not turn back on your heels, this is a life long decision, I challenge you to make it through those 3 years as a precaution. When you revert to Islam, all your past sins are forgiven as if you were a new born baby and all your good deeds remain. You are qualified for the highest heaven (there are 7 heavens in Islam one on top of another, the highest one is Jannah Firdaus which you can ask for after prayers it is directly under the throne of Allah (Swt)). You should repent often for sins or anything really, be thankful daily for what Allah (swt) gives you, be truthful in your speech, and be patient in hardship. Reverts such as yourself WILL be tested by Allah (swt) with hardsip because Allah (swt) wants to know which reverts truly believe and which ones are weak in faith and will give it up after hardship. Your faith must never be broken in hardship, patience is loved much by Allah (swt) and you earn many good deeds and have sins wiped away during hardship and are seen in a higher degree (500 degrees in heaven) if you go through hardship with patience. Further, when you make wishes to Allah (swt) after your prayers (they are called duas/wishes) you can ask Allah (swt) whatever you like. You should ask for Allah (Swt) after every prayer to increase and renew your faith since faith gets worn out, to spare you from hell, to admit you into Jannah (I say Jannah Firdaus), to grant you good in this life and good in the hereafter, etc. If you have other questions you can ask here in the Ramadan section of yahoo answers: society and culture > holidays > Ramadan. Or you can go to a mosque and talk with an Imam who can help guide you. If you want to ask here make sure you block the non-muslim trolls and bigots who lie and post false information to deceive you, always confirm with a Muslim who has knowledge and block the trolls and bigots, blocking is best. May Allah (swt) guide us on a righteous path to heaven (Jannah).
Brendan M
2015-11-03 07:55:44 UTC
You should ignore your parents and do what you wish.
2015-11-05 09:26:19 UTC
If you live in America, then leave.
2015-11-02 10:32:21 UTC
Do what you want, who cares what anyone else thinks....
Israel is Forever
2015-11-03 10:58:52 UTC
Your parents are right.
2015-11-03 00:35:50 UTC
move to a muslim county first. see if you like it.
2015-11-03 22:25:27 UTC
Don't blow us up tho
2015-11-03 23:12:39 UTC
the Operation hurts and is Not reversible
2015-11-06 07:57:01 UTC
hahaha I was laughing at this "religon's" "scripture" Its truly ridiculous!
great knight
2015-11-03 13:44:02 UTC
Islam is a lie. It is a false religion that speaks with no truth or authority and cannot even tell you if their false prophet is in heaven. Jesus Christ is the Son of God! “Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son.” - the Word of God. Get a kjversion Bible and believe. Jesus Christ is the truth. Only Christians know the false one(devil) comes first. The "jews" are "waiting" for false one to come. The "muslims" are "waiting" for false one to come. The "buddhists" are "waiting" for "next reincarnation". And now atheists/evolutionists are "waiting" for "alien" to come "save" the world. SIck. You can't make this up, spending millions looking for aliens(devil). There is no need for you to be deceived! Jesus Christ is the truth. Study the Word of God. "But if from thence thou shalt seek the LORD thy God, thou shalt find [him], if thou seek him with all thy heart and with all thy soul."- the Word of God. Tell your friend as well. "Then Peter, filled with the Holy Ghost, said unto them, Ye rulers of the people, and elders of Israel,

If we this day be examined of the good deed done to the impotent man, by what means he is made whole;

Be it known unto you all, and to all the people of Israel, that by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom ye crucified, whom God raised from the dead, even by him doth this man stand here before you whole.

This is the stone which was set at nought of you builders, which is become the head of the corner.

Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.

Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were unlearned and ignorant men, they marvelled; and they took knowledge of them, that they had been with Jesus.

And beholding the man which was healed standing with them, they could say nothing against it."- the Word of God. Here is wisdom: "For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:

Not of works, lest any man should boast.

For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.

Wherefore remember, that ye being in time past Gentiles in the flesh, who are called Uncircumcision by that which is called the Circumcision in the flesh made by hands;

That at that time ye were without Christ, being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope, and without God in the world:

But now in Christ Jesus ye who sometimes were far off are made nigh by the blood of Christ."- the Word of God. Jesus loves you. Get a kjversion Bible and believe. Study the Word of God.
2015-11-03 10:09:22 UTC
be a muslim without them knowing, pray to allah without them knowing
2015-11-02 14:17:59 UTC
Why the heck do you want to be Muslim?
2015-11-04 04:23:51 UTC
walk away. Do not be deceived
2015-11-02 12:19:07 UTC
go with it...if you really think thats the best action. **** them parents
2015-11-03 17:11:59 UTC
Enjoy the eternal damnation you will get with it!
2015-11-02 11:38:51 UTC
You are free to choose the faith you believe in. :)
2015-11-03 08:08:02 UTC
Seriously, I would suggest suicide.
2015-11-05 17:14:05 UTC
ASK a born muslim
D Nam
2015-11-05 13:12:58 UTC
become one in secret. by god you will be safe
2015-11-02 17:16:50 UTC
2015-11-03 23:22:42 UTC
Why no
2015-11-02 13:33:33 UTC
wow good , im very happy to hear this . welcome to Islam
2015-11-02 09:15:55 UTC
2015-11-02 11:28:26 UTC
2015-11-02 18:10:42 UTC
gosh, you r too young!
2015-11-03 13:44:08 UTC
jesus christ is the only way
2015-11-02 12:11:41 UTC
2015-11-03 07:09:56 UTC
What a DOPE !!!
2015-11-03 11:48:55 UTC
Chop 0ff their heads! It will Please ALLAH!
2015-11-04 10:26:03 UTC
Please become Muslim Please

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.