why do u people think islam is bad it's not so shut u bastards?
2006-07-06 09:50:37 UTC
why do u people think islam is bad it's not so shut u bastards?
42 answers:
soul patrol baby
2006-07-06 09:53:24 UTC
by calling people you don't know bastards you're making islam sound bad. why dont you try talking about the good islam has done in the world instead of name calling. take a chill pill
2006-07-08 02:19:16 UTC
I know you have told this bad word in anger but please be calm as we all know that one day will come when all the non muslims will be against muslims and they will fight and the victory will be for the muslims. So this is the part of hard time for us now and we have to bear it with peace to seek the blessing from the ALMIGHTY. We should indulge ourselves in seeking Gods help by constantly praying . Ask to help those innocent muslims who are in trouble , getting killed,tortured and humiliated daily.

People who think Islam is bad should also think for a moment what they are facing all around the globe , only kiling and torture. Dont they have pity on them before pointing out at islam. I think non muslims should keep himselves in the place of muslims who are raped,killed,tortured,beaten and himiliated in the worst of terms and then speak up , what you have to say about it, i am sure same maybe more words like the asker will come out from your mouths.

Why do certain people say Islam is bad because they get angry for whats happening to them and they in return do the same, like the saying goes, " every action has its own and equal reaction ". So why blame ISLAM. Stop doing the atrocities on them and they will be the best people on earth.
2006-07-06 13:07:20 UTC
The Language Written: The language written is Arabic. The language and alphabet is used by the Christians and the Muslims of the Middle East in society and in their religious services.

Islam: Islam is not an evil religion nor are the people of Islam. Yes, there are Muslim terrorists, but in the eyes of God, anyone who kills, hurts, or commits a sin to hurt another in anyway is a terrorists, hence in the word there is the word terror! So that makes everyone, one way or another a terrorists because many of us have hurt others emotionally, if not physically. Also, the people who commit such acts and say they are doing them in the name of God (like Osama and Bush) are heretics, antiChrist, and doing the work of the devil (also those who support them and follow them). Bush has his Christian group following him on the war of Iraq and the world and Osama has a group of young Muslim men following him, yet many many many Arab Muslims are against Osama and his works, and are against Bush as well since he is hurting people for no reason.

Me: I am a Syrian Orthodox Christian from Antioch in Syria or the Valley of Christians, where Christians were first called Christians (Book of Acts). I have nothing at all against the Muslims nor Jews nor Christians. You shouldn't label a certain group of people as something because not all of them are like that. Muslims that I know are peaceful, hospitalible, and even join us in the Christians celebrations. In Syria there is no difference between a Christians or a Muslim, we are all created equally by God. Yes, our beliefs are different and there are things I don't believe are correct in their beliefs, but that's how the world has been since the begining. People are different. There are bad and good, nice and evil, peacemakers and wardriven destructors, right and wrong. But at the end, God is the judge, and we are nothing to judge others since He has the Ultimate Power over all.

God Bless Everyone!

PS:No matter how much people hurt you and persecute you, do not let your faith in God lessen. Christians are still being persecuted emotionally and physically up until this day. Many say they are Christian by name, but they do not follow the Lord and don't even remember Him and what Jesus Christ has done for us. When our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ was tortured, hit, surged, whipped, nailed, mocked---He didn't say a word, yet He forgave us for what we had done to Him. He came to give us Eternal Life with Him, He destroyed the pains of death because death could not destroy Him because He is God and Holy without Sin. He rose again on the third day from death, which destroyed death. He went through so much pain only because He loved us and didn't want to lose us. Yet we still deny His gift to us and We Deny Him. But when we relise the Jesus Christ is "The Way, the Truth, and the Life" and repent, then our sins will be forgiven and we won't die eternally, but we will be with Him when the day of Judgement comes.
2006-07-12 03:44:00 UTC
Some people who think Islam is bad is there own fault. Why are you saying bastards to people. Thats not cool
2006-07-12 10:22:40 UTC
you're already making Islam a bad place by calling other people "bastards"

so u shut it

its not nice so go learn some manners and ethics

before u post your questions!.
2006-07-09 01:37:47 UTC
Although I think you definitely could have worded your question better, I think that people think that Islam is bad because they don't know alot about it, and I think that curiosity about what the religion is about mainly came about after 9/11. Now, because of the extremists who have taken jihad to a different level, everyone thinks that Islam is bad.
2006-07-06 09:54:48 UTC
It's because most of the time that you hear about Moslems on the news, it generally involves terrorism. It's not fair, I agree - no more than characterizing all Christians by the example of Pat Robertson or GW Bush is - but that's human nature. If all you hear about a group is the bad stuff, you assume that everyone in the group is just as bad.
2006-07-13 02:42:53 UTC
It's not, I'm muslim. And I don't think you are, don't blew up at me. Really, with that language you would NEVER look like a true muslim. Who are you refering bastard's to anyway? Havn't you EVER read the HOLLY QUR'AN?! Do as it says, Islam should be POLITE and ISLAM LOVE's PEACE.

Even though my answer is the last one, you should read it.

Learn English will you?!
2006-07-06 09:54:16 UTC
Well it's not necessarily the religion as a whole. People just don't like it's violent factions which almost every religion has. The public ends up linking terrorist with muslims because the terrorist are muslim. The problem is people are focusing on teh extremists rather than the religion itself.
2006-07-06 09:56:59 UTC
Because Islam is at the center of almost every war and trouble spot on the planet. Because Islam teaches hate, murder and intolerance. Because it is the anti Christ.
2006-07-06 11:03:38 UTC
Your arrogance is what makes me stay away from Islam. I could have converted from Atheism to Islam, but I converted from Atheism to Christianity because I believe in God.
2006-07-06 22:09:17 UTC
it's not that islam is bad it's just targeted right now because of what is happening in the middle east right now. catholicism had it's bad time and so has just about every religion. every religion has its bad apples. right now islam is the one with the rotten apple in its barrel. i hope this made sense.
2006-07-06 20:04:13 UTC
Islam is not bad..look who is saying the negative things Do you see any Muslim here talking this way towards others???? no you don't Now which religion teaches negative thinking, cursing, etc..?? hmmmm
2006-07-07 05:00:11 UTC
Your question it self answers your question. Didn't Understand?

When you call others bastards, isn't your religion BAD?
2006-07-08 06:22:02 UTC
because its the media. hey, its a sign of judgement day. nothing we can do really. if you're muslim, then just be the best muslim you can be, and show others the true beauty of islam

a start would be to not post something like you just did. that gives us all a bad name. besides, foul language aint allowed
2006-07-08 21:20:00 UTC
maybe because of being called "you bastards" and told to shut up by someone like you...if you are muslim you should follow your faith...don't hate!
2006-07-08 21:15:01 UTC
The way that you worded your question is the problem we have with Islma. Stop being the victim and be proactive. Stop trying to start wars. Let it go.
2006-07-09 19:23:48 UTC
2006-07-06 10:35:48 UTC
your language is what is bad. Are you a product of islam? if so, then maybe you are your own answer
2006-07-06 09:53:42 UTC
because the people who do only know islam as the 9/11, n y are u cursing???!!!???!
2006-07-12 09:53:34 UTC
You are obviously another Muslim trying to tell everyone else what to do, and you wonder why people like me have taken a dislike to your ilk
2006-07-06 09:54:00 UTC
If it were not for the beheadings, enslavement's, banishment's and terrorists, I may be able to think of Muslims as not bad.
2006-07-09 11:42:46 UTC
Learn to spell, learn more about grammar, stop being so ignorant and closed-minded and MAYBE we'd actually give a damn what you have to say.
2006-07-09 01:31:41 UTC
no religion is bad. everyone just has their own opinions about these kind of things, and we cant control how people think!
2006-07-08 04:06:52 UTC
becaue of idiots like you .........

if you are a MUSLIM .. the be ashamed of yourself for asking this question in such a rude way

Islam doesn't teach you this !!
Sugar Pie
2006-07-11 20:42:24 UTC
I may be wrong, but TERRORISTS may be giving islam a bad name.....
2006-07-06 22:51:39 UTC
Ramadan, makes me hungry just thinking about it.
wally l
2006-07-06 09:55:48 UTC
i might agree w/you after you kill all the bastard non believers.
2006-07-07 22:26:52 UTC
Anyone who straps a bomb to themselves,it they are not bad they are INCREDIBLY stupid.Islam what a joke.
davoodf e
2006-07-06 12:39:01 UTC
why do you think this ? its depended where you live dont listen you most search and know about every religy
2006-07-09 06:07:58 UTC
if this is the way you address people - its no bloody wonder that people dont like you !
2006-07-06 10:25:57 UTC
i didnt think they were bad, but u r making me change my mind.
2006-07-10 18:36:27 UTC
Yes it is you just don't know how crazy you are because your brainwashed.
2006-07-07 07:25:53 UTC
People should try to be more tolerant.
2006-07-06 09:52:48 UTC
because it makes people behave the way you are
2006-07-11 15:35:50 UTC
2006-07-06 10:53:35 UTC
wow! with that language I am going to be sure to stay a CHRISTIAN!
2006-07-07 00:30:53 UTC
you could have worded that better
2006-07-06 09:56:23 UTC
It's people like you that make it look bad. And... WTF does "SHUT U" mean? Learn some damn English.
2006-07-06 09:52:54 UTC
I don't and I am not
2006-07-13 08:42:35 UTC
2006-07-06 11:03:10 UTC

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