Were are all these authentic books that the shia curse Aisha in lol, or are you practising hypocrisy?
Ali M
2008-08-18 15:19:41 UTC
Were are all these authentic books that the shia curse Aisha in lol, or are you practising hypocrisy?
Ten answers:
2008-08-18 17:06:20 UTC
When good Shias here admits they don't curse or say ill of Aysha (r.a), why would some Sunnis want to prove other way as Aysha (r.a) to be cursed by all Shia. No true Muslim can curse any of the Mother of all believers (r.a) or the Sahaba (r.a)
2008-08-18 22:27:35 UTC
Listen man, i think u r not a practicing shia.. okay.. so dont make fun of ur religion. Ur authentic books do curse Aisha and all the good shias know that very well, Imams in Iran curse Aisha b4 they start praying in the masjid.

so delete this question, u r just making fun of urself

Go to youtube, u will see thousands of videos where imams are cursing Aisha (ra)


Lmaoo @ Idreesa

who got period?
2008-08-19 01:04:44 UTC

"Cold as Ice", "sameer s", "eviwahhabi", "Mjaffery12", "Osama", "gunnerH", "csucmasy ", "FTL(Turba charged)", "Pro Actice".

is the same user a Lebanese Shia
2008-08-18 22:34:57 UTC
all religious duties are not prohibited during periods,,,

why to act dumb hypocrite,when you are in periods ? why you have to be embarrassed by something you can not control.

what if you start periods during hujj ? will you leave tawaff !!

to hide something which comes natural you have to lie,you have to to do so many acts ,just to hide something natural as if it was a sin !

if you were having periods and if you are certain that it is lawful not to fast ,salat,then why to lie or shy?

2008-08-18 22:35:31 UTC
huraira,the idiot followed by majority

In the famous book "Taa'oueel Mukhtalaf Alhadith " by Ibn Qutaiba Al-Dinory, the story of Aisha (the Prophet's wife) telling Abu Hurayra; " You tell ahadiths about the prophet Muhammed that we never heard them from him"

He answered (as Bukhary reported); "You (Aisha) were busy with your mirror and make up" She (Aisha) answered him; "It is you who were busy with your stomach and hunger. Your hunger kept you busy, you were running after the people in the allies, begging them for food, and they used to avoid you and get away from your way, and finally you would come back and pass out infront of my room and the people think you were crazy and step all over you."

If we apply the supposedly rigid criteria used to select those who narrated hadiths, Abu Hurayra will be the first one to fail the test and his hadiths will be the first to be counted

among the fabrications.
FTL (Turba Charged)
2008-08-18 23:27:39 UTC
Your question is very challenging to them, but they won't be able to answer, cause their isn't. They might have the history of battle of Jamal written in it, or bits and pieces like in Bukhari, about her errors, but curse her, the wife of our Prophet (s), that is a great sin, not possible.
2008-08-18 22:22:58 UTC
You tell us what are your authentic books and I'll quote form them, can you?
2008-08-18 22:28:22 UTC
is it you speaking or is taquyiaa?

because honestly talking to shia is like talking to a multiple-personality person.
2008-08-18 22:48:39 UTC
was there a gay muslim in history?
2008-08-18 22:29:50 UTC
Shias authentic book is QURAN

Read it.

Surah Tahreem verses 66:10-11, which incidentally had descended as a warning to Ayesha and Hafsa:

"Allah has set forth an example to the disbeliever's, the wife Of Noah and the wife of Lot. They were both married to two servants from among our righteous servants, but they were deceitful/treacherous to their husbands. And they benefited nothing before Allah on the account of their (husbands). Instead they were told: "Enter the Fire with those who enter." Allah cited an example for the believers, the wife of Pharaoh when she said: "O my Lord, build for me a house in paradise, and save me from Pharaoh and his deeds; and save me from the people who do wrong".

* Allah (swt) exposed the two wives in this verse, so much so that in Surah Tahreem verse 4, He (swt) says:

"If ye two turn in repentance to Him, your hearts are indeed so inclined; But if ye back up each other against him, truly Allah is his Protector, and Gabriel, and (every) righteous one among those who believe,- and furthermore, the angels - will back (him) up".

Is Sahih Bukhari a shia Authentic book?

Sahih al Bukhari Volume 6, Book 60, Number 437:

"Narrated Ibn Abbas: I intended to ask 'Umar about those two ladies who back each other against 'Allah's Apostle . For one year I was seeking the opportunity to ask this question, but in vain, until once when I accompanied him for Hajj. While we were in Zahran, 'Umar went to answer the call of nature and told me to follow him with some water for ablution. So I followed him with a container of water and started pouring water for him. I found it a good opportunity to ask him, so I said, "O chief of the Believers! Who were those two ladies who had backed each other (against the Prophet)?" Before I could complete my question, he replied, "They were 'Aisha and Hafsa."

The comments of Sayyid Abul A'la Maudoodi in his Tafheemul Qur'an,

"The actual words are ' faqad saghat quloobukuma', Saghoo in Arabic grammar means bent or crooked. Shah Waliullah has translated this phrase: "har aaiyeena kaj shuda ast dil shuma", and Shah Rafiuddin translated the words as "crooked have become your hearts". Hadhraat Abdullah bin Masood, Abdullah bin Abbas, Sufyan Thuri and Dhahaak described the words as 'zaaghat quloobukuma' ie. "your hearts have diverted away from the right path". Imam Raazi in his commentary states "adlat wa maalat anilhaq wa huwa haqqar rasool sallal laho aliahey wa sallam" that means "you have removed yourselves from the truth, the truth in this context refers to Rasulullah (s). Allama Alusi in his explanation of this verse states "maalat anilwajib min muafiqatuh sallaho alahe wa sallam mujibbee maa yuhibuh waa karaahat maa yakrahu ila mukhaalifateh" that means "it is incumbent on you to support the Prophet in whatever he likes or not, but your hearts in this matter have turned away from supporting him to opposing him".

The Actual words are wa in tazaahara alaihee, tazaaharoo which means to mutually co-operate / unite against someone. Shah Abdul Qadir's translation is " If you two would mount a campaign against him", Maulana Ashraf Ali's translation is " If likewise you two continued to actively engage against the prophet. Maulana Shabbir Ahmed Uthmani in his commentary has defined the words "If you two continue to persist with such demonstrations."

The verses' are clearly addressing two women, and from the context it seems that these women are the holy wives of the prophet because from the first to the fifth verse of this chapter, matters relevant to the prophet's wives have been under discussion. As regards who these wives were and what that affair was on which this wrath descended, its detail can be located in hadeeth. Musnad Ahmed bin Hanbal, Bukhari, Muslim, Tirmidhi and in Nisai have been recorded the event, with slight variations in wording. Ibn Abbas � says: For some time, I was curious to ask Hadhrat Umar about the identity of the Prophet's wives who had jointly colluded against the Prophet. about whom Allah Taalaa had said in this verse ' in tatoobaa ilallahee faqad saghat quloobukuma', but I couldn't dare due to his temper. At last, he once went for hajj and I accompanied him. On the way back, at one point I assisted him to make Wudhoo, I got the opportunity and I asked him the question. He said they were Ayesha and Hafsa. Then he started describing that we, the Quraysh, kept our women under control. When we came to Madina, we met here people who were dominated by their wives, and the this led to our wives following their methods. One day, I got displeased with my wife, when she began to answer me back (the actual words are faa izaa hiyaa turaajiuni); I found this intolerable. She asked why I was angered by her answering back, 'God be my witness prophet's wives answer back immediately (the actual word is leyurjenahu), among them are some who are estranged from the Prophet for the entire day (In the tradition of Bukhari, it is that Prophet remained displeased for the whole day). Upon listening to this I left my home and approached Hafsa (who was the daughter of Hadhrat Umar and the wife of the prophet). I asked her if she answered back to the Prophet, she said yes and I said was there anyone amongst you who the Prophet would separate from for the whole day? (Bukhari's tradition says that the Prophet (s) remains displeased with all day long), she said yes. I said 'that woman is very unfortunate and is at a considerable loss. Don't you fear that the Prophet's wrath may in turn lead to Allah's wrath and subsequent annihilation? Never exchange words with the Prophet, nor demand anything of him, ask of whatever you want of my possessions. Do not be deceived by the fact that your neighbour (meaning Hadhrat Ayesha) is prettier than you and more beloved to the Prophet. After this, I went to Umm Salma who was my relative and I talked to her on this matter and she said Ibn Khattab what an odd person you are, you have interfered in every affair, so much so, now you are interfering in the affairs of Prophet's wives. Her words broke my courage. Then it so happened that one Ansari friend of mine visited me at night and he called for me. We used to take turns in sessions with the Prophet, and whatever one of us heard on his turn of attendance was communicated to the other. The period was when we feared the invasion from Ghassan. As I came out to see him, he said that a big calamity has occurred. I said have the Ghassanis invaded? He said no, it is even more serious, the Prophet has divorced his wives�My translation might sound somewhat impudent but to tone it down constitutes interfering with the true import and intent of Divine words where Allah (swt) has supported Rasulullah (s) did and condemned his tormentors in the explicit unforgiving manner that they both so well deserved.

Some other people declare my use of these as impertinence, although this could be impertinence only if we had dared assuming such words for Hadhrat Hafsa; we have only expressed the correct meanings of Hadhrat Umar's words, and these words were used by him to reprimand his daughter for her wrongdoing. To call it impertinence would imply that while a father is disciplining his daughter, he should remain talking to her with deference�At this point one should ponder if the matter was so small and insignificant that the Prophet at times would say something to his wives and they would say one or two things back, then the question arises 'why was it given so much importance that in Quraan Allah (swt) takes it upon Himself to reprimand these holy wives?, in a manner so stern that Hadhrat Umar deemed the matter as so serious that he first disciplined his daughter and then went to the houses of the other holy wives, he made them fear the wrath of Allah. Are we really to believe that the Prophet was so highly sensitive that he got offended with his wives on trivial issues? May God forgive us, should we believe that he was so touchy that he considered separating from his wives on a minor matter secluding himself in his abode. Only two options are available. An individual is either so conscious of the reverence of the holy wives that he cares less for the honour of God and His prophet or he will readily admit that in that period the attitude of these holy wives had reached such a point that the prophet was justified in being offended with them, and more than him Allah (swt) Himself had the right to sternly censure these wives�That is why in Quran there are just only two such occasions where these revered women have been reprimanded, one chapter Ahzaab and one this chapter Tahreem".

Sahih Bukhari Hadith: 5.166 Ayesha herself narrates:

"I did not feel jealous of any of the wives of the Prophet as much as I did of Khadija though I did not see her, but the Prophet used to mention her very often, and whenever he slaughtered a sheep, he would cut its parts and send them to the women friends of Khadija. When I sometimes said to him, "(You treat Khadija in such a way) as if there is no woman on earth except Khadija," he would say, "Khadija was such-and-such, and from her I had children."

Sahih al Bukhari Volume 6, Book 60, Number 434:

"Narrated 'Aisha: Allah's Apostle used to drink honey in the house of Zainab, the daughter of Jahsh, and would stay there with her. So Hafsa and I agreed secretly that, if he come to either of us, she would say to him. "It seems you have eaten Maghafir (a kind of bad-smelling resin), for I smell in you the smell of Maghafir," (We did so) and he replied. "No, but I was drinking honey in the house of Z

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.