Ramadan : its 6am now and i need ur help...?
2008-09-19 16:11:01 UTC
Assalam o alaykum,

I cant sleep. Its 6am now.. I'm tired but my eyes wont shut n my brain wont rest from being active.
What should i do? Any special du'a for this? Share with me please....

Eleven answers:
2008-09-19 16:18:25 UTC
Here's what's called evening & morning prayers:

Ayat Al-Kursi once

Surat Al-Ikhals 3 times

Surat Al-Falaq 3 times

Surat Al-Nas 3 times

then say: "Bism-Allah Allathi la Yathur maa ismehi shayeon fi al-arth wala fi alsmaa wahwa al-samee'o al-aleem" 3 times

then say: "A-oothu be-kalemat Allah Al-tamat men sharry ma khalaq" 3 times

The prayers in Arabic:

بسم الله الذي لا يضر مع اسمه شيء وهو السميع العليم

أعوذ بكلمات الله التامات من شر ما خلق
2008-09-19 23:17:39 UTC
Walaikum Asslam.

Well like Maria said you can recite some Quran verses or read the tasbih.

Allah Hafiz
2008-09-19 23:23:57 UTC
As the third ashura is for the " freedom from the hell-fire" and following is the dua'a


Plus,download "Hisnul Muslim" for future references from the following link:

Fortification of the Muslim [through Remembrance and Supplication from the Qur.aan and Sunnah]
Maria A {Evergreen}
2008-09-19 23:15:14 UTC
I'm facing the same problem. I recite Quranic verses, as much as I can, then I sometimes plan for tomorrow,. how I spent my day.. but still not a definite solution. I wish someone comes up with the solution..

Thanks for asking this question. ~!
like you care
2008-09-19 23:19:00 UTC
read fatihah,al falaq and al-nas and ayat al kursy...

make the normal dua before sleeping..and read whatever u memorize from quran...dnt worry,the shaytan wont let u read quran and makes u sleep in a few minuits.
2008-09-19 23:32:57 UTC
read the QURAN till you sleep or do 20 rakats
Behind Da Veil
2008-09-19 23:16:44 UTC
1st thing... shut your computer

2nd find your bed, where is it

3rd. (have you offered your Fajar prayer)

4th Aytul Kursi

5 th dua before sleeping
2008-09-19 23:35:17 UTC
study u will doze off this works for me even when my eyes are wide awake
2008-09-20 00:16:59 UTC
read soret el alahad .alfalak.alnas.alkorsi.and duua el noom
2008-09-19 23:13:03 UTC
Sleeping pills.
2008-09-19 23:23:06 UTC
read ur koran

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