Do you consider a user who is fond of copy and paste answers is a " knowledgeable user"?
2009-03-10 06:03:32 UTC
In one of the questions about who is the most knowledgeable one in this section , most of the answers chose users who are famous of their copy and paste answers , made me wonder if this is the right criteria of being " knowledgeable " in this section ?
23 answers:
2009-03-10 07:35:53 UTC
I don't see the point of copy/paste. Post a link.

When someone copy/pastes huge answers, I assume they don't understand the content. Otherwise they would summarize and post the link. So no, I don't consider them knowledgeable.

Knowing about Islam Q and A doesn't make you knowledgeable, it just means you found an easily found site. Bravo. Have a cookie.

I think most people come here wanting to know how regular people see, understand, approach and cope with day to day life, and in the case of this section, spiritual matters. If they want the answers of sheikhs, there are plenty of sites that give those answers. Someone here can...wait for a link.
2009-03-10 21:26:47 UTC
It depends on both what they are copying and pasting, as well as whether or not they have more to offer than just that.

If it is a verse they are using to back up their opinion, I prefer it. I like to understand not only what they think on the matter, but also why they came to that particular conclusion. Also, some people are simply not good at explaining themselves via writing. If they can give an example of some sort, via copy and paste, I might actually change my mind on whether or not I agree.

So if they use it in a way that makes sense, and it adds to what they have to say (rather than says it for them), then yes.

If they have nothing to say for themselves though... not so much. It is also incredibly annoying when the same things are pasted over and over again, or even the same links. I have about fifty websites saved on my computer having to do with Islam, I've read most of the common copy and paste posts before, so I see nothing useful in a repeat of what is already out there.

So I do have to see them contribute something to their post via their own mind before I personally consider them knowledgeable. Or at the least, the copy and paste is detailed, and is actually tailored to each individual question. If they can't use their own mind to come up with an answer, they should at least be able to use their own mind to find something that actually answers the question.
2009-03-10 07:13:18 UTC
Do I consider them to be knowledgeable? No.

I prefer a detailed answer with a resource. That’s all. I dislike copy/paste answers and never read them. If I wanted to gain knowledge about a particular topic from the internet, I would simply use the search engine, Google.
2009-03-10 06:58:33 UTC
The idea that copy and paste answers (whether they are or not), are a sign of lack of intelligence came from those who are fighting Christianity, namely the Atheists. Just because someone may copy and paste some things doesn't mean they are lacking in knowledge at all. They are constantly trying to dig up things against Christians. I don't do a lot of copying and pasting but if I do it is based on knowledge.
2016-04-03 09:59:42 UTC
May be if he reads them before he paste. Human brain by default is formatted to feed anything and has no limits. Every man starts feeding it from day one. Knowledge is from cradle till grave. Isn’t it all in a way copy and paste system?. Copying knowledge from books to brain or from teacher to students. From one person to another. But It's very important to get right knowledge to check from where he copies the knowledge. Otherwise he may have deadly viruses that will really effect his system and spread to others.
2009-03-10 06:28:43 UTC
-Speaking for myself alone, I don't usually copy and paste. For most cases I think the questioner wants a 'personal' touch to the answers, rather than simple copy-paste. I mean what’s the point of copy-paste, when you can simply point out the source and the asker can easily read it for him/herself?

-But in the end it depends on various factors, most importantly who the questioner is. If I see the account is very recent, I don’t bother to elongate much same goes for regular trolls, so called ex-Muslims, ‘enlightened’ users and others who question anything and everything baselessly. A Genuine answer for a genuine question, that’s my principle here. If I think the asker is willing to learn then I am ready to type.

-there are cases for which copy-paste is quite relevant, like for common questions: Aisha’s (ra) age, number of wives of the prophet (sa), Islam and women, etc. I mean one can’t justify the same thing over again and again.

-when I think an akser is unwillingly to learn/ or asking the question for a mischief, the best solution to ignore or to copy and paste the answer from a source. Since, I know that they are not willing to learn anyway.

-hope that helps.


Some of those copy-people ppl are quite knowlegable, but i guess they are fade up of typing the same thing again and again

PEace :)
2009-03-10 06:16:35 UTC
Most of the answers I post are cut & pastes from Islam Q&A. And this is as it should be. Only a Muslim who is a qualified scholar should give answers about complexities in our deen.

Of course, we can give individual answers about matters of fardhu ain (knowledge that is required of each Muslim). Here's an example of something any Muslim should be able to answer: "How many fardh prayers are there each day?".

But if somebody asks whether this or that financial plan constitutes riba, I'm only going to cut and past info about riba that seems applicable to the situation from Islam Q&A (or some other reputable source).

Again, this is exactly as it should be. One of the signs of the approach of the coming of the Day of Judgment is when people stop respecting scholars of deen.

EDIT: And I give the urls for the cut & paste, so anyone can verify it.
2009-03-10 06:36:22 UTC
yes!!!! why????

1-he can reach the answer and copy it .this is not an easy thing

if you take in mind the variety of info he checked

2- he know the importance of time so in the time of you ( or anyone)

answer question he answer 4 which give him more knowledge

3-he use the best way of teaching

i dont know why some nations insist on memorizing styles (which only deal with the memory) instead of open book style which deal

how you get the info and analyze it


the right criteria for the knowledgeable user is the fastest to get the right and complete info

best wishes

2009-03-10 06:09:30 UTC
Surely, they're not going to sit there and type up thorough answers like that in a matter of minutes. These questions keep coming over and over again, and the person most prepared to give adequate enough answers, whether it be copy and paste, or actual typing seems pretty knowledgeable to me.
2009-03-11 02:44:48 UTC
No ! He/She shall remain a 'copier'. One should write answers in own language after studying a question if there be a need to refresh knowledge.. otherwise reply from the knowledge already gained on that issue.
2009-03-10 09:26:04 UTC
good point. i am not so big on copy and paste, ecxept when i want to provide a verse from the Quran, or a hadith. other than that, i mostly give my own input, ofcourse supported by fact. and when my opinion is asked, i give my honest opinion. and if otherwise, i answer to the best of my knowledge.
2009-03-10 08:46:32 UTC

If the copy and paste is from a shia, then i don't even look at the answer because it has no purpose and rarely even answers the question, it is misinterpreted and taken out of context just to fit the question.

If it is from a sunni, who has taken it from reliable sources, then yes i consider this person knowledgeable, why? because this person clearly shows concern for making sure that he does not make things up in the religion and instead relies upon the knowledgeable people (ulamma) who have written such statements so that they can be read by other.

so in short sunni plus copy and paste from reliable source = a very wise person
2009-03-10 07:46:10 UTC

i honestly if im gonna ask a question, i wont trust any answer unless they are taken from a good website...bcz there's so many ppl who give there own opinions based on there little knowledge or what they think its best and which is wrong in reality.

copy paste, is most of the time what i do, i treat ppl like i want ppl to treat me which is trust info not just opinions from ppl who think tehy have the answer.

honestly i know the answer but i always feel that my answer with my own words wont be like a good sheikh's words...not enough.

i know myself im not that good in english so i wont give my words to someone who is really serious in his q.

all im saying is that everytime i copy paste an answer, i feel its safer for the asker and the sheikh's way in writting is better than mine.

btw as for knowledge, there's sometimes when i also dont know the answer, but when i search , i read so i learn and in this way i gain new info and the asker gain his answer to his thats a good thing.

but i admit, that ppl who give u the answer without copy paste have skills and have a quality given to them by ALLAH(swt) , bcz they can influence on u in there own words and thats not knowledge but skills bcz they can go to ur heart and mind and make u believe there idea, without copying, which is very good qualitie.

btw, searching for answers to just copy paste isnt that easy, like u think it is, u dont find it anywhere bcz u have to search only in the good islamic websites not the one that they protend islam but they are against it.

2009-03-10 06:25:25 UTC
I find excessive copy/paste's annoying (where you have to scrolll riiight down), but if you can tell the person wrote the copy/paste themselves then I am usually okay with it.

You can just tell when they are copy/pasting someone else's article. I do not like that.
Seek Peace and Truth
2009-03-10 07:26:56 UTC
I'd say such a user is a sensible user who saves time this way instead of having to type out the same answer for similar questions all the time
2009-03-10 06:28:50 UTC
well i think the fact that they are willing to look it up shows there quest for knowledge even though some may be using it to seem smarter than they are but they are learning as they look it up so i guess it makes them somewhat knowledgeable.
2009-03-10 06:55:02 UTC
when it comes to religious matters, no one really care about what ones opinion is.

it is only about what the Holy Quran and the sunah says.

so, when you give an answer, it should be an answer for those who have the knowledge to answer such Qs.

we must be careful with Islamic issue, we don't want to end up creating a whole new religion and changing and twisting whats in the Holy Quran like you know who.

unless it is a personal Q.

but you must put your sources.

it is always strange that RK followers never, and I mean never, put a source for their copy&paste stuff (are you talking about them??)

I can understand their shame.

beside, it depends on what you are copying@pasting, yes??
2009-03-10 06:09:30 UTC
well, dont discount it too quickly. just because someone wont type out quran or hadith because its easier to c+p, doesnt mean they dont have the knowledge. its about applying it in the right place and knowing the correct answer.
magicofdawn (again)
2009-03-10 07:32:47 UTC
Many people deny what you say outright so you have to back it up. That's where c&p comes in. Sometimes it's necessary.
2009-03-10 06:15:57 UTC
this is not the criteria, as long as you know how to get the info and from where, this would be called knowledgeable, Aalim,,
2009-03-10 08:40:34 UTC

do you mean fondling?

you need brain to copy and paste the right stuff
2009-03-10 07:14:54 UTC
Copy and paste should be limited to citing an exact text.
Aizen Saske
2009-03-10 06:22:07 UTC
I agree with you, I hate copy pasters.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.