2012-03-18 15:44:47 UTC
Put aside the horrendous violence committed by Christians against Muslims over so many centuries – violence which we Westerners freely confess to.
Put aside the horrendous violence committed by Muslims against Christians and Jews – violence which Muslims NEVER confess to but rather proclaim that, “Muslims were merely defending Islam” or “Real Muslims don’t commit violence because Islam is a religion of peace!”
Simply look at the world today and ask yourselves: Is it even a remote possibility that non-Muslims and Muslims will ever “get along”?
-Google search “civil wars in the world” then research each individual civil war and you will find one common combatant in 90% of them: Muslim extremists. Muslims are involved in civil wars in China, Russia, Bosnia, Cyprus, Macedonia, Israel, Pakistan, India, Indonesia-Ambon & Halmarhera, Côte d'Ivoire, Kashmir, Kosovo, Kurdistan, Kirghizia, Nigeria, Philippines, Somalia, Turkey, Chechnya, Sudan, Yemen, Thailand, Uganda, Azerbaijan and East Timor. Muslims fight against Zoroastrians, Copts, Hindus, Jews, Christians, animists, communists, Buddhists, Sikhs, pagans – against all non-Muslim nations and cultures.
-8/09 Bosnia Muslim leader Mustafa Ceric declared Christian Serbian Muslim-majority territory boarding Montenegro as Muslim homelands. The same Muslims we saved from ethnic cleansing by bombing Christian Serbs in the 90's are now claiming more Serbian land.
-8/23/09 BBC Thailand: In a pre-dawn raid Muslims killed two Thai policemen today and fled in trucks. Muslims shoot, behead and blow up local Buddhists to force them to flee Southern Thailand in order to establish a separate Islamic state.
-8/20/10 AsiaNews, Kashmir: Extremist Muslims are demanding Sikhs convert or leave.
-8/23/10 Reuters: Since 2004 Muslim extremists have killed 4,000 Buddhists in southern Thailand, which they are claiming as Muslim homelands.
-7/5/11 Daily Mail, London: Islamic extremists have called on British Muslims to establish three independent states within the UK.
-10/4/11 AFP news, Philippines: “The government had previously warned that Umbrakato posed a serious threat to efforts aimed at ending a Muslim insurgency that has left an estimated 150,000 people dead over more than four decades.” Muslims want their own independent nation.
-1/3/12 Reuters, China: “[Muslim] Uighurs in Xinjiang rioted against Han Chinese residents in 2009 and at least 197 people were killed, according to official estimates.” Muslims want their own independent nation.
-1/29/07 Daily Telegraph UK: 40% of Muslims, ages 16 to 24, want Sharia law; 13% admire al-Qaeda; 36% believe apostates should be executed; 75% believe that women should wear veils.
-5/22/07 Reuters: 25% of young American Muslims believe in suicide bombings to fight the West.
-7/27/08 Sunday Times UK: 33% of Muslim students support killing for islam; 33% want world Islamic law.
-November 2011 MacDonald-Laurier Institute poll of Canadian Muslims: Only 39% of respondents disagree strongly with the idea of introducing a Caliphate (world Sharia law); 75% wish that Sharia law be implemented; 20,000 support Al Qaeda.
-12/3/11 APF, London: Muslim honor crimes increased 47% compared to 2009. The attacks included murder, mutilation, beatings, abduction and acid attacks.
After 1,400 years of conflict between Muslims and non-Muslims there is only one answer to my question: We will never “get along.”
Isn’t it time to acknowledge the fact that we are implacable...enemies?