Why is Islam potrayed as an evil religion in the media?
2014-12-29 10:23:30 UTC
First off no I am not a muslim and I am well aware that most terrorist groups are muslim and would like to stress before people start ranting at me that MOST muslims are law abiding citizens who integrate into society.
My question is why is when a Christian commits murder in the name of christianity they just refere to it as murder,If a muslim commits murder "Hes a terrorist" is the immediate reaction.Groups such as the KKK and IRA commit attacks in the name of Christianity but are never reffered to as "Christians".Yet "ISIS" and Al Queda" are reffered to as Islamic terrorist groups.
156 answers:
2015-01-02 22:17:00 UTC
Sadly this is because most people don't know ANYTHING about Islam except how it is portrayed. Throughout the years we've seen many terrorist attacks by Muslims, 9/11 being the one to start all of this. In schools we are taught in history class that Islam, even in the early ages, is a violent religion and sadly many Muslims are showing that title to be right. There is also much false information on the internet regarding Islam and the Holy Qur'an, saying that it teaches people to kill others, when in reality this is VERY untrue. How many have you have actually opened a legit Holy Qur'an and read its translations? I dare all of you who claim that this book teaches violence and indecency to actually read one, not from the internet, but an actual Holy Qur'an. So, the main reason why Islam is portrayed as an evil religion is because people know next to nothing about Islam, and unfortunately Muslims themselves are portraying Islam wrong. Btw, Allah is the Arabic word for god he isn't a different god
2016-03-12 02:45:09 UTC
Why do you not understand that the world wide violence in the name of Islam is what is causing it and always has? The violence goes back to a dispute over who had spiritual authority over the Muslim community after the death of the prophet Muhammad in what is called the “fitna” which translates as temptation or trial and caused all the discord within Muslim community. Shi’ite Muslims believe that authority was vested in his family; the Sunnis look to the sayings and actions of Muhammad as well as the Koran. The extreme sectarian violence has been brought about by Al-Qaeda Which while being exclusively Sunni deliberately set Shi’ites and Sunnis to kill each other in Iraq. Sadly more muslims die by muslim hands each month than were killed by the invading forces in the war! Hamas also kills far more muslims than the Israelies ever have! An average of over thirty five muslims a week were being killed by muslims but in the last few years it has frequently been over a hundred a week! Whether it is a Danish Cartoon, book of fiction , a snippet of film or some other excuse, Muslims hit the streets around the world rioting, looting, burning and uttering death threats! Nearly all the muslim countries are seeing muslims attack muslims destroying homes, businesses, infrastructer and targeting women and children particularly showing the extremists must surely be trying to turn muslims into primitives living in caves and mud huts so they can be controlled more easily!
2014-12-29 21:00:53 UTC
The main reason is that Jews own and dictate the media. Jews hate Muslims and Christians and Muslims hate Jews. Christianity is ridiculed on a 24/7 basis by almost every television network. But notice, when ISIS was executing Christians in the Middle East, suddenly all tv networks are "so concerened" about all the Christians being executed. The reason behind that is that Jews who control/finance the USA gov debt are also the same ones who finance the media. Their intentions are to once again manipulate the Christian population into hating Muslims and getting them to want to go kill the Muslims overseas. Jews use others to fight their wars. We are fighting overseas for Israel's benefit - not the USA's. Everybody in the country is blind to this b/c they watch and trust television. I believe in God and I do believe that when certain Jews die, they are going to wake up in a place that they will immediately fear and come to realize they have a debt of eternal pain that they are going to have to pay off. I know debt is a word that they understand quite well.
2014-12-30 14:45:11 UTC
the IRA did not commit attacks in the name of Christianity

they were fighting because they were occupied ...this is why there campaign stretched to the mainland of the UK against government infrastructure and also police and army

the t!t for tat killings in n.ireland were religion orientated as religion divides people , by association ...but the end game of the campaign was against the occupation and wanting to be a united ireland

since one section of the population wanted to aligned to England .... this is when religion became relevant ...but it was not cause or main motivation of the IRA

if you look at terrorist groups today , are they really doing anything different than trying to defend there home land from exploitation ? i think it is highly debatable

i don't condone violence , but one thing i do know is ....... IS if my family were killed by drones ,missiles or harassed by occupying forces .... i would become a freefom fighter as i have been motivated to do so

i am pretty sure most countries in the world , if occupied and blown up ....some sort of resistance would incur...even the USA , i have no doubt if they were occupied or restricted , people would take up arms

the thing about terrorism is , the aircraft carriers , the cruise missles ,the drones tanks and superior force ...... push a resistance not into open battle , like days of old as they would stand no chance , but into attacks against people the devastation can harm the resolve of the supposed 'spreading democracy' as not worth the risk

governments need to take responsibly for what they do , and tax paying population should NOT act so horrified when such events occur .As they have allowed there governments to be occupiers ...there is always an effect to your actions , to think you can blow things up and everyone will be grateful is just stupidly

if the shoe was on the other foot , i doubt very much it would be played out any differently .... during the French occupation the French had a resistance and so on and so on ......

the only way to stop terrorism is not to facilitate the conditions in which it is born ....

religion is used in wars to motivate through unity - it is nothing more than an emotional tool ....for people to endure

BTW ....i am not Muslim ...
2014-12-31 18:12:51 UTC
The media, to earn money, tends to sensational the news. However, the media can't sensational something if there is nothing. In short where there is smoke there is fire. How often do we hear and watch on TV Muslim terrorists? Judge for yourselves. The question is: why do some Muslims become terrorists? Because they believe that their holy book, the Quran, gives them 2 choices: (1) to be tortured forever in a fiery hell by a loving and merciful Allah--which is the greatest contradiction in the Quran, or (2) Get unlimited sex in paradise with their virgin wives--which is ridiculous. There is a third choice, from the internet, and that is to leave Islam. You think I'm kidding? Look at the picture below and read the Quranic scritptures:
2014-12-30 15:14:00 UTC
In the media, a large percent of what we hear about Muslims are negative, which is unfortunate, because it perpetuates the stereotype that all Muslims are terrorists.

However, ISIS and Al Queda are referred to as "Islam terrorist groups" because that is who they are. They are committing these crimes "in the name of Islam". They are Islam Extremists who are doing this because they were raised this way, and they think this is what is right (it isn't, obviously).

The KKK and other groups like that will often be described as "white sepremacy groups/white sepremasits" and a lot of times, it's this description over Christians, but they are also described as Christian Extremists, or Sepremacists. It is well known that the KKK is a Christian and white supremacy group.
2014-12-30 09:34:22 UTC
It's complicated, it really is as we will never get to the bottom it this. I hear what everyone is saying and I agree with it for the most part.

I don't consider terrorists as Muslims... It's as simple as that but not everyone sees it that way, as a Muslim we let things get way out of hand to the point where it's no longer in our control and having outside interference doesn't help either.

A couple of weeks ago apparently Al-Qaeda bombed a school in Pakistan and killed many students and I think most of them had fathers or brothers in the military, I mean those were innocent children there is no way those who carried out the attack will get any reward for it in the afterlife. I think they all should be captured and tortured for information even if it means them dying in the process, also Pakistan needs to stop listening to other countries and impose their own laws in their own country, I don't know how and why these things are happening but they need to be stopped but the problem is that no one can be trusted, sorry to say I don't trust anyone from any religion from any country.
2015-01-03 20:39:05 UTC
Ignorance is bliss,in if you look beyond religious belives you will see that your answer is that these so called muslims are just a sect that has taken control of the simple minded people. They commit terrible deeds in good will. They have been brain washed by supirior minds. The media only shows the surface but the rabbit hole is very deep. Its a good thing that they are seen as evil because that is what they are in nature and in all logic. Dont waste your time asking why I mean they kill kids of all ages kidnap girls kill their own people and think they are doing it for good reasons. I mean to give you an idea ... they blow themselves up in hopes of being rewarded with 72 virgins in heaven. Realy? Just think about that for a second. Isnt that depraved, perverted, selfish. Thus i conclude by saying the root of all evil is lack of knowledge and education. If you are a closed minded camel you might aswell join their ranks. the media should keep doing what they do and show the truth
2015-01-01 13:07:41 UTC
Mostly because America, the most powerful country in the world, has a history of being racist and oppressive, and after 9/11, the Americans blame Islam on the whole for the actions of a few extremist (mentally ill?) people. In reality, of course, the case is that there are a lot of Muslim extremists (compared to other religions) because the predominantly Muslim countries are in an area of the world with corrupt governments and lots of abstract poverty, and their governments blame the West for this, so they do what they feel is necessary (i.e. trying to destroy Western civilisation) - not because they are a Muslim, but because that is the way their corrupt, unfair society has brought them up. Of course, the rest of the Western world - not wanting to offend or oppose the most powerful nation in the world - reluctantly go along with what the Americans are saying.
2014-12-29 10:28:44 UTC
Generally, I don't think the media portrays Islam as evil. They certainly portray the terrorists as evil and quite frequently reference them as "extremists" or "radicals". This appears to me to be saying extremism is wrong, not Islam. I agree with that.

And BTW, the KKK is referred to as an extremist group as well. And as far as I know, IRA terrorists are referred to as terrorists as well.

Where are you getting your news? Also, I have not heard of the KKK doing any killing for quite some time. They made some threats during Ferguson, but as far as I know, only threats.



The IRA is a political group looking for an independent Ireland. While they are Catholic, should they be labeled??? The KKK is marked by white supremacy, so should they be labeled by what happens to be their religion? If so, then the label atheist should be attached to Maoism or Stalinism, or was their communist ideals what differentiated them???

ISIS and such differentiate themselves based upon the extremism with which they want their religion practiced and applied to the governance of certain countries.

More to the point, should every act of violence perpetrated inculde an exact label of the person??? I.E. A German-descendant, white male, 42, non-practicing Methodist, who likes ice cream, is democrat but believes in right to bear arms, owns a cat, had a hamster growing up, loves to read and take long walks on the beach, raped a child?
Athalia Andoko
2015-01-02 10:32:45 UTC
First of all I just wanna make it clear that there TWO types of "Muslims". One is called Sunni, which makes up 85% of Muslims in the world. And the other 15% are Shia's.

Now the ones that does all those wrong and horrible sacrifices/rituals such as suicide, sexual intercourse with animals and violence are NOT Sunni's. They are Shia's, and Sunni's are totally and completely AGAINST them.

The historic background of the Sunni–Shia split lies in the schism that occurred when the Islamic prophet Muhammad died in the year 632, leading to a dispute over succession to Muhammad as a caliph of the Islamic community spread across various parts of the world, which led to the Battle of Siffin. The dispute intensified greatly after the Battle of Karbala. Today, there are differences in religious practice, traditions, and customs, often related to jurisprudence. Although all Muslim groups consider the Quran to be divine, Sunni and Shia have different opinions on hadith.
2014-12-30 10:48:38 UTC
I'm not in agreement with either group. White supremacy or terrorist. if you go back in history and tally up the deaths caused from either groups you will find that the Islam/Muslim groups have taken more lives many more times than the KKK or any other white supremacy groups. Since has been brought up about racism against blacks in that era doesn't even compare with the racism of Middle Eastern people against American people. They believe us to be stupid and inferior. Maybe because e take baths.
2014-12-29 20:37:33 UTC
Extensive scholarly work has been done on Muslims’ representation in the media. The most central literature is by Edward Said when he writes about the Iranian Hostage Crisis in his book covering Islam (1981). He points out that the American media and its experts have failed to understand and explain the Arab and Muslim world to the American public. More specifically, he argues that:

“Muslims and Arabs are essentially covered, discussed, apprehended either as suppliers of oil or as potential terrorists. Very little of the detail, the human density, the passion of Arab-Muslim life has entered the awareness of even those people whose profession it is to report the Islamic world
2015-01-01 17:48:39 UTC
It's called profiling, just like some accuse law enforcement of profiling by one's color, other do it by religion.. There are good and bad in all races, religions, colors of skin, and everyone from the richest to the poorest. There are documented terrorists, but they are not all Islamic. Many of our own white citizens of various religions have committed some of the most horrendous acts of DOMESTIC terrorism. Oklahoma City bombing. Mass murders. Arson of businesses. Murder of doctors who perform abortions, even they are legal under the law of Roe vs. Wade. Those who believe otherwise are terrorists, when they take the law into their own hands instead of lobbying to CHANGE the laws, which would be a regressive action and take the abortions back into the back alleys, instead of being done by licenses physicians in a safe sterile environment. Muslims serve the same God that others do. Each country or language has their own name for Him, whether it be God, Allah, or something else. Those who recognize a higher power exists all have God but by another name in a different language. Not all languages call our female parent they? Don't be guilty of profiling and believing that if one of a religion is bad that they ALL must be. Or else all you whites would be domestic terrorists, too.
2014-12-30 22:32:15 UTC
Personally I think of the KKK as terrorists.

Anyway, Muslims serve a God that they believe has commanded them to 'take care of' the outsiders, if you catch my drift. I'm not saying that is their religion's center. But their God is the unconditional ruler whose laws must be obeyed.

They're ruled by fear of what may happen if they do not follow these rules. Some like their situation however, as men in the Islamic belief are told that they will be rewarded with riches, women, and luxury in heaven. That's why their are so many suicide bombers, there is 'glory' in dying for their and special reward for them.
2014-12-29 10:38:23 UTC
That is a great question, I'm glad that someone pointed that out. It is due to a Euro-centric perspective and that Islam is usually associated with a certain group of people (north Africans), actually a very broad group. For example, two people from Nigeria are more likely to be less alike in DNA than between a white American and someone from any east Asian country. Muslims, as a group of people, are actually the most diverse. Also, most terrorist groups are from central Africa, northern Africa, and Southwest Asia. In central Africa, actually the Modern Crusades occurs between Muslims and Christians, so yes, about half of the terrorist groups in that specific area are Christian ones.

Plus, more Muslims exist in Indonesia, than any other country in the world. But there are no terrorist groups reported from Indonesia. The media tends to be Euro-Centric and racist, actually, more than religiously discriminatory. Also, because the US is majority Christian, the media likes to pick on the minority, as if we were a Christian nation in the Crusades, or something. We even send troops over there to fight the Islamist terrorist groups, as if we were fighting in the Crusades. It's really ridiculous.

The answer to your initial question though, is because the US is mostly Christian, and we like to hear of our "success", by belittling the Islamic forces into mere terrorists, while Christian murders are just a few bad apples. It's because they implant the idea that we are superior as a race, and as a religion, though we're not even Christian as a nation.
2014-12-29 23:40:25 UTC
The religion or belief in itself is not evil, remember that Islam is based on the same teachings as Christianity and the oldest, Judaism. As with all religions, it is the 'leaders' who may be the evil ones, they may use their power in society to manipulate the faithful to work towards their own personal goals, not the goals of the religion itself, which are usually the best for the world as a whole. They may be manipulate and focus on the more easily led factions in the group to bring this about, suicide bombers are a manifestation of this abuse of power, but remember, this is not limited to Islam.
2014-12-29 18:53:40 UTC
As far as I know, Islam doesn't teach evil. I've heard from former Islamics that the Quran preaches violence and world domination (once again, not totally sure). There are always bad apples in every religion. I'm a Christian, and have to deal with people in the KKK and the Westboro Baptist Church claiming they are Christians.
2014-12-29 18:12:54 UTC
Both moderate and extremist muslims use the same book and understand opposite meanings. This is dangerous.. History will tell you of the millions butchered across india africa and europe asia. The crusades were a response to the muslim hordes in the levant. Everyone should read the quran and experience the dark narrative devoid of love, full of cryptic consequences of rejecting islam. It also melds religion with government which is completely opposite to freedom of worship and civil liberties. Fear islam because you politically correct guys dare facilitating it's growth on this continent.
2014-12-31 03:03:11 UTC
The question is erroneous. The media seldom portrays islam as evil. It's just hard to say something nice about murdering cowards who target school children, shoppers in markets, airplanes that could be full of any kind of people; including muslims. Some members of this fine religion promote slavery, rape and other fine institutions. They are successful at getting publicity though: surprising that it tends to be negative.
2015-01-01 13:58:04 UTC
Because people like to assume that an entire group of people are evil just from the actions of the most extreme. From this, the Media feeds off the idea that all Muslims are like the extreme ones and refuse to even acknowledge the peaceful Muslims. Many get angry when people who practice Islam (i.e the Muslim Community) denounce ISIS and others because they do not want to hear it. They like to group everything in one big pile and assume its all terrorists. People dislike Muslims in general because it is so important to them to find as wide of a group as possible to generalize. People enjoy stereotypes, and many of the same people think all atheists are evil and dislike the theory of evolution, because the same people who hate muslims hate the theory of evolution so much.
2014-12-29 13:30:56 UTC
Im not saying all muslims are terrorists, but you know, there has been a lot of attention on the Group IS lately that has been terrorizing, so I Guess People just kind of generalize terrorism around men With turbans and guns who run around shooting into the air while screaming ''Ahhlaa Uh Ackkbahh!*
2014-12-29 19:58:36 UTC
Any religion that teaches people to kill others for their god, is evil.

The Allah of this world is a murderer a thief and a liar and deceiver and a slanderer, since the beginning.

And those who have their Allah as their god will do these things.

Those who murder, who commit terrorist attacks, etc. for their religion or their Allah, are evil.

Wicked evil people kill children for not converting to their religion.... And this is what Islamic State does to children who will not deny their Savior Jesus.

They kill them.

If a person claims to be a Christian or other, and goes out and kills others they judge doesn't deserve to live, then we know them by their fruit.

They have hate and murder in their heart. They are a murderer and their god is the Allah of this world who is a murderer since the beginning.
2014-12-30 10:35:56 UTC
I have so much respect for this question. You're completely right in saying that the media portrays Islam as an evil religion. The best answer I can give as a reason?

As society, we've always had a scapegoat for the issues of the world. Jews, Blacks, Women. Right now, because there are a few Muslim groups committing evil acts, we like to associate all of them with the evil acts without considering that these groups are extremists and do not represent all views of Islam.

But, to answer your question, we see them as evil because that is what we want to see--we want to have a group to target as evil, and as the reason for the world's problems, and Muslims are an easy target because of groups like ISIS/ISIL and Al Queda.
2015-01-01 01:46:05 UTC
It's not portrayed as an evil religion in the media. The media only reports on the brutish crimes Islamist commit. Like beheading of innocent people. Killing of school children. Stuff like that.
2014-12-30 06:12:08 UTC
Because extremists bark louder than moderates. It's as easy as that. As humans we focus on extreme representations because we enjoy categorizations. It's so much easier to say all Muslims are evil than saying there are numerous divisions within Muslims and the whole thing is much more complex.

To be perfectly factual, the Qu'ran does have violence in its text. But so does the bible. And the bhagavad gita. But because at present times, it's IS and the Taliban that represent major international threats, people look for someone to blame. So here's my answer. 'Because it's easier'.
2014-12-31 07:34:55 UTC
Because it IS an evil religion. simple. Muslims are judgmental, sexist, homophobic, psychotic, deranged, hostile, sick people. Arranged marriage in this day and age! They murder people for having free speech and beliefs. Muslims are the scum of the earth. It's only a matter of time before Karma gets to them. Whatever you do comes back on you three times fold. Expect a disease to hit that ugly country soon. Don't expect us to come and help.
2015-01-01 13:29:16 UTC
Having the possibility to have senior religious leaders forming groups of young men into terrorists who will kill themselves while murdering others, does not augur well for any religion. And as for promising them 72 this in the Koran...I'd be interested to know particularly as one the terrorists blew up my best,friend on a London bus.......

Don't see even the most extremist christian groups, buddhists, etc. etc. killing people in this cowardly way. Perhaps that's why a lot of people see it as evil. My friend's two little girls and husband are all devastated by the loss of their loved one at the hands of someone who didn't even know her.


2014-12-30 15:10:33 UTC
First, everyone does evil stuff SUREEE, when Christians did things they didnt say for "jesus"...etc

but when ever Muslims do evil things its related to religion and the more conservative ones, dont blame it on America, your actions speak louder than words.

Your countries brain washed you take social media away and slowly change laws (terrorizing, just a different version), the Quran was changed multiple times, each region in the world has a set of "bad/ISIS/Taliban...etc " Muslims those are the real ones, rest were their easy targets, that dont do anything because they cant, do you see other Muslims helping Muslims? they attack their own than anyone else. I got no respect for the easy targets that have no respect for their ancestor's hell, some of them live in foreign countries so wake up. Why would more than one person believe in a religion that says things that don't make sense whether one verse or two ???
2014-12-29 10:59:32 UTC
Please understand that in 86 years the KKK killed approx. 3100 people and that there is no record of any deaths at the hands of KKK in at least 30 years. The IRA was wholly localized, is 99.9% inactive and has been for decades. People died at the hands of these groups but to say that they were killed for Jesus or Christianity is not at all true and was never declared to be so by either group.

On the other hand there are dozens of Muslim extremist groups who target innocent civilians for their Muslim jihad. This jihad is the religious duty of Muslims according to MUSLIM texts and these groups make no secret that they kill for their religion.

To compare defunct groups that had vague religious overtones to Islamist murder groups like ISIS, TALIBAN, AL-QUEDA , BOKO ect. is terribly insincere of you and a vile and contorted distortion of reality.

Then you ask "Why is Islam potrayed as an evil religion in the media". Muslims are doing horrible, evil, disgusting things and contributing heavily to the ruination of any peaceful fabric on this earth and you what the media to report on Muslim weddings and Middle Eastern cooking instead of the NEWS? Muslims are demonizing themselves. The press does not make the news. It only reports it
2014-12-30 11:59:52 UTC
The entire Quran, taken as a complete text, gives a message of hope, faith, and peace to a faith community of one billion people. The overwhelming message is that peace is to be found through faith in God, and justice among fellow human beings.

At the time the Quran was revealed (7th century A.D.), there was no United Nations or Amnesty International to keep the peace or expose injustice. Inter-tribal violence and vengeance was commonplace. As a matter of survival, one must have been willing to defend against aggression from all sides. Nevertheless, the Quran repeatedly urges forgiveness and restraint, and warns believers not to "transgress" or become "oppressors."

plus Allah(swt) wouldn`t want his creations to kill one another. the media doesn`t always tell the truth you have to go and really open you eyes and ears. not all muslims are bad the ones considered terrorist like isis shall die in hell others who read the Quran with care,pray, and don`t commit violence shall receive a wonderful reward in the afterlife. muslims can control there anger. And i`m a Muslim.
2014-12-30 07:13:14 UTC
Unfortunately, because of the actions of radicalised Muslims, Muslims generally are bound to be vilified and tarred using the same brush. They have not assisted their own cause by being half-hearted in condemning the radicalised and by being separatist in dress and in excluding non-believers from their circles.

Violence perpetrated by the radicalised Muslim is far wider spread and more of a personal attack on non-believers than was ever the case with Christians.

All religions have their anomalies, Christian fighting Christian in two world wars for example, but in the case of Islam it seems to claim it is a religion of peace whilst portraying itself constantly as a vehicle for the spreading of fear and savagery.
2015-01-02 11:18:52 UTC
It could be that they only see the Dark side of Islam and all faiths have a dark side but what these dark sides fail to understand is that by committing these atrocity's they put themselves out of the love of Allah, or God, But because these people are not condemned and put out of these faiths the Media can not separate them from the ones who are sincere in there beliefs.
2015-01-01 14:32:03 UTC
Because to non Muslims, Islam is evil. What other religion demands it followers kill non believers in perpetuity? What other religion encourages them to kill non believers and glorifies them when they do kill? What other religion condones kidnapping for ransom and for selling non Muslims females as sex slaves? What other religion does the majority of followers demand institution of Sharia law that discriminates against women and non believers? The Koran is explicit in supporting the murder and discrimination of women and non believers. So called "moderate" Muslims are a minority and willfully ignore parts of the Koran until they become the majority and then it is back to the Koran for killing and discriminating.
2014-12-30 19:51:21 UTC
Well there are plenty of moderate peace-loving Muslims out there, but they aren't newsworthy.

The unfortunate truth is that there are actually plenty of Muslims in the world that take a literal, fundamentalist approach to their religion, and commit horrible crimes and engage in terrorist activities in the name of the religion. This isn't really seen as commonly in other religions.
2014-12-30 04:09:00 UTC
2014-12-29 23:48:20 UTC
It is an evil religion if you are not part of it. Convert or die, if you are allowed to live you must pay a tax.

People that use violence are not true Christians. Under Grace, you love God with all your heart, mind and soul. Love others how you would love yourself.

If you don't say that their evil than any good deed in the name of Islam? Do they help the world? Any charities?

Nuff said.
2014-12-30 10:20:52 UTC
I think it has to do with people's need to group people together. It's awful. I think that people are discriminating Muslims and other religions out of fear. Misguided fear. Not all Muslims are terrorists. Not all Christians are not terrorists or radicalized. People should be able to believe in their God and practice their faith freely if it doesn't hurt anyone.
2014-12-30 12:18:03 UTC
In my opinion the muslim holy books can be used to justify evil acts and therefore Islam needs to be reformed to solve this problem. Islam appears to need a new testament. In Christianity the vengeful cruel God of the old testament is transformed into a loving merciful Christian God in the new testament.
2015-01-02 00:28:10 UTC
because of ancient traditions like cutting off heads, abusing women, marrying little kids, blowing up buildings, etc. And I don't know ANY muslims that have integrated into society (especially the women since they still wear the black garb) and especially since they're trying to change our schools and laws and they still do honor killings which involves both the person and their partner.

To answer your second question, it's because their acts are brutal and bloody. By the way, I don't know that the KKK are christian organization so why would they do anything at all in the name of christianity, perhaps you are uninformed.
2014-12-29 23:04:30 UTC
Islam itself is not evil but the extremists who are Muslims are evil. These Thugs use the cover of religion to carry out their dreadful crimes against humanity. We should never forget though that every other group of people in the world has and had extreme people in their midst.
2015-01-01 10:04:33 UTC
Well because it's true. I'm not saying that other religions are perfect but Islam is the only modern religion that has instructions to cause violence in the name of God.
2014-12-30 11:12:32 UTC
I live in Asia and though I am not Muslim, I have many Muslim friends. I attend school with them and work with them (part-time). They are pretty much like any other human being to me and my best friend in primary school was Muslim. I think people from the West often objectify Muslims as "Terrorists" and "vermin" because Westerners don't have the level of interaction required for understanding and empathy. Do you know that they celebrate "Hari Raya Haji", "Hari Raya Puasa"? Many people have limited understanding of Muslims and yet are quick to label all of them as "terrorists" due to some black sheep. Personally, based on my day-to-day interactions with Muslims, I think that many Muslims have strong family bonds, are sincere, hospitable and generous. In fact, many of us non-muslims choose to patronise Muslim stalls because they are known to give larger portions of food! Yes they are religious but no, they do not kill women for committing adultery. Islam as a religon is not evil but like any religion, it can be misinterpreted. With the modernization of society, it is inevitable that some parts of what is depicted in religious texts have to be modified to be less extreme. From what I have read, both the Bible and Quran contain violence. Some terrorist groups absorb the religious texts without filter and there lies the problem. Apart from that, a combination of socio-economic factors and misinterpretation of the religious notions often lead to the rise of terrorist groups, pretty much like how the Great Depression was one of the main causes of the rise of Hiter and Nazism. When life's tough, people often turn to extremism.
2015-01-01 13:50:48 UTC
I would add that I disagree with the statement that most Muslims are peaceful and object to terrorism. Countless surveys have been conducted by friend and foe, and the great majority of these surveys indicate that anywhere from 60% to 85% of Muslims endorse terrorism and Sharia Law.
Robert M
2014-12-29 15:14:32 UTC
It IS an EVIL religion that promotes the CUTTING of THROATS and the MURDER of women that CHEAT on their husbands! They live by TOTALLY DIFFERENT RULES and IDEAS than any CHRISTIAN would do! Our CHURCHES would NEVER promote the murdering of WOMEN and CHILDREN that do NOT serve ALLAH< etc! I MISTRUST ALL ARABIC people anyways as they usually CHEAT at business and other arenas as well! I have NEVER successfully worked for ANY ARABIC person or seen anything GOOD come from a relationship with them! ISLAM has DIFFERENT RULES to live by! This is BEYOND the MEDIA! IN MICHIGAN we have an entire HUGE AREA filedwith EASTERNERS that CHEAT and STEAL as their hobbies! It is clled DEARBORN! They HAND DOWN businesses to relatives and friend and promote a SILENT hatred as REAL AMERICANS are not allowed to do this! They pass business like GAS STATIONS PARTY STORES and A SMALL grocery stores to their COUSINS every SEVEN YEARS o avoid TAXES< and it makes me VERY ANGRY! They are PROMOTED while an AMERICAN BORN MALE is PRejudiced AGAINST!When 911 happened we AL took a different look at people and events! They RETALIATED against BUSH SENIOR and his obsession with SADDAM INSANE! the BUSHES have owned oil fields in IRAQ since the FIFTIES! This war had NOTHING TO DO with IRAQI FREEDOM but more about FUEL and OIL and the BUSH FAMILY ownerships overseas! WE are ALL subjected to MEDIA SLANTS and even publications that SLANT ou views every single day! EVEN RADIO SHOWS do this and TV sitcoms do his as well! When The BUSHES took office,our WHOLE COUNTRY fell apart, if you ask ME! They did NOTHING for the local economy or JOBS but forced us all to tun attention to IRAQ< a country at WAR for CENTURIES with NO good outcome possible! WE were DUPED with CHENEY and the PHANTOM TOOLS OF WAR they never had!
Sarcastic Steve
2014-12-29 19:10:14 UTC
Name the last Christian to murder someone in the name of Christianity. The last Christian plane hijacker. The last (or any) Christian suicide bomber. The last Christian group to break into a school and murder children. Well?
2015-01-01 12:36:52 UTC
this is becoz there are groups of people who thoughts they are real muslims infact they are the most bad muslim they are often known as extremist or terrorists. due to these some groups of people Islam had a negative image in the world. Islam is the most peacefull religion in the world.
2014-12-31 02:12:56 UTC
assalam o allaikum, namastay, sasriakal, hi hello! cause i don,t know your religion. i can,t answer your question but i will indeed help you know the reality of the other side that may seem bitter to you.

when you asked the question you may have been answered in opposition of the muslims and the examples would have been the talibans, alqaida and isis but i will tell you the reality.

My friends father , who is also against taliban, himself says that when he went to Afhanistan s city Khost, he saw that when Call to prayer was said, all the shopkeepers went to the Masjid (Mosque) without closing there shops and only one person was guarding the whole maket with a stick only.

And you would also know about the British journalis,Ewan readly, who had actually gone to spy in Afghanistan, but was arrested. When she was in prison, she saw the good characters of Talibans, which impressed her so much, that when she was freed, she embraced islam, and is now playing an active role in freeing the Muslims imprisoned in Afghanistan or Guantanamo bay. She recently played a very active role in bringing out the case of Aafia Siddiqi, who was imprisoned in Afghanistan jail by Americans for many years, when she brought out the case, Aafia Siddiqi was soon transferred to America, where the reports says that she was very ill treated. She had been raped and beaten, and the charge on her, a very weak female, was that she snatched a heavy gun from american soldier few months ago, and tried to kill them during which she was shot.

Evan readly says that she had heard cries of a woman in an afghan jail, so she brought out the case. Thanks to Allah, she is now in a little peace in America now. It is another shameful act of the American army, indeed very shameful to molest a weak female on funny charges.

After 5 years of her imprisonment, a charge like this is funny that she had done this assault a few months ago in an Afghan jail during interrogation.

Now, the Americans and the allies try to defame Taliban, and so created groups consisting of criminals, who do their crimes under the names of Taliban, so to defame them. The Talibans in Pakistan are the one example, who kill innocents, ransome, and kidnap them for money and snatch their cars and say they are Taliban.

if you read this and have any more questions or want to know about alqaida and isis or any other muslim terrerist group and even want to know the answer of your question then contact me by my fb id that is awwab asif.
2014-12-29 23:49:04 UTC
"KKK and IRA commit attacks in the name of Christianity" the groups you mention have not been the news for committing crime in over 20 years and when they were it was not in the name of Christianity. The IRA fought other Christians (catholic) in a civil war so they do not count. Next you will be hard pressed to find people in Holland, Germany, France, or even here in the US who would agree than Muslims are integrating (assimilating) into the nations that allow them to move in. last There are No major western nations that officially harass, or persecute Muslims. while in most major Muslim nations, by law

Christians are persecuted. Example in Saudi Arabia

By law the open practice of any religion other than Islam is forbidden, and conversion to another faith is punishable by death.During 2013, several Christian migrant fellowships were raided by police, and tens of worshipers detained and deported. Saudi Arabia is ranked 6th in the oppression of Christians. There are 5 more nations even worse. in western world burnings and oppression is at the hands of a few individuals and not the government. I hope this helps answer your question.
2014-12-30 20:22:11 UTC
Well the media shows what they want like with this they show them burning the flag of USA Canada the bible. But you don't see them going and helping people the media sees they can get more people to watch with bad news more people will say look at what they did. When like in the new you see or hear of someone being helped by praying but you don't see the most of people who don't get helped. The media sees what people think of Isiam here what is sad not all of them are trainable people who would kill. Like not all Christians hate Jews gays none believers ect. It's just one mans view that caught fire and everyone see them as bad people. I'm not a religious person but I don't say people are bad or wroung for flowing their god and or gods. People somtimes are just scared of what they don't know or understand. Like when men came to America they saw wolves as killers and they killed them but when they did not see wolves were scared of them and saw the sheep as a meal. So not everyone is eacepting to others like with today we don't like people who we don't understand.
2014-12-29 18:50:39 UTC
Non Muslims have not labled the likes of ISIS and Al quida Muslims.

These organisations call themselves Muslims.

Non Muslims have no responsibilty in that matter.
2015-01-01 14:51:25 UTC
Im a Muslim and it's so painful that people think that we are maybe some of us gave u the wrong idea but not all of us are the same I mean we are not evil we the opset of that u can't juge us till u no most of us we did good stuff to
2014-12-31 19:14:25 UTC
hatred and stupidity have always unfortunately played a role in our otherwise great country..and while

it can be said that only a very very very very small group of people in our country are either stupid

enough or hateful enough to prejudge a whole group of people just because of the unlawful actions

of perhaps a very few...our country is viewed in a negative way because of it...and what is really

stupid is the simple fact that the vast majority of such stupid and hateful people whom would hold

such a stupid attitude towards others are those whom are not even educated on the genuine faith

etc of those in which the stupid / hateful dislike so much..
2014-12-29 12:01:09 UTC
Non Muslims have not labled the likes of ISIS and Al quida Muslims.

These organisations call themselves Muslims.

Non Muslims have no responsibilty in that matter.
2015-01-01 04:03:22 UTC
Read the scriptures and the Sira of Mohammed. Since it is prescribed for muslims to emulate Mohammed's 'perfect' conduct, well, what else could one possibly expect.

2014-12-30 03:21:31 UTC
The IRA are not labelled 'Christian terrorists' because they are not doing it in the name of christianity. They are labelled Republican terrorists as they are seeking a united 'Republic of Ireland'
2014-12-30 22:25:46 UTC
Islam is not a religion it is a race. Muslim is the religion you are talking about. Also its not being racist by hating Muslims because you simply cant stand the culture. Muslim is a culture/religion not a race.
2015-01-02 10:33:10 UTC
As evil people use Islam as a tool to pomote hatred among ignorant men, so ignorant media blame it as the cause.

Also, it suits the US propaganda machine to do so.
2015-01-02 15:14:29 UTC
Any religion that condones things such as sex with children, subjugation of women, stoning women to death, killing anyone that is not a Muslim, kidnap and beheadings, terrorising so called non believers, well, what else can Islam be called?
Anwar u Kader
2014-12-30 01:22:07 UTC
Islam Is Peaceful Religion..Muhammad Last Prophet and Our Rasul..
2015-01-01 06:44:20 UTC
Thank you brother! It's because of people like you that we Muslims have the courage to go through life inspire of all this hate. Thank you for standing up for us. We will do the same just in case people like you go through a similar situation.
2014-12-29 23:35:02 UTC
Show me where the western media say that Islam is an evil Religion.
2014-12-29 10:35:40 UTC
most terrorist groups are not muslim , thats just what the media tells you.

the IRA does not do things in the name of christianity

the KKK , I have no idea what they think , they are all nutters

ISIS and Al Queda identify themselves as Islamic and they do things in the name of Islam

and i don't think muslims do a very good job of 'intergrating ' now do they
2014-12-30 01:26:55 UTC
maybe it because.. "not all muslims are terrorist but almost all terrorists are muslims"..

and they often say allah or force the hostages to pray to allah in the videos ... thats the reason the religion is taken into account ... since they use it
2014-12-30 10:13:49 UTC
Mostly due to the actions of radicals and the perception that main line Muslims don't do enough to restrain the excesses of the radicals.
2015-01-03 14:11:16 UTC
It's not just Islam there's good and bad in every background and innocent people get it in the butt
2015-01-01 07:07:11 UTC
Trust me on this one.

I used to think the jews was Terrorist.

After so many years in research I finnally see and understand why

Muslims are Terrorist related. Not all muslims but there is a big link.
2014-12-31 23:13:26 UTC
Religion in general, look at the world every war is over religion. some imaginery man in the sky..People are nuts
credo quia est absurdum
2015-01-01 17:02:12 UTC
God, whose name is Jehovah (AKA Yahweh), commands His followers to love their neighbors and He prohibits murder.

In their book, The Holy Quran, the Muslim god, allah, commands _his_ followers at least 109 times to murder everyone who is not Muslim or who will not convert to Islam.

Christianity teaches its followers to love everyone, even non-Christians.

Islam teaches _its_ followers to kill anyone who is not Muslim.

Which is the evil religion?
2014-12-29 16:36:57 UTC
well mostly because most people that do all the news and stuff are christians. and they don't want to admit that the christian religion also have bad sides. and they don't want to make their religion look bad.

so basiclly most christians on the mediea are selfish
2014-12-29 10:56:28 UTC
I hope people look at it from your point of view, unfortunately that's just how our world ended up. It's so bad, that when a muslim even tried to discredit terrorist groups, Islamaphobes jump in and justify the acts of the terrorists.... later on you see the same people saying muslims aren't fighting terrorism. I mean for the love of God people, you're running around, unconsciously enabling the very thing you stand against. & when we stand against it, you oppose us, bash our religion, go against what we try to preach. I mean... I don't care anymore LoL, fu ck it.
2014-12-29 12:13:12 UTC

ISIS, Al-qaeda, Taliban, Boko Haram and other terror groups will NEVER EVER be accepted by true islamic communities as respected seniors because they are in fact NOT muslim organisation. Understand that there are gullible muslims joining these groups .......and they are doomed !!.(because of the evil plan). The primary function of these militant groups is to destroy Islam. These deceptive ways of the west will some day be addressed in the court of God..... and in that "court room" there will be no allies to help. Ask yourself this : What have these groups achieved for muslims in the past 30 years Answer = NOTHING !!!

THE ONLY THING THAT RESULTED FROM THESE GROUPS ARE LOSSES to the muslim world. Thousands and Thousands of muslim lives gone !!..... and still more going. Hectares and hectares of muslim oil and gas rich land gone !!......if muslims are not dying, they leaving there ancestral homes in big numbers. The true image of Islam gone !! ..... there are simply no gains ...........IT IS VERY CLEAR .. that there is an evil winning formula being against Islam and muslims. Poor misinformed muslims should be discouraged from being hoodwinked into joining these groups.

Islam is the only religion that TOTALLY forbids interest (as in money). Islam is the only religion that forbids alcohol and immoral habits that largely result from movies.........The fact that many are embracing Islam and Islam is the fastest growing religion (even by reverts to Islam), is a fact that there is a great fear of those 3 trillion dollar industries closing down. There is surely an evil plan to destroy Islam......- a peaceful religion. People in general need to stop worshipping the mainstream media, which is owned by devils. My personal opinion is that the Zionist will invade the entire middle east and run a One World Government. They will rule for a period of time during which the (Dejal) anti-christ will appear from the Syrian Sea ......and when Essa (as) (Jesus) arrives the evil of deception will be destroyed. Understand that the jews are not enemies of Islam and muslims. The problem was that zionism evolved from the jews. There are good jews who are fighting justice. They want peace. They lived sise by side with muslims for centuries like brothers and sisters ......may God bring us all peace.
2014-12-30 15:09:40 UTC
the gravest threat that muslims face is from other muslims, all int he name of Islam. They slaughter thousands of each other and yet they never, ever question Islam itself. Thus your answer.
2014-12-29 20:56:41 UTC
The two groups u mention Al Qaeda and ISIS are not even muslims infact ISIS leader, Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi, is Jewish, and his birth name is: Simon Elliot. This is from WikiLeaks

Allah never commanded muslims to kill the non-muslims like some people mentioned here infact Allah Almighty Commanded the Muslims to:

1- Be Just to all of the disbelievers and all people in general.

2- Show Mercy and Forgiveness to all disbelievers.

3- Show the Love of Allah Almighty to all
2014-12-30 05:48:34 UTC
Most Muslims are terrorists.They kill people and invade countries in order to spread their religion.
2014-12-31 18:58:29 UTC
It is because there has been a lot of news in the past decade or so about extremist muslim terrorist groups. Especially with 9/11, the execution of civilians at the hand of ISIS and public shootings. Don't get me wrong, these are inexcusable acts of brutality and ignorance but western countries, fueled by anger and patriotism, stress this in their depiction of muslims. This is because the human mind focuses more on negatives than positives.
2014-12-31 16:44:28 UTC
Because men who stone women to death are evil people. But its not just Islam, Christianity has been arguably the most evil throughout history. Look up Hernan Cortez and the conquest of Mexico.. and see how many people he murdered over the course of 4 days.
2014-12-31 16:36:17 UTC
Just for you guys to know if the Muslim commit suicidal things according to the Quran(Islam Holy Book) they will go directly to Hell.
2014-12-31 14:42:09 UTC
Violence. It´s the only religion in the whole world based on violence an blood.
2014-12-31 12:58:27 UTC
Propaganda. We're in the Middle East for stuff and we need justifications for our presence by convincing the masses how villainous the Muslims are when we are the ones doing the invading and most of the bombing. A majority of Muslims are not how they are portrayed and are common folk who want to live their lives just like you and I. Sure, there are a few bad eggs (i.e. Taliban, etc.) but we got bad eggs here too (i.e. politicians, bankers, street gangs, etc.).
2014-12-31 11:58:28 UTC
They believe in killing anyone that does not follow their beliefs, just like saten himself !!!
2014-12-31 11:42:30 UTC
Because it is !
2014-12-31 11:28:54 UTC
When you look at the most religious Muslim nations in the World, you will find that it's citizens freedoms are oppressed by an Islamic police state,, Is that not evil ?
Alan H
2014-12-31 09:05:15 UTC
The IRA was fighting for Irish independance: niothing to do with Christianity. KKK have been denounced by all major Christian groups
2014-12-31 08:48:57 UTC
The Western World (Europe and America (the Continent not America, the nation)) usually do not know much of Islam. And sadly, a lot of their knowledge comes from the group of sociopaths who kill and enslave in the name of God over in the Middle East. This, of course, is far from the case. I am not Muslim (atheist, actually), nor am I a scholar (I haven t even read the Quran fully, just small pieces), but I can assure you it is not the case. When people commit attacks in the name of God under the guise of Christianity, us in the west know it is not the case. Even non-Christians know Christianity is about love and peace and forgiveness, so we all know that these people are misguided, in very tragic and lethal sense. However, when someone does the same in the name of Islam, us in the west point to the idea of Jihad, and other Muslim deals out of context, and, due to lack of general knowledge on the subject, fail to see they too, are misguided. It doesn t help when they are allowed to act publicly in the Middle East (when extremists burn American flags, call for America s demise, and demand beheading infidels publicly in a land where actual Islam is prevalent, the distrust grows further, as well as the ignorance). Hence, we have this divide. The solution would be learning of it. I, again, am not an expert, but I know enough to say that Islam is a great ideal. It speaks of equality, racial justice, peace, etc. Part of the problem is also politics. The Islamic World isn t very keen on democracy not because they are tyrants, but because of the political status when it was founded. The leaders of Muhammed s Empire formed this idea that the Empire existed to serve God, and that no man can truly lead it. Therefore, the will of God is the will of the state, and the will of the people may include infidels (non-Muslims were welcome, but had to pay a tax), therefore resting leadership on a single rightly guided Kalif formed the... Uh, it is long and complicated. (This will help sum it up: ). In short, it is the lack of knowledge of Islam. Some traditions and beliefs seem violent because we don t understand them. Differences in politics, and history increase the divide. It would be like a murder in your neighborhood. You KNOW you are all decent folk, and one weirdo sociopath is an isolated incident. Now, those guys in the cul de sac over there always have these weird parties, and dresses. If there is a murder there, who knows? They are weird. Maybe THEY ARE ALL MURDERS!?!?. Like always, knowledge is the solution.
2014-12-31 07:38:55 UTC
I think the media does indirectly portray muslims as terrorists. But they are not if u have ever met a good muslim in your life you will know what they are. The people who say they are doing these murders in the name of their god are not muslims but our brainwashed men who are being affected by Saudia Arabia and America.
2014-12-31 05:02:20 UTC
Prophet Mohammed Peace Be Upon Him was in the dessert by himself and who came to fight against him Jewish people so the terrorists are jews doesnt that make sense. THE MEDIA JUST LIE ABOUT THE MUSLIMS SAYING THEY KILLED AND ITS ALL FAKE FAKE FAKE. Do people just hate islam BECAUSE ITS TRYING TO DEFEND ITS SELF. Millions and MILLIONS OF INNOCENT SYRIANS ,IRAQS AND PALESTANIANS ARE BEING MURDERED EVEN babies,women,man ....whats this isnt it terrorism...... So whos the terrorists JEWS AMERICANS AND ALL OF THEM LOOK AT THE PHOTOS OF POOR SYRIANS AND PALESTANIANS and iraqi and all the muslims around the world even in china and phillipines its in the internet you wont just be shocked youd be dead. the americans wiped out 150 million innocent red indians for no reason and the original people in australia and vietnam. Just think about the logic if youre attacked and you didnt start youre just trying to defend your self and then someone comes and says youre a terrorist you started when you were trying to defend yourself...PEOPLE IN THE MEDIA LOVE MONEY THEY JUST WANT TO TALK TALK AND TALK MOREOVER THEY WANT TO EAT MONEY.... BUT IN THE END YOU WILL KNOW MUSLIMS ARE INNOCENT AND I PROMISE!!!!! SO MUSLIMS ARE INNOCENT.....IN YOUR CALCULATOR TELL ME HOW MANY MUSLIMS ARE BEING KILLED IN YOUR CALCULATOR COMPARED TO AMERICANS....IF YOU USE YOUR CALCULATOR YOU WILL KNOW THAT AMERICA ARE THE TERRORISTS;FURTHERMORE, THEY SPENT $3 TRILLION DOLLARS WORTH OF WEAPONS FOR THE AMERICAN ARMY AND JEWS TO KILL MILLIONS OF MUSLIMS WWWWWWOOOOOOOWWWWW THATS A BIG NUMBER. NOW USE YOUR CALCULATOR TO CALCULATE HOW MUCH MUSLIMS ARE BEING KILLED BY THE EUROPEANS FOR NOTHING.


2014-12-31 04:54:35 UTC
Politics, sweetie. Also consider who has the biggest influence in media, and therefore washington and wallstreet.
2014-12-30 20:50:28 UTC
All Muslims are not terrorists but it appears all terrorists are Muslims.
2014-12-30 19:31:02 UTC
It depends on which media source you are viewing. A lot of media outlets are respectful. They describe terrorist organizations, and invite spokespeople from different viewpoints. Then there are agencies like Fox. Enough said.
2014-12-31 17:35:05 UTC
I think a large part of it stems from the premise that America is predominantly a Christian/Catholic nation, so in order to appeal to that demographic they use anti-Judaism or anti-Islamic claims to get more support for their agenda, it's really biased which is never good.
2014-12-31 15:58:37 UTC
A good offence is the best defence.

Accuse the Muslims of what "the West" has already done.

It riles them up, keeps them off balance, and diverts suspicion from "the West".

Then, say it was a "preemptive strike".
2014-12-31 14:10:16 UTC
It is not portrayed as evil in American media. They say things like ISIS uses an extreme form of

sharia law. There is no extreme form just Sharia Law and some of the punishments seem extreme like death for Apostates or cutting off the right hand of a thief but that is Sharia law not some extreme form. Actually American media uses PC in the treatment of Islam. They say that the form of Islam that ISIS practices is not the true Islam. John Kerry said on the news conference that who would give the choice of becoming a Muslim Paying the Jizia or being beheaded? ISIS is not the only one who does this Mohamed did the Jews in Mecca where 800 were beheaded. There has never been an honest discussion about Mohamed or Islam on American TV. The life of Mohamed has not had a movie or a special like Christ and Moses. Brook Baldwin on CNN who probably gets millions as an anchor did not even know what the Shahada is. And she should do what you should do read the Koran and some Hadith and then you will understand that Islam is getting special kid glove treatment in the American media not being bashed.
Christopher F
2014-12-31 13:21:21 UTC
This shares the flaw of many questions about "the media." The term can refer to everybody and everything, so it does include portrays of Moslem terrorists, AND it includes sympathetic portrayals. If you believe one thing, you will worry about portrayals that contradict it, and you will ask "why the media" says the other thing. People who believe the other thing will do the opposite of that. Big deal.
2014-12-31 11:58:55 UTC
Ok I may have an answer....

A couple months before the incident of 9/11 happened, I read an article saying that Islam was the fastest spreading religion in the world, and in 50 years from that point Europe would be an all Islamic continent if Islam continued to grow as fast. Then 9/11 happened and all this hate started to come from the terrorists claiming to be Muslims. I don't know if these are related, but if they are, I believe I know why....

Islam advocates for equality and peace among men of all races and of both genders. The extremely rich (which happen to be in control of the media) would be outraged at the rules of Islam because they would feel not in much power anymore (of course they would still be rich, but they would have to pay 2.5% of their salary a year for charity, and many [I AM NOT SAYING ALL OF THE RICH ARE LIKE THIS] of them wouldn't like that). I believe that the media is portraying Islam in a bad way because of this reason...

...and for others too. Remember back when America invaded Iraq (another Muslim country) on grounds that they had nuclear weapons? And 10 years later the president said "we were mislead to believe that they had nuclear weapons"? One, America killed thousands, many millions, of their people and all we say is pretty much "we made a mistake"? Two, before the war, 100% of all oil deposits in Iraq belonged to Iraq. After the war, only 18% remained to them and the other 72% belonged to America. So we invaded Iraq on untrue grounds and then we say "whoops" then we are still there occupying their oil. And after all this, Islam in portrayed evilly (in this case) because Iraq supposedly had nuclear weapons....

...and Iraq is not the only case of this. Let's go to Afghanistan: Iraq had oil, and Afghanistan has drug plantations (I don't know which drug, or if its legal or not. Go do research on your own). A couple years before the war on Afghanistan, the government there shut down those plantations, and a lot of money was lost to the owners of it (which I believe were American, or lived in America, and are super rich, as most drug owners are whether legal or not). Suddenly, America finds out that the terrorist group Al-Quada is there. So they wage war in Afghanistan and they are still there with no trace of the terrorist group (except they thankfully killed Osama-bin-Laden). I don't know if they are related, but if they are, then the above statements make sense...

[Before I continue, I need to make something perfectly clear: violence is not ok unless peace talks will not work. But violence in cold blood is not ok. All the Terrorist groups that "Fight in the name of Islam" CANNOT be Muslim, because Islam advocates for peace, not violence or terrorism (read the Quran if you don't believe me). And another thing: Islam does not believe in killing anyone who doesn't follow their beliefs: there is an entire chapter towards the end of the Quran that says "You have you belief, and I have mine." This implies that you leave them alone if they don't believe what you believe. So these groups that fight in the name of Islam really don't. They fight in the name of terrorism, that is, if what the media says is true...]

...but there is more. Israel wanted their country to be an all-Jewish community. So they invade Israel and put the Palestinians in prison camps (not explicitly said, but they live in cramped quarters with barbed walls, and that sounds like a prison camp to me). Then when people started protesting saying what Israel is doing is wrong, suddenly Hamas springs out of no where and they claim it is a terrorist group that somehow got past the barbed walls and the security around it and they are terrorists because they can somehow kill people through the Iron Dome system of Israel. In my opinion, I think Hamas is a group trying to fight against the Israel occupation. So back to Hamas springing out of no where: this gives grounds for a full invasion of Israel's Palestinians, and Israel just happens to be one of America's allies...

...and my last point: ISIS. This group I am 50% sure with. They could be terrorist, they couldn't, I won't know.... except for what the media says. But with the above statements, I find my self conflicted: is ISIS really terrorist, or is a powerful country after something in the Middle East (which happens to be an extremely populated region with a lot, and I mean A LOT of resources)? Notice how when ISIS moves through the Arab countries, the American army follows, and taking control of the countries they pass through? (This part may not be true; again I will say this: I am not sure about this one but I can't really trust the media; I have way too many Muslim friends that their manners and beliefs contradict the negativity that the media portrays).

To conclude this tiring response, I will say this: do not take what I have said and believe it immediately. Look into the points I have raised before responding back and research it. You never know, I might have mixed up the dates. There is a lot of negativity towards Muslims, and I believe this is all because of the extremely rich that are in charge of all countries and the media just don't want Islam to spread and undermine their power, but again, the media might be correct (although you can't ignore the fact that America has control over 72% of Iraq's oil deposits). If you have thoughts against this, please read the Quran and confirm your beliefs with it, then bring me the verses in it that say that Islam is barbaric. If you blindly believe everything everyone has told you, you can be used just like that. You need to do our own research.

Happy New Year!
2014-12-31 08:11:23 UTC
the media publishes what it knows it's readers want to hear in order to stoke up public opinion for or against not forgetting 911 and all the rest
2014-12-31 02:56:39 UTC
Islam is not a religion. It's a totalitarian system of government posing as a religion.
Dee Jay Ross
2014-12-31 00:32:29 UTC
ISLAM is potrayed as an evil religion in the media because most people believe what the media say. Not many people look up words or study books or the Bible to basically know what may or may not be true. So to answer that question more explicitely, it's a conflict of interest in history or His-Story (media). The Conflict of Interest is this: The Bible mentions he who adds unto these words or take out of it will receive the plagues that in it or etc. It also states that ISHMAEL or so-called ISLAM shall be a wild man. It also mentions that about other people, but that's what the media want to show. The misunderstanding in some words: Christian comes from the French word CRETIN, which mean; stupid, mentally handicapped, vulgar plus other related synonyms. First known use: 1779. The ISRAELITES teaching is: Before we were called Christians, or byword Cretin which the Israelites were a nation following the laws of Moses then Jesus Christ. Note: the letter "J" didn't become a letter until 1752.

The Fact: Christians commit murder, Muslims commit murder, KKK, IRA, Terrorists and other groups commit murder. Black on black murder. Don't that sound fishy? Do you think the media can make money by telling the truth? The truth is, if Religion (from the word: "Religio" mean to hold back, keep down and restraint) is slavery, then yes, Islam will be potrayed as an evil religion in the media.

By the way, where it was stated in the Bible, quote: " almost convinced me to believe in your religion..." It should have said " almost convinced me to believe in the Jews "Laws". Only because they wasn't enslaved by it. It was free will.

Peace out.
2014-12-30 22:40:31 UTC
All I know is that Islam is a false religion. It teaches that to believe that Jesus is the Son of God is the unforgivable sin (sin of shirk). So the false prophet of Islam is an antichrist according to the word of God.
2014-12-30 22:22:27 UTC
Because people are afraid of what they don't understand. So the only way to deal with what they don't understand is to either slander and demonize it, or just destroy it as a whole.

It has happened before.
2014-12-30 20:00:15 UTC
In the eyes of the media, "big foot" is real and Kim Kardasian's love life is more important than politics and our government. Islam, in my opinion, is not evil. About 90% of religions teach their people to be good. Islam, along with Christianity and Judaism, has a goal of reaching a "better place."

The media might say Islam is evil because their holy book (supposedly) says to "kill infidels," but really I've never heard about a muslim person killing christians or jews. My muslim friend is very kind and has never tried to kill me- so the media can be very ignorant (no offense.)

Also, terrorist groups who claim to incorporate Islam into their actions are not really muslim. (Shocker- I know...) [Like Maddie said] I don't recall ANYTHING in the Islamic Holy Book saying to be a terrorist and do illogical things.

I think all religions are reasonable and everyone should be able to freely express their religion without being judged by or reported on by the media.

If anything, the media itself is evil.
2014-12-30 19:37:32 UTC
Because when was the last time you saw someone else trying to blow things up?
2014-12-30 16:47:23 UTC
Due to knee-jerk bigoted cons who have great love for mindless generalizations and simplicity, in an often complicated, broad world.

Funny, though, they NEVER EVER seem to mention all the atrocities committed by white xtian Europeans and their decendants like the crusades, Kind Henry s actually beheading his won wives for failure to give him any male heirs, the klan s reign or terror, the Salem witch hunts...

Gee, I wonder why?
2014-12-30 16:19:05 UTC
Religion is not evil, people are evil.
2014-12-30 15:50:41 UTC
Cause some douches decided to blow up people, burn down schools hospitals and families, raid cities in the name of Allah.
i am dog
2014-12-30 15:11:43 UTC
well, you're in a Christian run country, so what do you expect? in a country where Islam is predominant, they say Christians are from the Devil. it's too funny that many of the followers of these related religions are afraid of and hateful toward each other since their founders both preached peace and love. go figure.
2014-12-30 11:45:40 UTC
"ISIS" and Al Qaeda" are referred to as Islamic terrorist groups because they claim the mantle for Islam as the SOLE PURPOSE for their action and existence. The flag of ISIS is the black flag of Islam with the Islamic declaration right there in the middle. When they behead an infidel, the recite from the Quran and then shout "Allahu Akbar" before beheading that person. You can t say the same for the supposed Christians who join political groups. You must separate what their religion inspires them to do versus the religion associated with members of specific political groups.
2014-12-30 10:19:47 UTC
First, the US media and the European and even the governments of these countries controlled by the Zionist lobby and the latter role distortion ISLAM and Muslims but will turn the magic magician and this is what will happen in the future ..
2014-12-30 08:28:17 UTC
The flags of Turkey, Pakistan and Algeria tell the true nature of Islam. After all, people fly flags to show their allegiance so what is on the flags must be correct. On these flags are the signs of Islam - a pentagram and a crescent. The pentagram (5 pointed star) represents the Morning or Evening Star, which is the name given to Venus, also called 'Lucifer', which just happens to be the epithet of Satan.. The crescent moon itself is a symbol of Allah, the moon god, so the whole sign displays the fact that Allah and Satan are close allies and reveals Islam's religion’s pagan origins. The Islamic month starts when the new moon is first seen, and as the moon is directly linked to Allah so they are still following the pagan astrologers in the Islamic calendar. The Quran QurYan has not been called 'The Satanic Verses' for nothing.
2014-12-30 07:22:20 UTC
To make themselves look good some people like to create imaginative enemies and make them as evil as possible in order to feel better. Answer: "low self esteem".
2014-12-31 18:26:39 UTC
cause people are manipulated by the media, and they hate giving power to another religion. so why not make it seem bad?
great knight
2014-12-31 17:51:34 UTC
Have you read the Bible? God's Word is clear. Now, obviously because their evil teachings encourage murder of non-believers. It is a false religion of evil. Jesus Christ is the truth. Get a kjversion Bible and believe.
2014-12-31 16:10:07 UTC
easy ........... its because they r...freaking muslims is what wrong with this world
2014-12-31 16:08:27 UTC
because terrorists use their muslim religion to justify their killings. Even though not all muslims are terrorists, pretty much all terrorists are muslims.
2014-12-31 14:04:16 UTC
Media plays off the attitudes and fears of the people. Americans are scared of Muslims, so the media makes Muslims the bad guys so people agree with them. It's that simple.

Muslims are not bad people, bad people are bad people.
2014-12-31 09:41:48 UTC
They want to privy all of their thoughts and beliefs through moral or immoral means by conversion or conversion by force to a world of lower caste untouchable infidels. Only question is, which sect is right ?
Foot faults are illegal!
2014-12-31 08:36:35 UTC
Two main reasons:

1. Islam appears to be holding most of its adherents by brainwashing and fear of reprisal if they leave.

2. The largest group of troublemakers extant in the world all seem to be causing their havoc in the name of Islam.
2014-12-31 04:41:23 UTC
islam is evil and quran is from the devil. that is why Muslims kill one another.
2014-12-31 03:52:29 UTC
All religions are subject to evildoing sadly but no more so than anti-God protagonists today.I don't know where Jesus Christ called for anyone to be murdered and He specifically healed the very captor that Peter struck with his sword. You may confuse the issue unless you realise that Jesus died for the ungodly and that certainly included the ruling religious authority at the time. Regarding Islam, it is not the press or the Christians that portray them as Satanic maniacs.There leaders and their women dress up as black ghouls and their masked fighters plant bombs like cowards to slaughter indiscriminately in the name of their "god".For the Muslim community to remain mute or conciliatory over these things is an indication of assent for their cause. They tell young kids that their reward for murder and hatred is a harem of 70 virgins and glory with their Satanic god.Who are we to judge others bearing in mind that God in Christ came to reconcile not slaughter anyone.
Psychology Student
2014-12-31 03:16:00 UTC
People are not very smart. They are not aware they are inculcated with ignoratti nonsense. They repeat what they hear, as if it were reality. The media informs them. Then they hear it repeated in their social environment, which reinforces it.

It is more like a fashion, than anything else.

Plus, people are total hypocrites. Especially so-called "Christians," most of whom have never done a Christian thing, in their entire lives.
2014-12-31 02:03:46 UTC
Because its fundamentalists seem more insane then Christian and Jewish fundamentalists - daft really they all the worship the same God
2014-12-30 21:24:21 UTC
It's not just in the media, it's written in the book as well. Quran 5:51 tells Muslims to not be friends with Christians/Jews. The Shairah Law tells Muslims to force people to follow their laws. Also, majority of Muslims are violent, hateful, jealous, and emotional.
2014-12-30 16:44:05 UTC
It's all the media. Let me give you an example:

-If a 50 year old Muslim Man marries an 18 year old Muslim girl and everyone is happy about it (the girl's family, the guy's family etc) and it is legal, it will be ALL OVER THE NEWS. They will be saying look how rude and cruel he is to marry someone so much younger than him.

-Now if a 50 year old Christian man rapes a 6 year old girl, it will be in the minor news. They will make it seem like nothing too special happen.

It's ALL in the media. Now off course, many Christians and other anti-Muslims will dislike and flag or report this comment as soon as they see I am supporting Muslims. They won't even read the whole thing because they are filled with so much hatred towards Muslims. However, the truth is, I am giving a logical answer.

*Guys please read all the hidden answers too. They are just answers which received dislikes and flags for no reason from Anti-Muslim groups.
2014-12-30 15:00:34 UTC
Islam is definetly presented as an evil religion in the Media. But easy thing, I don't trust every part of what the Media say. You have to see for yourself if it is a bad religion, not to go by what the Media says.

I have been to Arabic countries and the men and women are very kind and hospitable, as well as very welcoming to their country. They are also very religious. I do NOT agree with the Media portraying the whole race of Muslims evil just because of some terrorists. There are good Muslim people too, and bad as well. Just as any other race.

And for KKK, according to a new news article I recently read, it has decided to accept Blacks, Jews and Homosexuals. Although there are some people in favour of it still. A white supremacist suggested this.

Extremist Muslims (the majority of people who practice it) should practice peace over hate, just as the NEW KKK has.
Justin J-Bird Dilliplane
2014-12-30 08:37:37 UTC
I feel sorry for all Christians. I am one, and when a Christian commits murder, it still does reflect bad on the rest of the religion. Islam, however is just a little bit different. One of the leading scholars at one of the leading schools of Islam, Omar Abdel-Rahman said, "Jihad and killing are the head of Islam. If you take them out, you cut off the head of Islam." Later he said, "There is a whole surah (Chapter) called 'The Spoils of War'. There is no surah called 'peace'.
2014-12-30 05:10:48 UTC
the muslim terrorist are not real muslims, they have translated the holy book in a wrong way, the real muslims dnt kill people, the ones ur talking about are really bad people, im a muslim and ik, they are bad and not what god has asked them to be
2014-12-30 05:08:41 UTC
My friend...

Do you know we Muslim's believe in all the books from God???Including book of Jews and Christians.

Do you know we believe in all the Prophets of God???Including those of Jews and Christians..

Islam is the most advanced religion till yet:)

Islam is the complete way of life..It is the End of teachings from God:)

God has perfected our religion and has rightfully made us the only believers on the planet..

Why jews are crying out loud here Like SamD.Well the answer to them is in Quran. They one were once muslims too:) but then God decided to end this. Because they were gone astray. So Allah gave the place of believers to us Muslims....He gave us is final book Quran and final Prophet Muhammad. Now why the Media is biased against us??:) the reason is simple all the media is controlled by Jews. They own porn industry and all other rubbish:)...Yes some Muslims who think themselves Muslims are not Muslims nowadays like alqaeda and others, because they are not following the teachings of Islam. They are just guns for hire:)

I would like you too see The Documentary the Arrivals and read the Quran with English translation...This is the only way you can really see what is Islam. Many people who are commenting on Islam here even don't know what does the Islam basic teachings are. I can prove to you many things. If you want to know any thing please write to me:)
2014-12-29 21:22:56 UTC
Because it is. Its more of a totalitarian system hidden in a mix of politics and religion.
luis l
2015-01-01 02:27:43 UTC


2016-03-02 09:54:20 UTC
i am pretty sure most countries in the world , if occupied and blown up ....some sort of resistance would incur...even the USA , i have no doubt if they were occupied or restricted , people would take up arms
2014-12-30 12:56:48 UTC
Islam doesn't need the media to look evil.
2014-12-29 18:14:13 UTC
Because of our stupid society, or FOX news, who stretch out the truth about EVERYTHING and lie to get popular.
2014-12-31 16:01:58 UTC
It could be the mass murders that they have been doing.

They seem to delight in killing people.
2014-12-30 01:23:23 UTC
Makes news and hides the real cause
2014-12-29 19:03:00 UTC
Please understand that in 86 years the KKK killed approx. 3100 people and that there is no record of any deaths at the hands of KKK in at least 30 years.
2015-01-01 10:03:56 UTC
< in the media?>>

Is it?

< "Hes a terrorist">>

Because that's the case. There are psychos out there, who are MEMBERS OF TERRORIST GROUPS, who 'claim to' be murdering in the name of Islam. And then there are so-called "Christians" - whom we all know - are acting on their own accord, and commit murder.

Are you overlooking the FACT that, in both cases, religion is merely the excuse used to commit murder?

< to as "Christians".>>

NO NO NO! The KKK is motivated by RACE, not religion.

And the IRA is motivated by POLITICS, not religion.

< Islamic terrorist groups.>>

And that's what they are!
2014-12-29 12:08:19 UTC
War support, we will demonize anybody who disagrees with us, like in WWII we made it out to look like all Germans are nazi's, we do whatever draws public support of our campaigns.
2014-12-29 11:17:14 UTC
Because you have Moslem owned and operated websites that advocate the nuclear annihilation of civilians:
2014-12-30 22:50:48 UTC
Because of ISIS
2015-01-01 08:26:54 UTC
Because the media is fucked up. Easy as that :)
2014-12-31 07:18:03 UTC
because people are prejudiced and fear people that are a little different. I follow the wiccan religion myself.
2014-12-29 13:39:33 UTC
Because it has totally inhuman values and preaches hatred and destruction.
2014-12-29 18:28:03 UTC
Because they are terroists and if they want to not be associated with terriosim they should stop
2015-01-01 22:18:26 UTC
because the jews own all the media and banks etc..
Dalilp Singh w
2014-12-31 22:54:40 UTC
Because of terrorism
2015-01-01 19:26:37 UTC
they hate islam
2014-12-30 01:39:15 UTC

Common people have no time to investigate the reality... so they habitually trust the Media which portrays things according to their mind-set and political situation. There are many Terrorist groups but the treatment of Media is quite different with each group - Muslim, Christian and Jewish.

Now the question is as to why Jewish media is against Muslim? The answer is "JEWISH RACISM" which is still found in their Holy Books - Torah and Talmud etc. Jews are trained to hate Arabs and Muslims. Jewish Media is abusing the Christian sympathy and making them fool through News manipulation and misreporting the real events. .

ISIS and Al Qaeda were not created by any Muslim country but the CIA to start a Blame game against Muslims and stealing Arab Oil from the captive Rulers. ISIS is the second episode of Al Qaeda. ISIS group was trained in Israel, They are not Muslims but a horde of multi-national highly-paid mercenaries. Why ISIS is killing innocent Muslims? Because they are not Muslims.... they are working on American/ Israel Agenda. Use your brain !!
2014-12-31 12:30:29 UTC
Who ever you are we did not ask for your stupid opinion we asked for the truth.
2014-12-30 21:41:14 UTC
because there are some people there that do evil things
2014-12-29 11:25:35 UTC
Because it is
2014-12-29 10:26:05 UTC
I wish people could look at things the same way you have looked at it, but ignorance gets the better of them.

Though, I seriously could not care. Faith only grows more in times of good and bad.

Our religion is only increasing due to the bad news. That is something people dont understand even though there is negativity surrounding my religion
2014-12-29 12:08:57 UTC
Its not
Mutations Killed Darwin Fish
2014-12-29 10:32:14 UTC
ISIS is Islam when taken seriously.
2014-12-29 14:47:05 UTC
Are they?
2014-12-29 10:26:44 UTC
The Media is controlled by Christians and Atheists and their aim is to discredit the only Salvation vehicle (Islam) to stop as many people as possible from boarding it.
2014-12-29 13:32:08 UTC
cuz ppl are stupid.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.