Why do muslims like to deflect the fact that their "holy" books contain the most violent verses by saying that the OT and NT are violent too?
2016-07-26 13:48:34 UTC
That's just pathetic. Muslims' Qur'an,Hadiths and Sira together have over 300,000 violent verses inciting murder and war. However,the NT has absolutely NONE. There are no verses in the NT commanding Christians to murder ANYONE. The OT only has 34,000 violent verses but those are NOT prescriptive. They are historically based but not prescribed for eternal use as in the Qur'an.
Eight answers:
2016-07-26 14:07:18 UTC
They are still savage and barbaric, their brains haven't evolved like us christians, their brain is equal to that of a monkey.
2016-07-26 15:11:24 UTC
Not true at all, you dumb bigot. The Old testament contains the most violent verses where Moses instructs the Israelites to kill ALL males children and every non-virgin female and to spare the young virgin girls for his men to keep. You will not find anything as despicable as this in the Koran.

>> ...kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman who has known man intimately. 18 “But all the girls who have not known man intimately, spare for yourselves." (Numbers 31:17-18).

Plus, if you are going to cite ALL Muslim literature without taking into account their religious authority, then you should do the same with Christian-Jewish literature and cite ALL their records like the Mishnah and Talmud and any other historical record.
2016-07-26 14:17:23 UTC
Because the verses they refer to is Yawehs direction to wipe out a particular town or city, like Sodom and Gomorroh for a particular evil. Not kill everyone with reach simply because they are the wrong religion. The New Testament modified the old Jewish creeds and essentially left it up to the individual, take or leave it. Now men have corrupted this and tried to make forced conversion a way of life at times, but that was never the message of the New Testament.
2016-07-26 14:07:56 UTC
Same reason why Christians would deflect those verses too, by talking of context and so on and so forth. What does pointing fingers gain anyway? I'm taking a step back, talking about both parties. You're gonna prove a point but it's going to be for naught, since the other person is usually decided on their own viewpoint. So darn senseless. (this back-and-forth game ya users play)
2016-07-26 13:53:47 UTC
1. just because you come up with some magical number and claim it is a fact, it is not a fact, it is fantasy much like what you believe in.

2. I assume Muslims don't like being singled out for something that is part of every other religion.

3. We don't care if you don't like something about Islam, we will happily refute and correct your lies/distortions/innovations that have nothing to do with Islam though. We get reward for that, you're wasting your time. The Noble Quran is clearly a warning for unbelievers, when an unbeliever doesn't like hearing about hell and its description as mentioned in the Noble Quran, saying it's violent, it doesn't change reality.
2016-07-26 14:54:06 UTC
The words of the Quran all seemed strangely familiar yet so unlike anything I had ever read before,’ he told us. He embraced Islam in 1977, and changed his name to Yusuf, the Arabic for Joseph. ‘I identified with the story of Joseph in the Quran,’ he said. ‘His brothers sold him like goods in the market place.’ Yusuf felt the music business had treated him not like an artist but as a commodity.

“Purify your intentions, your inner being, your heart and be sincere in your actions,’ he wrote. ‘God looks into your heart, not at your outer form. He looks at what lies behind the clothes … He looks into your private sphere, not at your public show.

Kristiane Backer was one of the very first presenters on MTV Europe. She gained a cult following and became a darling of the European press, but something was missing from her life. A fateful encounter introduced her to a completely different world to the one she knew, the religion and culture of Islam. After reading the Quran and traveling widely in the Islamic world she knew that she had discovered her spiritual path and she embraced Islam. This private memoir tells the story of her conversion and explains how faith at last gave her inner peace and the meaning she had sought

If islam was a religion of violence everyone would have been died..AND NON-MUSLIMS WON'T NEVER ACCEPT INDEED THEY ACCEPT ISLAM AS A GUIDANCE FROM ALLAH

ALLAH GUIDES WHOM HE WILLS.But wait! Neither is it a “religion of violence” or the heinous acts ISIS gins up hoping to generate YouTube views and goad the United States into war. While I laud former president George W. Bush for his helpful PR announcement following 9/11, it’s a conceptual error to think of a — indeed, any — religion as inherently peaceful or inherently barbaric. Instead, as is the case with any religious tradition, a vast majority of Muslim people are peace-loving, and there are a few really bad apples.

Whenever someone makes an argument that a tradition is or is not a particular way, what you are really hearing is his or her own interpretation of the tradition. Clearly, there are other ways to think about the same faith, as human history too well illustrates.

Stick with me through a bit of philology: Arabic works on a consonant system, usually in sets of three. Thus, the root word of Islam is “salaam” — meaning “peace” — with the root consonants of s, l, and m. The addition of the i changes the noun into a verb. The prefix mu means, essentially, “one who has,” so a muslim — noting the same consonant base — becomes “one who has surrendered.”

The surrender or submission, in the context of this word, implies surrender to God’s will and word. Hopefully, this brings the adherent peace — both for herself and her neighbors — although what one does with that submission is always a matter of interpretation.

8. Sharia ought not be a scary word.

After all, it just means “legal reasoning” or “canonical law.” There are, at least, five classical schools of sharia (including the Shiite), and they differ radically in in their relationship to both sources of authority and interpretive methods.

For example, the Qur’an enjoins one not to be drunk when you pray, not to get drunk, and not to drink fermented date wine. So, what of a cold beer? It likely won’t get you drunk, nor is it made from dates. Is it allowable? Sharia is the means by which this question gets answered, and those answers vary from no alcohol whatsoever to, quite literally, no date wine that leads to drunkenness. Across the Muslim world, you’ll find the whole spectrum of positions.

And, just as with Catholics and birth control, you’ll find many Muslims who ignore the prescription regardless. Muslims are people, too.
2016-07-26 14:02:34 UTC
You are aware a all history is violent, right?

It doesn't mean you ban all history as it might contain racist, sexist and violent paragraphs.

You need to get into a real school, kid.
often wrong
2016-07-26 13:52:28 UTC
Everyone covers up something that is shameful.

Doesnt matter who you are. its human nature. First thing that Adam and Eve did when they fell from grace was cover themselves up.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.