I want to convert to Islam but I have mant questions.?
2012-09-02 22:10:23 UTC
I'm a 16 year old female from Houston, Texas. I was born and raised in a Christian home and have been going to the same church since I was 6 months old. My mother is a very strong Christian and is very involved in our church. I have never really been a religious person until Allah (swt) recently opened my eyes.  My father has often times professed his hatred of all Muslims...  and I want to convert to Islam. I have a lot of questions. 
1. I'm afraid to say the Shahada because I'm not sure if I can perform all of the necessary obligations such as praying five times a day, (I don't even know how to properly pray, I need help with my pronunciation). I know I won't be able to go to a mosque in the foreseeable future. My mother is very controlling and doesn't even really let me out of the house except for school and work. I am taking college classes and I have to go to work everyday and it would interfere with my prayers. Not only that, but I will also be travelling a lot in the next few months and I don't think it would very easy for me to get into the habit of performing salah while travelling to foreign countries. Should I wait for the Shahada so I can give my best to Allah  (swt) when I do convert?
2. When I convert, do I have to tell my parents? I'm afraid of how they will react. I know they will not support my decision and will probably force me to talk to our pastor to try to convince me not to convert. I don't yet have the knowledge about the holy Quran in order to defend it properly. I'm also afraid that once I turn 18, they'll kick me out and will not help support me through college.
3. I have an old friend from when I was in public school. She's Muslim and I want to start talking to her again. I want to ask her for help in converting and for support. How should o breach the topic of  Islam? I don't quite know how to say, "oh hey, by the way I want to be Muslim. Got any advice?"
4. How am I supposed to learn Arabic?!?!?! Oh my goodness!!! Right now I'm reading
Nineteen answers:
Ahmad A
2012-09-02 22:31:16 UTC
I am really overwhelmed with joy when someone wants to learn about Islam,especially in Houston, where Islam isn't really liked there. I am happy for you, really, because you know the truth about Islam despite the falsehood the media and the people say about it.


If you truly know Islam is the right religion, you would not hesitate to convert. Islam is the only thing that opens the doors of heaven to you. Allah sent down Islam as the last and final message, and it is the most perfect revelation.

You are not alone when you say "I want to convert, but I do not know how to handle the obligations". islam will have on you a lot of responsibilities like praying and fasting. But praying and fasting only brings you closer to God, and when God is pleased with you, He will help you find a job, he will provide you with wealth and health, and he will increase your knowledge and opportunities of luxuries will open to you. No one can stop what Allah decrees.

2) You can hind your religion from your parents. Pray in secret and do other acts of worship in secret.

3) Your friend will only be happy to know that you are interested in Islam. Tell her "i need to talk to you about something importannt, do you have some time" and when she says yes tell her ur story. If your friend wont listen, tell me, my email at, i will be waiting for you.

4) Arabic will come. Take a class, some lessons, watch some lectures in arabic with english subtitles. Just simply take classes and beginner courses. Just believe in Allah and his messenger.
2012-09-02 22:50:04 UTC
This ain't an advice but just an empathy as what i would do

1-You are already a Muslim at the moment but anyway I would say the shahada now and try praying at least twice (morning and night) while "changing your clothes" in your room or something that your mother would not know what you are doing, even that would mean a lot,

2-I would not tel my parents if they were close minded people, my father got mad at me when i first started praying and stuff, you dont have to do that. first you need to learn enough to present Quran to them as the undeniable truth and then you may consider waiting for the day that you wont need their support in your life anymore so if they cut it you wont get homeless =)

3-I would call her and just ask whats goin on i miss you, why dont we meet some day and then when i met her i would say that "i have been thinking about religions lately and i believe that Islam is the truth" if she cares about Islam you dont even need to think about the rest, it will all go fine and better than you imagine.

4-In salah its enough if you recite only the first chapter of Quran, you can memorize its transileration and the meaning of it verse by verse, it would take a few hours at max, at the same time listen to it on youtube or somewhere to learn how it is recited

May Allah swt increase your guidance
2012-09-02 22:37:48 UTC
Firstly, all praise is due to almighty Allah that he has opened up your heart to the truth and beauty of Islaam - a huge congratulations!

1. You should not delay in reciting the shadah, thereafter you can gradually learn better about Islaam and improve yourself as a Muslim. Islaam is a beautiful and tolerant religion. There are plenty information on the Internet, but be sure that you are reading from an AUTHENTIC AND RELAIBLE source, that is written by knowledgable Islamic scholars we all know the Internet can carry a lot of trash.

2. You do not have to tell your parents immediately, when the Muslims at the time of the holy prophet muhammad (s.a.w.) had enterd into the fold of Islaam, they had feared persecutions From the polytheist so they had kept their Islaam a secret until later on.

2. your friend will be very happy to teach you about Islaam if she is a true Muslim, I do not think you should have any problems there, simply tell her that you are interested in Islaam and would like to know more, I'm sure she will be all ears.

4. Your Arabic will come with time and practice, again everything takes some dedication , soon god willing you will get there.

Take care ane good luck, you are about to begin a beautiful journey, one in which you will never regret :)
always b natural
2012-09-02 23:08:41 UTC
You are 16, and forming your opinions in an atmosphere where

you are not expected to question your parents.

Many points in lslam are very similar and the basic beliefs are the

same. ln lslam, Jesus is a prophet, and is not the manifestation of


l am wondering if you are just rebelling against your parents, and

this is the surest way to get their attention, esp the attention of your

father. When a girl is 16 is one of the times in her life when her

father is the most important. He is the the teacher of what a man

should be, how a husband should be, he is a figure of strength

that could damage or even kill you, yet he works for you, provides

for you, and protects you. l find it interesting that you are taking

to heart the religion that would irritate your father in particular.

Considering that lslam, Jews and Christians believe in the same

God, you are not really making that much of a change, as you

would by converting to Buddhism or Hindi.

lt is admirable that you are considering your faith, your commitment

to principles, and how you want to live your life. However, l don't

think this is the time for you to do this. You need to be concentrating

on your studies, and working towards college. As well, you are

a minor, and under the total control of your parents.

For now, learn more. Now is not the time for this commitment.

Learn about yourself, learn about life, and when you are older

and independent, paying your own way, making your own

decisions, then is the time to revisit this question.
2012-09-03 00:50:12 UTC
I can't express to you the joy that I feel when someone wants to be a Muslim. I sometimes can't hold my tears that someone have finally find the right path, that there's a new soul saved from the hell.

My advice for you is that you should say Shahada, don't delay.

Not all of us are perfect Muslims, you don't know every little thing about Islam but you try our best to stick to the straight path, to try to learn about our religion, about our way of life.

Inshallah when you become a Muslim that you'll find that the concept of brotherhood in Islam is so beautiful, that almost everyone tries to take care of everyone.

If you have any question, feel free to contact me on this emails,,

I will answer you inshallah, if I don't know the answer, I will make time to find the answer inshallah.
2012-09-03 00:01:38 UTC
Salam You are welcome to convert/enter Islam by saying shahadah in front of an imam of the mosque witness by several Muslims (1)Please fell free to enter Islam without fear if you have convinced yourself that Islam is much better than Christianity although you could not perform prayer 5 times a day because you are in learning process You can visit the nearest mosque and try to perform it by following the imam as leader in praying In travelling for more than 80 km Allah has given us an easiness by allowing us to shorten the 4 raka'ats prayer into 2 raka'ats only and we can combine the dhuhr with ashr and the maghrib with isha for mandatory prayers so do not be afraid to say shahada in front of an imam (2)If your parents will oppose you to convert to Islam it is better if you keep be silent secretly and do not tell them about it You must try to learn and understand the Qur'an step by step and you can contact and discuss it with the imam of nearest mosque and you cam talk with your Muslim friend (4)You can learn Arabic language at the mosque which gives a training about it at least once a week If you convert to Islam all of your past bad doings will be forgiven by Allah and all of your past good deeds will be accepted by Allah
2016-09-20 03:53:36 UTC
This ain't an advice nevertheless conveniently an empathy as what i would do a million-you perhaps already a Muslim at the second however besides i could say the shahada now and take a seem at praying at least two times (morning and night time time) while "changing your clothes" on your room or anything that your mom might not be mindful of what you're doing, even that might indicate such a lot, two-i could not tel my dad and mom if that they had been close minded humans, my father bought mad at me while I first began praying and stuff, you dont ought to do that. First you have got to study adequate to gift Quran to them on the grounds that the indeniable reality after which you may additionally recall equipped for the day that you simply wont desire their help on your life anymore so in the event that they shrink it you wont get homeless =) three-i could title her and conveniently ask whats goin on i leave out you, why dont we meet a few day after which while I met her i would say that "i've been excited about religions in recent years and i consider that Islam is the truth" if she cares approximately Islam you dont even have to believe regarding the relaxation, it's going to all move first-class and greater than you consider. four-In salah its sufficient in case you occur to recite so much amazing the fundamental bankruptcy of Quran, that you would memorize its transileration and the that implies of it verse with the support of verse, it could take a quantity of hours at max, while concentrate to it on youtube or someplace to be proficient how it's recited might Allah swt develop your steering
2012-09-02 22:47:25 UTC
1. Let me tell you that you shouldn't fear anything, you shouldn't be waiting to take your Shahada because once you do you're a Muslim and being a Muslim well means that you've known your God and i assure you that he'll be there for you, so if you can take it now then do it. You really can't imagine how important it is.

2. You don't have to tell your parents but you have to treat them in a very good way even if they didn't believe in Islam.

3. Try not to ask even a friend because sadly not all Muslims know everything about Islam instead search youtube for a well known Sheikh like Yusuf Estes or Laurence Brown and believe me their videos will help more than you can imagine also try watching videos of other Muslim reverts who had a common situation like you.

4. Learn it gradually but at the same time keep learning about Islam.

I'd like to tell you that i can't be more happy than the time i learn about people who want to revert to Islam but please take your Shahada, i really can't stress on how important it is and don't listen to people who want to move you away from Islam because they won't be of any help when it matters.

That's a very good video, hope you have time to watch it and you won't regret it i assure you :)

Uhm..That's another good video :)
2012-09-02 22:36:21 UTC
A'salam sister :)

First I would like to say that may Allah (SWT) bless you for all your struggle to follow the path to him. Those who take a few steps toward Allah, Allah rushes towards them. Don't worry, keep your heart and faith in Allah, and he will take care of everything for you. Remember, that all this struggle you are going through right now is a test, and you shall be rewarded in the here after :) It's hard to follow something if your own parents are completely against what you are following. My advice to you is, do not be afraid. The story of prophet Ibrahim, when his father tried to push him into worshiping idols, and he would try and tell him father what he was doing is wrong, and that he should worship Allah, but his father did not listen to him at all. It is ok to disobey your parents in terms of them trying to misguide you. And this is exactly what your parents are doing. Have you tried talking to them about Islam and how it truly is? Maybe you can show them that Islam and christianity are similar, they have the same stories, the same prophets, you both worship the same God, Allah!!! Since your young, your parents probably think that you are making a wrong decision, but be mature and strong about your belief and pray for Allah to guide them. :)

About prayer, prayer does take time and concentration. But the thing is, once you get into the habit of performing prayer, you can't live without it, it's like it's your battery charger, and you use it to charge yourself to continue on in life. I understand that you don't know arabic, but try to find a teacher or an online course to teach you how to read Quran (u don't need to understand the Arabic, you just need to learn how to pronounce it and read it first. Later on you can study the meanings and such if it's too much for you.) and memorizing Quran is easy. Each verse from each Surah rhymes. Don't worry sister, Allah will help you, he is the best of teachers. And even if you don't pronounce anything right, or pray correctly, just your determination and struggle will please Allah.

Don't be afraid to open up to your Muslim friend. She will be most glad (and I gaurantee it) to help you. She will open (inshallah) many doors for you. :) Don't be afraid. Anytime you are scared or doubting something, remember Allah is there for you. You are not afraid to stand alone if Allah is by your side. :)

2012-09-02 22:55:22 UTC
Baby steps...i suggest you see your friend, say your shahada and ask her to teach you how to pray. Start learning more about Islam and its practices. Do as much as you could of what you can already do given your situation. Then supplicate to Allah to help you with other stuffs. Allah will not burden us with something we cannot handle. I remember what someone told me when he found out that i was thinking about reverting to islam...he said "do it sooner for you do not know when you will die!"

P.S. If telling your parents about your decision will complicate your situation, then don't. That will be understandable because you still live under their roof. Good luck and take care. Salam
2012-09-03 04:43:52 UTC
My dear little sister,

1- Please do take your time to email me. I will hopefully provide you a lot of information that will help you better.

2- Please be assured that you **DON'T** need to know or be able to read Arabic AT ALL. I can only read it. I can understand a few words of it. But +98% Muslims in my country cannot understand it at all. I can assure you that it is not a requirement at all.

3- Perhaps you have been told that the prayer has to be in Arabic. This is absolutely wrong. God knows ALL languages. Not only that, HE knows even the remotest thoughts that cross your mind. This is ABSOLUTELY essential that YOU MUST pray in the language YOU UNDERSTAND. And a prayer is a prayer. Whatever your heart wants to pray, pray !!! Simple.

Yes there are SOME rules to prayer.

1a- You should be in a state of ablution at the time you deliver your prayer: Ref. 5:6

2a- You should face towards the Qibla. Most Muslims (+99.99%) face towards Mecca in Saudi Arabia. I being a Quranist who understands that Qibla was NEVER Mecca but it was Jerusalem. Therefore I face towards Jerusalem. Ref. 2:142 to 148.

3a- You should praise God !! Ref. 17:111. You may use the beautiful names of God i.e. Most Merciful, Most Gracious, Almighty etc. etc, etc. Praise HIM the way you think is appropriate.

4a- Your prayer if possible (since your circumstances are different) should be in MEDIUM tone. It should not be loud and it should not be secretive silence either. A medium tone !!! Ref. 17:110

5a- The MOST important part of your prayer is that it should be TOTALLY dedicated and devoted to God Alone, You should seriously abstain from mentioning any creature i.e. Mohammad, Abraham, Jesus, Moses, Angels etc. Your prayer is a DIRECT CONNECTION to God And there is absolutely no one in between. And it should be pure and totally dedicated to God. Ref. 6:162.

6a- Your prayer should have bowing and prostrations.



If you are traveling or are in a state where a prayer is NOT possible or people can discover you or you may incur bad consequences for it. Then you may choose to skip it or do it at some other time (ref.4:103), or do it secretly in any position, even walking, sitting or traveling etc. etc. etc. Ref. 2:239,


What your cricumstances are, I think it would be wise if you DON'T declare your inclination or practice at all.

Regarding the matter of Shahada, please note that the MOMENT you decide to live and obey the Quran or even you know in your heart that it is the way to go. And you decide to go by it, whenever the circumstances would be right to do so. You are a Muslim THERE and THEN.

God does not need these so called formalities of Shahada etc. Moreover though it may sound a bit weird to you (as I am a Quranist, keep that in mind). There is NO such thing as Shahada !!!. You are in the party of God the moment you accept the Quran !!!! period !!!!.

Regarding the English translation of the Quran.

Well this would be a controversial part and I am going to get a lot of thumbs down on that !!! :)))

But bear in mind !!

1- There is ABSOLUTELY no translation of the Quran that is perfect !!! period.

2- Over here many people would jump at me and you for the fact that I recommend Rashad Khalifa translation. It is the best ever till now. It is written in the Easiest English and is effortless and makes a lot of sense. There is perhaps no other translation that can rival it in those terms.

Having said that, even his translation is NOT perfect. I can tell you the errors even in his translation.

But for starters to medium level researchers / explorers, there is no rival in the matter.

Please take a loot at it at:

You may also choose to email the site of Submission for any help.

Last and NOT the least:

God has given EVERY human and Jinn a grace period of 40 years (ref. 46:15 to 18). God does not consider you mature UNTIL you turn 40. The decision of which direction HE and HIS forces will take you, will be finally stamped once you reach 40.

Therefore, DO NOT rush in any thing. There is NO worldly punishment / penalty if you decide to go back or go away. However there is a divine penalty for that. So do your research well, before you really feel that you are ready to step in.

Good luck my child / sister !! :)

Enjoy !! and welcome to the divine path. Welcome to the ship that will never sink. Welcome to the bond that will never break. Welcome to the one who will never waiver in supporting you and will never leave you. And will take care of you.
2012-09-03 00:17:24 UTC
in the name of God

1- if you say to your parents they punish you , you can don't say to them it is not propblem

2- as i undrestand you think you couldn't do all rules of Islam at first , Hijab, prayer , fasting ,and etc

it is not any problem , at first do it as you can and step by step improve it

i should say when our prophet ask people to convert to Islam don't say to prayer 5 times , ask them 1 time then second and improve it to 5 or about wine ask them before prayer don't drink then say in the society and after that , everytime

then i want say the main one you must do it , Accept God and say shahada (should know the meaning of it ) the do the rules of Islam step by step base on your capacity

Have a good time , God help you
2012-09-03 06:05:26 UTC
Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds, the One Who exists without a place. To Him belong the endowments and proper commendations.

Since you've got tons of replies to your questions, I'm not going to answer them but if you have any other queries and need help with understanding anything...then feel free to send me a message. I know how difficult this must be for you, especially since you're young and can't legally do anything by yourself. I'm also 16 though I was brought up in an Islamic environment so the religion isn't foreign to me as it is to you - I've had people supporting me and helping me increase my knowledge about Islam each day. My journey was much simpler than yours.

To become a muslim, you must;

Say the following words with clarity of intention, firm faith and belief:

Say: "Ash-hadu an la ilaha ill Allah." (I bear witness that there is no diety but Allah.)

Say: "Wa ash-hadu ana Muhammad ar-rasullallah." (And I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.)

Take a shower, symbolically cleansing yourself of your past life. (Some people prefer to shower before making the declaration of faith above; either way is acceptable.)

Learn how to pray and practice Islam in your daily life.

Continue to learn, study, and grow in your new faith.

Seek support from Muslims if available.

Maintain your existing family relationships to the best of your ability. Some may have difficulty accepting your decision, but at all times try to keep the doors open and be a good example of humility, kindness, and patience.

Also pray Salat Al-Istighfar - it's a special prayer that one should pray when he/she is encountering great hardships in this life. Allah (SWT) will guide for he loves you dearly...Allah (SWT) only unseals the hearts of the non-believers and guides them to Islam if he loves them.

To beseech Allah to remove worries and hardships, and keep the souls of the departed in peace and tranquility, recite a 2 Rak’at salat after Isha’ salat as under.

The prayer...

First Rak’at.

(i) After recitation of al Fatihah and al Qadr, say astaghfirullaah 15 times.

(ii) In the ruku’, after the dikr of ruku’, say astaghfirullaah 10 times,

(iii) After the ruku’, when recitation of Sami-A'llaahu Liman H'amidah is completed, say astaghfirullaah 10 times.

(iv) In sajdah, after the dikr of sajdah, say astaghfirullaah 10 times.

(v) After the first sajdah, while sitting when recitation of Astaghfirullaah Rabbee Wa Atoobu Ilay is completed, say astaghfirullaah 10 times.

(vi) In the second sajdah, after the dikr of sajdah, say astaghfirullaah 10 times.

(vii) After the second sajdah, while sitting, say astaghfirullaah 10 times, before standing for qivam.

In the 2nd Rak’at say Astaghfirullaah 10 times before reciting tashahud.

You should also recite Sayyid al-Istighfar (The Most Superior Dua). It's so beautiful.

May Allah guide you and make your path a simpler one.

- Just another 16 year old girl wanting to help. ^^
2012-09-03 05:09:02 UTC
Salam sis.

feel free to click on my account to email
2012-09-02 22:43:24 UTC
I'll speak in love. Please consider you choices very seriously. Has God told you to do this? Why exactly do you want to become a Muslim? Do you have a commitment to Christ? I don't believe Christ would lead you this way. You are sixteen. At your age, I was going through phases and wanting to do all kinds of things. I think you should wait until you are older (at least 18--scary, I know, but trust me), so you do not do something that will hurt you in the end. I believe it helps to ask God about all the decisions you make. Have you asked God what to do? I don't want to lose a fellow brother in Christ! I pray that you will make the right decisions. God bless!! :)
2012-09-02 22:18:34 UTC
your issue is with your parents . Talk to them about what really ails you. Islam is not about prayers or worship. it is to be rightous that means to protect human rights and provide peace.

If you convert from one religion to another you are simply trading dogmas.. Do the things that you know are right to do and you are already a muslim. open your mind and understanding will come.
2012-09-02 22:36:35 UTC
Islam is the truth, never wait with become muslim, because Allah says in the Koran:

Every soul will taste death. Then to Us will you be returned.

Surat Al-`Ankabūt

If you die without becoming muslim you will go forever to the hell.

I give you a few links to answer your questions:


She wants to become Muslim but thinks she will have problems with her friends, family and job

Praise be to Allaah.

Is what you want to do the right step? Are you ready to take this great step? From what you say, these are the two important questions to which you have been trying to find the answer. We thank you for consulting us, and we believe that what you are going to do is the right step for sure, because this is the religion of Allaah, and He does not accept any other religion from His slaves, as He says (interpretation of the meaning):

“And whoever seeks a religion other than Islam, it will never be accepted of him, and in the Hereafter he will be one of the losers.”

[Aal ‘Imraan 3:85]

Maybe you have compared (religions, etc.) and read widely and have reached the conviction that this is the true religion which you must follow, but this is not enough and it will not save a person just to believe in the Oneness of Allaah and the Prophethood of Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and the resurrection after death. He must also utter the Shahadataayn and practise Islam. It seems to us that your hesitation is not due to lack of conviction of the truth but because of certain fears that have to do with social factors such as friends, family, husband and job.

One aspect of the answer may be found under Question # 4775, so please refer to that. As far as your Muslim acquaintances are concerned, you will be sitting with their wives, not with the men, as is dictated by Islamic teaching. If you find this difficult at first, you will find it easy later on. If these women are too busy, then look for other sincere Muslim women who you can make friends with and encourage one another to adhere to the truth.

If you are sincere towards Allaah, He will help you to overcome your difficulties with your husband and family. With regard to Friday Prayers, this is not obligatory for women because the Prophet of Islam (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “It is a duty for every Muslim to pray Jumu’ah in congregation apart from four: slaves, women, young boys and the sick.” (Reported by Abu Dawood, 901). Women have to pray four rak’ahs of Zuhr prayer on Friday wherever they are. What you have heard about a person delegating someone else to pray on his behalf is not correct at all. Prayer is fard ‘ayn, i.e., an individual duty for each Muslim, and it is not acceptable for one person to appoint someone else as a proxy or for one person to pray on behalf of another. In any case, you have no need for this in the case of Jumu’ah prayers, as you now know.

Briefly, all you need in your case is to put your trust in Allaah and strive to please Him. Go ahead and embrace His religion even if it makes other people angry. So long as you accept Him as your Lord and God, and follow His religion, He will never let you down or forsake you. We believe that you are ready to take this great step, in sha Allaah, so remember our advice in brief is “Go for it” and put your trust in Allaah. We ask Allaah to give you strength.

Islam Q&A

Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid


We also want to tell you that it is possible for a person, if he becomes Muslim and fears unbearable persecution or hardship, to conceal his Islam and keep it a secret, hiding his acts of worship from the people around him although it is difficult to do so. But for the sake of following the truth and saving oneself from the punishment of Hellfire, everything becomes easy and the believer can overcome all difficulties.


3) Just ask her, Insha'Allaah she will help...

4) Take it easy with arabic, take your time

“…And whosoever fears Allaah and keeps his duty to Him, He will make a way for him to get out (from every difficulty).” [al-Talaaq 65:2]

“Our Lord! Put not on us a burden greater than we have strength to bear”

[al-Baqarah 2:286]


I will give you links concerning islam, prayer and more...
2012-09-02 22:30:47 UTC

You are going through a stage or maybe you just feel like pissing your parents off, either way you will get over it.

Jeez you don't even know a thing about it!
2012-09-02 22:12:12 UTC
That's so stupid!

Why r u doing this????? Be a Christian ! It's the one way to heaven! Seriously.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.