My dear little sister,
1- Please do take your time to email me. I will hopefully provide you a lot of information that will help you better.
2- Please be assured that you **DON'T** need to know or be able to read Arabic AT ALL. I can only read it. I can understand a few words of it. But +98% Muslims in my country cannot understand it at all. I can assure you that it is not a requirement at all.
3- Perhaps you have been told that the prayer has to be in Arabic. This is absolutely wrong. God knows ALL languages. Not only that, HE knows even the remotest thoughts that cross your mind. This is ABSOLUTELY essential that YOU MUST pray in the language YOU UNDERSTAND. And a prayer is a prayer. Whatever your heart wants to pray, pray !!! Simple.
Yes there are SOME rules to prayer.
1a- You should be in a state of ablution at the time you deliver your prayer: Ref. 5:6
2a- You should face towards the Qibla. Most Muslims (+99.99%) face towards Mecca in Saudi Arabia. I being a Quranist who understands that Qibla was NEVER Mecca but it was Jerusalem. Therefore I face towards Jerusalem. Ref. 2:142 to 148.
3a- You should praise God !! Ref. 17:111. You may use the beautiful names of God i.e. Most Merciful, Most Gracious, Almighty etc. etc, etc. Praise HIM the way you think is appropriate.
4a- Your prayer if possible (since your circumstances are different) should be in MEDIUM tone. It should not be loud and it should not be secretive silence either. A medium tone !!! Ref. 17:110
5a- The MOST important part of your prayer is that it should be TOTALLY dedicated and devoted to God Alone, You should seriously abstain from mentioning any creature i.e. Mohammad, Abraham, Jesus, Moses, Angels etc. Your prayer is a DIRECT CONNECTION to God And there is absolutely no one in between. And it should be pure and totally dedicated to God. Ref. 6:162.
6a- Your prayer should have bowing and prostrations.
If you are traveling or are in a state where a prayer is NOT possible or people can discover you or you may incur bad consequences for it. Then you may choose to skip it or do it at some other time (ref.4:103), or do it secretly in any position, even walking, sitting or traveling etc. etc. etc. Ref. 2:239,
What your cricumstances are, I think it would be wise if you DON'T declare your inclination or practice at all.
Regarding the matter of Shahada, please note that the MOMENT you decide to live and obey the Quran or even you know in your heart that it is the way to go. And you decide to go by it, whenever the circumstances would be right to do so. You are a Muslim THERE and THEN.
God does not need these so called formalities of Shahada etc. Moreover though it may sound a bit weird to you (as I am a Quranist, keep that in mind). There is NO such thing as Shahada !!!. You are in the party of God the moment you accept the Quran !!!! period !!!!.
Regarding the English translation of the Quran.
Well this would be a controversial part and I am going to get a lot of thumbs down on that !!! :)))
But bear in mind !!
1- There is ABSOLUTELY no translation of the Quran that is perfect !!! period.
2- Over here many people would jump at me and you for the fact that I recommend Rashad Khalifa translation. It is the best ever till now. It is written in the Easiest English and is effortless and makes a lot of sense. There is perhaps no other translation that can rival it in those terms.
Having said that, even his translation is NOT perfect. I can tell you the errors even in his translation.
But for starters to medium level researchers / explorers, there is no rival in the matter.
Please take a loot at it at:
You may also choose to email the site of Submission for any help.
Last and NOT the least:
God has given EVERY human and Jinn a grace period of 40 years (ref. 46:15 to 18). God does not consider you mature UNTIL you turn 40. The decision of which direction HE and HIS forces will take you, will be finally stamped once you reach 40.
Therefore, DO NOT rush in any thing. There is NO worldly punishment / penalty if you decide to go back or go away. However there is a divine penalty for that. So do your research well, before you really feel that you are ready to step in.
Good luck my child / sister !! :)
Enjoy !! and welcome to the divine path. Welcome to the ship that will never sink. Welcome to the bond that will never break. Welcome to the one who will never waiver in supporting you and will never leave you. And will take care of you.