Does Allah still love me? What have I done wrong?
Zahara S
2012-03-08 09:47:20 UTC
Does Allah still Love me? What have I done wrong?

In the previous years of my life (GCSE) I used to pray to Allah about my grades and results for the exams that I did - I would pray Nafl for exams such as GCSE exams and whatever grade I would pray for Allah would help me to get it - Basically I used to pray Nafl before exams and do very well..
But now
Its been like a year I pray to Allah and I am not getting my grades
Just started college and did my first AS exams - I worked incredibly hard for the 2 exams - I worked so hard day and night - I did extremely well on past papers so was quite confident and happy - but I just got the results bak for the exams i sat and unpleasingly failed . I tried sooo hard and prayed sooo much.
Before I would just have to read nafl and it would work wonders
Now I pray nafl, do dua, mannats etc and did soo bad in the 2 exams.

I dont kno what to do - I cant explain how hard i worked - did past papers and got amazing grades - i was so happy and quite confident for the exams but the results were shokin -
I dont understand what i have done wrong?
i try to be the best muslim possible and cant go a day without remembering Allah and the best religion Islam so why didnt Allah help me?
Im so confused and feel like crying - im stressed and depressed at the moment
Everything happens for a reason but what is the reason.
Does Allah still love me or not?
:'( :'( :'(
Six answers:
2012-03-08 09:52:08 UTC
Praying won't do any good for your grades. If you're stupid, you're stupid. If you study hard you will get good grades.
2012-03-08 22:06:51 UTC
I know how you feel. We have stress in life. Everything is not perfect.

I go through, ups and downs in life. But, I tell Allah that he is the one who knows best.

Keep trusting in Allah. Who knows, you might do well, all the time.
2012-03-09 12:42:27 UTC
Instead of praying Nafil, start to pray Sunna'h for the closeness of Allah (swt).
The Wayfarer
2012-03-08 19:12:10 UTC
Ofcourse He loves you!

This is just a small test of your faith!

trust me we all go through this test from Allah swt- when we fail something- the first thought which pops into your head is what was the point of all the duas I made?---> but we have to realise that is shiatan's whispers!

isn't a true muslim the one who remains steadfast and puts there trust in Allah not only at times of happiness & success- but at the times of failure and hardships???

whose faith do you think is stronger?- one who gives up hope at times of hardship...or one who knows Allah swt has done the best for them?

We are like diamonds to Allah swt- for a rock to be turned into a shining diamond you have to put it under great pressure and heat

Remember that each hardship/failure we go through- is polishing us up...making us into shining that we can go into the akhira sinless and perfect...

There is a hadith (to the nearest meaning) that every hardship even if it is a prick of a thorn wipes away our sins.

Allah swt is most-Merciful to us all- He wants us to go to Jannah straight away therefore He tests us through small and big tests depending on our level of iman. (Look back into the past at the lives of the Prophets(pbut) and the Sahabas (r.a)....and look at the trials and sacrifices they went through- Our trials are nothing compared to those)

its good to get it off your chest by crying- but make your tears useful and ask Allah swt for forgiveness for the slight slip of faith ...

remember Allah swt says in the Quran:

And when someone puts all his trust in Allah, He will be enough for him. (65:3)

And put all your trust [in Allah], if you are indeed believers. (5:23)

and Allah is the best of planners so we must plan, work hard, make dua and leave the rest to Allah swt. Whatever comes to pass will be for the best.

We must always make dua that whatever happens is best for our deen and livelihood-

'rabbana atina fidduniya hasanataw wa fil akhirati hasanatow wa kina azhaban naar' O Allah grant us good in this world and the akhirah and save us from the fire of hell

if we trust our dua has been accepted then we won't feel that something has gone wrong.

May Allah shower His love and mercy upon us. May He guide us all

p.s. Reason for failure of exams= test of faith= and most importantly a lesson to learn.
2012-03-08 18:01:04 UTC
inshaallah things will become better for you......there is a hadeeth where a companion was with the prophet and he asked whether he should just leave his camel untied and trust in allah or tie it down and the prophet told him to tie it down and then put your trust in allah.......while we should pray and have tawwakul(trust in allah) to give us success in what we do and to guide us we are also given the faculties to adequately prepare ourselves for whatever we are goin to do i cannot just make dua to become a doctor and not put the work forth and expect it to happen So inshaallah if you continue applying yourself studying hard and trusting in allah you can get things on track inshaallah may allah make the way easy for you ameen
2012-03-08 19:28:58 UTC

Belief necessitates supplication as a certain means of securing needs, and just as human nature has an intense desire for it, so too Almighty God decrees,

Say, 'My Sustainer would not concern Himself with you but for your supplication,'

which has the meaning of: What importance would you have if you did not offer Me supplications? He also commands:

Call upon Me and I will answer you.

If you say: "We frequently offer supplications, but they are not accepted. But the verse is general, it states that every supplication is answered.

The Answer: To answer is one thing, to accept is something quite different. Every supplication is answered, but its being accepted and exactly what was sought being given is dependant on Almighty God's wisdom. For example, if a sick child calls the doctor, saying: "Doctor! Doctor!", and he replies: "Here I am, what do you want?", and the child says: "Give me that medicine!", the doctor will either give him exactly what he asks for or something better and more beneficial for him. Or knowing that it is harmful for his illness, he will give him nothing.

Thus, since Almighty God is all-present and all-seeing, He responds to the supplications of His servants. Through His presence and response, He transforms the desolation of loneliness and solitude into familiarity. But He does this, not in accordance with man's capricious and importunate demands, but in accordance with the requirements of Dominical wisdom; He gives either what is sought or what is better than it, or He gives nothing at all.Also, supplication is a form of worship and recognition of man's servitude to God. The fruits of this pertain to the hereafter. The aims pertaining to this world are the times of a particular sort of supplication and worship. For example, the prayers and supplications for rain are a form of worship. Drought is the time for such worship. Worship and supplications of this sort are not in order to bring rain. If they are performed with that intention alone they are not worthy of acceptance, for they are not sincere worship. Sunset is the time of the evening prayers. And eclipses of the sun and moon are the times of two particular prayers known as salat-i kusuf and salat-i khusuf. That is to say, with the veiling of the two luminous signs of the night and day, God's tremendousness is proclaimed, so Almighty God calls his servants to a sort of worship at those times. The prayers are not so that the sun and moon will be revealed (whose appearance and how long the eclipses will continue have anyway been reckoned by astronomers).

In just the same way, drought is the time for the prayers for rain. And the visitation of calamities and infliction of harmful things the times of certain supplications when man realizes his impotence and through his supplication and entreaty seeks refuge at the Court of One Possessing Absolute Power. Even if the calamities are not lifted despite many supplications, it may not be said that they were not accepted. It should rather be said that the time for the supplication is not yet over. If through His graciousness and munificence Almighty God removes the calamity, light upon light, then the time for that supplication is over and done with. That is to say, supplication has the meaning of worship and man's acknowledging his servitude to God.As for worship and servitude to God, it should be purely and sincerely for God's sake. Man should only proclaim his impotence and seek refuge with Him through supplication, he should not interfere in His Dominicality. He should leave the taking of measures to Him and rely on His wisdom. He should not accuse His Mercy. Indeed, what is in reality established by the Qur'an's clear verses is that just as all beings offer their own particular glorification and worship, so too what rises to the Divine Court from all the universe is supplication. This is either through the tongue of innate ability like the supplication of all plants and animals by which each, through this tongue, seeks a form from the Absolute Bestower and to display and manifest His Names. Or it is through the tongue of innate need. These are the supplications for all their essential needs Ğ beyond their power to obtain Ğ offered by all animate beings. Through this tongue, each animate being seeks certain things from the Absolutely Generous One for the continuance of its life, like a sort of sustenance. Or


This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.