Why do muslims blame the politics and media for the worlds hate on islam?
2015-06-16 03:43:30 UTC
Why don't they realise that its not the media or politics but its just the typical muslims killing in the name of allah? they been doing this for centuries!!! before the media was even though of muslims have been killing innocent people.

The quran even commands muslims to kill people! Are yahooanswer muslims uneducated of their own religion or do they think people are too stupid to know whats not in the quran?
32 answers:
2016-03-13 11:24:37 UTC
I think it should be very clear and obvoius why a lot of Westerners are anti-Muslim. They associate Islam with terrorism; in particular, terrorism specifically aimed at Westerners and perpetrated solely by Muslims. They are constantly being bombarded by the media and politicians with information and images that serve to reinforce the idea that there is a jihad being conducted against the West by Moslems. These views are also bolstered by the methods used by the anti-West terrorists, in particular the indiscriminate killing of innocent people by suicide bombers. It a sad fact that the 99.9% of Moslems who are ordinary, God-fearing and peaceful people are tarred with the same brush and that a small group of radicals can give the whole of Islam such a bad name (in the eyes of the West). Unfortunately, that's the way of nature and politics. A lot of Western people can't help believing that the anti-West jihad has a lot of support across the Moslem world as the terrorists are able to operate with impunity in many of these places. If terrorists are wreaking havoc and claiming that they are doing the will of Allah, then ordinary Moslems will have to stop them and not sit quietly on the sidelines condemning the violence but secretly pleased at the anti-Western sentiment. If they are not prepared to speak out AND act, then they should not be surprised when ignorant people see them as supporting terror. This may not be fair and just, but it's just the way it is.
- Destiny x
2015-06-18 16:41:45 UTC
This 'question' is pretty pointless. No one cares about your opinion. They will get interactive for 2 seconds then carry on living their lives with their Muslim teachers, Doctors, Bus Drivers and Neighbours who aren't violent or ignorant.

Besides, if you wanted to debate (this isn't the place for it, but lets entertain the situation) then randomly claiming the Quran says such and such with no evidence IN context, you just seem rather uneducated, prejudice and/or ignorant.

If there's any question to be asked here it's why do you even care so much about what other people say, particularly if you have no connection to the Religion ? People have been blaming the government and media for things like anorexia and rape for years ... No such question as this has arrived; also, it's silly to assume the whole world hates Islam. There are many educated people in the world who don't judge collectively.

But I know many like you get off on rhetorically shoving your views in people's faces... Just as bad as crazy preachers, if not worse.

Good Day
2015-06-18 10:39:20 UTC
Because the media does twist things, fox news particularly. In the holocaust a Christian killed 6 Million jews, people dont hate on christianity for that. You could say he isnt a christian but neither are ''muslim'' terrorists either that use religion as an excuse. There are 1.6 Billion. If all were terrorists as the news suggests, there wouldn't be a world.

Who caused WW2, was it Muslims

Who dropped a bomb on Hiroshima, was it Muslims?

Who dropped a bomb on Nagasaki was it Muslims?

Who took part in the Screbenica massacre, was it Muslims?

Who lied about WMD's and killed 2,000,000 Million + Civilians, was it Muslims?

And yet who gets the most hate. Muslims didnt cause 911 yet they still get hate for it.
2015-06-17 07:22:36 UTC
Why dont you ******* non muslims get it that, Islam does not allow muslims to kill....

Those who kill for no reason are excluded from Islam then and there, just because islam has harsh punishments for foul acts doesnt mean muslims love killing, go study damn religion first then stupid the **** out of your mouth...

Islam is as modern as your ******* western society, it just has its own limits which makes another person understand one another by heart and not physical features....

Media and Politicians had to find a weak link to control every damn person in the world and so they found Islam and are ******* the life of Muslims...

Indeed Muhammad marry Aisha who was 9 or 6 at the ancient times but.....

One must first understand that 1400 years ago was very different than now, times have changed and so have humans. 1400 years ago it was something very common to marry young girls, in fact they were not considered young girls, and rather they were considered young women back then. It is a historic fact that girls from the ages of 9 to 14 were being married in Europe, Asia, and Africa, in fact even in the United States girls at the age of 10 were also being married just more than a century ago.
2015-06-18 09:48:30 UTC
Even though I am a Muslim but I believe that it's character of some certain types of Ignorant Muslims, who are brainwashed by ignorant scholars are responsible for that hate about Islam and Muslims. We used to say that Islam is good but Muslims are not. I think we should give up on this specific dialogue now and we should prove that Muslims are good due to teachings of Islam.
2015-06-18 11:09:15 UTC
First of all, I'm gonna tell you that the terrorists who call themselves muslims are not muslims. When a muslim person kills someone, it is considered one of the worst sins imaginable. Don't post stuff when you don't know the truth. Go and study instead of believing whatever the INTERNET tells you, okay? You can't discriminate a religion for something that terrorists are doing. They aren't even muslims; they're using islam's name for a reason to kill. The quran does NOT tell people to kill, you have to understand that when the Quran was revealed it was THOUSANDS of years ago and I believe that life has changed DRASTICALLY since then.
2015-06-18 04:14:12 UTC
All these negative answers are just sad muslims are so "horrible" yet when a similar question to this is asked most of the muslims (notice how i said most cause im not biased like the majority of people negatively judging islam and muslims) are positive towards others please educate yourself before you make assumptions dont just find a couple of ayat from the Quran on the INTERNET and act like you are some sort of expert in the religion
2015-06-17 05:10:07 UTC
do you mean invading Iraq after it refused to give the US a monopoly on its oil and killing/abusing over 100,000 (extremely conservative estimate, some say 1,000,000) Iraqi civilians? Or giving aid to Israel so it can buy weapons and kill over 2,200 people in 1 summer ?

I don't see how some people can just completely ignore violence done by Western/Western-supported nations and then act as though there is no cause for violence in the Middle East besides Islam.


Is the US a force for good as the politicians claim?

Why not ask the Indians? You know the trail of tears. The people the US originally told they had the land, but end up taking it them by force. Why not ask the slaves? The people who were in the bondage and the shackles of the immoral institution of slavery for several generations? Why not ask the Chinese workers who worked themselves to death in mass grave completing the american railroad? Why not ask the Iraqi civilians who were bombarded to death by the hundreds of thousands by Bush's "God endorsed war". Why not ask the Japanese who were the first ever victims of nuclear weapons. People today are still born with deformities because of the recreation.

I think not!

----------------------------------Ö - The Judge Accuses FBI _ Our Govt Of Being The Real Terrorist!


Baghdadi ëMossad trainedí: Edward Snowden

Posted by Abdul Alim WASHINGTON: The former employee at US National Security Agency (NSA), Edward Snowden, has revealed that the British and American intelligence and the Mossad worked together to create the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS).

Snowden said intelligence services of three countries created a terrorist organisation that is able to attract all extremists of the world to one place, using a strategy called ìthe hornetís nestî.

NSA documents refer to recent implementation of the hornetís nest to protect the Zionist entity by creating religious and Islamic slogans.

According to documents released by Snowden, ìThe only solution for the protection of the Jewish state ìis to create an enemy near its bordersî.

Leaks revealed that ISIS leader and cleric Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi took intensive military training for a whole year in the hands of Mossad, besides courses in theology and the art of speech..

Read more:


There is a lot of evidence pointing to the US government responsible for creating terror groups for known and unknown reasons.I suggest you see Judy Wood's presentation that proves that 911 was an inside job utilizing unknown advanced technology.One of the key evidences is that the whole building seemed to be turning into dust and there was a lack of debris after the building fell.Surely when a whole building collapses there would be tons and tons of debris lying on the ground but footage shows instead there barely was any compared to the size of the building.Further the Building collapsed in the exact manner controlled demolitions do.Leaked NSA documents by Edward Snowden along with others prove that the US government ,Israel and probably some other cou
2015-06-17 08:40:53 UTC
WARNING about HATRED: Muslims are trying to adapt the modern human views with love and peace(like the teachings from Jesus in the Bible), but the Islamic rulers and Muslims "could not cover up" all teachings about violence and hatred in the sacred Islamic books (Quran and Hadiths) and many violent wars and terrors to expand Islam.

For example, when Mohd allowed Muslims to kill any Muslim leaving Islam for Allah's sake exposed "his undeniable violent nature" although Muslims continued praising Mohd as a holy prophet.

For his own Allah's sake, Mohd himself in Quran bashed and attacked all previous religions, specially corrupting the Biblical teachings about Jesus for his new Islam.
2015-06-18 06:36:06 UTC
Media defends islam - it is Muslims themselves who are showing the world exactly how violent Islam is.

Muhammad suffered from Malignant Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Muslims think like him and try to behave like him, they have become Narcissists by extension.

In all cults, the insanity of the guru reflects on the followers who surrender their intelligence to him and follow him unquestioningly and brainlessly.

To Muslims, it's okay for them to violate non-Muslim rights, to abuse and even kill non-Muslims, but non-Muslims are not supposed to mistreat them in the slightest way. In fact, Muslims demand privileges that are not available to others. What they want is non-Muslims submission. That is what Islam is all about – submission.

Read Quran.

Islam is unconstitutional, it promotes bigotry, violence, incest, pedophilia, rape, abuse, torture, hatred, racism.
2015-06-20 12:54:55 UTC
Is it a hate and an insult to the Islamic teaching... with 72 virgin wives for each male martyr?
2015-06-17 02:45:29 UTC
Muslims are victims but at the same time most of them blatantly ignore crimes being committed in the name of Islam
2015-06-17 07:11:31 UTC
can you tell me why Media only use ISLAMIC TERRORIST for a terrorist

and why media never used CHRISTIAN TERRORIST HITLER?

or Hindu Terrorist Group for Anarchist groups in india

or said same for LTE in sri lanka???

it's obvious media is having double standards


shouldn't be biased but sadly it is

quran isn't asking anyone to kill anyone

we are not unaware of our scripture but blind people like you can't get our scriptures ever because your eyes are already closed

and how fair it is to blame billions of muslims or islam for act of few devil terrorist
2015-06-18 07:55:06 UTC
u say that muslims kill every1, if that was true than you wouldnt be alive today!

i really pity on you that u cannot study ur own religion and ur concentrating in islam.

u also say tht muslims r killing non muslims and wat about the non muslims???? iraq? pakistan? palestine?

why dont u say jews are terrorist because they are killing thousands of men, thousands of women, thousands of childrens merciless. they just go there with tanks and weapons take the children step their faces with their foot and walk on them as if they were like a carpet. what about this???

talking about some terrorists who r taleban, for ur kind information it was USA who created this terrorism so go raise ur voice against USA and israel to stop

u say tht many non muslims r dying but no ur wrong!!!!!.... if u compare the amount of muslims and non muslims dying, its d muslims. muslims die every year, every month, every week, every day and every moment, GO and say non muslims r terrorists, they r killing muslims.

if u havent studied islam, dont teach islam... sometimes its better to pay attention to yourself rather than jusging others.

and one more thing.... islam is not wat muslims are doing, it wat muslims are supposed to do.

so please before judging any other religion, look after ur own.
2015-06-16 11:19:44 UTC
I can totally see that your question here is out of knowledge and that proves your stupidity and how thick your head is

If you have really read Quraan thoroughly you would have understood

We have nothing to hide in our Quraan, we know what does it contain so instead of teaching us how to get more "educated" about our own religion how about you go read the Quraan better before spouting bullshit :)
2015-06-17 04:45:54 UTC

2015-06-16 07:42:41 UTC
Bc both of media and politicians are controlled by Zionists and they want to destroy true Islam
2015-06-16 04:33:25 UTC
That's just what they do. Play the blame game.

A Muslims favourite quote: 'If it's never our fault, we can't take responsibility for it. If we can't take responsibility for it, we'll always be its victim.'
2015-06-16 05:45:09 UTC
Now you must rekindle your amnesia here, pro. Who flew troops, ammunition, tanks and planes 3 000 miles to fight in Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria? And who are bankrolling these crackpots called ISIS? Bush. Blair and Oh Bummer.
2015-06-16 05:57:18 UTC
Salam Because politics play dirty tricks and western mass media make black campaign
2015-06-17 12:11:57 UTC
Because there's a lot of anti Muslim propaganda in WESTERN media?
2015-06-18 14:10:36 UTC
because they exposed Islam in front of the World.
2015-06-17 13:46:18 UTC
I've never really respected any group who continually victimizes themselves over and over again, and I'm saying this as a minority myself.
2015-06-16 09:35:04 UTC
Judging by muslim answers here no they think people are too stupid to know whats not in the quran.
2015-06-16 13:27:08 UTC
Because they seem to be the only "Muslims" that anybody hears about and so they feel misrepresented.
2015-06-16 03:44:18 UTC
I blame greed and hatred.That is politics.
2015-06-17 02:05:30 UTC
Keep your lies with you ... just enjoy Jewish media.

Come again with Quote.
2015-06-16 10:02:59 UTC
its not the typical muslims, its the terrorists...
2015-06-16 21:28:16 UTC
to Hide this from the World people always Condemn or Criticise anything they need to Hide Or abuse the Teller

also Found this

Muslim Cleric says muslim men can have sex with Babies from day of Birth

This is from a Muslim cults Priest he is after all an Ayatollah

Thighing of children: Mohammed (51) married Ayesha when she was SIX, but as she was too small to consumate, he practised the sacred rite of Mufa’ Khathat (otherwise known as ‘thighing’) whereby he rubbed himself between the tops of her thighs, but did not enter. 

It is In Iran Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, The Supreme Leader of Iran, the Shia Grand Ayatollah, 1979-89 said

A man can quench his sexual lusts with a child as young as a baby. However, he should not penetrate her But. Sodomizing the baby is halal (allowed by sharia). this says it all

and a Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, The Supreme Leader of Iran, the Shia Grand Ayatollah, 1979-89 said in his official statements:

"A man can quench his sexual lusts with a child as young as a baby. However, he should not penetrate. Sodomizing the baby is halal (allowed by sharia). If the man penetrates and damages the child, then he should be responsible for her subsistence all her life. This girl, however, does not count as one of his four permanent wives. The man will not be eligible to marry the girl’s sister. It is better for a girl to marry when her menstruation starts, and at her husband's house rather than her father's home. Any father marrying his daughter so young will have a permanent place in heaven."

Khomeini, "Tahrirolvasyleh" fourth volume, Darol Elm, Gom, Iran, 1990

“It is not illegal for an adult male to 'thigh' or enjoy a young girl who is still in the age of weaning; meaning to place his penis between her thighs, and to kiss her.”

Ayatu Allah Al Khumaini's "Tahrir Al wasila" p. 241, issue number 12

"Young boys or girls in full sexual effervescence are kept from getting married before they reach the legal age of majority. This is against the intention of divine laws. Why should the marriage of pubescent girls and boys be forbidden because they are still minors, when they are allowed to listen to the radio and to sexually arousing music?"

"The Little Green Book" "Sayings of the Ayatollah Khomeini", Bantam Books 


Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, The Supreme Leader of Iran, the Shia Grand Ayatollah, 1979-89 said in his official statements:

"A man can quench his sexual lusts with a child as young as a baby. However, he should not

penetrate her But. Sodomizing the baby is halal (allowed by sharia). this says it all

Muslim Males want Sharia for One reason their Male advantage 

if a Muslim males Kills a Non Muslim under sharia law and says he refused to Convert No Crime has been committed

If a Muslim Beats his wife Sharia 64.5 tells him How No Crime has been committed 

If a Muslim Male marries a baby under Sharia 65.4 No Crime has been committed 

and under sharia is is a Muslims Oath to convert everyone 

and Mohamed if the Infidel Unbeliever does not Convert he must Die 

the Muslim cult is an Abomination and should be banned all over the world 
2015-06-16 03:53:43 UTC
All your information is false.
2015-06-16 03:48:31 UTC
They think they know everything
2015-06-16 15:50:36 UTC
Because they are deluded...

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.
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