Whoever changes his Islamic religion, kill him. Sahih Al-Bukhari (9:57) - pls can muslim explain is this true?
2010-08-16 03:51:56 UTC
Whoever changes his Islamic religion, kill him. Sahih Al-Bukhari (9:57) - pls explain


I just wanted to know if i could get some feedback on theses versus, it seems clear that islam does not want people to leave and if you do - you could be in alot of trouble - leaving islam is mentioned in the quran, hadiths and each time is says whoever leaves could have there life endanger - i wonder iof this is a very clever way to insure Islam counties to grow –as a muslim what would your family say if you wanted to leave islam , and as a Christian what would your family say if you wanted to leave Christianity ?

Please could i have a Muslim scholar explain these versus to me , many thanks

Whoever changes his Islamic religion, kill him. Sahih Al-Bukhari (9:57)

"Why are ye two parties about the hypocrites, when God hath overturned them for what they earned? Do ye wish to guide those whom God hath led astray? Whoso God hath led astray ye shall not surely find for him a path. They would fain that ye misbelieve as they misbelieve, that ye might be alike; take ye not patrons from among them until they too fight in God's way; but if they turn their backs, then seize them wheresoever ye and them, and take from them neither patron nor help" (IV. 90, 91). "O ye who believe! Whoso is turned away from his religion-God will bring (instead) a people whom He loves and who love Him, lowly to. believers, lofty to unbelievers, strenuous in the way of God, fearing not the blame of him who blames" (V.59).

Bukhari, volume 9, #17
"Narrated Abdullah: Allah's Messenger said, "The blood of a Muslim who confesses that none has the right to be worshipped but Allah and that I am His Messenger, cannot be shed except in three cases: in Qisas (equality in punishment) for murder, a married person who commits illegal sexual intercourse and the one who reverts from Islam (Apostate) and leaves the Muslims."
Six answers:
2010-08-16 04:20:51 UTC

I shall try to give you full reply

however, Quran Gave strong reply=

4:Lo! those who believe, then disbelieve and then (again) believe, then disbelieve, and then increase in disbelief, Allah will never pardon them, nor will He guide them unto a way. (137)


here= apostate does change religion 3 times= followed by Eternal Hell
2010-08-16 04:59:41 UTC
Edit 1 : what makes you expect to find a scholar here ?!!!!!!!!!

anyway :

no one is forced to follow Islam or to be Muslims , ok !

so some people "like leaders , renown and respected people" used to join Islam and then revert back to their religions , in order to tempt other Muslims who follow them to do the same , so

those are called hypocrites and they are not real Muslims , they just did that to make sedition among Muslims , so those must be killed because they will never stop .

so killing is only for those who want to stay among Muslims and make sedition .

so if you want to revert , go ahead BUT :

[1] - don't tell anybody about it "don't go public with it"

[2] - leave Muslim countries before you do it , do it somewhere else .

[3] - don't try to contact your family or any other Muslims again .

[4] - you must know that you will loose all your rights regarding your past life "like inheritance...etc"

Edit 2 : btw

the Qur'an verses you mentioned , have nothing to do with the rules applied on reverts , let me explain them in details , thanks :

Surat An-Nesa' (4 : 88-89-90)

"Why should ye be divided into two parties about the ......

((((90 : Except those who join a group between whom and you there is a treaty (of peace), or those who approach you with hearts restraining them from fighting you as well as fighting their own people. If Allah had pleased, He could have given them power over you, and they would have fought you: Therefore if they withdraw from you but fight you not, and (instead) send you (Guarantees of) peace, then Allah Hath opened no way for you (to war against them). ))))))

so it is so clear that killing is for those who show aggression and hate towards Muslims only :)


as for what you mentioned , it is talking about those who forgot that they should support and defend their religion , and there is no killing in that one either , Allah just talks about his ability to guide them or to produce other people who will defend Islam , but He will not do that because He gave us free will to test us and see what shall we do with it :)


Edit 3 : stop watching the media , understanding Islam and Qur'an needs more than a shallow brainwashed mind , if you want a scholar to argue with you "and scholars don't argue with non-Muslims ever" why don't you go to a mosque ?!!

I'll tell you why won't you do such a thing , because you have been brain washed that all Muslims are terrorists and they might kill you if they heard you say such things :(

my friend , know yourself .
2016-10-01 13:01:41 UTC
[could study] I see what you attempting to make FITNA (combat between muslims) right here is the respond for those FITNA SEEKERS like your self ?? ???? ???? ???? ?????? ??? ???? ?????? ?? ?? ?????? ???? ???????? ???? ????? ?? ?????? ??? ??????? ?? ????? ??? ?????? ?????? ??????? ?????? ??? ???? ?????? ??? ???? ????????? ?? ????? ?????? ???? ?? ?? ?? ??? ???? ??? ???? ??? ???? ??????? ???? ?? ????? - 7 it quite is He Who has despatched right down to you (Muhammad ) the e book (this Qur'an). In it are Verses that are completely sparkling, they're the guidelines of the e book [and those are the Verses of Al-Ahkam (commandments, etc.), Al-Fara'identity (mandatory responsibilities) and Al-Hudud (legal rules for the punishment of thieves, adulterers, etc.)]; and others no longer completely sparkling. to be sure that those in whose hearts there's a deviation (from the actuality) they shop on with that which isn't completely sparkling thereof, searching for Al-Fitnah (polytheism and trials, etc.), and searching for for its hidden meanings, yet none knows its hidden meanings shop Allah. and people who're firmly grounded in understanding say: "We have faith in it; the entire of it (sparkling and doubtful Verses) are from our Lord." And none obtain admonition different than men of information. (Tafsir At-Tabari). Al Imran - 7 And yet another element for you MOMIN: DO you have faith IN QURAN? If definite then do you recognize who accumulated Quran? if definite then you are conscious of it became Abu Bakr And Umar. how are you able to suspect IN QURAN in case you think of the main advantageous guy WHO accumulated QURAN IS KAFFIR? Any techniques, i do no longer see a stable think approximately your question, you already hate abu bakr.. why do you care?
2010-08-16 04:06:48 UTC
If the transgressors (i.e. the murderers, the adulterers and the hypocrites) do not get their punishment in this life, then they will surely get it in the Hereafter - the eternal punishment awaits all those who have not faced punishment in this world.

And in Islam there is 'no compulsion in religion' [Quran], so if a transgressor does not own up to their evil acts, then none can force him into getting any kind of punishment.

Islam is a religion of Justice - if evil-doers do not own up to their evil acts in this life, they will be punsihed severly in the next.

May Allah protect us all from being amongst those who sin. Ameen.

Salam alaykum/Peace be upon you~
2010-08-16 04:23:14 UTC
Al-Kafirun :

[1] Say, "O disbelievers,

[2] I do not worship what you worship.

[3] Nor are you worshippers of what I worship.

[4] Nor will I be a worshipper of what you worship.

[5] Nor will you be worshippers of what I worship.

[6] For you is your religion, and for me is my religion."

Al-Nisa' :

[137] Indeed, those who have believed then disbelieved, then believed, then disbelieved, and then increased in disbelief - never will Allah forgive them, nor will He guide them to a way.
2010-08-16 04:37:06 UTC
my dear

its true who ever change his Islam to another religion get killed , but not immediately !!!

it takes 3 days to decide that this guy should be killed or not ,

imam should discussed with him and see whats the reasons he wants to convert from Islam ,

after 3 chances of discussions , if he insist he get killed . because Islam is not a game and you can enter in it and leave it the way and time you want , if you enter Islam you should be satisfied and content 100% that it is true otherwise don't ,


this rules is not valid these days , i know 2 muslims converted from islam and sharia;a court judge them nothing :(

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