2013-05-12 07:16:14 UTC
I started the job a few months ago and said that I am a muslim on the employee form, I had a very small beard when starting, could even be considered stubble, it was number 4 on my beard trimmer. Since time has gone on, my deen and imaan has increased and i've decided to grow my beard more for the sake of Allah swt. I am not going for the fistlength, but it is now considered a beard.
This has been noticed by my direct manager and colleagues and i have been asked to trim it as per it was when i started in the company. I am not going to do this but wondered if anyone knows the UK laws? This would not be a health and safety hazard and I always clean and keep my beard tidy.
There is another employee in the same building and a different department who is a muslim with a larger beard than I. I am very much against confrontation and often get angry and defensive as I am a white revert so feel I am treated differently by white colleagues compared to an asian muslim. But In sha Allah Allah swt will help me to approach this situation with wisdom and stick up for my rights.
Does anyone have any advice or know the UK laws surrounding this? It is not a health and safety issue, i am not customer facing, and there are two other muslims with beards at work, one shorter than mine and one longer but he works in another department.
Thank you. Jazakallah.