A question to the Muslim community?
2014-01-25 18:42:55 UTC
Hi , I've been exploring quite a bit about religion for a while now . Being raised Christian but not from a religious family / background at all , I've had a lot of questions concerning the beliefs of the bible , many which I don't agree on and never will be able to comprehend because I find it quite absurd to be honest , thank fully I live in a diverse community with different cultures and religions in Ontario , Canada . Just recently I've stumbled across watching YouTube videos on debates against Muslim speakers and Christian speakers and found that the Muslim speaker always out spoke the other and just watched a few videos of yusha Evans a Muslim convert /revert and he honestly moved me and I completely I agree with everything he has said . Now I want to become Muslim but don't know how to go about it? And I'd also like to mention I'm a 19 year old boy still living with my non Muslim family so I don't know how they will go about it either when I tell them that I've chosen this religion and consider myself Muslim.
Fifteen answers:
2014-01-25 19:09:11 UTC
My advise:

Well first of all that's great news!! You mentioned that your family is not very religious, so I'm assuming they aren't practicing Christians, which only leads me to believe they might have a little bit of problem with your conversion but trust me, it will be just FINE. Ask Allah(God) for help and pray to him to guide you and your family. First start making minor changes; for example change your character, be more respectful towards your parents, start practicing 5 daily prayers, and read the Quran! Abandon your bad habits and get serious. This life is temporary, and you always need to strive to be better than you were the day before (spiritually).Also purchase Sahih Hadith books. You will feel such peace, ease, and tranquility once you take the your Shahaada. All your previous sins will be completely wiped out just like when you first came into this world. Make sure you visit a nearby mosque to get tips and advice from Muslim brothers. Make friends. Now don't approach your parents all directly like "Yeah so I'm a Muslim now, and you need to deal with it." Pick a day when everyone is in good mood... and don't do it right away in just a week or something or out of nowhere. Start by telling them how you came across Islam by watching these videos and researching about Islam while comparing it to other religions like Christianity. Tell them how you felt during those days and what made sense to you and led you to have such a huge change of heart. Tell them that no matter what you'll always love them and that you're really the same person, except BETTER. And finally Don't worry, nervousness is natural, but fill yourself with hope! I'll make dua that InshAllah God will make everything easier for you.

From a website:

There are no exact directions that I can offer to you, because how you and your family deal with this is based on a number of things: your age, your community, your relationship with your family, your previous religious experiences, your parents’ commitment (or lack of) to a certain religion, and their willingness to explore new ideas.

Although it seems like a wacky idea, it has been said by other converts, and now by myself as well, that it oftentimes might be better to wait six months, a year or more to tell them. The reasons for this vary: you need to be more established in Islamic practices, and you need time to make friends and build a support system within the Muslim community. This is so that if your parents react to your announcement by attempting to “deprogram you,” or schedule “an appointment” with the local minister / priest / rabbi, you will be able to rely on your knowledge of Quran, and the strength that being a practicing Muslim has given you.

Allowing yourself time to build a support system within the Muslim community is important so that you will have friends to help and guide you, to help answer any questions or concerns your family might have, and to help you out should your parents decide that you can no longer live in their house.

If you are fearful that your family may react with physical abuse, or a kidnapping and “deprogramming” attempt (yes, it happens), please make sure that you have someone there as a witness and support. Whether you are Muslim or not, you have the right not to be abused. If your family is abusive towards you, seek the necessary help to get out of that situation as soon as possible.

Another reason that it might be wise to wait a while is to allow your parents to see the positive changes that Islam will bring about in you: greater care to hygiene and appearance, greater discipline in your daily activities and your schoolwork, the fact that you are not falling under negative peer pressure to drink or drug or have sex, that you are more willing to honor your parents by helping around the house, that you are more attentive in your job (if you have one), etc. Allow them time to be pleased with these positive changes, so that they may see that Islam is for the better, not just for you, but for all people. If they see that Islam is “good for you”, they may react more positively when you talk with them about it.

P.S. There are a lot of trolls on here like Ayatrollah, Amazon, "?", and The Collector claiming to be a scholars or knowledgeable so ignore them.
2014-01-25 22:14:52 UTC
Dear !

There is NO need to rush.

You are now ALREADY a Muslim.

The journey of Islam starts immediately when you decide to become one.

There is NO central authority or certificate or mosque to join or to enroll, needed to do that.

It is a matter between you and God. And God knows your INNERMOST thoughts, even if you never speak them. HE knows innermost desires and drives.

So once you decide, you are already there.

Look at the circumstances around you. Though you live in a free country. But still, everyone has his own circumstances. So you don't need to rush.

Secondly: You should ALSO know that : God has given a grace period of 40 years to EVERY human and Jinn. No exceptions. God doesn't hold you as mature enough to make the right decision. Ref. 46:15 to 18.

So you can take advantage of all this time to survey, investigate thoroughly further. And then declare your conversion.

Third: There are a few things that you should try to abstain (at best or as much as possible). Avoid taking pork. God has forbidden it for **Health reasons**.

Also avoid getting into relationships that are secretive and under normal circumstances would cause you emabarrassment, if discovered.

I know that not everyone can get married in those societies. Specially because there are heavy laws and financial elements tied to it, when one spouse can make the life miserable of the other. But your objective should be to find a life partner, instead of indulging and hopping from one place to another.

Read and STUDY the Quran. And just start obeying it the way you understand it.

And you are all in !! :)

However, when you read and study the Quran. Be a bit careful, to avoid jumping on the translations. Nasty translators always use many brackets. And that is where they insert / inject their own meanings to mislead the people.

Also never take the verses out of their context. The verses in the vicinity are the context !!. NOT what the translator and commentator would make you believe, by referring to OUTSIDE sources besides the Quran.

Keep in mind that, the Quran is the ONLY thing you need. And it is the message of God. NOT any other source.

Don't worry if you would misunderstand it. You will EVENTUALLY be divinely guided to the CORRECT path and meaning. You don't need any teachers or any other entities for that. Its a direct connection to the greatest and the ONLY teacher of the Quran.

Just remember, God doesn't burden any soul beyond his means. HE is looking for an ATTITUDE , NOT aptitude.

Good luck
2014-01-25 20:11:34 UTC

That's good that u wanna be a Muslim and well done too, I am glad that u found the true religion =)

You dont need to tell your parents, not now anyways. Complete your education, get a career and get your own place so even if they dont accept you and try and kick you out...well at least you have a job and ur own place and u can look after yourself.

But at the moment you can come on Yahoo on the Ramadan section and we can advise you, you can also post questions about stuff you are not sure about too. Try and go to your local mosque and speak to the imams there, buy or borrow Islamic books from your local library/book store. There is also a Quran written in English which you can buy too and read.

Don't always go on the internet or Youtube to research about Islam there are always negative stuff on the internet about religions like Islam and they twist words out from the Quran too. There's nothing wrong with watching debates though I guess.

Good luck and you can email me too with any problems

Bye xx
2014-01-26 11:46:18 UTC
Ooh my gosh!!! YEAAY! You are truly guided!!! Lucky lol good luck brother, I suggest you watch video of Dr Zakir Niak who does question and answer sessions with non Muslims and yep he wins with his knowledge from the Quran and translation bible and translation Torah and translation Hadiths and every other signals religious scripture as well as being a doctor. So yeah lol he is quite good mashallah. I would suggest goin to a local mosque or simply asking Muslims aroun you who look pious. I wish you the best, well actually pray!!!
Dr Nabeel Ahmed Hashmi
2014-01-26 22:31:36 UTC
Assalamalecum if u want to become muslim firsr of all thank Allah because being a muslim itself is a biggest blessing, first of all u have to have a clear mind if u want to b muslim u shud do only for Allah and not for others, there is no need to declare to others that u r going to b muslim its between u n Allah, for becoming a muslim u have to give shahadah-Ashhadu Allah la illaha illallah wa ashhadu Anna Mohammadan Abduhu wa rasulu.translation-I bear witness that there is no God besides Allah and prophet Muhammad is his messenger, by giving this shahadah u can become a muslim, moreover then u can focus on other 4 pillars such as namaz, fasting, zakah, sha Allah Allah will guide u n make ur path easy bcoz Allah says in ch 29 v 69 of Quran if u strive in way of Allah Allah will open pathways for u.i will pray for ur success in this world n hereafter.Allahfiz.
2014-01-26 21:45:13 UTC
Salam If you want to convert to Islam you can consult to the imam or leader of nearest mosque or to a Muslim scholar by explaining to have your attention. You must know how to recite shahadah If your parents will oppose your reverting you must keep it secretly until you are matured and have your own job.
In The Hearts Of Green Birds
2014-01-26 00:03:49 UTC
I have contacts with a few convert brothers. One of them told his parents - even though they didn't really like it at first - they eventually were okay with it - and things now ..are as it was. Others are more recent convert - its better to hide it for a while.. slip in some conversations with them about Islam and how Bible actually proves Islam and denies christianity(bible verses shown in the link below) - or showing them some convert stories(priests, atheists, celebrities who converted)) - when they see so many western people converting to Islam.. would make them feel more comfortable with Islam. I am 20 y/o - if you need any help, you can add me on Skype, and I can also introduce you to the convert brothers - My Skype ID is.. big.brother09

convert stories - Ex- Atheists, Christian priests, celebrity rappers - who converted to Islam are sharing their own stories -
2014-01-25 19:36:17 UTC
Dont listen to these haters here, in real life there probably just these obese 40 year olds living in their mothers basement with no jobs, and spend all day on Yahoo Answers lol

Most of what I wanted to say has already been said by some other people here, so I wont waste any of your time. All I can say is welcome to Islam, welcome to a better life.
2014-01-25 23:27:15 UTC
I think you can draw a lot of inspiration from the story of Sa'ad ibn abi Waqqas.
2014-01-25 19:54:37 UTC
Truth is not discovered through debates. Truth is discovered by research. Read the link below on what a Muslim said about the Bible--and some biblical teachings confirmed by the Quran.

You may also want to learn how Muslims see themselves in paradise. Try second link below.
2014-01-25 18:46:06 UTC
Hey man good for you and I think you should get to just learn about the religion a little more and learn how to pray...when you start to pray man. You'll feel so relaxed throughout the day man I'm tellin you...but yea idk ur parents so idk if they. Would. Be accepting about. It? Goodluck though
2014-01-26 02:51:55 UTC
Welcome to Islam my brother

If you decide to be Muslim, this means that you believe that there is only one, indivisible God, and you believe in all the prophets sent by Him, including Prophet Muhammad (saw). You must state this belief to God. This is called Shahada and is stated as follows:

Ash hadoo an laa ilaahaa ilallaah [I bear witness that there is no god but Allah (one god)]

Ash hadoo anna Muhammadan Rasoollallah (I bear witness that Muhammad is the Prophet of Allah). If you state those two things with belief and conviction, you are Muslim.

The following may be added if you wish to declare that you have consciously decided to accept the Ja’fari school of thought with Imam Ali ibn Abi Talib (as) as the divinely appointed guide and ruler after the Holy Prophet.

Ash hadoo anna Alioon Wallioollah Wasiyo Rasoolillaah, Wa Khalifatahoo Bilaa Fasl [I bear witness that Ali is the successor appointed by Allah, inheritor of the Prophet, and the rightful ruler or Caliph (immediately after the Prophet)]

It is tradition to state your belief in the presence of a few Muslim witnesses, often in a mosque, but this is not required for your conversion to be valid before God. So, what’s next?

The information and instructions I will provide now are based on the Shia (Ja’fari) school of thought in Islam and may have slight variations from other schools. It is intended to be general to get you started and is not meant to be an authoritative set of instructions, as I am not at all qualified to be authoritative.

There are five roots of religion (Usool e deen) that are considered the major components of Shia Islamic belief. These are monotheism, justice of God, prophethood, imamat, and resurrection.

Monotheism – This is the belief in a single, indivisible God.

Justice of God – This is the belief that God is by nature just and fair.

Prophethood – This is the belief in all the prophets sent by God and their uniform message of guidance.

Imamat – This is the belief in maintainers and protectors of religion appointed by God, particularly the twelve appointed after the death of Prophet Muhammad (saw), including the Imam of our time. (as)

Resurrection – This is the belief in a life after death, including a Judgment Day and punishment or reward in hell or heaven.

Similarly, there are ten branches of religion (Furoo e deen) that are considered the major components of Islamic practice. These are salaat (the daily prayer), sawm (fasting), hajj (pilgrimage), zakat (tax on wealth), khums (tax on money),

Jihad (struggle), amr bil ma’ruf (enjoining good), nahi ‘anil munkar (forbidding evil), tawalla [loving the Prophet and his family (as)], and tabarra [disassociating with the enemies of the Prophet and his family (as)].

and respect you parent always

An Islamic injunction about loving and caring for a neighbour covers all kinds of neighbours:

“Worship God and do not associate anything with Him, and be good to the parents and to the relatives, the orphans, the needy, the neighbour who is your relative, the neighbour who is not your relative, the fellow traveler, the wayfarer and the slave. Verily God does not love one who behaves proudly and boastfully.” (Surah an-Nisaa, 4:36)

Even if a Muslim’s parents are idol-worshippers, Islam –the religion of monotheism– instructs him to respect and be kind to them. Almighty God says in the Qur’ãn:

“And if they [that is, your parents] insist on you to associate (an idol) with Me… then do not obey them; however, live with them in this world kindly…” (Surah al-Luqman, 31:15)

If you want more infomation you can ask from these sites:,q...
2014-01-25 19:05:29 UTC

recite the shahadah and you'll be a Muslim.

you should learn about the 5 pillars, etc

and tell your parents when they are calm and try to make them understand

Welcome to Islam bro XD
The Muslims Are Coming
2014-01-25 19:12:24 UTC
You must be a Muslim, there is no way Islam makes better sense.

61% of Islam is about dealing with Infidels. Mostly subjugation of enemies of Islam.

If you agree with Islam it's because you are already evil.

I see this post as Islamic Propaganda, you are attempting to encourage others.
2014-01-25 19:09:24 UTC
Frankly, I think that you need to read the Qur'an first.

If you can find anything there that makes you think it isn't a rambling rant of Hate, then, perhaps you should think about it being correct.


This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.