How can I ask this without sounding anti-Islam, which is not intended?
2008-02-29 23:50:50 UTC
Please, please, please understand it is not my intent to bash Islam or sound negative about it so please do not be offended. I know that most Muslims despise the radical terrorists and speak out about the atrocities they commit and they say what the terrorists are doing is not Islamic. What I don't understand about this is that most Muslims will tell you that the quran was written for all people for all time, past, present and future. Muhammed sanctioned many wars and any act of violence was permitted. The terrorists are doing what is permissable according to the quran and if the quran is supossed to be for all time then how can Muslims say the actions of the terrorists are not Islamic. It seems that in this situation Muslims say those things were only permitted during the time of Muhammad's lifetime and not for all time as previously said.
29 answers:
Maria A {Evergreen}
2008-03-01 00:19:50 UTC
Dear, during the period of Muhammad (p.b.u.h.) the wars were of different nature. They were in war only when the other party or the rivals were also ready for it. The wars were held in an organized way, means everyone was aware that the war is going on. That was something different.

Allah Says (interpretation of meaning): {Fight against those who (1) believe not in Allâh, (2) nor in the Last Day, (3) nor forbid that which has been forbidden by Allâh and His Messenger (4) and those who acknowledge not the religion of truth (i.e. Islâm) among the people of the Scripture (Jews and Christians), until they pay the Jizyah with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.}[9:29] If you consider this verse, Fight here doesn't mean physical fight. Rather it means verbally, convince them, tell them the truth, make them understand.

All this because Islam is the truth path.

And whatever is happening today, all these terrorist acts under the name of Islam is totally completely against Islam because here they are killing innocents, the other party is not ready for the war and they just attack. They kill many in sucide bombings. They do not know whether how many muslims are there, how many good people are there, how many old,women and children are there. THIS IS NOT ISLAM.

Islam doesn't allow all this. This is not Jihad. Killing innocents, is not jihad. suicide bombing is not jihad. ~!
Knowing Gnostic
2008-03-02 01:55:34 UTC
To be honest I don't know where you have got this from but heres the explaination.

You said any act of violence was permitted this is false. Crops, old people, women, children, and unarmed were never harmed in fact it was prohibited to harm any of these catorgories.

The first war against the pagans of Mecca was fought with a force that out numbered the Muslims 3 to one or more. The muslims at the time had 330 men and only 7 swords most of them had sticks so you tell me does this sound like an organised army. Three years later when the pagans came again, a large trentch was dug to prevent the pagans attacking the muslims. If they were bloodthirsty why didn't they just fight back?

When the pagan were weakened and Mecca was taken from the pagans. What would you have done to nation who had punished you and your companions for nearly 20 years?

The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) let them all go and did not kill them or harm them. there was no mass killings against those who plot to fight him.

This was the exception all the other fights were when tribes would arm themselves and be on their way to medina to fight the Muslims. Therefore they had no choice but many people who hate Islam don't talk about this.

The Quran allows self defense it does not allow a muslim to go over the top then they become worse then his enemises.

Intially there was many countires who kill the messengers that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and threatened to attack them. This gave them no choice but to fight them. Ask yourself a question why wasn't Abysinna attacked? The answer is simple because they did not want to fight the Muslims.

Many conquests were either not ordered or were unautherised like Tariq ibn Zayad who was on the banks of the alps but the caliph had not given him permission to fight so far into europe. Tariq had defeated the spanish and headed for france in the early 8th centruy. The jews actually welcomed the muslims there, they actually sent messages asking for help against the Christans who where torturing them.

Read Muhammad by Martin lings and you will know what an amazing person the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of God be upon him) is. On the way to conquering mecca there was a dog at the side of the road who was giving birth. Muhammad (peace and blessings of God be upon him) assigned a guard to make sure the dog was not harmed. Does that sound like someone who is bloodthirsty?

Saladin was a great ruler of Islam and re-conquered Jersualam for the Muslims. Just to take you back a little the Christan Crusaders took Jersualam from the Muslims they killed every single living thing, Men, women, children, livestock, babies. There was one story about King james that they brought a Muslim baby infront of them and they cut the baby up and dined on its flesh. So what do you think Muslims did when they re-took Jersualam again? Kill all the Christans there? What do you think? Saladin said there was a gerenal amensity, anyone who wanted to stay could stay and anyone who wanted to leave could take his belongs. Where did Saladin get this from? He took it from his Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of God be upon him). Saladin is revered in the west as much as he is in the east.

Also if you look at the places that were conquered by the Muslims they had a re-birth of unprecedented manner.
My name is not bruce
2008-03-01 12:43:01 UTC
First of the quran if you want to understand this. If you do that you wont need to ask this question.

When you're in school and you're learning a have a text book to learn from. There is a teacher usually present to help you understand the text book and emphasize the points they feel are most important......but if you only listen to them and don't read the can't understand the subject in its entirety.

There are only 2 instances when a muslim can engage in war.

There is actually just 1...but i'll divide it into 2.

1.) In defense...granted you did not aggravate the situation. An example...if you take someone's wallet and he punches you in the face......although you did not attack the aggravated the situation....he was defending his property.

2.) If muslims are being oppressed.

If country A does not allow muslims to practice their religion....or muslims are being persecuted because of their religion.....then all muslims are being attacked and this is also a defensive war.

Even in those 2 situations...diplomacy is used first. If no peaceful and fair resolution can be made...then war is allowed.

There are rules of war too. One rule is you can't kill non combatants.

Finally...the quran is a book...its meant to be read as a book. Think of when you were in school and had to write summaries of books you have read. Could you read just 1 or 2 lines from each chapter and give an accurate summary??

Even in this post...i'm making 1 point..... i need to use multiple sentences and paragraphs to make that point.

I'm gonna make up an example of what the terrorist do. its pretty crappy because i'm somewhat tired and not much of a writer.

1.) I was on my way to the store

2.) I ran over a guy with my car and killed him

3.) This is not considered murder

4.) Because he jumped in front of my car.

Thats saying its not murder because you didn't mean to kill the person.

Terrorist would take just lines 2 and 3..... and say you can kill anyone you want as long as you use a car.

The terrorists are taking single verses from the quran to justify their actions. These verses (sentences.....i mean thats what a verse is..) were part of other verses to tell a law...make a point...tell a story...etc. The single verse doesn't accomplish that....and by using a single verse....the terrorist make up a new message.
2008-03-01 17:13:43 UTC
As regards the passages of the Qur'an that deal with violence:

As is the case with the Bible, there are also passages in the Qur'an that promote violence. In both texts, those passages must be understood in the context of history, as well as the context of the passage that contains the reference. In the Qur'an, Muslims were commanded to take up arms agains those who were fighting against them or oppressing them. These passages have no viable application to the acts of terrorism hat have been taking place today. To repeat: the terrorists who have been using passages of the Qur'an as an ecuse to commit acts of violence and terror are abusing the holy text of Islam and stand baseless in their anti-Islamic acts.

I am sorry that this issue has caused so much confusion. Thank you for asking about it in a respectful way.
2008-03-01 12:51:19 UTC
You cant go and say that ANY act of violence was permitted by Prophet Muhammad(pbuh).That just shows that you are ignorant about history.

The only violence and war permitted in in Islam is defensive war,war for defending against invaders,or for regaining lost territory. if offensive action is to be taken, even that must have the purpose of weakening the enemy so that it isnt able to harm you.

The wars fought by the Prophet(pbuh) were defensive wars fought against much more powerful, wealthier and numerically superior opponents i.e the pagan arab tribes. Any take over of territory when it was done, was done in a bloodless way, such as the Victory in Makkah.

The extremists i.e the Wahabi/Deobandi militants however believe in enforcing Islam by the sword to stop any innovation that has taken place in Islamic society. They have an end-justifies-the-means approach. They beleive that is they can take muslim society back to the state hwhen it was 1400 years ago like when it was during the reign of the so called rightly guided Khalifas then a utopian age will be started for the Islamic world. They think by purifying Islamic Society of the innovations which have taken plae over time, be they technological or social they will bring the islamic world into Allah's favour and then muslims will regain their past "glory". They are living a fools dream. there was no Islamic Utopia, there was oppression and civil wars, tribal backstabbing and setarian persecution, and not to forget blatant imperialim. The Wahabi/Deobandi militants are fighting for a false cause.

a cause gained popularity as a reaction against European Imperialism a couple of centuries ago.

Their methods are only creating chaos and if a true Islamic society were in place in Muslim countries like Saudi Arabia or Pakistan then it would have been obligatory to the government to wage war on them till they surrendered, since no one is allowed to spread chaos in Islam.

And Ferrari Babe is probably watching too much fox news, if there are extremists in a place,then what can the general population of muslims do about it, its their choice to be extremist in belief.since that is their choice. Most people who you see as extremist are merely annoying preachy people who are mainly non-violent. how can the general muslim public know whether they are making bombs in their basement. The west always complains that muslims dont condemn the the extremists that much. What the hell do they expect muslims to do? constantly go around "chanting extremists are evil", take out rallies and processions every day. Rallies and processions never stopped any crime and the crime of terrorism isn't ever going to stopped by mere protests. Everyone has their own life to live. Political activism is the hobby of those with too much free time.
2008-03-01 12:28:11 UTC
You are right. No harm to ask for something that you doesn't know. Quran for sure, was written for all peoples, for all times, past, present and future. History of Muhammad's life, was long long time ago. Muhammad sanctioned many wars and act of violence was permitted. IT WAS REL EVENT FOR THAT TIME. You must understand, Muhammad got no choice, as the enemy keeps 'harming' Muslim. They didn't give any compromise. But for Correction, Muhammad never starts the war, He just acts to defends Muslim. Now our world changed. we have so many ways to solve any problem. we don't have to fight. Terrorist is not the Muslim style. Nowadays, war started from,( i think you know already) and the reason of the war is not the same. Muslim is just defending their family and home. They have to fight. They is no terrorist. it is just a propaganda.
2008-03-01 08:48:25 UTC
First of all, I believe anti-Islamic propaganda has made you come to the level where your understanding of Islam is deterred.

There are a few things you must know before you consider the fact that violence is an answer to anything according to the Quran.

1)Violence has conditions; we cant go about attacking every place we want just because we want... Women, children or anyone who does not take in fighting (the innocent bystanders of war) cannot be touched.

2) It is haram to unconditionally declare war on any other nation without any aggression on the other side.

3)looting other people's property in war is haram

4) we are not allowed to use tactics that confer to the way forbidden by God.

5) No fighting in Ramadan if it is avoidable

War is justified if

1) you (or your people) are oppressed ;

2) you (or your people) are attacked unconditionally;

War becomes void if:

1) your "enemy" asks for a truce and wants to fight no longer. They may or may not convert to Islam according to their choices, but more importantly if they seek shelter among you and ask for safety, they have every right to be treated fairly and respectfully.

When we call the terrorists as unislamic, we mean that they have not fulfilled the conditions for which they are allowed to fight the war. If you look closely Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) never broke the laws, yet the terrorists, as ignorant as their kind are have, and continue to, break every rule of Islam in war...
2008-03-01 12:47:11 UTC
In the times of Muhammad these wars where justified and innocent people where spared.

You need to remind yourself the the token phrase "terrorist" can and should be applied to those that commit senseless acts to torture others in one way or another; IE burglars, robbers, murders, rapist, the list goes on and on....

Most people do not realize you are more likely to be killed by a neighbor, friend, or countryman before someone from another country or religion. Most people do not even consider the "domestic terrorist" in their own backyard. If you do not know what I mean watch you local news see how many people have been murdered by a family member, innocent children starved to death etc.
2008-03-01 09:03:23 UTC
Your question isn't offensive .

It's not a war against non-Muslims, in fact Muslims are the biggest victims of the situation we're in , many Muslims died in terror attacks all over the Muslim world perpetrated by these terrorists .The Muhajideen who fought for the independence from Russian troops in Afghanistan were aided by America, they were given sophisticated weapons and trained to fight a war. When the war abruptly ended and it ended because Russia ran out of money , the Muhajideen erroneously concluded that they had defeated the enemy on their own merit thus gaining greater confidence of their effectiveness as an armed movement. They were left with not much to do but equipped with dangerous weaponry and these people were recruited under zarqawi's militant group .

Now, Zarqawi was right about one thing , that democracy in Middle east must be established and the only way to do that is by abolishing the monarchies . But they are an isolated group who killed their fellow Muslims and non-muslims and i the end killed each other .

Why is the Quran involved in this? Simple. They had to use passages from the Quran to legitimatize their agenda.

Prophet Muhammad suffered under severe and unspeakable persecution for more than 13 yrs, it was in the fear of his whole family , friends and followers being completely obliterated from the face of the earth that he fought back , and i'm proud of him for doing so. He always forgave his enemeies and made peace with them . They used to throw rocks at him when he walks by. Yet he didn't retaliate but forgave them

Will you let tyranny flourish in your own country ?

The oppressed must fight back, or else all you'll see on earth is despotism and injustice .

th terrorists are not doing what is permissible in Islam ,the same way America doesn't have the permission to invade Iraq either. ;-)
Doc Pool
2008-03-01 08:21:03 UTC
Your concerns are valid and I dont think they offend me as a Muslim. Lets firstly clear up that the Quran is code of like for all of mankind till eternity. The so called Muslims who commit suicide bombings and kill innocent civilians, do so against the teachings of Islam. I apologize but i cannot offer u the exact verse numbers but from what I have read and heard in the Quran goes against the actions of these people. Let me quote some examples. the Quran says that to save a man's life is to save the entire human race and to kill an innocent person is to kill the whole of humanity. Also the Quran tells Muslims to wage war against those who go against Islam but also tells Muslims that if their enemies agree not to harm Islam then they should not only not harm their enemies but in the case of being present in a battlefield Muslims are required to escort their enemies to a place of safety and security. The Quran and the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) have told Muslims not to harm women and children of their enemies and protect their interests. The Quran does authorize war but not against women and children and only if all other avenues of reconciliation have been exhausted.
2008-03-02 00:55:43 UTC
My answers come from Allah (swt)

Please read them carefully:

(2:195) You shall spend in the cause of GOD; do not throw yourselves with your own hands into destruction. You shall be charitable; GOD loves the charitable.

(4:29) O you who believe, do not consume each others' properties illicitly - only mutually acceptable transactions are permitted. You shall not kill yourselves. GOD is Merciful towards you.

(4:30) Anyone who commits these transgressions, maliciously and deliberately, we will condemn him to Hell. This is easy for GOD to do.

"Permission (to fight) is granted to those who are being persecuted, since injustice has befallen them, and GOD is certainly able to support them. They were evicted from their homes unjustly, for no reason other than saying, "Our Lord is GOD." If it were not for GOD's supporting of some people against others, monasteries, churches, synagogues, and masjids - where the name of GOD is commemorated frequently - would have been destroyed. Absolutely, GOD supports those who support Him. GOD is Powerful, Almighty."(22:39-40).

"You shall prepare for them all the power you can muster, and all the equipment you can mobilize, that you may frighten the enemies of GOD, your enemies, as well as others who are not known to you; GOD knows them. Whatever you spend in the cause of GOD will be repaid to you generously, without the least injustice.If they resort to peace, so shall you, and put your trust in GOD. He is the Hearer, the Omniscient." (8:60-61)

...If someone kills another person - unless it is in retaliation for someone else or for causing corruption in the earth - it is as if he had murdered all mankind. And if anyone gives life to another person, it is as if he had given life to all mankind. Our Messengers came to them with Clear Signs but even after that many of them committed outrages in the earth. (Surat al-Ma'ida: 32)

A good action and a bad action are not the same. Repel the bad with something better and, if there is enmity between you and someone else, he will be like a bosom friend. (Surat al-Fussilat: 34)

You who believe! Show integrity for the sake of God, bearing witness with justice. Do not let hatred for a people incite you into not being just. Be just. That is closer to heedfulness. Heed God (alone). God is aware of what you do. (Surat al-Ma'ida: 8)

[Quran 6:151] "...... You shall not kill - GOD has made life sacred - except in the course of justice. These are His commandments to you, that you may understand."

Quran 8:61]"If they resort to peace, so shall you, and put your trust in GOD. He is the Hearer, the Omniscient."

[Quran 4:90]"...... Therefore, if they leave you alone, refrain from fighting you, and offer you peace, then GOD gives you no excuse to fight them."

I have provided more information from these websites and last but not least, Muhammad (pbuh) fought in wars because he was persecuted. The main rules of war are: 1) must be in self-defense 2) never kill women and children 3) when they want peace then give it to them.
▐▀▀▼▀▀▌ ►MARS◄ ▐▄▄▲▄▄▌
2008-03-01 08:53:51 UTC
they look upon the verses of Quran out of context. they terrorists and most of the westerners quote the verses of surah tobah out of context that say to kill the mushriks (non-believers) wherever you find them. they dont quote what is written before that and right after that just to fulfill their purpose, i.e. to spread the misconception that Islam allows killing.

if you see the first few verses of surah tobah, it tells of the treaty between the non-believers of makkah and the followers of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) but this treaty was leater broken by the mushriks of makkah. in verse no. 5 Allah (swt) gives them an ultimatum to put things straight in four months’ time, or else face a declaration of war. and then Allah commands the muslim to kill the non-believers in the battlefield wherever you find them (note, this verse only applies as a rule in a battlefield).

more over the verse no. 6 of surah Tobah says

“If any amongst the Mushriks (i.e. the enemies)

ask thee for asylum, grant it to him so that

he may hear the word of Allah and then

escort him to where he can be secure”.

(Al Qur’an 9:6)

so the Quran commands us not to kill the mushriks who give up their arms. and not only that but also take them to a place of safety so that they would not be hurt.

now you see what the effect is of quoting a verse out of context and what exactly the previous and the following verse of the surah say. there is no room for terrorism in Islam and Quran is meant for the eternity. dont go for what other people say or have said about Islam. read the Quran yourself and read its translation and learn what is written in it. all your doubts will be cleared, or if u still have more questions, u r welcome here to ask us.

also take a look at the following article. i am sure it will help you.
2008-03-01 08:18:30 UTC
Thank you for your curiosity......You kind of to understand the history of those verses before we go one.

Mohammad (PBUH) was persecuted for many years. He never fought bought back. He was also physically assaulted. He even fled his home (the Hijra) because of the persecution. He intially made pacts with the Christians and Jews since he felt they were the closest people to him (as they believe in 1 True God and were expecting the coming of a Prophet). The Jews hoever expected him to be one of them so they turned on the Prophets, and killed Muslims. It was finally God that sanctioned Mohammad (PBUH) to fight back (which are these verses in the Quran that sanction the use of violence). Even then in the Quran it states that if the people were to repent and quit harassing the Muslims to treat them fairly and let them go.

It is said though but there are people that take these passages out of context or interpret them in their own way....But the flip side is that after years of oppression they are now fighting back they only way they know how.

Hope I helped!
2008-03-01 09:05:38 UTC
The way the muslims despise radical terrerists talk about the atricities. they commit.( Quran is forall peole.Muhamad permitted any act of violence as permitted.Terrerists re doing permisabe as per quran. TERRERISTS ARE NOT ISLAMIC


2008-03-01 09:17:36 UTC
wow.. some very good answers here.. i had a novel all thought out but above answered it well

just my condenced answer... Western media does a lot to warp some views..

Also in every culture and religion, there are those that interpret things differently.. yes even in Christianity and judism also.. you have to agree..

Islam does not, never has and never will allow killing of innocents.. no way.. it even tells you during war to not harm a tree.. Its very strict about this and all matters of war..
2008-03-01 10:45:01 UTC
this is how i view it.....the terrorists of palestine are actually freedom fighters trying to free their land from the zionist occupation. they have no other choice since other arab countries arent really helping them....they are completely on their is really hard for them to live in other middle eastern countries cuz they are always being the object of racism. so i see they have a purpose....their fight is rather political than religious...but media always like to highlight it as "Islamic" since they just want to bring the religion down.

when it comes to others like Al-Qaida, i see them as irrelevent....they are fighting for who???? jihad happens when someone tells a group of Muslim to give up practicing Islam and to save the faith Muslims fight back.... but al qaida is not linked with anything like that right now....they are just creating problems in other islam based countries....that is completely baseless....has nothing to do with politics and religion...i mean if they are really fighting for palestine they should go to gaza.

Prophet Muhammad said if you have to really fight then fight face to face with the enemies (only) and dont hurt the innocents, women and children. they should never be touched. But al-qaida by doing suicide bombing is killing the innocent ones. and that is completely against our religion. and thats why we call it unislamic
2008-03-01 08:25:26 UTC
''I know that most Muslims despise the radical terrorists and speak out about the atrocities they commit and they say what the terrorists are doing is not Islamic.''

You're right, we're against all those that commit violence in our name, are you against those that commit violence in your name? (Bush, Cheney and the other War Lords in the white house)

As an Iraqi, I'd love to hear your reply...
2008-03-01 08:25:28 UTC
They interpret one verse which says

one who attacketh you, attack him in like manner as he attacked you ( 2--193 )

That verse allows attacking armed people ONLY if they attack us.They take the verse without any exception.

They say they kill our innocence..our children and our unarmed families and they will not stop unless they also stop their aggression against us .. actually I can understand them but in Islam if someone stole from you the solution is not to steal from him.. if they kill our innocence we still are not allowed to kill their innocence .


You know America and the west are big alliance to Israel they provide them with money and weapons Israel use it to kill our childern , that's how the case is.
2008-03-01 10:31:19 UTC
Alif Lam Ra. This is a Book, whose verses have been made firm and free from imperfection and then they have been expounded in detail. It is from One Wise, and All-Aware.

And We shall take out from every people a witness and We shall say, 'Bring your proof.' Then they will know that the truth belongs to Allah alone. And that which they used to forge will all be lost unto them.

He it is who has sent down to thee the Book; in it there are verses that are firm and decisive in meaning - they are the basis of the Book - and there are others that are susceptible of different interpretations. But those in whose hearts is perversity pursue such thereof as are susceptible of different interpretations, seeking to cause discord and seeking wrong interpretations of it. And none knows its right interpretation except Allah and those who are firmly grounded in knowledge; they say, 'We believe in it; the whole is from our Lord.' - And none take heed except those gifted with understanding -

Allah has sent down the Best Discourse - a Book, whose verses are mutually supporting and repeated in diverse forms. The skins of those, who fear their Lord, do creep at its recital, then their skins and their hearts soften to the remembrance of Allah. Such is the guidance of Allah. He guides therewith whom He pleases. And he whom Allah adjudges astray - he shall have no guide.

Holy Qur'an

The mark of hypocrisy is disregard for lies, treachery, insolence, false claims, insincerity, foolishness, error and lack of modesty, making little of acts of disobedience, desiring believers to lose faith, and making light of misfortunes in the faith; pride, praise, praise of love, love of praise, envy, preferring this world to the next and evil to good, inciting slander, love of amusement, dealing with prevaricators, helping aggressive people avoiding good deeds, disparaging those who do good, considering good the evil done by the hypocrite and recognizing as odious whatever good another person does; and many other things like that.

Allah has described the hypocrites in more than one place. He said,

And among men is he who serves Allah [standing] on the verge. So that if good befalls him he is satisfied therewith, but if a trial afflicts him he turns back headlong; he loses this world as well as the next; that is a manifest loss. (22:11)

There are some people who say, "We believe in Allah and the Last Day", but they are not at all believers. They desire to deceive Allah and those who believe, but they deceive only themselves while they do not perceive. There is a disease in their hearts, so Allah added to their disease. (2:8-10)

The Holy Prophet said, 'The hypocrite is he who, having made a promise, breaks it; when he acts, he does evil; when he speaks, he lies; when he is trusted, he betrays; when he is given provision, he is reckless; when it is withheld, he makes much of his life.'

He also said, 'A person whose innermost being contradicts his public face is a hypocrite whoever he is, wherever he is, in whatever time he lives, and whatever rank he has.'
2008-03-01 08:08:55 UTC
the same way that Christians say Christianity is a religion of peace even though Christians murdered and tortured millions of people in europe and spain during the inquisitions by using the bible as their guide to hurt these people. Even today this is still used as an excuse. Almost all of the terrorist attacks in the US were committed by Christians who were US Citizens.

Also, your trying to find logic in religions. This cannot be done. Religions are based on faith and only faith. Not logic or reason.

Galileo spent much of his life in prison for saying that the Earth revolved around the SUN instead of what the BIBLE says. WHich is that the SUn revolves around the earth. As you can see Religion can be used for many reasons.

Also, if you view this from a middle eastern perspective. We think the US stands for Freedom and Peace but we interfere with all governemnts in the middle east and have killed hundreds of thousands of people in the name of peace in Iraq. Sometimes what people say and what they do are different things. It all depends on perspective.

Personally, I see the small terrorist factions as angry people that would still be violent for political reasons that use religion as thier tool.
2008-03-01 08:19:03 UTC
nowadays, it different from the age of the prophet Muhammad (pbuh)..

in his age, there was one country for Muslims, but know there are more that 20..

And Islam wasn't fighting like anyone,, Muslims when they want to open country they ask them 3 things..

1- to become Muslims,,

2- to give Muslims money which called " Al - jeseah" so Muslims defend them and they live in peace and no one can attack them..

3- refuse this offer, so Muslims take over this village..

but now, those do not do like in the right Islam, so you can imagine why they not presenting Islam..

any more information..!??
2008-03-01 08:59:04 UTC
see mail box
2008-03-01 11:29:48 UTC
but you should Realize that you mind is an Anti Islam
Amit ®™
2008-03-01 10:07:32 UTC
Why don't you want to sound anti-Islam?
Jesus will rule with the Qur'an
2008-03-01 09:02:02 UTC
All killing, fighting, war and even administration of law and order involve some type of violence. However, the "wild, wild West" did not earn the United States a reputation for violence; the two World Wars - the most violent and the worst killings in human history - did not earn the West in general and Europe in particular a reputation for violence either. The virtual decimation of the Indian people in the United States did not make the country barbaric or uncivilized. The European colonization that ravaged, exploited and dehumanized various parts of Asia and Africa, including the Muslim world, did not make Europe any less civilized. The Spanish Inquisition and the Crusade did not make Christianity violent and barbaric. Even the recent, organized torching of Muslims in India by a Hindu mob does not make Hinduism a burning example of violence and barbarism. Yet, these days there are people who would like to identify Islam and the Prophet Muhammad as violent or symbol of violence

Christians and jews can kill Muslims, but Muslims are not Allowed to Defend themselve.

and If they Defend that will be voilence.

Why you see only One side of Picture. you are having a pessimistic personality why dont you speak for the Muslims who are being tortured and Killed by Christains and Jews and its the History fact that Muslim are Killed More by Christians and Jews them the Number killed by Muslims.

And Regarding your Question War is Not Voilence Mohammad (Peace Be Upon Him ) Sanctioned ) Wars due to Some Reason dont you know the reason first have compete knowledge about that what was the background, and still there were specific rules

Most of the people in the west believe that Islam is religion of hatred, violence, incitement, terror and it threatens the stability and prosperity of the civilized world, and it is a barrier and obstacle to peace and not a driving force for peace.

The reality of Islam is contrary to this conviction. The deep understanding of Islam reveals that the main purpose of Islam is to preserve the human life and integrity, accept the other and respect his beliefs, historical and cultural inheritance.

Islam religion is based on principles of humanity, peace, justice, and tolerance.

Islam is universal religion, message of blessing and mercy to human kind, Muslims and non Muslims, Allah says in the holy Koran (We have sent you forth as mercy to mankind )

Islam enhances human relation and communication between individuals and peoples allover the world, Allah says in the holy Koran (We have created you from a male and a female and divided you into nations and tribes that you might get to know one another. the noblest of you in Allah sight is who fears him most ).

Islam believes in unity and integration of monotheistic religions as they emerge from the same source. Allah says in the holy Koran (The prophet believes in what has been revealed to him by his lord , and so do the faithful , they all believe in Allah and his angels , his scriptures and his prophets , we discriminate against none of his prophets.)

Peace has a central position in Islam , one of Allah great names is (The Peace) and the greeting in Islam is (peace upon you) peace in Islam is the rule and war is the exceptional resort to defend religion and homeland against aggression and occupation, Allah says in the holy Koran (Allah does not forbid you to be kind and fair to those who have neither made war on your religion nor driven you from your homes, Allah loves the fair)

In the first years of Islam , Muslims were forbidden to defend themselves against oppression , aggression and torture , which they were suffering from all the time in Mecca , until the permission to defend themselves was given , Allah says in the holy Koran (Permission to take arms is hereby given to those who are attacked , because the have been oppressed , Allah has power to grant them victory , those who have been unjustly driven from their homes .)

Islam orders to maintain and preserve human life , Allah says in the holy Koran ( Whoever killed a human being except as a punishment for murder or other wicked crimes should be looked upon as though he killed all humankind , and that whoever saved human life should be regarded as though he had saved all mankind )

Islam put rules and laws in state of war, Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him) ordered his soldiers to avoid killing women, children, elders and prisoners of war, it is narrated that Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him) heard that some Moslem soldiers killed in a battle some children, he became very sad and angry and said why did you kill the children, don’t kill children, don’t kill children, don’t kill children. it is narrated that during one of battles a woman was found killed, Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him)

disapproved strongly the killing of women and children. It is narrated that Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him) said (whoever killed a person having a treaty with Muslims, shall not smell the smell of paradise)

The first Khalifeh in Islam, Abu Bakr commanded Moslem soldiers: ( Don’t betray , Don’t deceive , Don’t torture , Don’t kill a child an old man , or a woman , Don’t cut a palm or burn it , Don’t cut a fruitful tree , Don’t slaughter a goat , a cow or a camel except when you want to eat , you will pass by people who seclude themselves , so leave them and what they seclude themselves for )

Islam orders to commit oneself to perform justice between people , friends or enemies, regardless of their color , race , religion , and ethnic background justice is too important in Islam that one of allah great names is ( The Just ) , Allah says in the holy Koran (Believers , fulfill your duties to Allah and bear true witness , don’t allow your hatred for other men to turn you away from justice , deal justly , justice is nearer to true piety )

Islam respects the sanctity and integrity of non – Muslims holy places and ensure their freedom of religious worship, and forbids Muslims to enforce non – Muslims to embrace Islam. Allah says in the holy Koran (Had your lord pleased all the people of the earth would have believed in him. would you then force faith upon them ? )

Islam emphasizes on debate and dialogue as the best method to call for Islam, Allah says in the holy Koran (Call men to the path of your lord with wisdom and kindly exhortation. reason with them in the kindest manner. ) and says ( Be kind when you argue with the people of the book , except with those among them who do evil , say “ we believe in that which you is revealed to us and which was revealed to you , our god and your god is one to whom we surrender ourselves ).
2008-03-01 08:13:18 UTC
The majority of Muslims are unable to read the Quran for themselves (it is not in their language) and simply believe what they are told is written. In truth, what is written is far from peaceful and loving. I understand that there are translations available in english available on the internet. Have a look at

to see what an ex-radical muslim has to say.
2008-03-01 08:07:54 UTC
Non believers are considered Dhimmi and according to a hadith in the Qur'an it is permissable to lie to us. Although muslims protest about the supposed 'extremist minority' it seems they would rather harbour them because their only loyalty is to Islam, than seek to expose them to protect non-believers. If you consider the violent incidents reported in the media it would seem a very large 'minority' - 9/11 & 7/7 aside, what of - the riots and murders in Turkey of the Danish Mohammed cartoons (not forgetting the 'demonstrations' in London, Scandinavia and elsewhere), the Sudan (teddy bear fiasco), Gaza and Palestine, Phillipines - beheadings of Christian school girls, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq, in fact any of the worlds violent trouble spots. The evidence speaks for itself, they say one thing yet do another.
2008-03-01 18:45:50 UTC
Allah didn't permit Prophet Mohammad SAW to resist

persecution done to Muslims in Mecca and kept ordering Muslims to have patience saying ''Allah is with those who observe patience'' during period of their persecution.

Allah had plan to establish Monotheism in entire Arabian peninsula within the next 10 years of Prophet's remaining life in Madina. Allah gave Muslims permition to fight with idolators to break their strength a year after Muslims estalished themselves in Madina. Muslims who had to leave their homes and their belongings in Mecca, wanted to fight with infidels of Mecca and loot their trade caravan coming from Damascus under the leadership of Abu Sufyan the leader of Meccan merchants. With the permission of Allah, Prophet sent men to watch the movements of trade Caravans of Meccan chiefs. Wars between Muslims and idolators was plan of Allah to crush idolators and finally establish Islam in entire peninsula by Prophet of Islam.

It is wrong of you to call all war activities of Prophet as terrorism. You are comparing Mohammad with Jesus. Jesus didn't come to start a new religion nor to bring new Laws. We find these statements of Jesus in Bible.

With the permission of Allah, Prophet sent some Muslims to continue surveylliance of the trade Caravan of Meccan merchants to challenge Meccans for war. Aby Sufyan feard that Muslims will loot his carvan coming from Damascus. He sent a messenger to Mecca to inform Meccan leaders about the situation. They came with 1000 armed men to crush Prophet and his movement. Prophet had only 313 men with him. Only eight men amongsts them had swords.

Allah told Prophet though Angel Gabriel that O Prophet! you have two choices. Either take the Caravan or fight the army that is coming to fight you. Prophet decided to fight the army of idolators. Prophet begged Allah with tears saying, if we all are killed today, there will never be any one to remember you O Creator of this world. Allah sent 1000 fully armed Angels on horses to help. Muslims won the war under the leadership of Prophet Mohammad SAW. 70 top leaders of Meccans were killed in this first war at Badr. It was a severe blow to Meccan idolators.

It is very wrong of you to call Prophet's war activities a terrorism. Terrorism is like planting bomb in busy market place and kill 15 to 150 innocent unarmed civilians or 911 incident is another good example. All Religious leaders of all Muslim countries have denounced such terrorism. Prophet never allowed such a terrorism. He always gave strict orders to Muslim fighters to never kill old men, women, children and even animals. His permission was to fight only the armed men who come with intention to kill Muslims.

After first war in Badr, Prophet didn't have to instigate idolators any more. They were severely beaten in war of Badr. In next three or four years idolators came back to fight Muslims for revenge of their first defeat. In next two wars also Allah helped Muslims and finally will of idolators to fight was broken. They realized that Mohammad is a real Prophet of Allah. He has help of Angels with him and they can not fight against Allah and His Angels.

In one of these wars, Um Habibah daughter of Abu Sufyan, the leader of idolators became widow for her husband got killed in these wars. She realized that Mohammad is real Prophet of Allah. She went to Madina, met Prophet and accepted Islam. In Arabia when a man marries a woman, then the people of entire tribe she comes from become his in-laws and they would never fight against their son-in-law. When Um Habibah accepted Islam in the hands of Prophet, he married Um Habibah. Her father Abu Sufyan could not fight any more against Prophet.

Than a delegation of idolators signed a peace treaty for ten years with Prophet Mohammad SAW. Meccans violated the treaty after few years by killing a Muslim. Prophet denounced the existence of treaty with Meccans Because now Muslims were powerful enough to take Mecca, Prophet didn't want to reinstate the treaty. Meccan's only remaining leader Abu Sufyan went to Madina to talk to Prophet to reistate the treaty. Prophet turned his face away. Abu Sufyan went to other side in front of Prophet, he turned his face again. Abu Sufyan tried to talk to Prophet's companions but none would talk to him. Allah must have informed Prophet why Abu Sufyan came to Madina. Then Abu Sufyan went to his daughter Um Habibah married with Prophet. Abu Subyan wanted his daughter to convince Prophet to reintate the treaty. He was about to sit on the cot covered with the bed sheet of Prophet Mohammad. Abu Sufyan's daughter said to her father wait. She folded the bed sheet and put it away and then said to Abu Sufyan, you can sit on the cot now. Abu Sufyan asked, "is the bed sheet not good enough for me, or I am not good enough for the bed sheet.". She replied because you are idolator and unclean you are not good enough to sit on the Prophet's bed sheet.

He asked for help of his daughter. She replied if Prophet didn't talk to you, I will not say any thing to him. You must know that he doesn't do any thing against what Allah tells him to do.

Abu Sufyan under stood that Mohammad will attack on Mecca to take it back from idolators. He went back to Mecca disappointed but few months later he came again to Madina and took Shahadah and became Muslim hoping that if Prophet conquers Mecca, his life will be safe. Prophet went to Mecca with 1000 armed men. The will of idolatos to fight was already broken, and majority of Meccan leaders were dead in three wars they fought against Muslims. Their leader Abu Sufyan had already accepted Islam. No one came out to fight Muslims fearing their lives. As Muslims were marching slowly on the main road in Mecca, Prophet's head was down in humbleness sitting on horse. He didn't look like most conquerers with their head high in arrogance. Prophet announced general amnesty for all people of Mecca. His men were shouting in streets saying Mohammad forgives all people who fought against Muslims in previous wars, he forgives for all the persecution you did against Muslims in Mecca, any one who enters in the house of Abu Sufyan is safe.

Prophet and his army marched straight to Kaaba. He first destroyed all idols placed inside the Kaaba, had the entire Mosques cleaned with Zam Zam water, then he himself and all Muslims prayed in Kaaba performed Umrah which includes circling around Kaaba and joging between two hills Safa and Marva where Ismael's mother Hagar ran seven times to look for water for his crying infant. Prophet established Monotheism of Islam in Mecca being Kaaba the center of Monotheism established by Adam and then by Abraham and his son Ismael. He stayed in Mecca about a weak. During this time not only all people of Mecca but tribes of nearby desert also came and accepted Islam. Prophet made few Muslims incharge of Kaaba and established the true ways of performing Haj as Abraham did 3000 years ago.

Then he went back to Madina and came for his only Haj he performed few months prior to his death.

Today most scholars of Islam have called 911 incident

terrorism, because they killed unarmed people in New York May be you calls Muslim's fighting against Ameican occupation of Iraq also terrorists though most honest

Americans call it insurgency. Americans will also fight against any other country that may occupy any part of USA.

If you are not a Muslim, I suppose you will reject all what I have written. Because when a person keeps rejecting Islam, after giving him/her some time, Allah hardenes his/her heart and he/she never believes any thing what a Muslim tells this person.

May Allah guide all of us to the right path of Islam.
Umm Bilqys
2008-03-01 11:47:42 UTC
Praise be to Allaah.

Physical jihad is the pinnacle of Islam, and some scholars regarded it as the sixth pillar of Islam.

The Muslims have neglected jihad for a long time, so they deserve the punishment of Allaah, to be humiliated, belittled and defeated. That humiliation will never be lifted from them until they come back to their religion as the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “When you enter into the ‘aynah transaction, hold the tails of oxen, are content with farming, and give up jihad, Allaah will cause humiliation to prevail over you, and will not withdraw it until you return to your commitment to Islam.” Narrated by Abu Dawood, 2956; classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh Abi Dawood.

[Translator’s note: ‘Aynah transaction means to sell a product for a known price with deferred payment and then buy it back from the purchaser for a lesser price, so the purchaser will still have to pay the difference in the future]

One of the strangest things to note is that we are living in a time when some of the Muslims are embarrassed to quote the verses and ahaadeeth on jihad in front of their kaafir friends. Their faces turn red because they are too shy to mention the rulings on the jizyah, slavery and killing prisoners of war. They wish that they could erase these verses and ahaadeeth from the Qur’aan and Sunnah so that they would not be criticized by this world with its backward principles despite its claims to be civilized. If they cannot erase them then they try to misinterpret them and distort their meanings so that they suit the whims and desires of their masters. I will not say so that they suit their whims and desires, for they are too weak to have their own whims and desires, and too ignorant. Rather it is the whims and desires of their masters and teachers among the missionaries and colonialists, the enemies of Islam.” ‘Umdat al-Tafseer, 1/46.

The result of that is that we hardly hear anything nowadays apart from the following phrases: world peace … peaceful coexistence … safe borders … a new world order … the calamities of war… Those who proclaim the verses and ahaadeeth of jihad nowadays are subject to a number of accusations. They are called terrorists, extremists, enemies of peace and bloodthirsty, and are accused of wanting to destroy twentieth century civilization. This is the unfortunate reality in which the Muslim ummah is living nowadays. That is because we have given up supporting our religion and doing the duties that Allaah has enjoined upon us. Allaah has commanded us to support His religion and to wage jihad against His enemies.

There are so many verses that enjoin jihad against the mushrikeen and fighting them until all submission is for Allaah alone; they clearly state that it is obligatory and is prescribed and is compulsory. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): “Jihaad holy fighting in Allaah’s Cause) is ordained for you (Muslims) though you dislike it, and it may be that you dislike a thing which is good for you and that you like a thing which is bad for you. Allaah knows but you do not know” [al-Baqarah 2:216]

Rulings on jihad:

The scholars (may Allaah have mercy on them) have mentioned the rulings on jihad and have stated that jihad is of two types:

1 – Taking the initiative in fighting

This means pursuing the kaafirs in their lands and calling them to Islam and fighting them if they do not agree to submit to the rule of Islam. This kind of jihad is fard kifaayah (a communal obligation) upon the Muslims. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):

“And fight them until there is no more Fitnah (disbelief and polytheism, i.e. worshipping others besides Allaah), and the religion (worship) will all be for Allaah Alone [in the whole of the world]. But if they cease (worshipping others besides Allaah), then certainly, Allaah is All-Seer of what they do”[al-Anfaal 8:39]

“Then when the Sacred Months (the Ist, 7th, 11th, and 12th months of the Islamic calendar) have passed, then kill the Mushrikoon (see V.2:105) wherever you find them, and capture them and besiege them, and lie in wait for them in each and every ambush. But if they repent [by rejecting Shirk (polytheism) and accept Islamic Monotheism] and perform As-Salaah (Iqaamat-as-Salaah), and give Zakaah, then leave their way free. Verily, Allaah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful”[al-Tawbah 9:5]

“and fight against the Mushrikoon (polytheists, pagans, idolaters, disbelievers in the Oneness of Allaah) collectively as they fight against you collectively. But know that Allaah is with those who are Al-Muttaqoon (the pious”[al-Tawbah 9:36]

“March forth, whether you are light (being healthy, young and wealthy) or heavy (being ill, old and poor), and strive hard with your wealth and your lives in the Cause of Allaah. This is better for you, if you but knew”[al-Tawbah 9:41]

It was narrated from Ibn ‘Umar that the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “I have been commanded to fight the people until they bear witness that there is no god but Allaah, and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allaah, and establish regular prayer, and pay zakaah, If they do that then their blood and wealth is safe from me, except by the laws of Islam, and their reckoning will be with Allaah.” Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 24; Muslim, 29.

Muslim (3533) narrated from Abu Hurayrah that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Whoever dies without having fought or thought to himself about fighting has died following one of the branches of hypocrisy.”

All of these texts – and many others in the Qur’aan and Sunnah – mean that it is obligatory for the Muslims to wage jihad against the kuffaar and take the initiative in that. The scholars are unanimously agreed that jihad against the kuffar, and seeking them in their own lands, and calling them to Islam, and waging jihad against them if they do not accept Islam or accept paying the jizyah, is obligatory and has not been abrogated.

Shaykh al-Islam (28/249) said: Everyone who hears the call of the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) to the religion of Allaah with which he was sent and does not respond to it must be fought so that there will be no fitnah and so that submission will all be for Allaah.

Ibn ‘Atiyah said (2/43): There remains scholarly consensus that jihad is a communal obligation upon the ummah of Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), and if some of the Muslims undertake this duty the rest are absolved of responsibility.

2 – Jihad in self-defence.

If the kuffaar attack and occupy a Muslim country, or they prepare to attack the Muslims, then it is obligatory for the Muslims to fight them so as to ward off their evil and foil their plots. Jihad in self-defence is fard ‘ayn (an individual obligation) upon the Muslims, according to scholarly consensus.

Al-Qurtubi (may Allaah have mercy on him) said in his Tafseer (8/15): When jihad becomes inevitable because the enemy has overrun one of the (Muslim) regions, then it becomes obligatory for all the people of that region to mobilize and to go out to fight, whether they are light (being healthy, young and wealthy) or heavy (being ill, old and poor), each according to his abilities, with or without the permission of his parents. No one who is able to go out, warrior or helper, should stay behind. If the people of that country are unable to fight their enemy, then those in nearby and neighbouring countries have to go out to fight, in whatever numbers are required to show support, so that they will know that they have the strength to stand up to them and ward them off. Similarly everyone who knows of their weakness in the face of their enemies and knows that he can go and help them must also go out and fight. All of the Muslims should be united against their enemies. If the people of the area where the enemy has invaded and occupied fight off the enemy themselves, then the others are relieved of that duty. If the enemy approaches the Muslim lands but does not enter, the Muslims must still go out to confront them so that the religion of Allaah will prevail and in order to protect the Muslim homeland and humiliate the enemy. There is no scholarly dispute on this point.

Shaykh al-Islam (28/358-359) said:

If the enemy wants to attack the Muslims then resisting becomes obligatory on all those who are under threat, and those who are not under threat are obliged to help them, as Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):

“but if they seek your help in religion, it is your duty to help them except against a people with whom you have a treaty of mutual alliance”[al-Anfaal 8:72]

And the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) also commanded us to help other Muslims. This is obligatory upon each person as much as possible, by fighting himself or by giving financial support, as was the case at the time of al-Khandaq, when Allaah did not grant any concession to anyone not to fight. Rather the Qur’aan condemns those who asked the Prophet for permission [not to fight] on the grounds that their houses were vulnerable when that was not the case, rather they just wanted to flee the battle. This fighting is in order to protect the relihion, and protect lives and honour, and this is absolutely essential.

This is the ruling on physical jihad in Islam, whether that is taking the initiative to call the kuffaar to enter this religion and subjugate them to the rule of Islam, or jihad to defend the religion and honour of the Muslims.

We ask Allaah to bring the Muslims back to their religion.

And Allaah knows best.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.