Ramadan. Question on allah and his book Lohe-Mahfooz, allah’s will and our freewill?
2011-02-20 22:06:09 UTC
Islam says that allah has written everything which is going to happen in the world till judgment day and is documented in the book called Lohe-Mahfooz and kept under his throne. So whether a person to follow the will of allah (which is documented in Lohe-Mahfooz book) or not to follow is person’s freewill. Do you think going against the will of allah is freewill? What is your theological answer to this?

What is your answer on these three cases?

E.g: Allah created 3 persons A, B and C. In Lohe-Mahfooz book allah wished that person A will be a good muslim and he will follow all the guidance islam. So accordingly person A will born as muslim and live as the allah wished in Lohe-Mahfooz book.

In second case Allah wished that (in Lohe-Mahfooz book) person B should be kafir and he should not believe in allah, mohammad and all that beliefs of islam. So accordingly person B was a kafir and he didn’t believe in any teachings of islam. Because that’s what allah wished him to be and he exactly followed it. So ultimately person B followed what exactly allah wished and he never went against will of allah (i.e. documented in Lohe-Mahfooz book)

In third case allah wished that (in Lohe-Mahfooz book) person C should be kafir and he should not believe in allah, mohammad and all that beliefs of islam. But person C went against will of allah and believed in teachings of islam. He followed exactly what islam teaches. Even though it looks like person C was a good muslim, ultimately he went against the will of allah. Allah wished that person C should be kafir but he was a muslim and went against will of allah.

In these three cases who is good follower of allah according to you? Of course there is no question about person A.
Person B: Even though person B was a kafir, ultimately he followed what exactly allah wished.
Person C: Even though person C was a muslim, ultimately he went against the will of allah because allah wished him to be a kafir.

So who will go to heaven according to you? Do you think person B will go to hell for following allah’s wish and being a kafir? Do you think person C will go to heaven for not following allah’s wish and being a muslim?

Do you think that following or not following what is written in Lohe-Mahfooz book is our FREEWILL? If so do you think that we can go against what is written in Lohe-Mahfooz book

Please try to give straight answer instead of showing your true color
Thirteen answers:
2011-02-20 23:53:24 UTC
Practically FREEWILL and destiny (here a lohe-mahfooz book) can’t co-exist. Either one can believe in freewill or in destiny. But islam believes in destiny (lohe-mahfooz book) and also believes in freewill. Basically concept of freewill and destiny itself contradicts with beliefs od islam. So no one can give correct answer for this question since islam is NOT clear on this issue. This is the main flaw of this religion along with other flaws.
Asgar Ali
2014-06-11 23:09:19 UTC
The picture of Islam is very wrongly displayed in the world.

One most important thing we should keep it mind that Islam,apart from being a religion ,is also a WAY OF LIFE,probably the most simple way to live life.If you have already made a negative image of it then no use of getting deeper,if insha allah not,,please kindly look on the things provided in it not PROHIBITED in it,from the rising of islam (1400 years back),scientist have proved so many aspects of islam ,people all around the world points out that its not right but when the science proves that,,they agree. e.g.our prophet (pbuh) said that the sun will arise from the west near the judgment day,all non believers said its impossible,,,they kept saying until now,and just 2 months back scientist claimed that it was right,mars is changing its rotation's direction as the gravity getting weeker by the time,,,,same will follow to the earth.

So my point is if something is not comforting in islam for you,dont just criticise the whole,if can,do research if not then see the positive impacts of it . After all this is the only religion that assures that YOU HAVE TO LIVE HERE FOR A REASON .
2011-02-20 22:47:47 UTC
Salam Based on the Qur'an and hadith all babies born as muslims,their parents and environment made them jews,christians,paganists or any other kafir religion members even atheists.Allah wants all humans to be muslims that is why Allah dedicated the Qur'an for humans as a whole.(rahmatan lil alameen).Allah has given us the most perfect and updated life guide in the form of Al Qur'an which is supplemented with hadith of Muhammad pbuh the last rasool.Allah has given us the freewill but we should know its consequences if we choose the wrong path.If we did the wrong path it means we against with Allah's will..Qadr in Islam can be divided into 2 categories(1) the final decision of Allah which could not be changed and(2) the temporary decision which can be changed by hard efforts.We do not know what is our final Allah's decission before occurred If someone died as kafir person through suiciding we know it is the final decision of Allah.But there is a hadith a person who had killed 100 people and then he tried hard to ask for Allah's forgiveness,will enter the heaven because Allah has forgiven him.But Fir'aun king who recognized the God of Moses when his soul was being taken out by death angel,Allah rejected it so he will enter the hell as Allah's final decision.
2011-02-21 00:12:04 UTC
Thanks for that wonderful questions. Frankly, I am a shia by faith because I follow the doctrine of the isna-ashariyya imamate. So far, What I was meant to understand about Lohe-Mahfooz book is that every ramadan period during Lailatul Qadr night, God will determine individuals' fortune or what will happen to I and you as an individual in that very year.

It is somehow related to destiny but, our believe on the whole issue is that destiny is being DESIGNED by God the creator but the same destiny is being DETERMINE by us as an individual. This implies that every individual have the right to right or wrong. It is never God that compel one to do what he does.

Despite God has designed your destiny for that year, it can still change either through prayer or by giving charity (sadaqah) to the less privileged ones as well as one form or the other of similar act. These verses below testify the justice of God over his Creation and the attached material for detailed explanation.


YUSUFALI: And if any do evil, their faces will be thrown headlong into the Fire: "Do ye receive a reward other than that which ye have earned by your deeds?"

The Qur'an says, "I swear by‑the soul and Him who made it perfect, then He inspired it (the knowledge of) right and wrong for it. He who purifies it (i.e., the soul) will indeed be successful; and he who corrupts it will indeed fail." (91:7‑10)

May God guide us all.
2011-02-21 00:44:17 UTC
My straight answer is that you are a Big Fool. So your God knows nothing!!

You jumped over a very delicate subject of Fate (Qaza & Qadar) with your little knowledge. Your three examples do not cover the options given to mankind hence one can change his/her direction with free-will at any time in the life. Lohe Mahfooz indicates the last actions opted by you!!! Like it may be written that you would be a great Islam basher!
2011-02-20 22:11:37 UTC
Laoh e Mehfooz is like working drawings, specification of a building an Architec/Designer prepares before construction. Practical execution may differ from the Project Program but an All-Wise Designer/Programmer can schedule it 100% exact.

Allah wrote by His all Capable Qualities and Knowledge such and such person will follow and such and such will not follow, and this world is a test run to produce justification thru witnesses to rewards and evaluation on Judgement Day.

A wise teacher by his experience can write the result of a test before taking exam because he knows his students well. he puts them in exam to justify the result so no one may say o teacher you didn't give me chance,

A justice in a court even knows who is the real criminal, does not issue decree of punishment unless proofs of witnesses other than him.



Actual objective of our Creation is not yet told to us, it is also part of the test, If you are going to produce/direct a film, you will test people who will act the role of a hero and who will be a willon and who will be a king and who will be a servent, you will put all of them in a test and evaluate the final gradding accordingly. The main Objective of the Creation is still only known to All Mighty Him would be known to us in after life, so When the authorities and ranks would be awarded finally, no one would say it is unjust, even living in hell would be a role. The most obedient will be in benefit ultimately.


I just gave you an example to bring a very higher level complicated philosophy to be comprehenable to a normal humans, so I gave an example for your undestanding.

Allah is the Ultimate Creator and Sustainer and Programmer, also a director when deals worldly issues.. for our understanding like Allah wrote Holy Quran in a language which humans can understand.

If you don't want to understand from my logics I gave to you. it is up to you, accept it or reject, there is no compulsion.. doctor gives you medicine it is upto you eat it or don't.. I felt by your arguments that you just want to deny all arguments as you have already made your mind. may be I'm wrong in judgement about you.
2016-02-27 08:01:11 UTC
Wa alaikum salam I do agree with you Allah is merciful and forgiveful and also loveful and how easy is our deen Islam. In every difficulty Allah will give us an easiness as stated in the Qur'an alhamdulillah Allah will test us because Allah loves us so if we passed Allah will give us a higher grade insya Allah
2011-02-21 00:31:27 UTC
I guess its filled with probability data.

.Present,past,future exists for us, not God.Both person C and the his script in lohe-mahfuz start simultaneously(in want for a better explaination without time dimension).So what he does, gets written.The script is as dynamic as person C.Hence that person would be ultimately responsible.
2011-02-20 22:27:22 UTC
Straight answers could only reflect the true color of the one who answers. Or maybe you need folks here to think as you do?

Although Religious doctrines teaches that God gives us free will, there can be no free will in religion; you must live according to the teachings of that religion.

An atheist has free will to choose or not to choose a Christian as a friend; as a Muslim, you have no choice; it is against the teachings of Islam to have Christian friends.
2015-08-24 01:11:39 UTC
Creator knows everything about it s creations. similarly Allah knows very well about us whether we will believe in him or not. If a human creates a machine they know about it s warranty(how many years/months it will work).
2016-07-04 04:14:11 UTC
Dear fellows this is a very important question asked by muslims as well as non muslims free will and destiny both are recognized in islam lets suppose the teacher example again he predictes about his three students that who will pass who will not teacher says because of his experience but allah says because of his knowledge one friend above said "how can a teacher predicts before a student gets admission" so we cant take teacher as same as allah teacher does not know what student hides but allah knows everything in future past so he predicts by his fore knowlege so if u fail an exam thats not what allah"determined" its what ur will determined and allah as he knew ur will before creating u wrote this a teacher predicts and writes result before taking exam is unjust if he allows exam it is not unjust in exam it was ur free will what to write allah can change ur will but doesn,t because teacher who corrects his student,s mistake during exam is unjust
2015-05-11 09:13:51 UTC
2017-01-11 20:31:21 UTC
Loh E Mahfooz

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.