2011-02-20 22:06:09 UTC
What is your answer on these three cases?
E.g: Allah created 3 persons A, B and C. In Lohe-Mahfooz book allah wished that person A will be a good muslim and he will follow all the guidance islam. So accordingly person A will born as muslim and live as the allah wished in Lohe-Mahfooz book.
In second case Allah wished that (in Lohe-Mahfooz book) person B should be kafir and he should not believe in allah, mohammad and all that beliefs of islam. So accordingly person B was a kafir and he didn’t believe in any teachings of islam. Because that’s what allah wished him to be and he exactly followed it. So ultimately person B followed what exactly allah wished and he never went against will of allah (i.e. documented in Lohe-Mahfooz book)
In third case allah wished that (in Lohe-Mahfooz book) person C should be kafir and he should not believe in allah, mohammad and all that beliefs of islam. But person C went against will of allah and believed in teachings of islam. He followed exactly what islam teaches. Even though it looks like person C was a good muslim, ultimately he went against the will of allah. Allah wished that person C should be kafir but he was a muslim and went against will of allah.
In these three cases who is good follower of allah according to you? Of course there is no question about person A.
Person B: Even though person B was a kafir, ultimately he followed what exactly allah wished.
Person C: Even though person C was a muslim, ultimately he went against the will of allah because allah wished him to be a kafir.
So who will go to heaven according to you? Do you think person B will go to hell for following allah’s wish and being a kafir? Do you think person C will go to heaven for not following allah’s wish and being a muslim?
Do you think that following or not following what is written in Lohe-Mahfooz book is our FREEWILL? If so do you think that we can go against what is written in Lohe-Mahfooz book
Please try to give straight answer instead of showing your true color