Who was muawiyah what did Prophet Mohammad(sallallahu alaihi wasallam) say about him?
2010-03-22 02:12:57 UTC
Who was muawiyah what did Prophet Mohammad(sallallahu alaihi wasallam) say about him?
Ten answers:
2010-03-22 04:30:10 UTC
lets see what imam Ali R.a said about him in Shia's most authentic book, Nahjul Balagha--->letter58

---------->"The thing began in this way: We and the Syrians were facing each other while we had common faith in one Allah, in the same Prophet (may Peace Be Upon Him) and on the same principles and canons of religion. So far as faith in Allah and the Holy Prophet (may Peace Be Upon Him) was concerned we never wanted them (the Syrians) to believe in anything over and above or other than what they were believing in and they did not want us to change our faith. Both of us were united on these principles. The point of contention between us was the question of the murder of Uthman. It had created the split. They wanted to lay the murder at my door while I am actually innocent of it."
2016-04-30 11:34:17 UTC
If you have been struggling to fall pregnant, there are some useful tips that may help to increase your chances of conceiving and prevent miscarriages. Read here

Follow a healthy, balanced diet by eating plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables as well as foods that are rich in iron, calcium and folate, essential for reproductive health

Maintain a healthy weight as being overweight or underweight can affect the body’s hormone levels which in turn makes conception difficult

Healthy weight loss can increase chances of getting pregnant; however, too much weight loss can affect a healthy pregnancy

Regular exercise such as walking, swimming or cycling will help keep you fit and active before and during your pregnancy. It will also help get you back into shape after the pregnancy

Avoid drinking alcohol and caffeine as this can make you less fertile
2010-03-22 04:43:12 UTC
Legendry Muhadith of Ahle Sunnah Shah Abul Aziz Dehalvi records in his anti-Shia polemic book 'Tauhfa Ithna Ashariyyah' page 181 Chapter 7:

"Should know that there is ijmah of Ahlul Sunah Qutb, that Muawiya bin Abu Sufyan from the beginning of the Imamat of Hazrat Amir Ali ibn Abi Talib till the sulh of Imam Hasan remained a baghi and did not obey the Imam of the time...."

At another place we also read:

"The original pure Sect was the Ahl'ul Sunnah wa al-Jammah of the Sahaba and Tabieen, these are the Muhajireen and Ansar who were the servants of Ali, they were helpers of the khilafah. Their religion was that Murtaza was the Imam of truth, following the martyrdom of Uthman, and that all mankind was duty bound to obey him. Ali during his times was the most superior, whoever disputed with him on the issue of Khilafah, or opposed his reign is a sinner and a baghi. Whoever deemed him unworthy of khilafah was a sinner mislead on falsehood.."
2010-03-22 02:46:03 UTC
Salam. Muhmmad s.a.w said in his prediction before he passed away that Muawiyah's son will oppose Muhammad pbuh's descendants. Muawiyah said that he would not get married forever.. But the rasool insisted him to get married. So he got married with very old woman at her 90 year old for preventing to have children.But infact with the permission of Allah, his wife got pregnant and he had a son His son urged Muawiyah to kill Hasan and Hosen a.s for making himself (Muawiyah) to be the Caliph after Ali a.s passed away.He accepted the recommendation of his son.In Karbala Iraq he re ally killed Hasan and Hosen a.s. and he was appointed as the new caliph.

Muawiyah Bin Abu Sufyan r.a was one of the sahabahs of Muhammad pbuh.
2017-02-17 17:52:00 UTC
One of the most healthy foods are fruits and vegetables. There is absolutely no healthy diet without them!
السلام عليك يا ابا عبداللهPedram
2010-03-22 05:29:39 UTC
first of all, the Prophet (s) cursed the hypocrite

Sahih Muslim

Book 032, Number 6298:

Ibn Abbas reported: I was playing with children that Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) happened to pass by (us). I hid myself behind the door. He (the Holy Prophet) came and he patted upon my shoulders and said: Go and call Mu'awiya. I returned and said: He is busy in taking food. He again asked me to go and call Mu'swiya to him. I went (and came back) and said that he was busy in taking food, whereupon he said: May Allah not fill his belly! Ibn Muthanna, said: I asked Umm Umayya what he meant by the word Hatani. He said: It means" he patted my shoulders".

secondly, Prophet (s) said he is a man who inviotes to hell fire (last time i checked this was the duty of shaytan Laeen, i guess muawia and shaytan are best friends)

Volume 4, Book 52, Number 67:

Narrated 'Ikrima:

that Ibn 'Abbas told him and 'Ali bin 'Abdullah to go to Abu Said and listen to some of his narrations; So they both went (and saw) Abu Said and his brother irrigating a garden belonging to them. When he saw them, he came up to them and sat down with his legs drawn up and wrapped in his garment and said, "(During the construction of the mosque of the Prophet) we carried the adobe of the mosque, one brick at a time while 'Ammar used to carry two at a time. The Prophet passed by 'Ammar and removed the dust off his head and said, "May Allah be merciful to 'Ammar. He will be killed by a rebellious aggressive group. 'Ammar will invite them to (obey) Allah and they will invite him to the (Hell) fire."

The Messenger of Allah said:

"Verily Muaweyah shall be in the deepest part of Hell from where he shall shout 'Ya Hanan, Ya Manan' verily I have sinned and spread fitnah throughout the earth".

Sunni reference: Lisan al Mizan Volume 1 page 284
2010-03-22 02:22:22 UTC
He was a Sahaba, but he made a mistake in opposing Hazrat Ali (AS)!

I won't say anything bad about him, because God will judge his mistake, Insha Allah!

But Yazid (who was his son) was a shameless mass murderer killer and non-Muslim (cursed man)! And is the enemy of Islam and the holy Prophet (SAW) and Allah (SWT)!
2010-03-22 06:22:28 UTC

"Mauweyah invited Ayesha for dinner, and he got a ditch dug in the ground, filling it up with sharp knives and swords, with their blades facing upwards. According to Alama Ibn Khaldoon, Mauweyah masked that ditch with lanky pieces of wood, and spread a carpet on top of it all to camouflage it. He placed a wooden chair over it for Ayesha to sit. No sooner Ayesha sat on the chair, the whole set up retrieved and she fell in the pit, injuring herself from head to toe, and breaking a lot of bones. To hide his felony, Mauweyah got the ditched filled up with lime. That is how he murdered Ayesha; she was sixty four years old when Mauweyah murdered her towards the end of 57 Hijri. This proves, with out a doubt, that Mauweyah was an enemy of Prophet Mohammed (p), and he proved his enmity towards the Prophet (p) by murdering his (p) wife. The only reason that Mauweyah performed this heinous act was that Ayesha stopped him from making fun of Islam from the pulpit of Masjid-e-Nabvi.. This is why no one knows the exact location of Ayesha’s grave in Medina."

He killed the Mother of the Believers Ayesha in cold blood after ordering the killing of her brother Muhammad bin Abu Bakar. He was also responsible for the killings of many other companions of the Prophet (p) including Hajar bin Adi and Ammar Yasir.

Following the death of Muhammad bin 'Abu Bakr the people of Egypt gave bayya to Muaweyah. It was following this (event) that Ummul Mu'mineen Ayesha would curse Muaweyah and Amr bin Aas after every Salaat.

Tadhkira ul Khawass page 62

Sunni References:

Musharriful Mahbubin by Hazrat Khuwaja Mehboob Qasim Chishti Mushrrafi Qadri Pages 216-218

Kokab wa Rifi Fazal-e-Ali Karam Allah Wajhu, Page 484, By Syed Mohammed Subh-e-Kashaf AlTirmidhi, Urdu translation by Syed Sharif Hussein Sherwani Sabzawari, Published by Aloom AlMuhammed, number B12 Shadbagh, Lahore, 1st January 1963.

Habib Alseer Rabiyah AlAbrar, Volume 1, Alama JarulAllah Zamik (530 Hijri),

Hadoiqa Sanai, by Hakim Sanai (Died 525 Hijri, at Ghazni), Page 65-67,

Namoos Islam, by Agha Hashim Sialkoti, Published Lahore, 1939 - Pages 66-67

Tazkarah Tul-Aikram Tarikh-e-Khulafa Arab-Wa-Islam by Syed Shah Mohamed Kabir Abu Alalaiyi Dana Puri, Published Le Kishwar Press, Lakhnow, April 1924/ 1346 H

Sipah e Sahaba and other Wahabi scum have introduced Muaweyah as a companion of the Prophet using narrations fabricated by Muaweyah and his filthy descendants.

One very clever move by the Wahabis was to declare Muaweyah a scribe (katib e Wahi) who wrote down the revelations of Allah's Messenger.

All praise be to Allah swt, the leading Sunni scholars realising this conspiracy of the Wahabis, have declared all hadith praising Muaweyah as fabricated.

Not a single hadith in praise of Muaweyah is Sahih (authentic)

Many classical Sunni scholars whilst listing those individuals honored as writer of the revelation did not count Mu'awiya. For evidence see the following texts:

Fathul Bari page 450 Volume 2

Irshad Saneed Volume 9 page 22

Umdhathul Qari Volume 9 page 307

Nasa al Kafiya page 170

Iqd al Fareed Volume 2 page 197

al Isaba Volume 3 page 413
2010-03-22 04:51:50 UTC
lol, anotherside is answering his own que with the user "Islam is my way"

u call hadiths praising Imam Ali AS as fabricated like the gate of knowledge hadith even though its in ur one of 6 sahih books, but u bring us garbage about hadiths praising Muaiywah the kaffir, which u believe is authentic

why do u hate Imam Ali AS so much is beyond me, what did he do so that u guys hate him so much that u need to defame him and discredit anything he has done?
2010-03-22 02:23:08 UTC
"(Rasullilah :saw: was reported to have said) Allah, make him (Muawiya :ra: ) guided, a guider, and guide people through him." [Tirmidhi 3824, 3018]

Mu'awiyah Bin Abu Sufyan(ra) was a companion there is a wide spread false propaganda and many lies that have spread against this great sahabi, he is one of the scribes of the revelation. I'm not looking for a debate, if you want to debate I'm not interested, a discussion is fine, this post is mainly aimed at those young sunnis who do not know much about Mu'awiyah(ra) except what the shias post here.

Yesterday someone posted the hadith in sahih muslim in which the Prophet(saw) cursed by saying "May Allah not fill his belly" Mu'awiyah here is an explanation for those who have an open mind.

It has been narrated that Rasullulaah(saw) called for out for Mu'awiyah, where by Mu'awiyah was found to have been busy eating, from this Rasllilah (salalahu alahi wasalam) replied "May Allah not fill his belly!". This is in fact what you might call an example in the English language of someone saying "Go break a leg", and in reality the meaning behind the Arabic of "May Allah not fill his belly" is "May your sustenance be without end".

Sunnis know that Mu'awiyas(ra) position was wrong in regards to Ali's :ra: decision not to punish those who assassinated Caliph Uthman :ra: this we know is a fact, however if we curse him for that that should then include Aisha :ra: , Talha :ra: and Zubair :ra: . Remember, Muawiya :ra: did not partake in the Siege of Basrah and the Battle of the Camel.


Allah reminds us:

"O you who believe! Stand out firmly for Allâh as just witnesses; and let not the enmity and hatred of others make you avoid justice. Be just: that is nearer to piety; and fear Allâh. Verily, Allâh is Well-Acquainted with what you do." (Qur'an 5:8)

1. Muawiya's :ra: position was wrong in regards to Ali's :ra: decision not to punish those who assassinated Caliph Uthman :ra: this we know is a fact, however if we curse him for that that should then include Aisha :ra: , Talha :ra: and Zubair :ra: . Remember, Muawiya :ra: did not partake in the Siege of Basrah and the Battle of the Camel.

2. Though Muawiya :ra: did not recognize the Caliphate and defended himself at the Battle of Siffin (though seen as a wrong way to wage war in defense, perhaps out of desperation) did end up with a peace agreement with Ali :ra: and this resulted in the Kharijites to seperate from Ali :ra: and eventually the Revolt of the Kharijites under Muawiya's :ra: rule.

3. Muawiya :ra: in fact considered Ali :ra: above himself:

"Ali is better and more virtuous than me and I differ from him only in the matter of qisaas of Uthman and if he takes the qisaas of the blood of Uthman I will be the first of the people of Syria to make bayah to him" [al-Bidayatu wan-Nihaayah, vol 7 page 129,259]

In fact there is one occasion where Muawiya :ra: seeked advice from Ali :ra: under his government [eg. Muwatta of Imam Malik 36.19.18]

4. The Great Cursing Ali :ra: Lie: Some have this belief based on a Hadith that Muawiya :ra: used to curse Ali :ra: . However one has to read the Hadith in Sahih Muslim carefully, where Muawiya :ra: was ASKING "What prevents you from abusing Abu Turab". All it was was a question to Sa'd bin Abi Waqqas :ra:, and there was no response from Muawiya :ra: no flogging, no cursing of Sa'd :ra: for his decision.

Commentary from Imam Nawawi (ra) regarding the Hadith: "Mu'awiyah's saying does not declare that he ordered Sa'ad to insult Ali, but asked him for the reason that prevented him from insulting. As if Mu'awiyah was saying to him: "Have you refrained from insulting Ali as a result of piety, fear or anything like that? If it was as a result of piety and veneration to refrain from insulting, then you are rightful and if it were other than that, then there would be another answer."

5. The "May Allah not fill his belly." Lie: The Shiites like to use the hadith in Sahih Muslim whereby Rasullilah (salalahu alahi wasalam) called for Muawiya :ra: and found that he was busy eating, from this Rasllilah (salalahu alahi wasalam) replied "May Allah not fill his belly!". This is in fact what you might call an example in the English language of someone saying "Go break a leg", and in reality the meaning behind the Arabic of "May Allah not fill his belly" is "May your sustenance be without end".

6. Ali :ra: and Muawiya's :ra: groups were in fact MUSLIMS. This is proven by the Prophecy of Rasullilah :saw: as it states in Sahih Bukhari as Rasullilah :saw: spoke about Hassan ibn Ali :ra: : "This son of mine is a leader, and through him, Allah will bring together two huge groups of MUSLIMS." In fact this came true after Hasan :ra: united the Ummah after feeling betrayed by the Shiat'Ali by handing the Caliphate over to Muawiya :ra: (Shia texts confirm this as well in al Ihhtijaj vol. 2 page. 290-291, (copy?paste

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.