Why do *some* non Muslims deny...?
2013-01-23 14:59:14 UTC
that dressing provocatively is a bad thing? Some of you users say, "there's nothing wrong with it, it's not oppressive". It's a lot wrong with it and it is oppressive, men use them as a sex object, disrespect them, exploit them and there's nothing wrong with that? But there's something wrong with a woman who wants to cover up? Your thinking is backwards.. even Americans agree, they did a video and the girls were walking around in their panties and bra saying there's nothing wrong with walking around like that, while the men in the back were on their knees video taping their u know what and that's ok to do? And NON Muslim guys were saying they have no self respect and said those are the women they refer to when they say b***** not those dressed appropriately. This view is coming from non Muslims, and I would post the video but it's not appropriate to show.

So why do you guys get mad when we wanna wear a head scarf and clothing that doesn't reveal our figure? If you dont wanna dress like that that's your choice but why is it insulting to you? I never been disrespected by a man since dressing modestly, they show nothing but respect, and people don't usually respect someone that clearly has no respect for themselves. If you had daughters you would be ok with them dressing so provocatively being looked at by perverts? You wouldnt want them to dress like they had sense?
Thirteen answers:
2013-01-23 16:00:39 UTC
i strongly agree. theres an idiot who says we stone the woman who doesn't wear a hijab o.O

@real happy:

are you exploring the evidences that there is nothing absolute with regards what people dress?

you're discussing the minority baby.
2013-01-23 17:04:31 UTC
Wearing scarfs has not stopped Muslim women in the Middle East from being abused, has it?.

In fact, the Qur'an gives Muslim men the right to beat their wives, along with many other verses that put men above women(Multiple wives, no multiple husbands, a man's testimony being twice that of a woman's, etc).

See: Rape.

Acid Attacks.

Killed while attending school.


Etc. Come back with this question when the Middle East becomes a half way decent/safe place to live.

Also, not wearing a scarf around your head doesn't mean you're loose. Your forgetting many levels in between. Also, modesty comes from within. Not from cloth which somehow makes you "magically modest",
2013-01-23 17:21:18 UTC
Great. Culturally for some men and women your case is true. But I find it flawed when I see muslim women covered up in what appears to be spray-painted-on leggings or super slim jeans and stiletto heels with thick makeup. Who are they kidding? This is not modesty; they are full of self-pride and it's provocative. And so are muslim men who themselves are wearing open shirts and really tight jeans. So they get off because modesty is only for the women? And this then makes a woman responsible for her own rape when the guy says she wasn't dressing modestly enough and her defense/opinion is worth half of his in sharia. I object to males getting a free pass on them being expected to control their egos and their sex drives. What about the muslim girls school where the girls were allowed to burn to death because the men wouldn't let them out and kept the exit door blocked on the outside- the girls didn't have their heads covered.

While western sex is more out in the open, the muslim and mideast seems to suffer from a lot of illicit closet-sex, like rape, porn, pedophilia and especially domestic abuse. Just look at how often muslim sites have their women complaining about the physical abuse, pedophilia and jealousy going on under their roofs. I think that Islam teaches women that covering up is going to gain points to get them into heaven by this behavior. Christianity teaches that ritualistic behaviors of religiosity gain you nothing in the eyes of a holy God. Rather, it is how you treat everyone around you that counts. If you lust after a woman or man in your heart, no matter how muslim-like covered up or western dressed you are, it is adultery and a sin. I have a great friend who I met when she, as a prostitute, came to church one Sunday morning after being beat-up the night before. She was 'half-dressed', but came looking for acceptance, a change of her life and forgiveness. She met Jesus Christ that Sunday morning and everyone in the little church, men and women alike, treated her with compassion and respect as Jesus would want us to do. She is now a very changed women, with a passion to help others like her get out of prostitution. I really don't care whether you are covered up with 10 yards of fabric or if you wear your PJs with bunny slippers out on the street. It's how you treat people, how you show everyone respect, compassion, friendliness, and good will that counts. And it is how you develop your own sense of self-control and responsibility for your own actions that counts.
2013-01-23 22:18:58 UTC
While on the whole there is no apparent objection, it is not allways claimed "there is nothing wrong"

After all you will never see the Queen or Obamas wife dress in a bikiny in formal duties will you?
2013-01-23 15:09:12 UTC
The thing you don't understand is that although we might not agree with how someone dresses, or looks, or their tattoos and piercings, or hair color, etc., we agree with their right to do so. We have freedom. We also don't like how Muslims always make these generalizations about all women in the west, like all of us walk around everyday either in a miniskirt or a bikini, when that is so incredibly far from the truth. We have diversity.

What we don't like is women being forced to cover up. We don't like Muslims threatening non-Muslim women as they have been doing in Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Egypt and Pakistan, etc. Gangs of Muslim men are now threatening women in the UK for not wearing hijab.

What I don't understand is why Muslims don't admit that women have been killed, disfigured, threatened and raped because of the hijab.

As a woman, I know the Islamic garb is oppressive and disgusting until ALL women are free to not wear it without fear. You'd think as a woman you would care what has happened to so many women around the world simply because they didn't wear a lousy piece of cloth on their head. Your lack of concern is what concerns us.
2013-01-23 16:22:26 UTC
First of all, you need to understand that there are cultural differences between people and nobody asked people like the Muslims, who differ from the rest of us, to come here.

What we don't like is the imposition of your foreign values and judgment about us.

We have no problem with how you Muslims dress and behave here as long as it is within reasonable limits.

What we all have a problem with is that Muslims immigrate here begging for refuge, live off our doles and misuse our Welfare System, and then, go around being offensive and violent here.

What you are speaking about is something that a very small percentage of our population might do on an occasion. It doesn't mean that all of us behave that way. Do you see everybody here behaving like they did in whatever video you refer to? No. Because normal people do not behave like that at all.

But, let us now come to the Muslims. Almost all the Muslims come here begging for refuge and claiming that they come here for a better life, then, the large majority of the Muslims become a burden on us by living off the doles and benefits adn, then, those of them who do work are doing the kind of work that is unskilled and low paid like being cab drivers, janitors, bus boys and the like and they don't pay taxes while their others drain our resources by living off our doles and, then, the Muslims demand their mosques and build their ghettos and make a nuisance of themselves here. As if all of this is not enough, the Muslims bring in their imams and mullahs who go around making inflammatory statements and the gangs of Muslim youth go around peddling Afghan drugs and beating up local people who are homosexual etc and then we have to contend with Muslim extremists and their terrorism.

Now, would you want such people to proliferate among you in your Islamic Societies?

What you need to understand is that we have no problems with your dress and it's your imaginary stance and judgment of all of us that we find irritating, especially since it comes from a Community of losers who came begging for refuge here.

We have got fed up with all the problems that you Muslims bring with you and want you all to leave because of that.

Your dress styles are the least of your worries.

2013-01-23 15:08:36 UTC
Hold on for a second.

Muslims are always defending Mohammad having sex with a 9 yr old as being culturally accepted behavor, therefore it was okay.

Well, Western women exposing their heads, arms and legs and occasionally showing some cleavage is also culturally accepted behavior, therefore it is okay.

You can't have it both ways.

Also, dressing provacatively, as you describe, has nothing to do with being taken advantage of by men. That has everything to do with the mindset of the woman, not how she dresses. And frankly, it seems like women walking around having to cover up everything but their eyes is more of an example of being exploited.
2013-01-23 16:01:18 UTC
So the poor young girl in india that was raped and died from horrific injuries asked for it? The young girl that commited suicide because she had been told to marry her rapist asked for it? All because they were dressed incorrectly? These are just two very recent examples, and they are the tip of the iceberg.
Sonja K
2013-01-23 18:20:15 UTC
What's with you? Can Muslims not enjoy same freedom as non-Muslims?

When you have a nice figure, why not flaunt it? I show most of my assets, not hide them.
2013-01-23 15:01:58 UTC
What you do in your country is fine with me. I don't care.

In America women are free to dress comfortably and they can even drive, have jobs and go shopping in public with whoever they want. And not get stoned to death or beaten.
2013-01-23 15:53:32 UTC
That depends on what countries you are on about?

Don't forget that there are some non-Muslims who wear hijabs in some countries. You see them in Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, etc. Many Christian Arab women wear them as laws in some countries impose head coverings on population.

Photo: a hijabi Christian prays in front of Holy Mary statue.

How many hijabis do you see receiving Holy Communion in church?

Hijabis in church

Don't forget that there are SOME Islamic countries that are facing rapid decline of moral standards. They have now squared up with some western countries for lapsed morals. Hey, they are joining the club. Look at the rise of teenage unmarried mothers in Morocco, Pakistan, India, Eygpt, etc. Look first at Morocco for the number of unmarried Muslim mothers. You will not believe your ears and eyes if you find lots of them. .

الأمهات العازبات بالمغرب‬ Single Mother in Morocco

Moroccan single moms cope with hostility, shame

"Single Mother" Trailer

But wait, Pakistan has the highest number of abandoned illegitimate babies in the world.

Wait, abortion clinics around the world receive LOTS and LOTS of unwed pregnant Muslimahs who seek not only abortions, also hymenoplasty or virginity restoration surgeries.

Don't pretend that Muslim women can't have same problems as non-Muslims. Come on, don't pretend that some Muslim women don't dress as provocatively as non-Muslims. You can find a lot of Muslimahs working in brothels in countries like Pakistan. But wait, what about that infamous daughter of IMAM Muhammad Omar Bakri. His daughter Yasmin Fostok worked as a lap-dancer, had slept around with string of men. How about that for an Imam's daughter? Why didn't her Imam father tell her to cover up while she worked in night clubs?

Look at this way, nobody is perfect. You are not perfect. I am not perfect. Nor all the holiest Imams on earth.

Enough said about women? Shall I go on about Muslim men next?
2013-01-23 15:05:03 UTC
We live in a world of materialism sadly. Everyday technology advances and progresses but morality and spirutuality retrogresses even faster. Today depression and frustration takes over the world women are half naked seeking attention from men. Women that are pure and moral cover themselves and modesty is beauty.
Rice Pudding
2013-01-23 15:57:52 UTC
I do agree with your statement..some western women are disgusting in their dress sense

and this is from a christian

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.