►it was not binladen, the man in the video has darker skin,fuller cheaks and a broader nose
osama bin laden brother hired jean ball to give all the investment of the US tothe bin laden family,ball was a personal,life long friend - former pilot - of george w bush
►Carlyle Group,is a company,bush went to ksa to meet the bin laden family on the behalf of that company
H.W. Bush was meeting with osama brother on the morning of 9/11 in Carlyle Group function
►Mahmoud ahmed paki Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI ) director,requested omar sheikh to send 100 000 to muhamad atta - who was the lead hijacker-
Ahmed omar,who admitted that he was supported by the ISI,send money to Muhammad atta
on sept 11,the gov was having breakfast with general Ahmad in washington
►the cars,houses,credits cars of some of the hijackers were paid by the US gov,evidence were planted,eg a passport of one of the alledge hijacker were found intact 0-o yeah right everything got burned but the passport was perfectly ok?!!
several of the 19 hijackers are still alive,though FBI till this day didn't revised the list
►no evidence has ever linked any of the alive or dead hijackers to osama
january 2001,bush administrator order the FBI and the intelligence agencies to back off investigations involving the bin laden family,including 2 of his brothers
bin laden spend 2 weeks in the american hospital in dubai,was treated by an american doctor and visited by CIA agent
if u watch the news back then u can notice that almost everyone testified that there were other "explosions",there was devices planted in the building,a plane can not cz a buliding to collapse
►now lets examine the "story" by the US:
19 hijackers took a commercial jets,with box cutters,evading the air defence system (NORAD) hit 70% of theit targets.
well if we were to believe that stupid story then the US is literally saying that she has no defence at all,for all i know a 10 year old kid could pass the defence system,which is illogical and far away from the reality
►lets shed some light on certain hidden facts:
2 years before 9/11 NORAD do an exercice using a "hijacked airplains" as a weapon and one of the targets was the world trade center,huh coinidence or is it planed all along
operation Mascal ---> plane crash into the pentagon
►lets sum it,its all made by US,now she used alot of ppl as "help" i have a youtube video that state that zionist had also something to do abt it but i didn't watch it yet so im not gonna post a link,but here some very useful link that expose the truth
PS: if u live in ME,someone might close port 80 for u and u wont able to access the site again,so what u have to do is actually copy/past the link and info
►Explosives Found in World Trade Center Dust
►Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe