Prove to me that 9/11 was done by whomever you think it was done?
2009-09-11 01:33:32 UTC
It's been 8 years since the horrific events of 9/11, yet still much of the event remains shrouded in mystery.

A lot of People have been blamed for 9/11 namely:

Al Qaeda, Osama Bin Laden, Taliban, The entire religion of Islam/ All Muslims, Saddam Hussein, Palestinians, The Saudi King, Gays, Lesbians, Zionists, Jews, Israeli Government, Ariel Sharon, Pakistani Government, President Bush, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Rudy Giuliani, Fundamentalist Christians, The Pilots of the Planes, NASA, and the list goes one.

I have not yet seen what I can call substantial "proof" that 9/11 was done by any of these Groups. Even if you go to the FBI's website you'll see that Bin Laden is not wanted for 9/11 ,but for bombing embassies in Africa.

A confession of the actions or a slip of words is not proof that 9/11 was done by "xxxxxx". Also, just because someone liked that the attacks took place or benifited off of it does not mean that they caused it as I see it.

Until now all I have seen or heard are just some phone calls some of the passenger on the plane which really didn't prove anything, although it very well could've been Al Qaeda.

So can any of you prove to me that 9/11 was done by whoever you think it was done???
Nineteen answers:
2009-09-11 03:27:43 UTC
►it was not binladen, the man in the video has darker skin,fuller cheaks and a broader nose

osama bin laden brother hired jean ball to give all the investment of the US tothe bin laden family,ball was a personal,life long friend - former pilot - of george w bush

►Carlyle Group,is a company,bush went to ksa to meet the bin laden family on the behalf of that company

H.W. Bush was meeting with osama brother on the morning of 9/11 in Carlyle Group function

►Mahmoud ahmed paki Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI ) director,requested omar sheikh to send 100 000 to muhamad atta - who was the lead hijacker-

Ahmed omar,who admitted that he was supported by the ISI,send money to Muhammad atta

on sept 11,the gov was having breakfast with general Ahmad in washington

►the cars,houses,credits cars of some of the hijackers were paid by the US gov,evidence were planted,eg a passport of one of the alledge hijacker were found intact 0-o yeah right everything got burned but the passport was perfectly ok?!!

several of the 19 hijackers are still alive,though FBI till this day didn't revised the list

►no evidence has ever linked any of the alive or dead hijackers to osama

january 2001,bush administrator order the FBI and the intelligence agencies to back off investigations involving the bin laden family,including 2 of his brothers

bin laden spend 2 weeks in the american hospital in dubai,was treated by an american doctor and visited by CIA agent

if u watch the news back then u can notice that almost everyone testified that there were other "explosions",there was devices planted in the building,a plane can not cz a buliding to collapse

►now lets examine the "story" by the US:

19 hijackers took a commercial jets,with box cutters,evading the air defence system (NORAD) hit 70% of theit targets.

well if we were to believe that stupid story then the US is literally saying that she has no defence at all,for all i know a 10 year old kid could pass the defence system,which is illogical and far away from the reality

►lets shed some light on certain hidden facts:

2 years before 9/11 NORAD do an exercice using a "hijacked airplains" as a weapon and one of the targets was the world trade center,huh coinidence or is it planed all along

operation Mascal ---> plane crash into the pentagon

►lets sum it,its all made by US,now she used alot of ppl as "help" i have a youtube video that state that zionist had also something to do abt it but i didn't watch it yet so im not gonna post a link,but here some very useful link that expose the truth

PS: if u live in ME,someone might close port 80 for u and u wont able to access the site again,so what u have to do is actually copy/past the link and info

►Explosives Found in World Trade Center Dust

►Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe
2009-09-11 09:59:29 UTC
It was a group plot. Those 19 hijackers did the entire operation by themselves along with "spiritual" support from the likes of Al-Queda.

Why am I saying this? Well, anybody those days can get pilot training. The relatives of the hijakers have not said a thing. There are many unanswered questions regarding 9/11 though.

But then, many people died -.-
2009-09-16 18:26:37 UTC
Islamists are making outlandish claims that no planes had ever hit the ill-fated twin towers. Now they are saying the very same about Boeing 757 never having struck the Pentagon.

Islamists deny as always. They always claim that it was any insider's job. They bribe corrupt American journalists to spread lies in order to defend Islam. Look at how they've bribed American scientists to fabricate their "findings" of miracles in the Quran.
Help is Coming
2009-09-13 11:11:24 UTC
There is no proof that any of these guys did 9/11, for some reason Muslims were just suspected, i don't see why, there are hundreds of non-Muslim terror organizations who put Al-Qaeda to shame. but the media makes the Muslims look so dangerous.
2009-09-11 10:20:48 UTC
well im a ex Australian Air Force Cadet...and i was learning to fly a plane and i know for a fact that a plane cannot cause a building to 'explode' and collapse it will cause damage yes, and catch on fire but there is a 5-10 minute time span before the petrol explodes and that still cannot take down a tower... and 2 planes cannot take down 3 buildings(apparently a buliding next to the tower also collapsed)

a plane would only cause damage to the top area of the crash but the rest of the building would stand fine.

...even if you are an archietect you;d know its impossible
2009-09-11 10:19:43 UTC
Bin laden did not do it.

Watch the video where he is confessing and look at a picture of bin laden and the guy on the video and you will see that the nose is not the same.
2009-09-11 10:45:54 UTC
The stupidity surrounding 9-11 is amazing! Why would we attack ourselves and blame someone else? Before anyone tries to answer that with weak points. If Bush ordered these attacks, do you really think the Democrats and the Left would have let this go? Since Obama is their new god, why aren't they bringing this up?

Conspiracy theorists are hilarious because every one of their "facts" can be disprove and disputed.

What even more stupid is as this day and anniversary is brought back to our attention, this kind of stupidity and asinine ideas will come up throughout the day, and people will have to waste time refuting stupidity and idiocy.

If anything our government hasn't learned a thing and continues to let known terrorists and terrorist backers thrive in the US, including all kinds of fraud and political correctness. Our gutless wonders in Congress, and including the President prefer to roll over and let the attacks continue. Just because some nut with a lust for blood happens to be Muslim, doesn't mean we should give in.

Ha ha, shrouded in mystery? The day of the attacks and several days after, we saw nothing but replays of the jets that brought down the twin towers. There was nothing mysterious about it, the people that caused this are members of what Bush jokingly and panderingly called The Religion of Peace. Even though we all know Islam is responsible or used as an excuse to kill hundreds of people a day.
2009-09-11 10:01:40 UTC
911 was executed by President Bush and his machinery.

Just watch the movie "911 in plain site".

A few glaring things to observe:

1- There was "ABSOLUTELY NO PLANE" in the Pentagon incident.

2- They were claiming that a whole Boeing 777 passed through the Pentagon wall (in front) through a hole that measured 16 ft max. in diameter. And it passed through into the Pentagon through three Steel reinforced Concrete walls amounting to a thickness of 9 feet.

3- There was ABSOLUTELY no wreckage of the plane at the Pentagon site. Unlike the wreckage that was recovered at the twin towers i.e. Wheels, fueslage, Engines and its parts, Seats, Luggage, Tails and wings parts, etc. etc. etc.

There was ABSOLUTELY NOTHING at the Pentagon site.

4- Unlike the plane that hit the WTCs, and burned massive amounts of fuel to raise them to the ground, the damage at Pentagon was minimal considering that the Intercontinental flight would be loaded with maximum fuel that would be several tons and would be enough to turn the whole Pentagon into ashes and yet burn for many days.

5- There are similar inconsistencies in the WTC plane hits.

I would highly recommend to watch the movie.


In addition to that, when Bush was inquired at a school as to what he felt and what was he doing when the WTC incident happened. He got his tongue slipped with what he didn't realize.

" He said that the general walked into my room and gave me the news and I turned to the TV to see that. And I saw the "FIRST" plane to hit the WTC".

This was the most remarkable revealing point of Bush's own confession.

The point to note here is that the WTC collision of the plane was aired and recorded by SEVERAL TV channels. But ALL of them recorded the hit LIVE of "ONLY" the "SECOND" hit. NONE of them was there to record the "FIRST" collision.

The first hit was INDEED recorded. And it was recorded by a French movie channel that was at that time making a documentary movie on the life of "Firemen of Newyork".

The Point to note here is that this channel did "NOT" air the first hit until "MONTHS" later to the incident, when they reached back to France.

The question was "WHO" else was covering the first hit, and how did Mr. Bush know that the first hit is going to come on the TV, from that source !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ????????

Obviously it was Mr. Bush and his machinery himself who did it !!!
Kaye B
2009-09-11 11:20:52 UTC
Bin Laden said he did this. As i think these guys were promised a great after life with 75 virgins.I feel so sorry for people that want greed,what ever race. I'm an Aussie
24 Char Left
2009-09-11 08:44:46 UTC
Do you have the Chinese and Japanese in the suspect list? Those who are Buddhist?
2009-09-11 09:17:10 UTC
personally, I have 2 explanations for 9/11

1. a bunch of islamic racist did the whole thing, note that THOSE PEOPLE ARE SO CLOSE MINDED TO HE EXTINCT THAT THEY EVEN KILL MUSLIMS FOR STUPID REASONS !!! ( the did that in iraq after 2003 and up till this date)

2. former presidet George W.Bush and his goverment did that on purpose just to invade some countries and get oil and stuff
sim sim
2009-09-11 09:37:24 UTC
If the FBI can't prove anything how can we in Ramadan section prove that to you. But it's highly clear that Al Qaeda is responsible for that
2009-09-11 08:54:55 UTC
Global soap opera...yawn.
2009-09-11 09:26:25 UTC
2009-09-11 11:55:54 UTC
if people can be brainwashed into believing that it was the u.s. government did 9/11. then some people can be brainwashed into believing anything.
lebanese Spirit
2009-09-11 08:45:10 UTC
i watched on youtube but dont have it anymore ... it was an inside job.

ppl dont be like puppets following what ppl say.

no one deny that osama bn laden is a terrorist but this was an inside job...lets use our brain for once here.
2009-09-11 11:57:25 UTC
There are more questions than answers.
2009-09-11 08:38:11 UTC
... umm didnt Bin Laden claim it through a video tape that he did it... what more digging u want to do... he claimed it and no1 else stepped up and said anything else...
2009-09-11 11:10:55 UTC
israel did 9/11

here's proof:

and here's more proof:

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.