Muslims...Ever heard of the "Four Wives" story?
2008-01-06 14:03:49 UTC
There was a rich merchant who had four (4) wives.

He loved the 4th wife the most and adorned her with rich robes and treated her to delicacies. He took great care of her and gave her nothing but the best.

He also loved the 3rd wife very much. He's very proud of her and always wanted to show off her to his friends. However, the merchant is always in great fear that she might run away with some other men.

He too, loved his 2nd wife. She is a very considerate person, always patient and in fact is the merchant's confidante. Whenever the merchant faced some problems, he always turned to his 2nd wife and she would always help him out and tide him through difficult times.

Now, the merchant's 1st wife is a very loyal partner and has made great contributions in maintaining his wealth and business as well as taking care of the household. However, the merchant did not love the first wife and although she loved him deeply, he hardly took notice of her.
Sixteen answers:
2008-01-06 15:48:08 UTC
mashallah great comparison
2014-09-25 17:44:52 UTC
With every day pass, our country is getting into more and more trouble. The inflation, unemployment and falling value of dollar are the main concern for our Government but authorities are just sleeping, they don’t want to face the fact. Media is also involve in it, they are force to stop showing the real economic situation to the people. I start getting more concern about my future as well as my family after watching the response of our Government for the people that affected by hurricane Katrina.

According to recent studies made by World Bank, the coming crisis will be far worse than initially predicted. So if you're already preparing for the crisis (or haven't started yet) make sure you watch this video at and discover the 4 BIG issues you'll have to deal with when the crisis hits, and how to solve them fast (before the disaster strikes your town!) without spending $1,000s on overrated items and useless survival books.
2016-05-23 02:20:28 UTC
Great story! Not even remotely stupid. However, I would be remiss if I did not urge you in the strongest language possible, that you immediately advise your clients, the Three Little Pigs ["TTLP"]. should they wish to relocate to the West Coast. You need to inform them that California Health and Safety Code forbids building domiciles out of straw, sticks, or unreinforced masonry - as they are all extremely vulnerable to earthquakes, storms, floods, and wildfires - and are therefore, illegal in the State of California. If, however, TTLP prefer the look and feel if brick, it is legal in California to retrofit brick buildings with steel rebar. Such reinforced structures gave been shown to hold up well to storms, earthquakes, floods, wildfires, and occasional Huffing and Puffing.
2008-01-07 05:46:44 UTC
Wow! Thats such a beautiful story! And so true. Right now I feel like I'm spending more time with my '4th wife' lol. Thanks for the site!

dr ~alzheimer : thats some long answer lol, copy and paste answers are officially banned on Y!A..........
2008-01-06 15:25:46 UTC
How beautiful and true. If it had to be among human being, I would have tried to be like first wife and I know I am like that but coming to the logical part then yes of course, best for those who understands that :) ~!
2008-01-06 16:15:20 UTC
Yes I have heard this story before, It's a nice story.
Triple A
2008-01-06 15:05:11 UTC
WOW!! That was a nice story, and everything in the story was true.
wht is diz (BOYCOTT ISRAEL)
2008-01-06 14:14:39 UTC
........."Then a voice called out: "I'll leave with you. I'll follow you no matter where you go."

i only liked this part=))



@ ninja@proud, i still want to be in your class, tell me when should i come? cant wait 2 hear your hot voice :X:X
2008-01-06 14:40:33 UTC
I think it is very meaningfull. I have read it before.

LOL @ Wht Is Diz- It isn't a romantic story!! =) Read please, oh wait no wonder you wanted to be in my class, you can't read properly (",)
2008-01-07 04:51:22 UTC
woow i liike it!!

i thought it was gonna b some muslim thingy =P

But really nice :D
The Dragon Reborn
2008-01-10 06:35:21 UTC
nice parable
Faraj - King Of Ramadan Section
2008-01-06 18:47:48 UTC
MashAllah that was nice.
2008-01-06 15:02:25 UTC
No thank you sister, now i do.
Miss Lady
2008-01-06 14:12:37 UTC
i like it!
Knowing Gnostic
2008-01-06 17:53:06 UTC
I like this story thanks.
2008-01-07 02:51:20 UTC
129. Walan tastateeAAoo an taAAdiloo bayna alnnisa-i walaw harastum fala tameeloo kulla almayli fatatharooha kaalmuAAallaqati wa-in tuslihoo watattaqoo fa-inna Allaha kana ghafooran raheeman

004.129 Ye are never able to be fair and just as between women, even if it is your ardent desire: But turn not away (from a woman) altogether, so as to leave her (as it were) hanging (in the air). If ye come to a friendly understanding, and practise self-restraint, God is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful

Here is a list of links that I highly recommend:

* You can do a word search (press ctrl-F keys) to narrow down the topics.

Muslim sites on Christianity Muslim sites on Islam

Brother Sami Zaatari's web site.

Brother Karim's web site.

Many downloadable AUDIO lectures by Dr. Zakir Naik. For FREE!

Debate -- Zakir Naik VS Arab Christian Preacher: Was Jesus Crucified?

Dr. Zakir Naik and Sri Sri Ravishankar on the concept GOD Almighty in Hinduism and Islam.

Ample AUDIO Lectures/Debates by Dr. Zakir Naik.

Sheikh Ahmed Deedat's Official Web Site.

Dr. Yusuf Estes' site. He is an American convert to Islam. A wonderful web site done by an American-convert brother. This is brother Mohammad Elfie Nieshaem Juferi's (MENJ) web site. It has excellent material refuting many of the lies against Islam, and it is constantly growing.

NooruAllah Web Site. A very good web site with excellent articles.

Why Christians Convert to Islam? A very good web site by brother Frank, who is a new convert to Islam. The site contains several comparative-religions articles writing by brother Frank. An audio web site by brother Eslam, a new convert to Islam, on politics and Islamic issues. The brother has his own talk show. Listen to audio this clip regarding 9/11: The biggest lie in History!

usislam_logo.jpg (8370 bytes) A very good web site by Dr. Adel Elsaie. He has written a very thorough book that deals with (1) Existence of GOD Almighty; (2) Comparative Religions regarding Judaism, Christianity and Islam; (3) Scientific Miracles in the Noble Quran. The book is called "History of Truth - the Truth about GOD and Religions." He has some thorough articles regarding different topics and sections on Islam and a host of links for further research. I especially like the following articles:

1- Muslims and 5 US presidents do not believe in trinity. Thomas Jefferson even read the Noble Quran and taught himself some Arabic!

2- The ecumenical councils of Church, and how Jesus was made part of the trinity. Read what happened in the first 7 council. Many Christians do not know about the important facts in this article.

dr_hamid.jpg (4008 bytes)

The Peace Propagation Center. Run by brother Mir Imran Ali. A very classical web site in design by Dr. Hamid with AUDIO lectures about Islam and comparative religions. A growing and interactive web site with debates dong by the Muslim brother who runs the site. A growing comparative-religions web site with a listing of several Islamic books that deal with Muslim-Christian dialogues. Managed by brother Mohammed Muslim.

Exposing the false trinity - A youtube channel by brother Brahim.

Rebuttals by brother AK47_Mujahideen:


Refutation to lies made by "christian prince" regarding the "Right hand possessions".


Refutation to "answering islam" on Islam's view of the Bible's corruption.

Rebuttals by brother Dan_1988:


Does Quran Promote Killing of Innocent especially non-muslims? How do you explain 9:5, 8:12, 2:191, 4:88 and many others?


Why did Prophet Muhammed Marry Aisha At a Young Age? Is that Morally Right? What about Pedophilia?


Does Surah Nisa 4:34 Degrades Women? Is It True 4:34 Encourages "Beating"? An Islam-defending web site with ample comparative religion articles in Arabic. Very good web site for Arabic speaking Muslims who are actively defending Islam on the web.

The True Call. A very good web site by a group of brothers that covers a variety of topics regarding Islam and other comparative religions subjects.

Resurrection Accounts of Jesus(pbuh) in Bible?

Muhammad In The Bible. By Dr. Jamal Badawi. A message board in Arabic with some very good links and sections that deal with the Noble Quran and the Hadiths (Sayings of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him).

Bible Contrasts. A very good web site done by brother Saifullah and his team. I especially like their sections on:

1- The different canons (new testaments) of the Bible.

2- Responses to so-called Errors in the Noble Quran.

3- The history of the Noble Quran's Preservation, with captured images of early Quran's manuscripts.

Even Christians say the Bible is full of errors.

The Ten Commandments and Confirmation in Quran.

25 Fascinating facts about the Dead Sea Scrolls. This is a non-Muslim site.

Barnabas, His Gospel, and its Credibility. and Great sites done by brother Faisal Al Muhtadi regarding Christianity and Islam. He is a new convert to Islam. A thought-provoking book of non-conformist comparative religion, the First and Final Commandment analyses the Islamic claim of continuity of revelation from Judaism to Christianity and, in the end, to Islam. The fragility of traditional Judeo-Christian teachings is confronted, and refreshing insights offered.

Understanding Islam. A great web site that covers vast areas in Islam and Christianity and responds to many of the false charges against the Noble Quran.

Muslims Answers A great web site by brother Robert Squires.

Talking to Christians about Islam A great web site by brother Shabir Ally.

The Religious Truth. A web site with excellent articles and points that refute trinity right from the Bible.

Jews for Allah. This is a great site for the Jews who wish to convert to Islam.

Another great site for Answering Christianity. Done by a 13 year old brother, may Allah Almighty bless him and always be pleased with him. Has all of Ahmed Deedat's books.

A great book on Islam and Christianity. This site recieves 300 hits per day.

For New Muslims or people who want to know more about comparative religion.

Another site for New Muslims or people who want to know more about comparative religion.

Taqwa'ul Islam (the faith for Islam) on line.

A great site that exposes many things about Trinity, and lists what Jesus really said.

Many Comparative Articles Here

New Islamic channel to expose the missionaries.

Muslim Christian Dialogue

Islam and Christianity Over forty articles


Who is Our Saviour and other Important Questions

Comparative Articles Here

Many Comparative Articles Here

More Comparative Articles

Tons Of Comparative Articles Here

The Doctrine of Original Sin

What Do Muslims Think About Jesus?


Birth of Jesus in Gospels and Qur'an

Jesus as seen in Christianity and Islam

Another article on the birth of Jesus in Gospels and Qur'an

What Did Jesus Really Say?

The Trinity A Muslim Perspective

According To The Christian Bible, Other Prophets Other Than Jesus Also Performed Miracles

The Term "SON OF GOD" In The Bible

That statement of Jesus

Prophesies of Muhammad In The Bible

Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh) in the book of Moses

The Dispute about Paraclete

Ex-Ribbis witness from Isaiah


The Woman's Status in Christianity & Islam

Another Article Regarding Corruption In The Torah

Let The Bible Speak For Itself


Corruption Of The Torah: Did mankind tamper with the Old Testament?

Muslims Believe in ALL OF The BOOKS OF ALLAH, although the books before the Qu'ran were tampered with.

Various Dawah Articles

Missionary Traps for Muslims

Truth About Original Sin

Christian Traps for Muslims

Virgin Mary as seen in Christianity and Islam

Comprehensive Information On The Gospel Of Barnabas

What Did Jesus Say About Christmas

What Every Muslim Should Know About Christmas

Muslims and Christians working together. Although this is a Christian site, but I feel that it is a good one that helps us to gain love with Christians and understand them better.

Frequently asked questions about the Bible.

Crucifiction. By Sheikh Ahmed Deedat.

The Bible, the Quran and Science. Written by Dr Maurice Bucaille. In his work, Dr. Baucille proves that the Quran correctly stated scientific facts unknown at the time of the Prophet - showing its divine origin!

Textual Variants of the Bible.

Islam and the US Constitution. See similarities between Islam and the US Constitution.

What is Christianity? By brother Salih.


Comparative Religion

* Bible/Torah

o What is the sign of Jonah?

o Let the Bible Speak

o Corruption of the Torah

o What the Bible Says about Muhammad(pbuh)

o The Truth About The Original Sin by Dr. Abdallah H. Al-Kahtany

o Is The Bible GOD'S Word (AHMED DEEDAT)

o Who Owns the Old Testament

o Is the Bible God's Word?

o What is His Name?

o Who Moved the Stone?

o 50,000 Errors in the Bible

o The Bible Led Me to Islam

o Examining The Bible

o The Bible ... a closer look

o A List of Biblical Contradictions

* Jesus


The Muslim View of the Ascension of Jesus


o The Ultimate Test of Jesus

o Did Jesus and Isaiah PROPHESY the coming of MUHAMMAD?

o The God That Never Was

o Christ in Islam


o The Truth About Jesus by Dr. Maneh Al-Johani

o What Did Jesus Really Say?

o Mary & Jesus in Quran

o The reality of Jesus

o What is his name? by Ahmed Deedat




Some Thoughts on the 'Proofs' of the Alleged Divinity of Jesus by Dr. Gary Miller


The Descent of Jesus near the End of Time - The correct beliefs regarding the return of Prophet Jesus(P)

* On Halloween

* Christian Missionaries Sweeping the Islamic World

* Women in Islam Versus Women in The Judaeo-Christian Tradition: The Myth & The Reality

* Muslim's Survival Guide to Christmas

* Muslim Perspective On Christmas

* Material on the Authenticity of the Qur`an And Proofs that it is a Revelation from Allah by Shiakh Abdul-Raheem Green

* Combat Kit

* The God That Never Was

* April fool


Far Exalted is He Above Having a Son - A brief but brilliant dialogue between the Muslim scholar al-Baqilani and a Roman Emperor


The Difference between the Bible and the Qur'an by Dr. Gary Miller


The Christian Doctrine of Original Sin - Why should you be held responsible for a sin you did not commit ? Unlike Christianity, Islam teaches that you were born pure and sinless


RolaAus - A discussion with a Christian on some of the fundamentals of Christianity


Comparisons Between Islam and Farrakhanism (Nation of Islam)


Atheists are Polytheists!

Islam And Christianity:

Basic beliefs of Christians and Muslims side by side

Jesus The Islamic and Christian Views Compared


How did Christianity become mixed with polytheistic beliefs?

Muslim Christian Dialogue

Jesus (peace be upon him) In The Holy Quran

The Truth About Prophet Jesus

The Real Story Of Mary From the Holy Quran

Birth Story of Jesus From the Holy Quran

Christ in Islam by Ahmed Deedat

Who is our Savior? (Allah or Jesus)

Is Jesus the same as God ?

What Is His Nature? (God In Christianity) By Naji Al-Arfaj (PDF)

The True Message of Jesus Christ By Dr. Bilal Philips

Jesus - The Hidden Facts!

True Christianity

Who Was Jesus According to Jesus

The Bible Denies the Divinity of Jesus

What Did Jesus Really Say?

The God That Never Was

Prophet Jesus (PBUH) Never Claimed Divinity

You Say You Follow Jesus' Teachings ???

Who invented the Trinity?

Was Jesus Sent to be Crucified?

Let the Bible speak PDF

The Bible Led Me to Islam

What the Bible Says About Muhammed by Ahmed Deedat

What all Christians and Jews MUST know about the Bible

Examining The Bible

Examining The Quran

Is the Bible the word of God ? Video

The Bible ... a closer look

Gospel of Barnabas !

Barnabas, His Gospel, and its Credibility

A List of Biblical Contradictions

50,000 Errors in the Bible!

What is the Relationship between Christianity and Buddhism ?

Comparisons between Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism and Islam

Comparative Religion (Zakir Naik page)

Islam Compared With Other Religions (Audio)

Jews To Islam!

Jews for Allah!

Questions for Jehavoh's Witnesses

Corruption of the Torah ?

Trinity Explained

Muslim Answers

Selected Verses from The Holy Quran a Christian Need to Read

Answering Missionaries

Islam Answers (from Bible!)

Islam Answers Back

Islamic Awareness against Christian missionary lies

Veiws of Non-Muslim Scientists about Islam

What Have They Said About Islam? (Audio)

The Call to Islam Club (A Place to Debate or Discuss Your Views and Islam)

Links about Christian-Muslim Debate

Hinduism exposed

50 Qeustions And Answers On Islamic Monotheism

Aqeedat (creed of ) Ahl Assunnah Waljama'ah by Shaikh Ibn Uthaimeen

33 Lessons For Every Muslim

Allah's Attributes & The Mistake of Changing Their Meanings

Prophet Muhammad Peace be upun him :

Muhammad (PBUH): The World’s Great Prophet

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH): Allah’s Messenger to the Whole Mankind

Twelve Proofs that Muhammad is a true Prophet

The Prophet (PBUH) as the Model for Truthfulness and Trustworthiness

Muhammad the Greatest by Ahmad Deedat

What the Bible Says About Muhammad (PBUH) ?

Did Jesus and Isaiah PROPHESY the coming of MUHAMMAD (PBUH) ?

Muhammad in the Bible: What all Christians and Jews MUST know about the Bible

The Natural Successor to Christ by Ahmad Deedat

Prophet Muhammad in Hindu Scriptures

Prophet Muhammad In Parsi Scriptures

What Famous Non-Muslims Say About Prophet Muhammad ?

Muhammad's Prophethood an Analytical View

The Final Prophet

Articles about the Final Prophet

Life of prophet Muhammed (PBUH)

Love of the Prophet (PBUH) by Dr. Bilal Philips [part1] [part2]

The story of Muhammad (PBUH) read by Yusuf Islam

Adherence to Islam and Reviving it Based on the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

Companions of The Prophet 2 3

dr_zaghlool_al-naggar.gif (22465 bytes)

zaghlool_alnajjar.jpg (9589 bytes)

His English site is finally up and running (after years of waiting)

See his AUDIOs in English and Arabic

Dr. Zahlool Al-Najjar is a great Muslim Geologist and Scientist who wrote many books, publications (131 publications as shown on his resume in English), and 10s of journals and reports proving many of the Noble Quranic Geological and Scientific Claims to be accurate through Modern Science and Technologies.

He is well known in the Scientists community of Geology in both the US and Europe, because much of his work and research, especially during his early days of scientific research, was done in these countries while he resided and studied in them.

01banner1_hy.gif (11817 bytes) (Comprehensive)

Miracles of the Noble Quran. Video files.

book-cover-small.jpg (13251 bytes)

A great book that contains several articles backed by good Scientific references that prove several of the Noble Quran's Scientific Miracles.

New Islamic Portal

The Quran's miracles in every area of science --- Embryology, oceanography, geology, and more. By the web site.

Islam Online. A web site that contains the great work of the Egyptian Sheikh (Minister) Yusuf Al-Qaradawi; may Allah Almighty always be pleased with him.

For Islam. A great web site by brother Amr, who is an Egyptian Muslim Minister who talks about the good manners and morals in Islam on A.R.T. TV.

A great web site built by a Muslima sister who recently embraced Islam. May Allah Almighty always be pleased with her.

Message of Islam to Humankind. An invitation to discover Islam, the natural religion of man. Introductory material, myths debunked, God, monotheism, Christianity, refuting anti-Islamic claims, the web's largest collection of converts' stories, free email & much more. Updated frequently! (in Dutch language)

The Islamic Training Foundation Web Site. Teaches about rules for being an employee and employer in Islam.

Comparative Studies, questions & Answers to the most spotlighted issues in Islam. Link to Yusuf Ali's translation of the Quran. Islamic City Center of Islamic resources geared towards Muslims. Quran, Ahadith, Prayer Time, etc.

The Islam Page --- A storehouse of links to information about all areas of Islam.

Hadith (sayings of Prophet Mohammed peace be upon him), hear the Holy Quran with RealAudio. Principles of Islam.

Learn more about Islam, woman in Islam, organization, comparative religion, and other things.

Islam and its divinity. Find local mosques searched by zip codes or states, learn about the Muslims status in the U.S., learn about community activities done by Muslims, and you can also donate to help the poors.

Bridgebuilding Between Christian and Muslim

Basic beliefs of Christians and Muslims side by side

God as seen in Christianity and Islam

Listen To Inter-Faith Dialogues (J. Badawi)

Islam On The Rise (Some comparative info)

Black Stone

Tolerance In Islam


The Buhayra Monk Incident (Refutes the claim that the prophet got his teachings from Christian sources)

The Justice Paradigm Koran and the Scientific Study of Society.

Racism , the West and the Third World.

Arabic Translation Site. This site translates sites from different languages into Arabic.

Nassira Network. Fights the incomprehension and the rejection of one of the most visible symbols of Islam: The veil (hijab).

The Zum Zum Water in Saudi Arabia

Stories of new Muslims. A great site about teaching Islam.

The-Islam.Com. Islamic directory on very good Islamic sites on the internet, and Islamic donations.

Islamic– A very good site about Islam and Islamic history and information. Has a good collection of Islamic articles.

Muslim Student's Association of SUNNY Binghamton. Islamic information from a university perspective. Muslims at Binghamton University have gathered material for both Muslims and non-Muslims alike, and have included great mp3 files of the qur'an.

Islamic site in French.

Arab Marriage Connection. Its called the "Arab Marriage Connection" and is a site for Muslimahs (or their families) to find good brothers and vice-versa, Insha'Allah. The site is closely monitored to make sure everything is modest.

Scientific Miracles in the Noble Quran by Harun Yahya.

An ON LINE Dictionary to the Arabic words used in the Noble Quran.

History in the Noble Quran V.S. the Bible. The Noble Quran's claims were historically proven to be Truthful, while the Bible had many errors and discrepancies.

What would Prophet Muhammad do? This site was made by brother William Colletti; an American Muslim brother who embraced Islam.

Islamic Center of Alameda, California. A great site with a great variety of search engines for the Noble Quran, Hadiths (Sayings of Prophet Muhammad), and other Islamic topics such as Prayers, Marriage, etc... A 6-year old boy memorized the Noble Quran.

A New Muslim's Guide to Islam.

Islam, Quran and Al-Qiyamah (Day of Judgement).

Shedding some Light on Islam. This web site uses flash technology that plays neat looking videos about Islam and Christianity.


Introduction for Non Muslims

* Islam: The True Religion

* A Brief Illustrated Guide to Understanding Islam

* Islam is your BIRTHRIGHT

* The Best Way to Live and Die

* Introduction to Islam

* The Muslim Belief

* I want to be a Muslim..Now what?

* How to become a Muslim

* Stories of People finding the truth

* Your Way to Islam

* 50 Questions And Answers On Islamic Monotheism

* This is the TRUTH - Newly Discovered Scientific facts Revealed

* Certainty: Condition of "La ilaha ill Allah"

* Shahada - Confession of Faith

* I Want to embrace Islam but ... - Answers to common excuses for not entering Islam

* Embracing Islam! - Questions and Answers

* The Meaning Of The Testimony Of Faith by Mahmoud Murad

* The Tears of Finding the Truth

* The Principles of Islam

* The Sword of Islam

* This Message is For You by By shaikh Mahmoud Murad

* Islam - A Religion of Terror?- The truth about Jihad, suicide bombings, terrorism, and the media

* The Basis of Islamic Belief by Dr. Gary Miller, a former Christian missionary.

* Islam! - The Modern Alternative

* A Quick Introduction to Islam

* Who is Allah -Allah is the Arabic word for God.


The Existence of God


Chance or Intelligence ?


Four Rules of Pure Monotheism


Islam Always

The Noble Quran:

* Quran Information

* Topic Index of the Quran

* Index of Quran by Surah

* Search Quran by Word

* Search Quran in Arabic or English

* Quran in Arabic script

* Transliteration of the Quran

* Translations of the Holy Quran

o Swahili

o Dutch

o German

o Spanish

o French

o Indonesian

o Bosnian

o Thai

o Urdu

o Italian

o Japanese

o Albanian

o Malaysian

o Turkish

o Chinese

o Bangla

o Portuguese

o Russian


o The Noble Quran English translation by Dr. Muhsin Khan and Dr. Muhammad Al-Hilali

* Tafseer (An explanation of the verses of the Quran)

o How Tafseer is Performed? by Ibn Taymeeyah

o Tafsir Ibn Kathir

o In the Shade of the Quran - Part 30 by Sayyid Qutb

o Explanation of Surah al-Ikhlaas - The Chapter of Purity by Shaykh-ul-Islam Taqi ad-Deen Ibn Taymiyyah

o Explanation of the First Verse in Soorah al-Hujuraat by Dr. Bilal Philips

o Adwaa al-Bayaan by MUHAMMAD AL-AMEEN ASH-SHANQEETEE (Tafseer translated into English)

o The Tafseer of Sooratun-Nabaa`(79) by Dr. Saalih as-Saalih

o The Tafseer of Sooratul Fatihah - Compiled from the tafaaseer of at-Tabaree, al-Qurtubee, Ibn Katheer, ash-Shawkaanee, as-Sadee, and ash-Shanqeetee.

o The Explanation of Sooratul Furqaan (25:44) - By Imaam Muhammad al-Ameen ash-Shanqeetee

o Tafseeru Aayatil Kursi By Shaykh Al-’Uthaymeen

o Signs of Allah’s Existence

o A Reminder of the Story of `Aad and Thamud Imam Ibn Kathir

o Al-Hamdulillaah

o Allah Grants Help and Victory to Followers of the True Deen Imam Ibn ul Qayyim al Jawziyyah

o Commentary on the Basmala Imam at-Tabari

o Commentary on the Verse 35:32 Imam Ibn Taymiyyah

o Explanation of Soorah al-`Asr - The Time Imam Ibn Kathir

o Explanation of Soorah al-Kaafiroon - The Disbelievers Imam Ibn Kathir

o Explanation of Soorah al-Qadr Imam Ibn Kathir

o Explanation of the First Verse in Soorah al-Hujuraat Dr. Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips

o Seek Help in Patience and Prayer (Explanation of 2:153-154) Imam Ibn Kathir

o Tafseer of az-Zalzalah (99):7-8 Imam Ibn Kathir

o Tafseer of the Salaf Imam Ibn Taymiyyah

o Tafseer Soorah al-Faatihah `Allaamah Muhammad al-Ameen ash-Shanqeetee

o Tafseer Soorah al-Kawthar Imam Ibn Kathir

o The Help of Allaah And His Victory `Allaamah Muhammad al-Ameen ash-Shanqeetee

o The Life of this World is Fleeting Enjoyment Imam Ibn Kathir

o Two Episodes of Jewish Mischief [From Tafsir Soorah al-`Isra] Imam Ibn Kathir

o Virtues of Reciting Specific Parts of the Qur'an

* Articles about the Quran

o A Guide to Memorizing the Quran

o Ulum al Quran - Intro to the Sciences of the Quran by AHMAD VON DENFFER

o The Way to the Quran by Khurram Murad

o Memorizing the Quran - Some Rules

o Four Basic Quranic Terms by Syed Abul-Ala Maududi

o An Interesting Aspect of the Qur'aan's Miraculous Nature by Dr. Bilal Philips/Dr. Maurice Bucaille

o On the Inimitability of the Qur'aan's Literary Style, About the Miracle of Its Rhyme and the Marvel of Its Rhythm From "Usool at-Tafseer" by Dr. Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips

o Tafseer of the Salaf - by Ibn Taymiyyah

o Warning From Abandoning the Qur'aan

o How To Benefit From the Qur'aan

o Excellent Qualities of Quran by by Imam Muhammed Bin Abdul Wahab

o The requirement for Tahara for reciting/touching the Quran by Jamal Zarabozo

o The Excellence of the Followers of the Qur'an

o The Veneration of the Mighty Qur'an by Imam al-Bayhaqi

o The Qur'anic Path

o The Names and Attributes of the Quraan Shaykh Muhammad Jameel Zeeno

o The Miracle of Qur'anic Eloquence and Style By Dr. Abdul Radhi Muhammad Abdul Mohsen

o The Virtues of the Qur'an [Part 1, Part 2] By Shaykh `Abdul Qadir al-Arna'oot

o 22 Dua from The Holy Quran

o The Meaning of The Pronoun "We" As Used in The Qur'aan

* Recitation of the Quran (Audio Files)

o Recitation of Sura Fathiha by Shiekh Saad Al-Ghamdhi of Saudi Arabia

* Tajweed (How to properly Recite the Holy Quran)

o Rules of Recitation


* Hadith

o Search all collections of Hadiths

o Riyad-us-Saliheen Compiled By Al-Imam Abu Zakariya Yahya bin Sharaf An-Nawawi Ad-Dimashqi

o Chapter 1 from Sharh Riyaad-is-Saalieheen (Explanation of Riyaad-us-Saaliheen) - Shaykh Saleem al-Hilaalee

o Sahih Bukhari Hadith Database (Includes on-line text search)

o Sahih al-Bukhari.Com

o Sahih Muslim (Partial)

o Sahih Muslim (Full Translation)

o Sunan Abu Dawud

o Muwatta Malik

o An-Nawawis Forty Hadeeth

o Forty Hadith Qudsi

o The Prophet's Last Sermon

o Authentic Supplications of the Prophet by Waleed K.S. Al-Essa

o Guide to Understanding An-Nawawi's 40 Hadeeth

o Indispensability of Hadith

o Hadeeth Verification

o Hadeeth- Rules for Acceptance and Transmission

o Some Commonly Quoted Fabricated Ahaadeeth

o Rules Governing the Criticism of Hadeeth

o The Science of Hadith

* Seerah (Biography of the Prophet Muhammad (saw))

o AR-RaheeQ Al-Makhtum (THE SEALED NECTAR): A biography of the Prophet (saw)

o The Last Prophet of God

o The Message of the Prophet's Seerat by Abul A'la Mawdudi

o Twelve Proofs that Muhammad (peace be upon him) was a True Prophet

o The Prophet Muhammads Conduct and Morals as an Evidence of His Prophethood By Dr. Abdul Radhi Muhammad Abdul Mohsen

o The Fiqh us-Seerah Epilogue By Shaykh Muhammad al-Ghazali


o Description of the Prophet (SAW) #1

* Importance of the Sunnah

o The authority of the Prophet and his Sunnah

o On the Obligation of Man to Accept the Authority of the Prophet (sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam) - by al-Imaam ash-Shaafi`ee

o The Status of Sunnah in Islam

o Using The Aahaad Hadith In Issues Of `Aqidah

o Examining Our Love for the Prophet sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam

o What is Related From the Early Muslims and Imams About Following the Sunnah - by Qadi `Iyyaad

o Rights of the Prophet, sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam - by Sh. Muhammad Saalih Aal-`Uthaymeen

o Introduction to The Sunnah and Its Position in the Islamic Law

o Following the Messenger of Allah is a Must

o The Deviation of those who are satisfied with The Qur'an to the exclusion of Hadeeth

* Status of Ahaadeeth in:

o "The Lawful and Prohibited in Islaam"

o Riyad-us-Saliheen

o Signs Before the Day of Judgement

o Adab al-Mufrad of Imaam Bukhaaree

Fundamental Beliefs in Islam

* Islam: The True Religion

* Pillars of Faith - Sh.Ja`far Sheikh Idris

o Introduction

o God

o The Hereafter

o The Angels

o The Books

o The Messengers

o Qadar

o Conclusions

* The Necessity to Refer to the Qur'an and Sunnah

* Rights of Allah by Sh. Ibn `Uthaymeen

* Kitaab Sharh us-Sunnah of Imaam al-Barbahaaree

* Taqwiyat-ul-Iman

* Mankind's Greatest Need

* The Important Lessons for the Muslim Ummah by Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah bin Baz

* Aqeedah: The Muslim Belief by Shiakh Mohammad Ibn Salih Al-Uthaimeen

* Authentic Islaamic 'Aqeedah & What Opposes it by Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah bin Baz

* The Prerequisites of the Declaration of Faith by Jamal al-Din Zarabozo

* Aqeedatul-Waasitiyyah by Ibn Taymiyyah

* General Prescripts of Belief in the Qur'an and Sunnah

* Three chapters from "The Fundamentals of Tawheed" by Abu Ameenah Philips

* Two documents on Tawheed from Abul A'La Mawdudi's "Towards Understanding Islam"

o Tawhid: Faith in the Unity of God

o The Effects of Tawhid on Human Life

* The Finality of Prophethood by S. ABUL A'LA MAUDUDI

* Visions of the Jinn

* Confirmation That Judaism And Christianity Are Forms Of Disbelief

* Sharh Al-Aqeetdat-il-Wasatiya

* The Origins of Shirk by Shaikh Naasir ud-Deen al-Albaanee.

* Al-Lateef - One of Allah's Beautiful Names

* How Do We Know What Is and What Is Not a Bid`ah?

* The Book of Eemaan by Abu Ubaid al-Qaasim bin Sallaam

* The Islamic Ruling on Horoscopes by Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips

* 50 Questions and Answers on Islamic Monotheism

* Al-`Uboodiyyah by Imam Ibn ul-Qayyim al-Jawziyyah

* Shirk in Love

* Certainty: Condition of "La ilaha ill Allah" By Shaykh `Obaid bin `Abdullah bin Sulaiman al-Jabiri

* Causes of Provision

* The religion of Islam (Hadha A-Din) by Seyyid Qutb

* Ketab at-Tawhid by Muhammad ibn 'Abd al Wahhab

* Perfection of the Shariah

* The Love of Allah by Shaykh Adnaan Abdul-Qaadir

* The Believer Follows By Imam Ibn Taymiyyah

* Allaah's support for His believing slaves

* Important Principles concerning Allaah's Names and Attributes by Muhammad Ibn Saalih Al-'Uthaimeen

* Belief in the Angels

* Explaining the Pillars of Iman

* Abrahamic Faiths By Ali Al-Tamimi

o Disbelief of Ahl ul Kitab in Messengers of Allah

o Changing of Allah's Religion by Ahl ul Kitab

o Ahl ul Kitab Are Disbelievers and Abraham Was a Muslim

o Belief in the Prophet Muhammad is Required

o Christians' Disbelief With Regards to the Hereafter

o Christians' Changing of Allah's Laws

o Clarifying Misconceptions


* Wudoo'

o A Description of How the Prophet (SAW) Made Wudoo'.( Postscript File here)

o The Complete Guidance on the Rulings of Wiping

o Wiping over Footwear, Bandages and Turbans for Wudoo

o Guidelines for Performing Tayammum

o The Etiquettes of Relieving Oneself

* Description of Prayer (Salaat)

o The Prophet's Prayer sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam from the beginning to the end as though you see it by: Shaikh Muhammad Naasir-ud-Deen Al-Albaani


o The Etiquette for Salat al-Jumuah By Jamal Zarabozo

o Errors in Prayers that must be Avoided

o Jumah and Khutbah Guidelines

o Straightening The Rows And Joining The Feet In Congregational Prayer - Shaykh Muhammad Naasir Ud-Deen al-Albaanee

o On the Imaamate of Women

o Connecting the lines for prayer by Abu Khaliyl

o Pushing back the one who passes in front of the one who is praying and the sin that is upon the passer by Imaam ash-Shawkaanee

o Factors That Facilitate Performance of the Night Prayer

o The manner in which the Night Prayer is performed

o Right Way to Pray

o The Prostration of Forgetfulness

o Three Common Mistakes made after Prayer

o Praying Alone in the Last Row of Prayer

o Simplifying The Two Prostrations of Forgetfulness in Salaah

* Benefits of Prayer

o Humility in Prayer by al-Haafidh Zaynud-Deen Ibn Rajab al-Hanbalee

o Khushoo in the Prayer

o The Benefit of the Worshipper Standing Before his Lord

o Mending the Rift: Guidelines to help you observe Fajr Prayer

o Has Prayer Lost It's Power? by Sayyid Abul Al'a Maududi

o 33 Ways of developing Khushoo’ in Salaah by Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid

o Salaat ad-Duhaa (the Forenoon Prayer)- From Ibn Hajar's Buloogh ul-Maraam

o The Importance of Prayer by Jamaal Zarabozo

o Why Do We Pray?

o Developing Humility in Prayer, Part 2 By Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal

o Developing Humility in Prayer, Part 1 By Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal

o Leaving the `Asr Prayer

o Abandoning Prayer

o Prayer in Congregation

o The Importance of Salat

o Virtues of the Prayer

o Neglecting the Prayer

o Establish the Prayers and the Prize is Paradise ( Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 ) by Abdul Malik Al Qasim


+ Prayer Times for anywhere in the world

+ Date Converter for Hijra Dates

+ Page on Moon sighting

+ Qibla Direction--The Mathematical Basis

Signs of Day of Judgment and Life After Death

* Signs Before the Day of Judgement

o Signs of the Last Hour



o Jesus Will Descend at the End of Time

o Al-Mahdi, Muhammad ibn Abdullah and a Caliphate that Follows the Guidance of the Prophet, sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam

o Muslims' Victories Before the Dajjal's Appearance

o Signs of the Appearance of the Dajjal and His Destruction

o Sign of the Hour: Financial Income From Doubtful Sources

o Sign of the Hour: Greeting 'Salaam' is Limited to Known Only

o Sign of the Hour: Appearance of Tyrants and Their Oppressive Sheriffs

o Sign of the Hour: Excessive Use of Musical Instruments

o 50 Signs of the Day of Judgment From the Words of Allah and His Messenger (sallallahu `alaihi wa sallam) By Dr. Suhaib Hasan

* Paradise and Hellfire

o al-Jannah wa an-Naar (Paradise and Hellfire) In The Light of the Qur'aan and Sunnah Based on the Book by Dr. Umar Sulaiman al-Ashqar

o Everlasting Life in Paradise by Dr. `Abdullah al-Shimemeri


o The Lowest Rank of Those in Paradise By Saeed al Qahtani

o What are we working for?

o The Way to Paradise is Very Hard by By Dr. `Umar Al-Ashqar

o The Least Torture for Those in the Hell By Saeed al Qahtani

o The Evil Deeds that Lead one to Hell By Dr. `Umar Al-Ashqar

o The Highest Position in Paradise By Dr. `Umar Al-Ashqar

* Death

o Life after Death -WAMY Series

o Closer and closer comes the Reckoning..

o What Happens in the Grave?

o The First Night In The Grave

o The Faculty of hearing of the Dead

o Benefitting the Dead

o The Islamic Will

o On Death by Abu Bilal Mustafa al-Kanadi

o Seize the Day, Tomorrow is not Yours

o The Islamic Laws of Inheritance By Dr. A. Hussain

o The Life of this World is Fleeting Enjoyment By Imam Ibn Kathir

o Illustrated Janazah guide

Ramadan, Hajj, and Eid

* Fasting and Ramadhan

o 70 Issues Related to Fasting by Mohammad S. Al-Monajjid (Arabic)

o Ramadan and Fasting

o The Rulings of Ramadan

o Establishing Ramadhan and Other Islamic Dates

o Important Lessons to Learn From Ramadaan

o Ramadan - Month of the Qur'an

o The Inner Secrets of Fasting

o How to Seek Laylatul-Qadr-

o Itikaaf

o The virtue of the last ten days of Ramadaan and Laylat al-Qadr

o Repentance In Ramadhan

o Reciting the Quran in Ramadhan

o The Wisdom Behind Ramadaan

o Spreading the Good News of Ramadaan


o Ramadan Calls For The Preservation Of Time

o Ramadan: The Month of Mercy to Muslims

o The Salaf In Ramadaan

o Reaping the Benefits of Ramadhan by Ali Al-Timimi

o The Virtues of the Night of Al-Qadr

o Sunnahs Neglected in Ramadaan by Imaam Muhammad Naasir-ud-Deen Al-Albaanee

o How the Prophet Fasted In Ramadaan

* Hajj

o Hajj and Umrah from A to Z by Mamdouh N. Mohamed (Part II)

o Some Lessons From the Prophet's Farewell Pilgrimage

o The Call of Ibrahim By Muhammad Al-Shareef

o The Story of Ibrahim's Sacrifice

o The Best Days in the World

o How to Perform the Rituals of Hajj and Umrah by Shaikh Muhammad As-Salih Al-Uthaimeen

o Manaasik ul-Hajj wal-Umrah The Rites of Hajj and Umrah by Shaikh Naasir ud-Deen al-Albaanee

o Is The Black Stone an Idol- Is Pilgrimage A Pagan Rite-

o Hajj Page

o So That Our Hajj May Be Accepted By Shaykh Faysal bin `Ali Al-Ba`dani

o Fiqh for Women in Hajj by Muhammad Alshareef

o Advice and Guidelines for those Performing Hajj

o Superior Days For Righteous Deeds

* Zakat

o Zakat Resource Page

o Zakaah al-Fitr by Shaikh Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips

o The Payment of Zakaatul-Fitr in Money by Shaykh Muhammad Ibn Saaleh Al-Uthaymeen

o Zakat Calculation and Information

o The Prophet's Guidance in Giving out the Zakaat-ul-Fitr

* Eid

o Rulings of Udhiyah (Sacrifice)

o Celebrations In Islam. This is a QSS publication compiled by Muhammad al-Jibaaly and edited by Abu Khaliyl

o Eed Celebrations

o Eid Greetings

o Some Aspects of `Eed - Islamic Celebration

o The Excellence of Friday - by al-Imaam Ibn ul Qayyim

o Ahkaam AL-Eid

* The Milaad - A Caution Against Innovation by Sheikh `Abdul `Aziz bin `Abdullaah bin Baaz

* To You Be Your Celebrations, And To Me Mine

* Thirteen Blessed Days by Muhammad al-Jibaly

* The Yearly Celebration of the Night of Isra' and Mi`raj by Shaykh `Abdul `Aziz ibn Baz

* Celebrating Non-Muslim Holidays

* First Ten Days of Dhul Hijjah: Days of Virtue And Righteous Deeds By Jimas

* Ruling on celebrating the middle of Sha'baan

* Virtues of Muharram & Aashooraa

* The month of Sha’baan

* The month of Rajab

* On Giving Christmas Greetings

Women, Family, and Marriage

* Manners of Welcoming the New Born Child in Islaam by Yoosef ibn Abdullaah al-Arafee


* Articles by Prof. Abdur Rahman I. Doi

o Women in the Quran and the Sunna

o Women in Society

o Marriage

* The Etiquettes of Marriage & Wedding by Sheikh Muhammad Naasirudden al-Albaani

* Women of Paradise

* Women of Paradise:Asmaa' bint Abi Bakr

* What is Hijab

* Some advice from one Muslim woman to another

* The Virtues of Hijab

* The Obligatory Conditions For An Islamic Hijab

* Why Two Women Witnesses?

* Fatawas Regarding Women by Sh. Bin Baz and Other Scholars

* Muslim Woman's Dress by Sheikh Nassir-uddeen al-Albani

* Causes [of Nushooz] That Can Be Traced Back to the Husband Himself or His Friends by by Dr. Salih as-Sadlan

* How A Pearl Protects Itself, A Khutbah for the Muslim Women by Muhammad Alshareef

* My Mother! My Best Friend! by Muhammad Alshareef

* Women in Dawah

* Equality of Men and Women in all Three Levels of Islam By Shaykh `Abdul Rahman `Abdul Khaliq

* Rulings on marriage

* Rulings on divorce and connected matters in the Qur’aan

* Checking on married daughter and her husband

* Sleep disturbances in children

* Women are working

* Fear Allaah and treat your children fairly

* The Ideal Muslimah

* Why Do I Wear Hijab?

* The Muslim Woman And Her Husband

* The Young Marriage of 'Aishah (radiallahu 'anhaa)

* The Qur'aan and Sunnah On Parents

* Love Your Parents

* Watch Out for The Arrow

* The Rights of Relatives - Sheikh al-Uthaymeen

* Weddings- A Time to Thank Allah - Muhammad ash-Shareef


o Parents Rights ... What Kind of Rights Are They?

o What Does Obeying The Parents Mean?

o Behavior Towards Non-Muslim Parent

o What Every Child Should Know

o Disobeying The Parents Is A Grave Matter

Muslim Character

* Care in Building Characteristics of the Believers by Sh. Ahmad Fareed

* The Acceptance of Good Deeds by Hussein al-Awaysha

* Desertion and Abandonment of Muslims by Aa`id `Abdullah al-Qarnee

* Plentiful Charity - A Characteristic of the Salaf

* Human Being Has a Great Capacity for Self-Delusions by al-Imaam Ibn ul Qayyim al-Jawziyyah

* On the Ways of Satan in Leading Humans Astray! by al-Imaam Ibn ul Qayyim al-Jawziyyah

* 40 Hadith on the Islamic Personality


* Islamic (Rabbaani) Growth And Development Compiled by Abu Abdirrahman Muhammad Moataz al-Hallak

* The Moral System of Islam

* Human Rights in Islam


* The Rank of Al-Ishfaaq

* Preserving the Usool By Shaikh Muhammad bin Saalih al-Uthaimeen

* Muslim Character by Muhammad Al-Ghazali

* Seeking Knowledge and One's Intentions by Shaikh Saaleh Ibn Abdul-Azeez Aal Shaikh

* Al-Wassiyat-us-Sughrah (The concise Legacy) by Ibn Taymiyyah

* Strangeness and the Strangers

* Shakawa Wa Hulool - Problems & Solutions by Sheikh Mohammad S. Al-Monajjid

* The Acceptable Action From Hussain Al-Awaa'ishah's "Kitaab ul-Ikhlaas

* The Great Virtue of Lowering the Gaze by Imaam Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah

* Enjoining Good and Forbidding Evil - By Imaam Al-Bayhaqi

* Commanding the Evil and Preventing the Good by Shaykh `Aa'id al-Qarnee

* Requirements of the Journey By Imam Ibn ul Qayyim al Jawziyyah

* Living Islaam Daily Shaykh Husayn al-Awaaishah

* The Way To Happiness

* Truthfulness By Shaykh Salman al-`Awdah

* Al-Istighfaar (Seeking Forgiveness) By Imam Ibn Taymiyyah

* The People of Bliss By Imam Ibn ul Qayyim al Jawziyyah

* Station of Toma'aneenah (tranquillity) by Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah

* Dishonouring Others By Imam Ibn Taymiyyah

* Love, Fear, and Hope

* Striving in Worship

* Turning away from the faults and shortcomings of others

* Tests for the Believers

* Principles of Forbidding Evil by Salim Bahnasawi

* Salvation Lies Between Fear and Hope By Imam Ali Ibn Abi al `Izz al Hanafi

* 30 Signs of the Hypocrites By Shaykh `Aa'id Abdullah al-Qarnee

* Explanation of the hadeeth- “Anyone who possesses a speck of Pride in his heart will not enter Paradise”

* The Disease Of Envy

* The Muslim Is Easy-Going In His Business Dealings

* Sign Of The Hypocrites- Causing Mischief Whilst Claiming to Establish Peace

* The Dead Heart and Weak Iman

o ibn al-Qayyims 'ad-Daa`u wa ad-Dwaa`u' (the Ailment and the Cure)

+ Chapters 1-6

+ Chapter 12

o I Want to Fight My Soul So What Is The Way?

o Dead Hearts by Ibn ul Qayyim


o The Keys to the Life of the Heart

o Seeking Knowledge - a Cure for Weak Iman

o The Tree of Iman by Dawud Adib

o The Hardness of the Heart by ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah

o Remembering the Destination of mankind in the Hereafter - a Cure for Weak Iman by Ibn ul Qayyim

o Types of Diseases That Attack the Heart and Their Cure By Imam Ibn ul Qayyim al Jawziyyah

o The Weakness of Faith - Its Symtoms - Causes & Cure by Mohammad S. Al-Monajjid

+ The Reality of Faith

+ Thinking about and trying to understand the meanings of the Qur'an

+ Feeling Allah's Might, by knowing His Names and Attributes and studying their meanings

o The Hardening of the Heart [Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5] By Dr. Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips

* Sincerity

o Sincerity and Sincere Advice by al-Imaam an-Nawawee

o HOW DOES ONE ATTAIN SINCERITY by ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah

o Humbleness By Shaykh Salman al-`Awdah

o The Station of Al-Khawf by Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah

o IKHLAAS - The Things Which Shaytaan Flees From

o How Might One Obtain Ikhlaas by Ibn ul Qayyim

* Sin

o Prohibitions that are taken too lightly by Mohammad S. Al-Monajjid

o The Effects of Sin from Al-Jawaab al-Kaafi of Ibn Al-Qayyim

o The major sins (a brief summary of Kabair by ad-Dahabi)

o A Warning about Shaytaan and His Plans

o On Being Pleased When Sin is Widespread By Shaykh `Abdul Rahman `Abdul Khaliq


o The Heart's Captivation and Imprisonment by Sin

* Stress, Worries, and Grief

o The Prophet's Guidance on Recovery from the Affliction of Distress and Grief

o Dealing with Worries and Stress by Mohammad S. Al-Monajjid

* The Tongue (Backbiting, Gossip, Pointless Talk)

o Hold That Tongue by Muhammed Al-Shareef

o "The Many Dangers of the Tongue" compiled by Imraan Hussein

o How to Stop Gossip

o The Virtue of Speaking Up For a Muslim in His Absence and Opposing Ghibah

o Turning Away From Pointless Talk

o The Sign of Excellence in Islam by Shaykh Nathim Sultan

o Gossip

* Repentance

o Repentance

o I would like to repent, But!

o The State of Repentance by Imaam Ibn ul Qayyim al-Jawziyyah

o Repentance

* Intention

o The Intention is the foundation of every action

o Correctness and Intention

* The Purification of the Soul




o Symptoms Of the Heart's Sickness & Signs of Its Health

o The Four Poisons Of The Heart

o Remembrance of Allah & Recitation of the Qur'an

o Seeking Allah's Forgiveness

* Fitrah

o Shaving The Beard: A Modern Effeminacy

o Maintaining the Characteristics of the Fitrah

* Examples of the Companions of the Prophet(saw) and other Pious Predecessors

o Seize the Day, Tomorrow is not Yours

o Mus'ab ibn 'Umair - The First Envoy of Islam

o Ikrimah ibn Abu Jahl: The Avowed Enemy - The Devout Mujahid

o The Sahabat: What made these stars shine so brightly? by Mahvash Chaudhri

o The Rightly Guided Caliphs

o Abbad ibn Bishr

o Julaybib (R) - A Short Biography

o Abu Dujaana - The Red-Banded Warrior

o A Letter of Admonition From Abu-d-Dardaa' radiyallaahu `anhu

o The Prophet's sallallaahu `alayhi wasallam Advice to Mu`aadh ibn Jabal from Sharh Riyaadh as-Saaliheen by Sh. Ibn `Uthaymeen

o The Khutbah of Umar Bin Abdul Azeez

o Umar ibn Abdil Aziz

o Quotes From the Salaf By Abdul Malik Al-Qasim

o Letters of Ibn Taymeeyah From Prison

o The Ten Who Were Given Glad Tidings of Paradise By Dr. `Umar Al-Ashqar

o Companions of The Prophet

The Methodology of Giving Dawah

* 21 questions: Swift & Logical replies to common questions about Islam Prepared by Muhammad Alshareef

* How Does a Learned Person Call to Allah? by Ibn ul Qayyim

* The Methodology of the Prophets In Calling To Allaah

* Individual Da'wah by Mustafa Mashoor

* The Fundamentals of Da`wah By Dawood Adib.

* Da`wah - An Obligation

* The Necessity of Putting Fundamentals in Order

* Da`wah Priorities in the Qur'aan

* Da`wah Priorities in the Sunnah

* Illuminating the Way - Priorities in Calling to the Message

* One Hour a Day

* Inviting to Allaah and the Qualities of a Preacher by Shaikh Bin Baaz

* Obligation of a Muslim Towards a Disbeliever

* The Necessity of Putting the Fundamentals in Order by Shaykh Salman al-`Awdah

* Warnings to the Daa'ee by Shaikh Bin Baaz

* From "Moral Code of the Daa`iya" - by Sh. Salmaan al-`Awdah

o Patience

o Compassion

o Ambition

o A Muslim and a Daa'iya

o Truthfulness

o Perfecting Moral Integrity

o Moral Character of the Daa`iya (Conclusion)

o Humbleness

* Style and Content

* Callers to Allah: Ibraheem and Nuh (`alayhim as-salam) By Shaykh Saalih as-Sadlaan

* Informed Talk By Shaykh Muhammad Al-`Abdah

* What is the Conflict About? By Shaykh Salman al-`Awdah

* Shaamah (Distinctive Feature That Accentuates Beauty) By Shaykh Muhammad Al-`Abdah

* Using Media for Giving Da`wah

* What And Who Determines If A Certain Action Serves The Best Interest Of The Dawah-

* Five Premises, Five Means and Five Results of the Islamic Propagation by Shaykh `Aa'id Abdullah al-Qarnee

* Majmu'at Rasayil Al-Imam Al-Shaheed Hassan Al-Banna

* Individual Da'wah by Mustafa Mashoor


* Jihad in the Quran and Sunnah by SHEIKH ABDULLAH BIN MUHAMMAD BIN HUMAID

* The Right to Judge by Sayyid Qutb

* Paving the Way by Sayyid Qutb

* The World's Bravest People By Muhammad Alshareef

* The Help of Allah and His Victory from Adwaa al-Bayaan by `Allaamah Muhammad al-Ameen ash-Shanqeetee

* The Reasons for Victory

* Jihad by Hasan Al-Banna

* Causes of Victory and Defeat


The Islamic Verdict on Hijacking and Kidnapping


The Islamic Verdict on Suicide Bombings

* September 11, 2001 attacks - Sheikh Yusuf Al-Qaradawi Condemns Attacks Against Civilians and Statement of Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia

* Islam - A Religion of Terror?- The truth about Jihad, suicide bombings, terrorism, and the media

Fatwas and Questions/Answers

Note: Read this before you ask anyone about an Islamic issue:

Ask Those Who Know By Shaykh Muhammad Nasir-ud-Deen al-Albani

* Fiqh-us-Sunnah by Sayyid Sabiq

* The Lawful And The Prohibited In ISLAM by Sh. Qaradawi-- Note: Use this guide to the weak hadeeth when reading this book

* Islam-Question and Answer: Get your questions on Islam answered by Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid

* Fatawas by Sh. Bin Baz and Other Scholars

* Q & A with Sh. Albani


* Articulating the Intention by Imaam Ibn Taymiyyah

* Fatwaa on Unification of Religions

* Matha Taf'al - What to do in certain Situations by Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid

* Muharamaat - Prohibitions by Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid

* Residing in Land of UnbelieversFatawa by Sh. Muhammad Taqi al-Uthmani and Sh. Muhammad ibn Salih al-`Uthaimeen

* Music and Singing in the Light of the Quran and Sunnah by Abu Bilal Mustafa Al-Kanadi

* Fatwa Online - Questions answered by Ibn Baz, Ibn Fowzaan, etc.

* Ruling on Celebrating Valentine's Day By Shaykh Muhammad ibn Salih al-`Uthaymeen


The Ruling on the Television - Shaykh Muhammad Naasir Ud-Deen al-Albaanee

* The Islamic Laws of Inheritance By Dr. A. Hussain

Misc. Pamphlets

* Unity & Politics

o The Reason for the Weakness of the Muslims and the Path Towards Restoring their Honour

o A Principle Concerning Unity and Splitting - the reason for this and their resultant effects - by Shaykh al-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah

o The Criterion between the Allies of the Merciful and Allies of the Devil

o The Evils of Nationalism by Sh. Abdul-Aziz bin Baaz

o Unity Among Western Muslim Communities by Dr. Ja`far Shaikh Idris

o The Bonds of Faith Are the Bases of the Links Between Men By Dr. Akram Diya Al-Umari

o Separation Of Church And State By Dr. Ja`far Sheikh Idris

o If you separate them, you can break them one by one

o Be in agreement and not in dispute

* The Future Is For Islam By Prof. Muhammad Qutb

* The Future Is For Islam By Sh. M. Al-Albani

* Shaykh al-Hudhayfee's Khutbah

* Islamic ruling on Homosexuality

* Contemplation from Sharh Riyaadh as-Saaliheen by Sh. Ibn `Uthaymeen

* The Real Obstacle by Dr. Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips

* Witness Unto Mankind by Sayyid Abul Al'a Maududi


* Milestones by Sayyid Qutb

* Smoking: A Social Poison

* The Other Side of Sufism

* Abusing the word "Islam"


* The Muslim Khilafa

* The Fundamentals of Da`wah By Dawood Adib.

* ibn Taymiyyah

* Knowledge, the Key to Success

* The Muslim's Enthusiasm for the Deen

* The Process of Islamization by Dr. Jaafar Sheikh Idris

* Secularism and Moral Values by Dr. Ja`far Sheikh Idris

* Take Pride in Islam

* Why Should I Study? by Muhammad Al-Shareef

* The Qur'an Cares About the Environment By Dr. Yusuf al-Qaradawi

* Qur’anic Illumination on the Phenomenon of Sexual Deviance

* The United Colors of Islam

* Quran & The Clouds

* Islamic method of Slaughtering animals is better

* Quran & The sensory characteristic of the skin

* The Miracle of Zam Zam Water

* What Shape is the Earth

* Impartial Search For Truth, Avoiding Bias And Observing The Accepted Ethics Of Debate By Shaykh Saleh Abdullah bin Humaid

Khutbahs and other short talks


The Earthquakes By Shaykh Saalih Al-Hamraani

* What will your excuse be tomorrow before Allaah? by Muhammad Saalih al-Munajjid


Muhammad Al-Shareef

o When Friends Hurt Each Other by Muhammad Alshareef

o When I Grow Up I Wanna Be Abu Bakr by Muhammad Alshareef

o The World's Bravest People

o Hold That Tongue

o And what will explain to thee what Laylatul Qadr is?


Go Back and Pray, For You Have Not Prayed!


Sabr or Shukr, the worry stops here


The Day we lost our Masjid


Portrait of a Traveller


Eeman in the Final Day


Eeman in the Angels


Eeman in the Quran


Eeman in the Prophet

o How A Pearl Protects Itself, A Khutbah for the Muslim Women by Muhammad Alshareef

o My Mother! My Best Friend! by Muhammad Alshareef

o The Struggle for One God

o Before the Boat Drowns

Islamic Literature in non-English Languages

* Arabic

o Ibn Othaimeen - Fatwas, Audio, text

o Quran Tafseer including Ibn Kathir, al Jalalain, Tabri, Qurtubi

o Hadith

o Manhiat - Disallowed Matters by Mohammad S. Al-Monajjid

* Spanish

o El Sagrado Corán. Búsqueda por palabras. Traducción castellana del Sagrado Corán.

o Islam en un Vistazo.

o Los Principios del Islam : Abu Al'Ala Al-Maududi.

o Entre el Este y el Oeste : Abu Al-Hasan Al-Nadawi.

o Lista de Centros y Organizaciones Islamicás de Musulmanes Hispanos.

o El Islam de un Vistazo : Thomas B. Irving.

o Las creencias fundamentales del Islam.. C.C. Islamico de Mexico.

o Islam: Un Modo de Vida Sayyid Abul A'la Al-Maududi.

o Las Naciones Enfermas De La Era Moderna Abul A'la Al-Maududi.

o Lo Que Necesita La Persona Saber Primero Para Entender El Islam Mejor: J.A. Gilcrease.

o Centro Cultural Islámico de México A.C.

o Los 40 Hadices del Emam An-Nawawi. Centro Cultural Islamico de Mexico.


* Literature en Français

o Le Saint Coran. Mot Chercheur.

o Références sur l'Islam Association des Musulman(e)s de l'Université de Sherbrooke.

o L'Islam sur l'Internet AM de l'Université de Sherbrooke.

o Prends ton Dogme dan Le Coran et La Sunna: Mohammed J. Zino.

o La Foi du Musulman [The Muslim Creed - in French]

o Hasard ou Intelligence?

o Quels mauvais serviteurs nous sommes!

o Quand les Musulmans Volent

* Deutsche Literatur

o Der Heilige Koran. Wortsuchfunktion. Deutsche Übersetzung der Schrift des Islam.

o IZ Islamische Zeitung. Forum für Deutschland, Österreich und die Schweiz.

o An-Nawawi: Vierzig Hadite.

* Albanian

o Albislam

o faqe islamike shqiptare

o kryesore

* Swedish

o Information on Islam in Swedish

* Tagalog

o The Sunnah Islamic Page TAGALOG


* Korean

o Islam in Korea

* Bangla

o Islam in Bangla

* Hungarian

o Hungarian Islamic Community

* Pashto

o Islamic audio lectures in Pashto language

* Tamil

o Tamil Muslim

Islamic History

* The Battle of Badr


* Muslim Scientists

* Muslim Contributors to Science

* Sultan Abdul Hameed The Second And The Fall Of The Islamic Khilafa

* The Role of Sheikh-ul Islam Ibn Taymiyah in Jihad Against the Tatars

* The Liberation of Constantinople

* The Battle of Ain Jaloot: A Turning Point in History

* Islams first contacts with the Balkan nations

* The Treaty of Hudaybiyyah By Sh. Safi-ur-Rahman Al Mubarakfuri

* Al-`Izz Ibn `Abdus-Salam - Sultan of the `Ulama' By Dr. Muhammad Esma'il Sieny

* Indisputable Evidence By Dr. Safar Al-Hawali

Audio/Visual Stuff on Islam

* - Arabic lectures, Quran Recitation, & Nasheeds

* Islaam.Com -Islamic lectures in English, Arabic, Bosnian, Qur'anic recitations

* Audio Islam - Lectures & Quran recitation

* TROID Audio Lounge - Lectures


* Islamic Dictionary

* Arabic to English Translation

* Arabic/English/Arabic Dictionary

* Glossary of Islamic Terms

* Urdu-English

Advice on Studying Islam and Arabic Abroad

* Why Should I Study? by Muhammad Al-Shareef

* Study Arabic in Egypt (Al-Fajr Center)

* SIAL - Sana'a Institute For The Arabic Language

* AL-Huda International Institute of Islamic Education for Women in Islamabad, Pakistan

* Learning Arabic In Cairo


1. Are our khateebs choosing their topics well?

2. Allaah's support for His believing slaves

3. The light of guidance

4. The true nature of the enmity between the Muslims and the Jews

5. Hold fast the Scripture

6. The movement of Shaykh Muhammad ibn ‘Abd al-Wahhaab

7. Adhering to the Sunnah of the Prophet

8. Advice to women who have memorized the Book of Allaah

9. Problems in reading

10. Discussion with a Christian who became Muslim

11. How Emily became Muslim

12. The chickens broke our gods

13. Family Restaurants

14. Fear Allaah and treat your children fairly

15. Globalization

16. Women are working

17. The danger of mixing with disbelievers and evildoers

18. Islamic policies for combatting poverty

19. Ruling on speaking languages other than Arabic

20. Gossip

21. O callers to Islam, give glad tidings and be of good cheer

22. Rulings on marriage

23. Rulings on divorce and connected matters in the Qur’aan

24. Summary of rulings on Hudood and other punishments in the Qur’aan

25. Be in agreement and not in dispute

26. Checking on married daughter and her husband

27. Sleep disturbances in children

Introducing Islam:

The Holy Quran the Main Source in Islam (PDF) (Recitation & Translation)

7 Reasons to Read the Glorious Quran

Lord's Words

Islam FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

What is Islam? Who is Allah? What is the Quran? (Audio)

God Concept In Islam

Introduction for Non Muslims

Introducing Islam

Introduction to Islam

Understanding Islam and Muslims

A Brief Illustrated Guide To Understanding Islam

Islam Is ... (Islamic Mp3 Audio)

Statistics of the Muslims' population around the World

Muslims in the West and around the world today

The Purpose of Creation

The Origin of Life - an Islamic Perspective

Why were we Created?

Purpose of life... Where did we come from? Where are we going? (Audio)

Discover Islam

Discover Islam (IslamWay)

Islam: A Mercy for All Nations

Real Islam Website

Some Benefits of Islam & Islam's Features

Why Islam?

Islam the Perfect Religion

Your Way to Islam: by Dr. Mohammad Al-Ashqar

Islam: The True Religion (By Bilal Philips) Audio

Explore & Discover & Be Convinced That Islam Is The truth !

Why Should You Be A Muslim (By Dawud Adib) 1 2

Why do Muslims think that Islam is true ? Is there any factual basis ?

How can we be certain that Islam is the only infallible Truth?

Islam! - The Modern Alternative - Why Islam is good for you !

The True Religion

Why are so many women converting to Islam ?

Islam Today

GREAT GOOD Audio for Non-Muslims 2 Videos

Some Videos on Islam and different topics

The Amazing Qur'an by Gary Miller Audio

The Amazing Quran

Science Leads to Islam

Islam and Science

Some Scientists Declaration about The Holy Quran and Islam

The Holy Quran and the modern science PDF

Miraculous Quran

The Quran: A book you can believe in

More links about Islam and science

Islam is your BIRTHRIGHT

Whom Must We Worship ?

Oneness of God (Allah) : The Solution to the Trinitarian Controversy

Misconceptions about Islam video

Islam: Misunderstood throughout the World

Orientalism, Misinformation and Islam

Racism and Islam

What Does Islam Say about Terrorism?

Does Islam equal terrorism? - by Yusuf Estes (Audio) (Video) (Buy)

Terrorism - Islam's Viewpoint By The Islamic Fiqh Council, Saudi Arabia

Islam and The Issue of Terrorism

Myths about Islam - Terrorism, women, the 'Nation of Islam' and more

Tolerance in Islam

Islam the Religion of Peace

Jihad Explained

Jihad in Islam (video)

What Really Happened ?

The Muslim Belief

A-Z of Islam By Dr. Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips

Life After Death

New Muslims Stories by countries

More New Muslims Stories

Former Christian Priests and Missionaries who have Embraced Islam !

Why They Embraced Islam ?

Journey to Islam Stories (Audio)

How To Become a Muslim

Recommended Reading books about Islam

I want to embrace Islam but ....Many Questions & Answers !

I want to be a Muslim..Now what ?

New to Islam ?

Easy Guide For New Muslims

New Muslims

New Muslims Guide

Muslim Converts


New Muslims Converts Group

Enlightenment about some sections in Islam:

The True about "Farkhanism" or "Islam Nation" or (NOI) 2

The True about Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam

Anti-Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam

A brief history of the Agakhans

The Other Side of Sufism

The Naqshabandia Tariqa Exposed 2

The Unity of Religions !!

An Introduction to the Salafi Da'wah

Correct your ideas about "Wahabism"

Ten Things Which Nullify Ones Islam

Women in Islam:

Woman in Islam

Women Converts to Islam Stories

Islam The choice of Thinking Women By: Ismail Adam Patel

Why I Embraced ISLAM By Maryam Jameelah (Former Jewish Woman)

The Status of Woman in Islam

The Distorted Image of Muslim Women

Women in Islam versus women in the Judaeo-Christian tradition, The myth & The reality

Women In The Shade Of Islam

Good Audio about Women in Islam 2

Family in Islam (video)

Muslim Family in the West (video)

The Wisdom behind the Islamic Laws Regarding Women

Many More Articles on Women In Islam

Why Do Muslim Women Have to Cover their Heads?

HIJAB: How It Protects And Benefits Women And Society

This Is Hijab (song)

Sisters Corner : teaching about Islam for women

The New Muslimah Group - For Women Who Rediscovered Islam

The Ideal Muslimah

The Muslim Woman and Her Husband (PDF)

The Attributes of the Ideal Muslim Husband

How to make your wife happy

Fatawa Regarding Mulsim Women by famous Scholars The Muslim Family Network, Islam Articles, Discussions

Fiqh of Marriage

Ruling on a Muslim man marrying a non-Muslim woman and vice versa

Muslim Mom

Kids in Islam

Islam 4 Kids

Muslim Kids Network

Games, Anasheed, Stories for your Kids

Muslims names : boys and girls

A2Youth The Youth's Resource to Islam

Muslim Youth

The Islamic Ruling on Homosexuality

Islamic Perspective of Sex

Some Famous Islamic Scholars websites:

Dr. Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips - Audios

Yusuf Estes - Audios

Muhammad Salih Almunajjed Homepage (Islam Q&A) Other sites by him

Ahmad Deedat Audio - books - Debates

The Official website of Ahmad Deedat

Dr. Zakir Naik Website - Debates 2

Jamal Badawi - Debates

Sheikh Abdulaziz bin Baz

Dr. Jaafar Idris

Muhammad Aldweesh English Website

Good Scholars Lectures

A lot of scholars articles

More Scholars websites in the Arabic Islamic sites page

Fatawa Sites

The Holy Quran and Islamic Audio:

The Holy Quran Reciting (more than 90 recitor from

another big Recitation site (

The Holy Quran Reciter by Flash design (very good for memorizing)

Holy Quran Translation in English Download as program

Recitation of the Translation of the Meaning of the Holy Quran

Translations of Holy Quran in 19 language

Material on the Authenticity of the Qur'an

Topics Index of the Holy Quran

Explanation (Tafseer) of the Holy Quran

Tafseer Ibn Kathir

The Holy Quran and the modern science

Miraculous Quran

Scientists On The Qur'an

The Amazing Quran

Scientific Signs of Qur'an & Sunnah

Quran, The Miracle Of Islam

Holy Quran Resources on the Internet Authentic Islamic Literature

How to Recite the Holy Quran (Tajweed)

King Fahad Holy Quran Complex in Madinah

Holy Quran broadcasting from Riyadh Programs List

Islamic Audio

Islam Way Radio: More than 3000 Hours of Islamic Audio

IslamWeb Audio Section

Alharamain Khutab translations in English, Urdo, and other languages

Your guide to best Islamic audio !

Islamic Audios in World's Languages

Alminbar : 100's of ready Friday Khutba in English

Some Videos on Islam and different topics

Al-Majd TV Live Broadcasting

Live Islam Broadcasting

Islam House Live Broadcasting

Sunnah (Hadith of the Prophet):

The Status of Sunnah in Islam

Adhering to the Sunnah of the Prophet

Some Selected Ahadith (sayings) of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

Sahih Al-Bukhari

Sahih Muslim

Bukhari , Muslim and other main online Hadith books

Riyadh Al-Saleheen By Imam Al-Nawai

An Introduction to the Science of Hadith

Very useful and easy search about Hadith in Arabic

Hadith validation service - Hadith Online

Ihsan International Hadith Study Association Network

Fiqh and Fatawa:

The Objectives of Islamic Law

Video about Islamic Sharia (Law)

Discourses On Islamic Law And Matters Of Public Concern By Salman Alouda (PDF)

Fiqh Al-Sunnah Book - as a software

Salat Times & Islamic Calendar

Hijri Islamic Calendar & Convertor

Before You Pray

Disbelievers Discover the Greatness of Prayer

A Description of Prophet's (PBUH) Ablution

The Importance of Prayer

The Prophet's (PBUH) Prayer

The Right Way to pray by picture and sound 2 video

Prayer in Congregation (Salat Al-Jama'ah)

Ramadan and Fasting

70 Matters Related to Fasting (Seyam) book by Shaikh Al-Munajjid

Islam Q & A's

Ask About Islam ( non-Muslims section)

IslamWeb Fatawa Center Fatawa Center

Send Your Question ( )

Fatawa from

Cyber counselor ( )

Volunteer Experts Answer All your Questions About Islam

Glossary of Islamic Terms and Concepts 2 3

All About Hajj (Islamic Pilgrimage)

A Guide to Hajj, Umrah and Visiting the Prophet Mosque

Authentic supplications of the prophet

Islam Page For Dhikr Allah

Dawa net

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.