I know many Muslim Women who are happy women.
Over 90% of Muslim Women are devout righteoys good practicing Muslims.
Over 95% of Muslim Women never lose their Virginity before marriage.
Over 97% of Muslim Women never have dated or kissed before marriage.
Dont be fooled by these so called westerners with so called freedom of speech & so called democracy.
End of the day look at the immorales in the non-Muslim world and within non-Muslims. Rape crime murder is all high withing that world. Single Mothers, depression, affairs, lonliness, divorces are all high within non-Muslims and the non-Muslim world compared to the Islamic World.
Non-Muslim Women ending up alone in life rejected from society and family is very high withing non-Muslims. Nervous brakedoen are high withing non-Muslim Women.
I can go on and on with the facts and stats and the truth but its simple that u dont listen or take note of people who are scared of something superior then them. Dont be gullable and easily lead, just lead ur life rightously as possible.
Islam gives more rights to Women then anything. The Prophet Muhammed (Peace Be Upon Him) liberated women from slavery, gave them equal rights, property and many other things.
There are more non-Muslim Husbands who treat their Women or girlfreinds badly then Muslims. I know that for a fact, trust me in this.