we have 4 holy bibels that all of them are artifitial.but quran is one.these suras help you to undrestand .if you want i can give more information about islam.
Sura - 112 Absoluteness
[112:0] In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
[112:1] Proclaim, "He is the One and only GOD.
[112:2] "The Absolute GOD.
[112:3] "Never did He beget. Nor was He begotten.
[112:4] "None equals Him."
Sura - 19 Mary
[19:0] In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
[19:1] K. H. Y. `A. S. (Kaaf Haa Yaa `Ayn Saad)
[19:2] A narration about your Lord's mercy towards His servant Zachariah.
[19:3] He called his Lord, a secret call.
[19:4] He said, "My Lord, the bones have turned brittle in my body, and my hair is aflame with gray. As I implore You, my Lord, I never despair.
[19:5] "I worry about my dependants after me, and my wife has been sterile. Grant me, from You, an heir.
[19:6] "Let him be my heir and the heir of Jacob's clan, and make him, my Lord, acceptable."
[19:7] "O Zachariah, we give you good news; a boy whose name shall be John (Yahya). We never created anyone like him before."
[19:8] He said, "My Lord, will I have a son despite my wife's sterility, and despite my old age?"
[19:9] He said, "Thus said your Lord: `It is easy for Me to do. I created you before that, and you were nothing.' "
[19:10] He said, "My Lord, give me a sign." He said, "Your sign is that you will not speak to the people for three consecutive nights."
[19:11] He came out to his family, from the sanctuary, and signaled to them: "Meditate (on God) day and night."
*19:1 This is the maximum number of Quranic Initials, because this sura deals with such crucial matters as the miraculous birth of John and the virgin birth of Jesus, and strongly condemns the gross blasphemy that considers Jesus to be a son of God. The five initials provide a powerful physical evidence to support these issues (See Appendices 1 & 22).
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[19:12] "O John, you shall uphold the scripture, strongly." We endowed him with wisdom, even in his youth.
[19:13] And (we endowed him with) kindness from us and purity, for he was righteous.
[19:14] He honored his parents, and was never a disobedient tyrant.
[19:15] Peace be upon him the day he was born, the day he dies, and the day he is resurrected back to life.
[19:16] Mention in the scripture Mary. She isolated herself from her family, into an eastern location.
[19:17] While a barrier separated her from them, we sent to her our Spirit. He went to her in the form of a human being.
[19:18] She said, "I seek refuge in the Most Gracious, that you may be righteous."
[19:19] He said, "I am the messenger of your Lord, to grant you a pure son."
[19:20] She said, "How can I have a son, when no man has touched me; I have never been unchaste."
[19:21] He said, "Thus said your Lord, `It is easy for Me. We will render him a sign for the people, and mercy from us. This is a predestined matter.' "
The Birth of Jesus
[19:22] When she bore him, she isolated herself to a faraway place.
[19:23] The birth process came to her by the trunk of a palm tree. She said, "(I am so ashamed;) I wish I were dead before this happened, and completely forgotten."
[19:24] (The infant) called her from beneath her, saying, "Do not grieve. Your Lord has provided you with a stream.
[19:25] "If you shake the trunk of this palm tree, it will drop ripe dates for you.
*19:25 Thus, Jesus was born in late September or early October. This is when dates ripen in the Middle East to the point of falling off the tree.
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[19:26] "Eat and drink, and be happy. When you see anyone, say, `I have made a vow of silence; I am not talking today to anyone.' "
[19:27] She came to her family, carrying him. They said, "O Mary, you have committed something that is totally unexpected.
[19:28] "O descendant of Aaron, your father was not a bad man, nor was your mother unchaste."
The Infant Makes a Statement
[19:29] She pointed to him. They said, "How can we talk with an infant in the crib?"
[19:30] (The infant spoke and) said, "I am a servant of GOD. He has given me the scripture, and has appointed me a prophet.
[19:31] "He made me blessed wherever I go, and enjoined me to observe the Contact Prayers (Salat) and the obligatory charity (Zakat) for as long as I live.
[19:32] "I am to honor my mother; He did not make me a disobedient rebel.
[19:33] And peace be upon me the day I was born, the day I die, and the day I get resurrected."
The Proven Truth
[19:34] That was Jesus, the son of Mary, and this is the truth of this matter, about which they continue to doubt.
[19:35] It does not befit GOD that He begets a son, be He glorified. To have anything done, He simply says to it, "Be," and it is.
[19:36] He also proclaimed, "GOD is my Lord and your Lord; you shall worship Him alone. This is the right path."
[19:37] The various parties disputed among themselves (regarding the identity of Jesus). Therefore, woe to those who disbelieve from the sight of a terrible day.
[19:38] Wait till you hear them and see them when they come to face us. The transgressors on that day will be totally lost.
*19:36 This is similar to the statement attributed to Jesus in the Gospel of John 20:17.
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[19:39] Warn them about the day of remorse, when judgment will be issued. They are totally oblivious; they do not believe.
[19:40] We are the ones who inherit the earth and everyone on it; to us everyone will be returned.
[19:41] Mention in the scripture Abraham; he was a saint, a prophet.
[19:42] He said to his father, "O my father, why do you worship what can neither hear, nor see, nor help you in any way?
[19:43] "O my father, I have received certain knowledge that you did not receive. Follow me, and I will guide you in a straight path.
[19:44] "O my father, do not worship the devil. The devil has rebelled against the Most Gracious.
[19:45] "O my father, I fear lest you incur retribution from the Most Gracious, then become an ally of the devil."
[19:46] He said, "Have you forsaken my gods, O Abraham? Unless you stop, I will stone you. Leave me alone."
[19:47] He said, "Peace be upon you. I will implore my Lord to forgive you; He has been Most Kind to me.
[19:48] "I will abandon you and the gods you worship beside GOD. I will worship only my Lord. By imploring my Lord alone, I cannot go wrong."
[19:49] Because he abandoned them and the gods they worshipped beside GOD, we granted him Isaac and Jacob, and we made each of them a prophet.
[19:50] We showered them with our mercy, and we granted them an honorable position in history.
[19:51] Mention in the scripture Moses. He was devoted, and he was a messenger prophet.
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[19:52] We called him from the right side of Mount Sinai. We brought him close, to confer with him.
[19:53] And we granted him, out of our mercy, his brother Aaron as a prophet.
[19:54] And mention in the scripture Ismail. He was truthful when he made a promise, and he was a messenger prophet.
[19:55] He used to enjoin his family to observe the Contact Prayers (Salat) and the obligatory charity (Zakat); he was acceptable to his Lord.
[19:56] And mention in the scripture Idris. He was a saint, a prophet.
[19:57] We raised him to an honorable rank.
[19:58] These are some of the prophets whom GOD blessed. They were chosen from among the descendants of Adam, and the descendants of those whom we carried with Noah, and the descendants of Abraham and Israel, and from among those whom we guided and selected. When the revelations of the Most Gracious are recited to them, they fall prostrate, weeping.
Losing the Contact Prayers (Salat)
[19:59] After them, He substituted generations who lost the Contact Prayers (Salat), and pursued their lusts. They will suffer the consequences.
[19:60] Only those who repent, believe, and lead a righteous life will enter Paradise, without the least injustice.
[19:61] The gardens of Eden await them, as promised by the Most Gracious for those who worship Him, even in privacy. Certainly, His promise must come to pass.
[19:62] They will not hear any nonsense therein; only peace. They receive their provisions therein, day and night.
[19:63] Such is Paradise; we grant it to those among our servants who are righteous.
[19:64] We do not come down except by the command of your Lord. To Him belongs our past, our future, and everything between them. Your Lord is never forgetful.
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