If Muslims believe Jesus was the Word of God then why don't they believe He was the Son of God.?
Butterfly Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ
2008-02-17 01:02:09 UTC
He says in the bible that He was and that God was His father. So if He said that and He is the word of God then why don't Muslims believe He is the Son of God?

I'm sorry to keep asking so many questions, but Islam is new to me and I keep reading questions and answers here and usually it leaves me thinking about something that was said.
27 answers:
2008-02-17 01:58:06 UTC
First of all don't apologize for asking questions. It's the only way you will learn. When I first came to this section I asked all kinds of questions and the other users were delighted to help me understand Islam more. The best answer I can give you is that Muslims don't believe the bible to be true. They believe that it was changed drastically during the process of translating the original texts into other languages including English. I think they believe in the 1st 5 chapters of the OT, but that is all. They believe Jesus was given the gospels(injeel), but that it is not the same as the gospels of the NT and they were destroyed except for the book of Barnabas that apparently is in some musuem. So any passage in the bible where Jesus says He is the Son of God or that God is His father are believed to be incorrect. At least this is the information I have been given when I asked about this and when others have asked this question. Muslims please correct me if I'm wrong.
Green visitor is back :D
2008-02-17 11:19:59 UTC
First of all, I'm very happy with your question, after about two years in Yahoo! Answers, your question is the most rational, inoffensive and peaceful one I have ever read here, and hope you find the truth (I believe from the bottom of my heart it's in Islam).

And don't ever apologize for asking, asking is the direct and most effective way to know the truth about something.

Last point before answering your question:

Here is a good resource to find the truth and know more and more about Islam, yet it's not the best place for, as you know, not all people here come just to speak peacefully and tell the truth, and even for those who wants to tell the truth, they may don't have it already, so you may need to search more reliable sources to know more about Islam, if you know some such resources, my advice is to go for it, otherwise keep asking and I myself will do my best to help you know the truth of Islam, with some other friends here of course :-)

And now with the answer of your question [ sorry for being late :-) ];

Both old and new testaments were distorted by Jews, so they contain some lies, for example they contain some stories about prophets that cannot be believed at all.

Also, we believe that Jesus, peace be upon him, is a prophet and a normal human, just as all people, even if his birth was a miracle, which does not mean that he is the son of Allah, Adam was created from no parents at all, and Eve was created from a man and no woman, does this mean any or both of them is a son of Allah?

Also, Allah is the only God for this universe with no parents, wife or son, I invite you to forget all what you have known about Jesus from Christianity, Judaism, any other sources or even my words here, and sit and think by yourself about the whole matter,

Can this universe has more than one God?

In the case this universe has only one God, can this God be like a human, or any creature he created himself?

And if we suppose, just suppose that this God has a son, why should he let his son die for sins of others? What is the logic of this?!!

Believe me, if you think with no tendency to some specific side, you'll get the truth so simply and so easily as well.

Again, sorry for the long answer.
2008-02-17 06:15:31 UTC

Assalamu'alaikum Warahmatullahhi Wabarakatuh.

In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful.

Dear Pansies6. I must Thank you for being with us. Again Thank you.

I am not going to answers you much. However I answer, in anyway you will not take it and believes.

Therefore:- "Just to be precis".

The Bible are the words of God. Then it is The Holy Bible. All words of God are Holy. That Holy Bible are in the Qur'an. All Muslims MUST believe the Holy Bible. We Muslim knows the contents of the Holy Bible. The Holy Bible are Dictated by Angel Gabriel to Muhammad from God Al-Mighty Allah. For your information that the Prophet and Apostle of God Allah, Prophet Muhammad Sallallahhu'alaihi Wassalam does not know to read and write. All that come from Allah through Angel Gibriel was spell out to his followers and written on the animals skin and later compile into a book called the Holy Qur'an. We believe the bible as in the Qur'an.

Now your Bible are being written by 32 Priests and 50 organization. Every books being rewritten. There are at about of Thirty Nine (39) books on Old Testament and Twenty Seven (27) books on the New Testament. There are books that being kept and not to reveal such as the Babaras. The book on Yehezkiel was never being read. The book is ashamed to be read to the Christians. The Protestant have written the new edition on the Kings James. I hope you are clear why I am not answering your question. I believe in Jesus Christ absolutely as Prophet and Apostle of Allah Subhanahu Wata'ala. Jesus is a Slaves and Prophet of God Allah Subhanahu Wata'ala. Jesus is NO God.

Wabillahhitaufiq Walhidayah Wassalamu'alaikum Warahmatullahhi Wabarakatuh.
2008-02-17 01:09:56 UTC
is moses the son of god? No. Are the 10 commandments supposed to be the word of god? Yup. There you go.

Or you can think of it like this.... You know when you watch 3 different tv shows and sometimes the characters of one show come on the other shows because they are on the same network and the 'writers' make the script that way? same thing with Islam, Judiasm and Christianity. They are all different 'stories' literally. SO they are all open to interpretation. You didnt really think the people mentioned in the books wrote the bibles, koran etc. did you? nope. Youd be suprised what you learn in a bible studies class in college. Most of the new testament (if not all) was writtten well after the apostles deaths. up to 80 YEARS afterwards. you get the point.
Abdu Rahim
2008-02-17 03:16:50 UTC
Well, we do believe he was a child of God, just the same as any of the rest of us...

What we really have an issue with is the term "begat". This is an animal act of procreation, so beneath the Almighty that the concept would be laughable if it were not so disgusting.

We do believe he was born miraculously of a virgin. God said unto him, "Be!", and Jesus said, "I am a faithful servant of my Lord! I hear and I obey!"

One of the things I noted when I was reading the New testament once was how many times Jesus referred to himself as "the son of MAN" (emphasis added). Never once did I find where he called himself the son of God, except perhaps when he was speaking of ALL of us collectively as children of God, and/or referring to OUR Father who art in Heaven...

Brother Ismail made some very good citations. A couple of others i would like to point our are:

(When asked about the Greatest commandment) Jesus replied: "The first is this: "Hear, O Israel! the Lord our God is Lord alone!" (Mark 12:29). Yes, Jesus said "La Illaha Illallah! THEN he went on to talk about loving the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength!

The temptation of Jesus: Then the devil took him up to a very high mountain. and showed him all the kingdoms of the world in their magnificence, and he said to him, "All these shall I give you, if you will prostrate yourself and worship me." At this, Jesus said to him, "Get away, Satan! it is written: 'The Lord, your God, shall you worship, and Him alone shall you serve.'" (Matthew 4:8-10)

Then there is my personal favorite, which, astaghfurallah I cannot remember the citation for, but is the one that brought me to Islam: "All that I do, I do by the will of the Father; nothing do I do of my own authority!"

Yes, Jesus performed many miracles. They were performed only by the Permission, Power and Glory of Allah! Had He not so willed, Esau (Jesus) allayhi salaam, would have been powerless!

There is much Truth in the New Testament. Unfortunately, so much has been added or changed over time to meet the agenda of those in charge that we must be very very cautious!

The word is "Bida", which means "innovation", basically, making something up that we have no knowledge of. For example, this whole "Triune God" concept did not come about until roughly 300 years after the Prophet had left this world! The early christians were Jews who also accepted Esau (AS) as a prophet, and only a prophet!

An interesting little piece of trivia: the Catholic church, as an organization, is roughly 600-800 years older than the "god" (Jesus) they purport to worship! When Constantine became a Christian, he told the existing Church of Rome, "Keep the funny hats and the robes, you can even keep the ceremony with the bread and wine. But, we don't worship Zoroaster or Jove or Dianna any more, so change the names." (Not his exact words, perhaps, but!)

Keep questioning! It is the path to knowledge! And Allah commanded us, "Seek ye knowledge from the cradle to the grave!"

Edit: Mohammed, you beat me to the punch while I was writing mine, and you did a far better job than I! Alahmdulillah!
2008-02-17 06:03:12 UTC
As muslims we do believe that the holy books such as Injeel (The Bible) and the Torah were the books of Allah but the ones that you see today are not the same as they were when they were revealed to the prophets, they have been changed. The only holy book that is in it's original state is the Quraan. Now when we refer to the Kabah as Baitullah (the house of god) we say this for Tazeem (to show respect) we don't say it because Allah lives there, similarly when we say that the prophet Eesa (Jesus) is Roohullah (the spirit of Allah) we don't mean that in actual fact Jesus is the spirit of Allah but connecting him to Allah is for respect.

In the Quraan when Jesus spoke his first words as a baby he said "I am a slave of Allah (contrary to the beliefs of Christians who claim that he is god or god's son) Allah gave me a scripture and made me a prophet." (contrary to the beliefs of the Jews who claim that he was not a prophet).(Surah Maryam verse 30). So As Muslims we believe that Jesus was not the son of god but he was god's prophet and servant. Two words that never come together are servant and son, for example a master has a son the son will not be a servant, but the son will be served by a servant.
2008-02-17 02:23:04 UTC
Allah Does not have a son, and Muslims do not beleive that

Allah Existed before any creature including the human. Allah is the who created all the mankind, the sky, the earth, oceans and seas, the sun, the moon, the stars and every thing you see in this world.

Besides Allah of Noah, Abraham, David, Solomon, Moses, Juses and Mohamed peace be upon them is one and the same. Below verses tel us how Allah has decribed himself. (Qoran, Surah Al-Ikhlaas)

1 Say: He is Allah the One and Only; 6296 6297

2 Allah the Eternal Absolute; 6298

3 He begetteth not nor is He begotten; 6299

4 And there is none like unto Him. 6300


Here we are specially taught to avoid the pitfalls into which men and nations have fallen at various times in trying to understand Allah. The first thing we have to note is that His nature is so sublime, so far beyond our limited conceptions, that the best way in which we can realise Him is to feel that He is a Personality, "He", and not a mere abstract conception of philosophy. He is near us; He cares for us; we owe our existence to Him. Secondly, He is the One and Only God, the Only One to Whom worship is due; all other things or beings that we can think of are His creatures and in no way comparable to Him. Thirdly, He is Eternal, without beginning or end, Absolute, not limited by time or place or circumstance, the Reality. Fourthly, we must not think of Him as having a son or a father, for that would be to import animal qualities into our conception of Him. Fifthly, He is not like any other person or thing that we know or can imagine: His qualities and nature are unique.

This is to negative the idea of Polytheism, a system in which people believe in gods many and lords many. Such a system is opposed to our truest and profoundest conceptions of life. For Unity in Design, Unity in the fundamental facts of existence, proclaim the Unity of the Maker.
The REAL Tiffy!
2008-02-17 01:59:28 UTC
When you pray, the 'our Father' you start too with 'Our father who art in Heaven' don't you?

I believe Jesus (PBUH) meant it the same way. He was Gods child, like we all are, so not literally, but metaphorically.

Yes, he was a prophet, but not the son of God.

There are verses in the bible too in which Jesus prostrates before God in prayer and says that God is the only one worthy of his worship.

Do you know there are gospels that the church kept out of the bible, because they talked about a really strange notion: That Jesus was not the son of God, nor did he die on the cross for our sins, but that God took him alive? This did not fit the dogma of the church about the trinity.

Go google for the Gospel of Peter, the gospel of Judas, the gospel of Thomas, the apocalypse of Peter...... all gospels that were never included in the cannon of the bible of the council of Nicea. In short, they talk about the following:

1- Jesus did not die on the cross

2- Jesus was alive when God took him to heaven

3- There is no intercession between God and humans while humans are on earth but in the day of judgment relatives that make it to heaven might ask Allah for forgiveness for their loved ones and Allah might accept as Allah is most merciful.

4- Even if a person is judged to hell if they put no partners with God they can still have a chance to go to heaven.

You can google for all this things and read for yourself!

I do not mean to confuse you, but i think there are not a lot of people who know about this gospels.


2008-02-17 02:51:52 UTC
Dear, you are most welcome to ask any questions. we all are learning here :)

Jesus was not the Son of God, he was not God. I would not get into any other details and realities but would just like to ask you few questions.

Who is a God? the creator of the whole universe right? the creator of all the creations, sky,earth,space,human being,food,mountains,sea I mean just everything He can see what we cannot see. This is God. He has to be different from US, we the normal human being. Jesus (p.b.u.h.) how could he be God when he was like a human u n me? he used to get hungry,he used to sleep, he used to go to washroom, he used to fall sick, How could GOD be like that? NO, Jesus is not a GOd.

Therefore,It is very far from logic to make a messenger (Prophet) A God, who is born and had the qualities of mankind. How he would be a creator of the world.

Bible has been altered many times, Jesus never claimed to be the Son of GOD. Allah is the Creator Whom Jesus may Allah exalt his mention worshipped. He is the Creator Who spoke to Moses may Allah exalt his mention and split the sea for him and his followers. That is Allah. But Allah tells us about Himself (what means): "Say “He is Allah, (Who is) One, Allah the Eternal Refuge. He neither begets nor is born, Nor is there to Him any equivalent." [Quran 112:1-4]

Jesus may Allah exalt his mention is the son of the Virgin Mary, and he had no father. Allah created Jesus. The Quran says (what means):

“ Indeed, the example of Jesus to Allah is like that of Aadam. He created him from dust; then said to him: “Be” and he was.”[Quran 3:59]

Rest Allah knows the best~!
Ismail Eliat
2008-02-17 01:24:06 UTC
No previous Prophets before Jesus Christ believed in 'son of God' theory. Nor did Jesus Christ (pbuh) ever teach that. There is no a sinlge verse in the whole of the Holy Bible where Jesus Christ (PBUH) says 'I am your Lord or says 'Worship me'. So Unity of God is the core of the message of every Prophet of God. Islam have that very same devine message.
2008-02-17 02:14:40 UTC
Dear Bible also says that Adam was son of God many verses in old testament talk about sons of God

therefore "son of God" is not really mean born son Cz

Old testament talk about made (create ) a man not born

and we Muslims reject concept of born son Cz that belong to Sex act that is it

so it order to understand the concept of Christ you need to back to old testament CZ christ in old testament is not God but people in new testament consider Christ as God ! and that contadict concept of Messiah in hebrew Bible>>

with best regards..
2008-02-17 10:12:39 UTC
Brother, we believe in jesus as prophet and massenger and we believe in the original gospel not the one that christian reads right now.

Then, at time of jesus, they were caling god as father, that doesnt mean he is father.

Then why god need a son??

watch those small videos, they will hel you

And f you have questions ask me.
2008-02-17 06:34:03 UTC
honey , u should know something ,ur bible has been changed by the hands of men

jesus (pbuh) can never say such a thing .. allah isnt like us to have sons .. allah is so special ,, allah created us ,, allah isnt like us , and why should allah need a son? we need children for many reasons , but allah doesnt need assistants or sons

allah is the greatest

u know that , and by the way it makes no sens for jesus to be allah"s son

with all my respect to u , love & peace
2016-09-28 05:58:01 UTC
he wasn't nailed to a tree... he became into crucified on a wood bypass that he carried up a hill in case you have self assurance in that rubbish. and superb me if i'm incorrect yet are you asserting he became into crucified because of the fact he believed he became into god and the ruler of heaven? because of the fact it is likewise incorrect. he became into crucified because of the fact he believed he became into the SON of god, and in accordance to the bible he died to your sins. he by no capability claimed to be god, nor the ruler of heaven. "seated on the superb hand of the daddy" ie. the ruler of heaven. god. super distinction. i don't have self assurance in any of that yet a minimum of if i became into to argue some thing like this i could make myself sparkling and get my so-suggested as information good first. additionally muslims are of a very diverse faith to christians so why the hell could they think in jesus?
Zack J
2008-02-17 07:15:54 UTC
You don't have to apologize, in finding the truth yoy may as many questions as you like to satisfy you curiuosity, we will do anything to help you clear the doubts about Islam, Insha Allah.

Following are Quranic translation of Al Maidah 5:116-120

116. And when Allah saith: O Jesus, son of Mary! Didst thou say unto mankind: Take me and my mother for two gods

beside Allah? he saith: Be glorified It was not mine to utter that to which I had no right. If I used to say it, then Thou

knewest it. Thou knowest what is in my mind, and I know not what is in Thy mind. Lo! Thou, only Thou art the Knower

of Things Hidden.

117. I spake unto them only that which Thou commandedst me, (saying) : Worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord. I was

a witness of them while I dwelt among them, and when Thou tookest me Thou wast the Watcher over them. Thou art

Witness over all things.

118. If Thou punish them, lo! they are Thy slaves, and if Thou forgive them (lo! they are Thy slaves). Lo! Thou, only

Thou art the Mighty, the Wise.

119. Allah saith: This is a day in which their truthfulness profiteth the truthful, for theirs are Gardens underneath which

rivers flow, wherein they are secure for ever, Allah taking pleasure in them and they in Him. That is the great triumph.

120. Unto Allah belongeth the Sovereignty of the heavens and the earth and whatsoever is therein, and He is Able to

do all things.
2008-02-17 06:28:43 UTC
u better watch this video similarities between islam and christianity by zakir naik

U can download it on searc on google almighty.tripod . Zakir naik so u will get the link . It will give u answers for ur questions
2008-02-17 08:55:01 UTC
Jesus was not the son of GOD. Nor was he GOD
2008-02-17 04:25:05 UTC
I quote below a few verses from Sura Maryam.

And they say: "(God) most Gracious has begotten a son".

Indeed ye have put forth a thing most monstrous!.

At it the skies are ready to burst, And the earth to split asunder, and the mountains to fall down in utter ruin,

That they should invoke a son for (Glod) Most Gracious.

For it is not consonant with the Majesty of (God) Most Gracious that he should beget a son. (Verses 88 to 92).

Allah also refutes their claim of Trinity. I quote below Verse 171 of Sura Nisa'a.

...And don't say 'Trinity': Desist: It will be better for you: For Allah is one God:"

Allah used the same word "Ruh (which was used in the case of creation of Jesus Christ)" in the following Verses in Quran.

"And I have fashioned him completely and breathed into him (Adam) the soul which I created for him, fall (you) down prostrating yourselves unto him." (Verse 29 of Surah Al-Hijr)

And they ask you (O Muhammad (PBUH) concerning the Ruh (the Slpirit); Say: "The Rluh (the Spirit) is one of the things, the knowledge of which is only with my Lord. And of knowledge, you (mankind) have been given only a little." Verse 85 of Surah Al-Isra'.

You (O Muhammad-PBUH) will not find any people who believe in Allah and the Last Day, making friendship with those who oppose Allah and His Messenger (Mohammed-PBUH) even though they were their fathers or their sons or their brothers or their kindred (people). For such brothers or their kindred (people. For such He has written Faith in their hearts, and strengthened them with Ruah (proofs, light and true guidance) from Himself. And He will admit them to Gardens (Paradise) under which rivers flow to dwell therin (foreever). Allah is pleased with them, and they with Him. They are the Party of Allah. Verily, it is the Party of Allah that will be successful.-Verse 22 of Surah Al-Mujadilah.

So, we need not get confused with the word "Ruh" used in the case of Jesus Christ.
2008-02-17 01:06:17 UTC
The reason they reject the Holy Trinity is that they view it as polytheism to worship Jesus as more than a prophet. There can only be one God.
jo n jo
2008-02-17 09:49:36 UTC
In quran it is mentioned that jesus or anyone else is not a son for god.

God has no sons
2008-02-17 08:00:20 UTC
I would recommend you to listen to debates by Zakir nail and Ahmed Deedat. They explain this concept pretty well .

if you want them, i can send them too or give you a link
John Mc
2008-02-17 01:22:08 UTC
The Bible, The Koran, the Talmud...they're ALL books written by HUMANS. God never put pen or pencil to paper. These books are/were based on the ideas and interpretations of the men who wrote them. And let's not forget these books were written in and for VERY patriarchal societies.To base any argument on God and His/Her identity and/or what 'constitutes' God...whether you're Christian, Muslim, Jew...or whatever...using a (any?) book written by not the wisest course of action.
Sarah H
2008-02-17 01:06:42 UTC
They believe he was a prophet of God, but not the messiah or the saviour.
2008-02-17 08:11:05 UTC
Because Allah says us in Quran, that He is not born from any one and neither any one is born from Allah. Read the following Surah Al-Ikhkas # 112 in Quran:

Al-Ikhlas | 4 verses | Absoluteness | Tafsir سورة الإخلاص

Sura #112 | Makkah

1 Say: He is Allah, the One and Only;

2 Allah, the Eternal, Absolute;

3 He begetteth not, nor is He begotten;

4 And there is none like unto Him.

His Jesus was word of God, which only means that God said a world 'Be' and he was created by His miracle. It is nothing for Allah to create human any way He want to create.

He created Adam from dust, and created Eve from a bulge that grew on top of his ribs.

Why don't you then call

1. Adam as son of God,

2. Adam as father of Eve,

3. Adam as mother of Eve.

4. Adam as husband of Eve

According to your belief for Jesus, then Adam deserves all these titles. Does he not?

We accept Jesus as one of the most of important

Messenger of Allah like Abraham, Moses, and Mohammad SAW. But we belive he was mortal human born to virgin

Mary as Allah waned to creat him this way by miracle.

If you want to belive him son of God for his birth without father, then Adam has more right to be called son of Allah, because he neither had human mother nor human father.

But Christians never give any credit to the first man from whom all humanity started and he served Allah over 930 or so years compared to only 3-1/2 years service of Jesus AS.

Jesus was sent by Allah only fhe last test of Jews because they killed several Prophets of God- Zakariya and Joh the Baptist being the last two right before Jesus. Allah saved him by moving him to heaven alive and put Judah the

betrayer of Jesus on cross by making him look like Jesus.

Here is the statement of God in Quran:

Verily, the likeness of Iesa (Jesus) before Allah is the likeness of Adam. He created him from dust, then (He) said to him: "Be!" - and he was.

( سورة آل عمران , Aal-e-Imran, Chapter #3, Verse #59)

And because of their saying (in boast), "We killed Messiah Iesa (Jesus), son of Maryam (Mary), the Messenger of Allah," - but they killed him not, nor crucified him, but the resemblance of Iesa (Jesus) was put over another man (and they killed that man), and those who differ therein are full of doubts. They have no (certain) knowledge, they follow nothing but conjecture. For surely; they killed him not (i.e. Iesa (Jesus), son of Maryam (Mary) ):

( سورة النساء , An-Nisa, Chapter #4, Verse #157)

May Allah guide you Christian and show you the right path of Allah that leads to Heaven. Just believing Jesus as son of Gopd and his death on cross (which never happend) won't save you from hell fire for rejecting Islam the only true religion of God.
Kate U
2008-02-17 01:04:28 UTC
It would properly be a conflict of intrests. If they belvied Jesus was the son, then that would give him higher status then mohammand
2008-02-17 09:47:13 UTC
we have 4 holy bibels that all of them are artifitial.but quran is one.these suras help you to undrestand .if you want i can give more information about islam.

Sura - 112 Absoluteness

[112:0] In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

[112:1] Proclaim, "He is the One and only GOD.

[112:2] "The Absolute GOD.

[112:3] "Never did He beget. Nor was He begotten.

[112:4] "None equals Him."

Sura - 19 Mary

[19:0] In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

[19:1] K. H. Y. `A. S. (Kaaf Haa Yaa `Ayn Saad)


[19:2] A narration about your Lord's mercy towards His servant Zachariah.

[19:3] He called his Lord, a secret call.

[19:4] He said, "My Lord, the bones have turned brittle in my body, and my hair is aflame with gray. As I implore You, my Lord, I never despair.

[19:5] "I worry about my dependants after me, and my wife has been sterile. Grant me, from You, an heir.

[19:6] "Let him be my heir and the heir of Jacob's clan, and make him, my Lord, acceptable."


[19:7] "O Zachariah, we give you good news; a boy whose name shall be John (Yahya). We never created anyone like him before."

[19:8] He said, "My Lord, will I have a son despite my wife's sterility, and despite my old age?"

[19:9] He said, "Thus said your Lord: `It is easy for Me to do. I created you before that, and you were nothing.' "

[19:10] He said, "My Lord, give me a sign." He said, "Your sign is that you will not speak to the people for three consecutive nights."

[19:11] He came out to his family, from the sanctuary, and signaled to them: "Meditate (on God) day and night."


*19:1 This is the maximum number of Quranic Initials, because this sura deals with such crucial matters as the miraculous birth of John and the virgin birth of Jesus, and strongly condemns the gross blasphemy that considers Jesus to be a son of God. The five initials provide a powerful physical evidence to support these issues (See Appendices 1 & 22).

1599 92726

[19:12] "O John, you shall uphold the scripture, strongly." We endowed him with wisdom, even in his youth.

[19:13] And (we endowed him with) kindness from us and purity, for he was righteous.

[19:14] He honored his parents, and was never a disobedient tyrant.

[19:15] Peace be upon him the day he was born, the day he dies, and the day he is resurrected back to life.


[19:16] Mention in the scripture Mary. She isolated herself from her family, into an eastern location.

[19:17] While a barrier separated her from them, we sent to her our Spirit. He went to her in the form of a human being.

[19:18] She said, "I seek refuge in the Most Gracious, that you may be righteous."

[19:19] He said, "I am the messenger of your Lord, to grant you a pure son."

[19:20] She said, "How can I have a son, when no man has touched me; I have never been unchaste."

[19:21] He said, "Thus said your Lord, `It is easy for Me. We will render him a sign for the people, and mercy from us. This is a predestined matter.' "

The Birth of Jesus

[19:22] When she bore him, she isolated herself to a faraway place.

[19:23] The birth process came to her by the trunk of a palm tree. She said, "(I am so ashamed;) I wish I were dead before this happened, and completely forgotten."

[19:24] (The infant) called her from beneath her, saying, "Do not grieve. Your Lord has provided you with a stream.

[19:25] "If you shake the trunk of this palm tree, it will drop ripe dates for you.


*19:25 Thus, Jesus was born in late September or early October. This is when dates ripen in the Middle East to the point of falling off the tree.

1599 92726

[19:26] "Eat and drink, and be happy. When you see anyone, say, `I have made a vow of silence; I am not talking today to anyone.' "

[19:27] She came to her family, carrying him. They said, "O Mary, you have committed something that is totally unexpected.

[19:28] "O descendant of Aaron, your father was not a bad man, nor was your mother unchaste."

The Infant Makes a Statement

[19:29] She pointed to him. They said, "How can we talk with an infant in the crib?"

[19:30] (The infant spoke and) said, "I am a servant of GOD. He has given me the scripture, and has appointed me a prophet.

[19:31] "He made me blessed wherever I go, and enjoined me to observe the Contact Prayers (Salat) and the obligatory charity (Zakat) for as long as I live.

[19:32] "I am to honor my mother; He did not make me a disobedient rebel.

[19:33] And peace be upon me the day I was born, the day I die, and the day I get resurrected."

The Proven Truth

[19:34] That was Jesus, the son of Mary, and this is the truth of this matter, about which they continue to doubt.

[19:35] It does not befit GOD that He begets a son, be He glorified. To have anything done, He simply says to it, "Be," and it is.

[19:36] He also proclaimed, "GOD is my Lord and your Lord; you shall worship Him alone. This is the right path."

[19:37] The various parties disputed among themselves (regarding the identity of Jesus). Therefore, woe to those who disbelieve from the sight of a terrible day.

[19:38] Wait till you hear them and see them when they come to face us. The transgressors on that day will be totally lost.


*19:36 This is similar to the statement attributed to Jesus in the Gospel of John 20:17.

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[19:39] Warn them about the day of remorse, when judgment will be issued. They are totally oblivious; they do not believe.

[19:40] We are the ones who inherit the earth and everyone on it; to us everyone will be returned.


[19:41] Mention in the scripture Abraham; he was a saint, a prophet.

[19:42] He said to his father, "O my father, why do you worship what can neither hear, nor see, nor help you in any way?

[19:43] "O my father, I have received certain knowledge that you did not receive. Follow me, and I will guide you in a straight path.

[19:44] "O my father, do not worship the devil. The devil has rebelled against the Most Gracious.

[19:45] "O my father, I fear lest you incur retribution from the Most Gracious, then become an ally of the devil."

[19:46] He said, "Have you forsaken my gods, O Abraham? Unless you stop, I will stone you. Leave me alone."

[19:47] He said, "Peace be upon you. I will implore my Lord to forgive you; He has been Most Kind to me.

[19:48] "I will abandon you and the gods you worship beside GOD. I will worship only my Lord. By imploring my Lord alone, I cannot go wrong."

[19:49] Because he abandoned them and the gods they worshipped beside GOD, we granted him Isaac and Jacob, and we made each of them a prophet.

[19:50] We showered them with our mercy, and we granted them an honorable position in history.


[19:51] Mention in the scripture Moses. He was devoted, and he was a messenger prophet.


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[19:52] We called him from the right side of Mount Sinai. We brought him close, to confer with him.

[19:53] And we granted him, out of our mercy, his brother Aaron as a prophet.

[19:54] And mention in the scripture Ismail. He was truthful when he made a promise, and he was a messenger prophet.

[19:55] He used to enjoin his family to observe the Contact Prayers (Salat) and the obligatory charity (Zakat); he was acceptable to his Lord.

[19:56] And mention in the scripture Idris. He was a saint, a prophet.

[19:57] We raised him to an honorable rank.

[19:58] These are some of the prophets whom GOD blessed. They were chosen from among the descendants of Adam, and the descendants of those whom we carried with Noah, and the descendants of Abraham and Israel, and from among those whom we guided and selected. When the revelations of the Most Gracious are recited to them, they fall prostrate, weeping.

Losing the Contact Prayers (Salat)

[19:59] After them, He substituted generations who lost the Contact Prayers (Salat), and pursued their lusts. They will suffer the consequences.

[19:60] Only those who repent, believe, and lead a righteous life will enter Paradise, without the least injustice.

[19:61] The gardens of Eden await them, as promised by the Most Gracious for those who worship Him, even in privacy. Certainly, His promise must come to pass.

[19:62] They will not hear any nonsense therein; only peace. They receive their provisions therein, day and night.

[19:63] Such is Paradise; we grant it to those among our servants who are righteous.

[19:64] We do not come down except by the command of your Lord. To Him belongs our past, our future, and everything between them. Your Lord is never forgetful.


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Let us look at other verses from the Bible to find out whether Jesus was the only begotten son of God, or that there were more than one. Also let us investigate whether Jesus was the only one born of God. Finally, let us investigate whether the word begotten is to be taken literally.

Was Jesus the only begotten son of God?

In the book of Psalms 2:7 we find "I will declare the decree: the LORD hath said unto me, Thou art my Son; this day have I begotten thee." David, in this verse, is saying that God had told him he was the son of God and God has begotten him. Clearly Jesus is not the only begotten son of God.

Of course, one could say that although Jesus was not the only begotten son of God, he had no human father in contrast to David who had a human father. That is true! Since Jesus had no human father it makes the relationship between him and God a closer one. The question is what about Adam? Adam had no human father nor a human mother, and according to the Bible he too was the son of God. The Bible says, "And Jesus himself began to be about thirty years of age, being (as was supposed) the son of Joseph, which was the son of Heli." (Luke3:23) The Bible goes on to mention the supposed genealogy of Jesus Christ. At the end of this genealogy the Bible comes to Adam, and it says, "Which was the son of Enos, which was the son of Seth, which was the son of Adam, which was the son of God." (Luke 3:38). So Adam is also the son of God. According to the assumption: "because Jesus had no human father then he is closer to God than David who had a human father," we can safely conclude that Adam is better than Jesus because he did not have a human father or mother.

The truth is Jesus and Adam do not differ in God’s sight. They were a mere creation of God. The Holy Quran says in clear terms, "Verily, similitude of Jesus with God is as the similitude of Adam; He created him out of dust then said He unto him BE, and he became." (Ch 3: Vr 59).

Was Jesus the only born son of God or the only son of God?

The verse in I John 5:1 says, "...Jesus is the Christ is born of God...." This indicates that Jesus was born of God, but was Jesus the only born son of God? Let us look at what the Bible says:

God talking to Moses:

Exodus 4:22 And thou shalt say unto Pharaoh, Thus saith the LORD, Israel is my son, even my firstborn:

Exodus 4:23 And I say unto thee, Let my son go, that he may serve me: and if thou refuse to let him go, behold, I will slay thy son, even thy firstborn.

Also, God talking about David:

Psalms 89:27 Also I will make him my firstborn, higher than the kings of the earth.

In both Exodus 4:22-23 and Psalms 89:27 Israel and David, respectively, were regarded as the first born sons of God. This means that Jesus was not the only born son of God. This means that the word "born" does not mean conception. It’s just a form of expression God used to show the closeness of people to Him.

Finally, there were many other people mentioned in the bible as sons of God, and one of them was Solomon:

I Chronicles 22:9 Behold, a son shall be born to thee, who shall be a man of rest; and I will give him rest from all his enemies round about: for his name shall be Solomon, and I will give peace and quietness unto Israel in his days.

I Chronicles 22:10 He shall build an house for my name; and he shall be my son, and I will be his father; and I will establish the throne of his kingdom over Israel for ever.

Also, remember that some of these verses are taken from the Old Testament, and that this book was originally written in Hebrew. Had the word born or son meant born or son in a literal sense then the Jews would have been ahead of everyone else in claiming their literal sonship to God, or in claiming the literal sonship of Solomon to God. The Jews know their language, and they know what son means. They know that the word "son" should not be taken literally.

The Quran says in chapter 112 "In the name of God the Beneficent the Merciful. Say: ‘He, God, is ONE (alone). God, the Absolute, He begetteth not, nor is He Begotten, And there is none like unto Him.’" God does not beget, and does not need to beget. He is ONE and only ONE, and nothing is equal to Him.

What does begotten mean?

If Jesus is not the only begotten son of God and not the only born son of God, then what does begotten or born mean? Should the two words be taken literally? The only way we can justify these words is by looking at the Bible again. In I Peter 1:3 the Bible says, "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which according to his abundant mercy hath begotten us again unto a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead." The word begotten is also used here. God can beget us unto lively hope. Does the word "begotten" here mean conception? No. It is a form of expression. This word means "gave rise to" or "brought".

Also in Job 38:28 the Bible says, "Hath the rain a father? or who hath begotten the drops of dew?" Can the drops of dew be begotten? No. It’s just a form of expression. Rain does not have a father nor are drops of dew begotten in a literal sense.

If we cannot take the word begotten in literal sense with David, the drops of dew, or "us unto a lively hope" then why should we take Jesus as the literal begotten son of God?

Finally, in the book Revelation 1:5 says, "And from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, and the first begotten of the dead, and the prince of the kings of the earth. Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood." Why is it that when Jesus is mentioned as being begotten of God it is taken literally, and when he is mentioned that he is begotten from the dead it is not taken literally? The truth is because the word begotten here does not mean any one could be conceived of the dead; it is a form of expression. The same thing with God, He begets not, and this word "begotten" is only a form of expression.

Who was Jesus if not the literal son of God?

According to the Bible in Matthew 21:11 "And the multitude said, This is Jesus the prophet of Nazareth of Galilee." This was Jesus. He was a prophet of God. He was sent like other prophets to deliver the message of his ONE and only ONE God (glory be to Him). Also, in Luke 24:19 the Bible says "And he said unto them, What things? And they said unto him, Concerning Jesus of Nazareth, which was a prophet mighty in deed and word before God and all the people."

Jesus was a true messenger of God Almighty. He was sent by Him to deliver His will. The Bible says in John 5:30 "I can of mine own self do nothing: as I hear, I judge: and my judgment is just; because I seek not mine own will, but the will of the Father which hath sent me." These are the true characteristics of a prophet. They do as they are commanded. They are sent to deliver a message, and the only difference between them and other humans is their utmost righteousness, "mighty in deed and word" (Luke 24:19). They are the best of all the people of their time. They are the only ones who could bear and act upon the commandments of God completely and fully. They are loved by God because of that, and their nearness to God comes from that.

The same applies to all other prophets. Adam, Noah, Abraham, Ismael, Isaac, Jacob, Jonah, Moses, Jesus, Jonas, Muhammad and all the other prophets shared the same qualities. The qualities of those who could withstand all forms of tribulations in God’s name. They all fully abided by what God has commanded them. The Quran says, "Say: (O’ Our Apostle Muhammad!) (unto the People) ‘We believe in God, and what hath been sent down to us, and what hath been sent down to Abraham and Ishmael, and Isaac, and Jacob, and the Tribes, and what was given to Moses, and Jesus and the Prophets from their Lord, we make no difference between any of them, and we unto Him are muslims’" (CH 3: Vr 84). (Note that "what was given to Moses, and Jesus" is not the same as the current Bible written by Paul, John, Luke, Matthew, and so on. Rather they were the true books of Moses and Jesus. These are not to be found today.)

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.