Why are females mis-treated in Islam?
Blue eyed beauty.
2009-03-24 02:40:34 UTC
A) They have to cover themselves (more than men)
B) They cannot touch the Koran when they're dirty (period)
C) They can let their husbands strike them
D) They have to let their husband have sex with them whenever he wants to
E) They can let their husbands have up to 4 wives
F) Women have a tiny place in the mosque where they can pray. They are isolated so the males cannot see them
G) Females get circumsizd so they feel no sexual pleasure thus they won't stray
H) A female MUST be a virgin until she marrys but for a male it's not so important....

You cannot tell me this isn't oppression.
32 answers:
2009-03-24 02:53:28 UTC
Islam is a male dominated religion. In Islam men are permitted to beat their wife - or wives even. Women cannot shake hands with other men. They must in may cases wear the hijab or burkha. and in some cases without question.

Unfortunately Islam requires women to cover themselves. The reason is that it is supposed to curb the sexual appetites of passing men when women travel outside the home. Women are also not allowed to travel by themselves, or be alone with a man who is not a relative.

G) Females get circumsizd so they feel no sexual pleasure thus they won't stray. Yes that happens in Northern Nigeria.

This thing about 'its good for muslims woman' etc etc is silly. No modern day woman wants to be told to cover her head all day especially if she is forced. A Muslim woman covering herelf does not make her better or any 'peaceful' than a non-Muslim. Many non-Muslims dont cover up from head to toe but respect others more than some Muslim women do.

Some guy spoke about ''awarding womens rights''. How naive. Non-religious organisations do this all time and if Islam really did 'award womens rights' why don't women have the right to not cover up and to start shaking hands with other men. To go to mosque as often and have more freedom. Some people need to use common sense.

Mind you I would not expect some muslims to understand as you're in the ramadan section anyway.
2009-03-24 04:23:38 UTC
You should display SOME neutrality in order to get some healthy answers. If your attitude is hate, then obviously you will end up with the same. Don't expect a good response even from your own pet dog if you kick him.

4thestraightpath: has given u some good answers.

First most of what u have said is BASELESS and made up.

Second, you have mixed a lot of culture into religion.

Third, since u r blinded with ur hatred u refuse to even see the evidence that goes against ur own points. For example u quoted 33:59. But did NOT bother to check the context of the same which is there in the very few verse (3-4 verses) just before and after it.

Fourth and final for u: Shame on u !!



At first I though U r NOT worth answering. But on a second thought I am elaborating on a few things:

1- Many men work hard in the day on the road and in the sun. And in the process they do take their shirts off in the heat of the day. How would it feel like if they were women ??

Men have a different sense of turn on and females have a different way of turning on. Females need the touch, while men only need the sight.

2- Does the Quran ever say that women cannot touch it, in any state i.e. including periods ????

3- 4:34 is an abused verse. The verse uses the word "Adhrabun" which ALSO means "cut off ties". However the people who were influenced by the suppressive culture of Muslim countries translated it as "beating the wife" !

4- Again a baseless accusation. Show me where in the Quran this is written !!

Sex is a mutual decision. And it is one of the enjoyments and main ingredients of a happy married life. Sex under compulsion is NEVER a joy, for ANY.

5- The husbands CAN have 4 wives without any permission of the wives. However this is very conditional and not a clean chit. The verse 4:3 mentions the word "Orphan". It is not a commonly understood term.

6- There is NO compulsion for the women to attend the mosque. Even if they wish to retreat they do so in their homes (Just as Marry, mother of Jesus did). Therefore their attendance is never equal to men.

And by the way go to a big mosque to see how true is ur claim. Some mosques have EQUAL areas for them.

7- Circumcision of women: Again Islam is NOT to be blamed for those who do such things. There is NO religious command regarding this.

8- 4straightpath, has given a good answer. Take a look at it.


Now ask urself if it is NOT injustice and a horrendous crime to accuse an innocent with baseless charges like urs.
2009-03-24 04:26:16 UTC
KK looking at this thread really pisses me off as a Muslim myself.

Remember: Some Muslims are like that . How about the rest? The rest are peaceful people.

For E thats their choice isn't it?

Lol how about u non-muslims ? u do worse than us. But then again its not all of you guys who are bad.

Its not that the religion its the people its self

like naery said "The difference between u and the muslims is that they don't go online and post cruel things about Christianity .

Have u read the article in britain or london(cant remember which) When the british wanted to call Christmas as "A Holiday" for the muslims sake.

But guess what the muslims did. They ask some muslims scholars to signed a letter to tell them that u can call it Christmas. and they also said "if u resepct our holidays we will respect yours."

As for B. What do u think? Its a holy book to us.
2009-03-24 05:09:01 UTC
You got major issues deal with your personal demons first.

If the Muslim woman wants to be treated the way you say, its non of your business.

Know this no one is forced to do anything, I live in a western world and it is the western men subjugate their woman more, highest level of violence in statistics are from white males against their partners.

If you read the other Scriptures like the Bible it actually states to stone to death a woman for butting in a husband's affairs and many other things.

Clearly you have a problem with the Muslims, that is your fire that burns within you.

Hope you get some peace in your troubled soul
2009-03-24 04:10:16 UTC
You have been reading about Islam from a wrong source, a very wrong distorted source.

A) They have to cover themselves (more than men) True!

B) They cannot touch the Koran when they're dirty (period)

Islam gave us a break from our duties during our period, its actually an Advantage...dunno why u consider it a disadvantage.

C) They can let their husbands strike them

Not True, SO un True!

D) They have to let their husband have sex with them whenever he wants to - Not True, men cannot have sex if their wife is on her period. plus forced sex is forbidden in Islam.

E) They can let their husbands have up to 4 wives

This is extreme, only 4% of muslims have multiple wives. However this happens because they lack strong islamic education.

F) Women have a tiny place in the mosque where they can pray. They are isolated so the males cannot see them

This is also an advantage, its a must for men to pray in Mosque while its Optional for women =)

G) Females get circumcised so they feel no sexual pleasure thus they won't stray

This is a lame lie, its an African Habit .... Totally forbidden in Islam.

H) A female MUST be a virgin until she marrys but for a male it's not so important.... Not true, its both males and females shouldn't have pre-martial sex.
2009-03-24 04:08:15 UTC
Wow, way to start a controversy!

First, before I address your points, you should ask the same questions not in the context of Islam, but in the context of Christianity. Almost all of your points are equally applicable to Christianity and the entire civilization of the West by extension.

A) Women are not allowed to go topless in the West, but men routinely work outside without shirts. There is nothing inherently "wrong" with being topless, for men or women, as countless cultures across the world will tell you. But God (you *are* aware, right, that the Christian, Jewish and Muslim God are the same guy?) says that **** are bad, so there ya have it.

B) Women in Xianity aren't allowed in the clergy AT ALL because they're dirty. Muslim women at least can have clerical positions and be respected on religious bases.

C) First, you're wrong. No one can strike anyone. Second, it's the same situation in Xianity. If a woman is beaten by her husband, the majority of people think she deserved it somehow.

D) Again, wrong. But, in both Xianity and in Islam and in Judaism, it's grounds for a divorce.

E) This requires a little historical context. I'm not going to go into too much detail here, but look up any nomadic tribe's marriage customs and you will find polygamy. Socially, for nomadic groups, it's virtually indispensable for social stability and continuation.

F) Muslim women don't have "a tiny place in the mosque" where they have to bunch up and pray together. Women typically don't go to a mosque. That's like complaining that there are only two handicapped parking spaces at the supermarket. There's just not that much demand for it. As for the separation, do you really want men who are trying to focus on God and His Will watching women bend over as they pray?

G) Check your "facts" about that one, bud. Specifically, look at *where* it's practiced and *whence* this practice came.

H) This is the situation in *Western* society. In Islam, they both must be virgins before marriage. Their first one, anyway. And I can't understand why you're saying it's a bad thing. Knowing the parentage of a child with absolute certainty is bad? Reducing the spread of disease from wanton carnal acts is bad? And besides, Xian men used to take their sons to brothels when they came of age. There are no brothels here.

Further, women here have some extreme rights that women in the West don't have. Also, there is much greater parity of employment, pay and working rights between Muslim men and Muslim women than there is between Western men and women. And, while you may complain and cry "oppression" when you see men and women "separated" in Islam, where else in the world can a woman go walking alone at 3am and *know* that she is safe?

Now, the biggest difference between Muslims and *you* is that Muslims don't go around saying, "Oh, look at how bad those Christians are. I'm going to post online about how cruel and amoral they are." Muslims accept EVERYONE. Christians just want to dominate everyone. Judeo-Christian Western society is divisive, belligerent and arrogant. Muslims greet each other by wishing peace on one another. Muslim society is accepting, peaceful and equitable.
2009-03-24 03:09:47 UTC
You arent looking for a discussion, you have asked a rhetorical question.

I have studied religions, and i would urge you to read about islam BEYOND the negative media propaganda. I myself was shocked and surprised at what i found. In brief i can tell you the following

1) both men and women have minimum requirements to cover their modesty. You'll find that Judaism, Christianity, and Hindusim have the same dress code for women. The premise is that a womans hair makes her more beautiful. By masking her hair, she remains humble about her beauty, and is also not objectified. She is not judged on the physical, rather the intellectual.

2) Unlike in hinduism and judaism, a period is not considered dirty. A woman cant touch the Quran (note spelling) when she is on, because blood is considered impure. If a man has a seeping wound, he is not permitted to touch the Quran either. You can however recite from memory if you wish.

3) This is one of the misconceptions i had dispelled. Men are not allowed to strike their wives. i learnt a beautiful saying in islam - The best amongst you are best to thier wives - i liked that! Basically, the only thing men are allowed to do is tap their wives, the same way you would tap a kitten to show its done something wrong. They are not allowed to hit.

4)Again, not true. Women just arent allowed to use sex as a weapon (like the rest of us do!!!) The idea is, one of the big things is you marry so you can have 'legitimate' sex. If he isnt getting it, he might stray. I was shocked to find there are doctrines on foreplay and how to treat your woman well. Seriously, scores of books on how to turn your woman on and push her buttons... who knew!!!!!

5) You used the key words here. They CAN LET. Women have a right to veto. The idea behind having more than one is you become thier guardian. You dont necessarily have a sexual relationship. In many ways its no different to women who know their husband or boyfriend has a mistress, and puts up with it.

6) Have you been to a mosque? I have been to more than a few while i was researching. This is not what i have found.

7) Female circumsition is not permitted in islam. It is an african traddition, rather than a cultural one. Any type of mutilation is not permitted in islam. For a start it contradicts the existence of the treaties on how to please your woman.

8) again, not true. Men and woman are equally required to be 'chaste'

This rule is because in islam a childs religion comes from the father. Its like in judaism, it flows from the mum. Its why isla fisher had to become jewish to marry sasha baron cohen. Also, in hinduism a woman will be killed if she marries out of caste, and has to jump on her husbands funeral pyre when her husband dies.

You sound very angry. i think if you read the truth about islam you'd calm down. I learnt they gave women suffrage 1400 years ago - how long have we had it in the west? Also, remember EVERY religion has things they can be critisised about. In christianity, a married woman is the property of her husband.... The point is, try and focus on the love, peace and goodness they promote, rather than letting the hatred you feel towards it eat you up.

Peace out
Amat-Allah ^_^
2009-03-24 02:56:17 UTC
They are not honey !! ^_^

A) to cover ourselves is related to religion n i can't really explane it to u in two lines, once u understand everything 'bout Islam n discover it u'll see the beauty n the reason for muslim women to cover themselves

B)that's because the Quran is holy n it's true when u r in period u r dirty (najassa) u cannot touch the holy quran

C)NOO, they do not let their husband strike them, that's a wrong info.

D) honey, i don't really know from where are u getting these wrong informations, it's not true n who ever told u this knows nothing about islam.

E)The husband cannot have 4 wives unless he knows he can support all of them ans BE FAIR with each one of them, it's not just random like that n takin the woman's rights, NO.

F)it's not a tiny place, in islam u cannot pray next to men, during prayin men cannot be prayin n checking out women!!! doesn't make sens, does it!! :)

G)TOTALLY WRONG! i mean there's nothin to justify here, this statement is WRONG

H) again, NOT true, both the male and the female must be virgins when they marry..BOTH of them

n the last part u added right there is the children will take their fathers religion, but if a woman marry a Jewish let's say, her children won't be Muslims, not right

AND i'm trying my best to be nice n not "attack" u as u were just doing to Islam, but u really should educate yourself about ISLAM and have more knowledge before judging ISLAM randomly, u know it's a whole population n a whole culture u r offending

n who ever was telling u this is WRONG n knows nothing about ISLAM

it's such a beautiful religion once u get to know it n get over superficial judgments!

I Hope u understand what i said !

2016-04-23 11:08:56 UTC
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2009-03-24 03:31:44 UTC
If Islam was all about oppresion why would so many women choose to follow it?

A. A woman is more likely to be sexually harrassed. Most women choose to cover. I know it is hard to believe but it's true.

B It is the word of Allah. Doesn't mean can't recite or read from internet. Just do not touch it.


[4:34] The men are made responsible for the women, and GOD has endowed them with certain qualities, and made them the bread earners. The righteous women will cheerfully accept this arrangement, since it is GOD's commandment, and honor their husbands during their absence. If you experience rebellion from the women, you shall first talk to them, then (you may use negative incentives like) deserting them in bed, then you may (as a last alternative) beat them. If they obey you, you are not permitted to transgress against them. GOD is Most High, Supreme.

D Sex isn't a duty.


F To not distract the men from prayers. Behind the men.

G More cultural than Islamic practice. It has been banned in most countries.

H No sex before marriage

."Successful indeed are the believers, who are reverent during their Contact prayers (Salat). And they avoid vain talk. And they give their obligatory charity (Zakat). And THEY MAINTAIN THEIR CHASTITY. Only with their spouses, or those who are rightfully theirs do they have sexual relations;

they are not to be blamed. Those who transgress these limits are the transgressors." [Quran 23:1-7]

"Tell the believing men that they shall subdue their eyes, and to maintain their chastity. This is purer for them. God is fully Cognizant of everything they do. And tell the believing women to subdue their eyes, and to maintain their chastity..........." [Quran 24:30-31]

See also 33:35, 70:29-30

33:59 O prophet, tell your wives, your daughters, and the wives of the believers that they shall lengthen their garments. Thus, they will be recognized (as righteous women) and avoid being insulted. GOD is Forgiver, Most Merciful.
2009-03-24 03:15:48 UTC
When compared to Judaism and christianity, the only thing that really makes Islam stand out is that it was the only of the three to explicitly award women rights.

Most of the oppression of women in Islam stems not from Islam itself but form cultural practices which pre-date Islam.

For example, female circumcision and honor killings are not Islamic, nor is it Islamic to force a woman to marry someone she does not want to marry.

On the other hand, women have historically been considered either flawed, inherently corrupt, and evil by those within the christian church.

Have you ever heard the saying "rule of thumb"?

In England is was permitted to beat your wife as long as the stick you beat her with was no thicker than your thumb.

In the United States they didn't decide that a man forcing his wife to have sex was rape until the 1980's

For the record, I've known many Muslim men who absolutely cherish women.

Islam is no more inherently oppressive towards women than most religions.
2009-03-24 02:59:53 UTC
it's a religion constantly questioned and criticized, like any other religion really. Woman are victims to this religion, especially in strictly Muslim countries. There is no real answer to the mistreatment, and more so, what can we do about it? It's an ancient religion and their are huge amounts of Muslim in the world's population. We can't simply re-write their world.

I would say that a lot of the rules with woman are ridiculous too, in Afghanistan woman under the Taliban laws were not allowed an education, they could only leave the house with a male present- their 4 year old male sons had more rights then them, and they couldn't show their ankles in public (amongst other things) because, apparently this was the act of trying to arouse a man. wtf?

I would never be able to abide by Muslim religious law, if i were ever to convert (say, i fell in love with a Muslim man and married- I have to convert to his religion) but I will accept that some religions are f*up more than others, I'm Christian, Mormon- and I know are religion ain't perfect either.

One person even said to me, when I was saying how unfair that women are mistreated through religion, through the ages, why can't we be equal- and they replied (she replied) that maybe God didn't create us equal maybe it wasn't ever supposed to be that way. I was pissed off at the time, but i thought about it...
Zainab Umm Mikail
2009-03-24 05:07:19 UTC
My sisters have said it right...but I just want to add something...

Not all muslims are living in Islamic countries nowadays. Majority live with non-muslims and most children are studying in Christian schools because that's the type of school in non-muslim countries. Muslim children have to study christianity because of that so you cannot say that the only religion they know is Islam. Islam was their choice....
Maria A {Evergreen}
2009-03-24 02:58:10 UTC
All the non-muslims would agree with you but not at all muslims would agree upon that. If muslim women are so badly treated, like how u have mentioned, then howcome we all are happy being muslims??? noone forced Islam on me and on thousands of other muslim women, we are muslims out of our own choice.

Islam, infact, treats woman as a precious jewel, and not a mere sexual object to be stared and enjoyed by alien men. Islam privileges women alot, and that is why has set the limits for her to safe her dignity.

All your points from A to H could be justified one by one in the right way. Don;t just look at the one side of the coin, when u have jumped in, have guts to know about it too..... so do you want me to come one by one?
2009-03-24 05:17:57 UTC
in Response to H... who exactly are the men sleeping with if all women are meant to be virgins before marriage?
2009-03-24 02:51:44 UTC
First of all H. men and women must be Virgin until first marriage.

second G. is not a rule in islam. simply a cultural thing practiced by ignorant tribesmen and not at all in the majority of islam

Third. F. is because it is not mandatory for women to prey in the mosque but it is for men

E. it's so the men do not cheat on their wives, and to populate . also they need to treat the 4 equaly

D. im not sure

C. false. once again a cultural and not a religious rule. women have same rights in correct islamic law (unfortunately it is not followed correctly)

B. I wouldnt want to touch a women on the rag so. EWW

A. to protect the women. Treat a jewel for the eyes of her family only.

and for ur additional details... if a woman marries a non muslim the kids will become non muslims. any religion would b against that
2009-03-24 02:53:47 UTC
what about a Christian Nun covering her hair ......

Everybody focuses to Muslim women worldwide as oppressed, more specifically the Muslim Women of Afghanistan.

The media shows us how oppressed the Muslim women are there and people start linking three words in their minds: ‘Islam,’ ‘women’ and ‘oppression.’ Therefore, they think that Islam commands oppressing women.

People often fail to distinguish between culture and religion, two things that are completely different. In fact, Islam condemns oppression of any kind whether it is towards a woman or in general.

Now, the Qur'an is the sacred book by which Muslims live. This book was revealed 14 centuries ago to a man named Muhammad who would later become the Prophet. Fourteen centuries have passed and this book has not been changed since, not one letter has been altered.

In surah number 33, entitled Al-Ahzab (Arabic for 'The Clans'), on verse 59, it says: “O Prophet, tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to draw cloaks all over their bodies. That will be better as they shall be known (as free respectable women) and will not be annoyed. And Allah is Ever Oft-Forgiving, Most-Merciful.” This verse shows that Islam makes wearing a Hijab necessary, Hijab is the word used for covering, not only the headscarves (as some people may think) but also wearing loose clothes that are not too bright.

Sometimes, people see covered Muslim women and they think oppression. This is wrong. A Muslim woman is not oppressed, but she is liberated. This is because she is no longer valued for something material such as her good looks or the shape of her body. She compels others to judge her for her intelligence, kindness, honesty and personality. Therefore, people judge her for who she actually is.

Women cover their hair to be modest. When they wear loose clothes, they are trying to be modest. In fact, nuns cover their hair out of modesty. Also, when we see frequent pictures of the Virgin Mary, she is covering her hair out of modesty. Therefore, Muslim women are doing the exact same thing as righteous Christian women.

The lives of the people who accepted the Qur'an changed drastically. It had a tremendous impact on so many people, especially women. It was the first time openly declared that the souls of men and women are equal. They would be bestowed the same obligation as well as the same rewards.

In addition to being equal to men, women get economic independence. The money they bring into marriage is theirs as well as the money they earn. A woman is allowed in Islam to choose their own husbands and in extreme cases, divorce. A woman has the right to be educated, contrary to what the contemporary world might think. The responsibility is of the person who is raising her.

Now picture this: Fourteen hundred years ago Islam allowed women to vote for a leader. It was recently, in 1925, Canadian women became allowed to vote. Worst, in Quebec, the law became final in 1940. Muslim women got rights before Western women got any.

Islam is a religion that holds women in high regard. Long ago, when baby boys were born, they brought great joy to the family. Girls brought less and occasionally none. Actually, girls were hated so much that they were sometimes buried alive. Islam was always against this female infanticide.

The two great roles a woman plays in life are a wife and a mother. The Prophet once said to a group of men: “The best among you are those who are the best to their wives.” This shows that Islam highly encourages the well treating of the wives. This should be shown love, respect and care.

A man came to the Prophet, sallallahualayhe wa sallam, and asked: “Who among my kinfolk is worthy of my good companionship?” The Prophet, sallallahu alavhe wa sallam, replied: "Your mother" three times before saying: “Your father.” This indicates the impact that a mother has in a person's life. So women are highly honored in this great religion. Islam is a only religion that treats women fairly. Oppression is condemned. I hope all of you know and remember this.
Tyldesley B
2009-03-24 02:51:58 UTC
When an outsider view a culture they are not used to and dont agree with ie. UK citizens may think it is oppression, wheras nazi's may think its not so bad. its all relative.

Spanish and Greek citizens may think people in UK are oppressed with all the high TAXES, Licences Fines Charges and every other b*ll*hit scams used to steal money from the poor and give to the rich.
2009-03-24 05:47:22 UTC
I agree with Shah, a well elaborated answer indeed :)
2009-03-24 03:13:04 UTC
Men aren't allowed to have sex before marriage, it applies to both men and women.

Women aren't being forced to cover up, if I wanted to I could take off my Hijab and completely stop wearing it, but I donn't wantto , I *like* to wear it.

If a man was to go out without a shirt on outside, people wouldn't be like 'what the hell is he doing?' but if a woman was to go out with a top on I'm pretty sure people would be a bit shocked, same for Islam-it's *slightly* different for men and woman in case you hadn't realised.

Not many women actually like to pray in mosques and it is compulsory upon men to go every Friday whereas for a woman it is up to her, I think this would kinda change the numbers of men and woman who go to mosque......

It is up to the woman if she wants to have sex (with er husband), no one can force her.

The circumcision is up to women, it isn't fardh or sunnah.

Circumcision of Girls (Khafd):

If the circumcision of women is to be done, it involves cutting only the outer portion of the clitoris and not as is done in some Muslim countries as cutting off all the entire clitoris. 'Female circumcision' of the type practised by some people in Somalia, Egypt and some other African countries is a mutilation forbidden in Islam.

There is a Hadith reported by Umm 'Atiyyah: "A woman used to perform circumcision in Madinah. The Prophet (s.A.w.) said to her: 'When you circumcise, do not cut severely as that is better for a woman and more desirable for a husband.'" (Related by Abu Dawud & al-Bayhaq)

When explaining this Hadith, the Ulama' say this Hadith points out that if a woman is circumcised, it would make her more sensitive during sexual intercourse and that they are told not to cut off all the clitoris for this would result in sexual problems. It is only removing the prepuce (bazr) of the clitoris, not the clitoris itself, as some mistakenly assert. Most Ulama' say that this Hadith does not convey that it is an obligation for it only carries a request. The Hadith quoted above may be speaking about a social custom where women used to be circumcised. Furthermore this Hadith is considered Da'if (a weak Hadith). Abu Dawud himself commented: "It is not a strong tradition. It has been transmitted in Mursal form (missing link of the Sahabah). A narrator, Muhammad bin Hassan is obscure, and this Hadith is Da'if."

For most of the Shafi'i school, circumcision is obligatory upon the women. While the Hanbali school and few scholars of the Shafi'i school holds that circumcision of women is not obligatory but Sunnah, while the Hanafi and the Maliki consider it a mere courtesy to the husband. And according to some scholars, female circumcision is customarily done in a hot climate. (Fiqh al-Islam wa Adillatihi 3/741)

The medical doctors have differences of view regarding female circumcision just as our Fuqaha' have differences of opinion regarding it. Some of the medical scholars encourage this practise while the others disagree with it. Actually the harm that is associated with female circumcision is because of either cutting it too much (as it is against the method prescribed in the Shari'ah) or the circumcision is carried out by inexperienced persons or by using dirty equipment which can cause other complications such as infections.

"Allah does not want to place burden on you. Rather, He wants to purify you and to complete His favours to you so that you may be grateful." (5:7)

and heres the link:

No, a man is not allowed to hit his wife, that's ridiculous!

Well, you're not exactly 'pure' when you're on your period, and men don't have periods, so they're *slightly* different cases, as you may have realised.

The Quran is pure, and it's Holy, you an't touch it if you're dirty (in any sense) just as a man can't touch it if he is bleeding (anywhere).
2009-03-24 03:07:40 UTC
A) Both have to cover but its difference because of the differences in the ways each sex is tempted by the other. .

The temptation posed by men is less than the temptation posed by women, so the clothes that women should wear are different than the clothes that men wear. It makes no sense to tell women to expose the parts of the body that men are allowed to expose, because of the differences in the temptation posed by a woman’s body and a man’s body.


B) There is nothing forbids them reading Qur’aan , because there is no clear saheeh report that states that the woman who is menstruating or bleeding after childbirth should not read Qur’aan.

what forbidden is to touch the Mus-haf, this apply for both men and women in case of impurity.


C) This is only concerning those women are a disobedient to their husband.


D) Its forbidden to have sex when she is on period.

women can too have sex with her husband whenever she wants !

after all , who will deny when his wife calling on him or who will deny when her husband calling on her ?


E) Read from here :

Conditions for plural marriage :

The ruling on plural marriage and the wisdom behind it :

The reason why plural marriage is permitted for men but not for women :


F) Islaam does not allow mixing of sexes and Islaam does not forbid women going to Masjid but its better for them to pray at home.


G) Its something obligatory on men but not on women.

Circumcision for women is not obligatory :


H) NOT True. Chastity is for both men and women.illegal sexual acts are strictly forbidden in Islaam.

2009-03-24 03:44:56 UTC
the reason women are treated so badly is because that is how they were treated 1400 years ago and they live by the rules that that paragon of virtue mohammed laid down. The other judaic religions have moved with the times we now have women priests but islam has has never had a reformation. So islam trundles along in its old fashioned ways and its women suffer for it
2009-03-24 03:07:55 UTC
Your problem is that you do not have good perception.

Woman is kept so private in Islam because they are the heart of the family, now tell me where your heart is, over your head or confine in your inner body.

Neither man nor woman is allowed to touch the Qur'aan when not pure (dirty as you say)

No females are circumsized.

No man has the right to strike her lady unless after 4 steps before, to explain and wait for improvement to separate from bed and wait for improvement then it comes in the last.

Nowadays no one can marry outside the circle of Islam.
a dreamer
2009-03-24 02:52:11 UTC
A) That is not cruel. Women have more places to hide.

B) Maybe they just take their religion more seriously than the "I won't go to church but I'm a Christian." Christians.

C) No they don't. They can even hit back.

D) No, that's STRICTLY against their religion. For women and men.

E) I don't really get that part either. But women aren't allowed not because they are women but because if she had more than one husband and she was pregnant, they wouldn't know whose it is. (No DNA tests 3000 years ago)

F)It's not tiny. Maybe the place you saw is but other than local mosques, it is usually as big as men's.

G) No, they do get circumcised but they still feel stuff. My friend is and she says it's not difference from not being so.

H) Men must be a virgin too.

Listen people. All this crap you hear about Islam is usually in those crazy countries like Saudia Arabia and India and stuff. This never ever happens on normal occasions. So stop making up stuff without knowing.

Andrea, wasn't Jesus a man too? Sexism still exists outside of Islam.
2009-03-24 02:44:18 UTC
Sounds like hypocrisy to me in the sense that its preaching peace but seems quite the opposite. However I think you must bare in mind when making judgements about any group of people that this is the case for some but not for all. And I actually as a non Muslim find the fact that Muslim women cover themselves to be quite a respectable thing.
2009-03-24 03:02:47 UTC
A) They have to cover themselves (more than men)

Women are diamonds in Islam. Hijab prevents molestation. Muslim women believe their beauty is so valuable that they should only show it to their husbands. By covering her hair and body and/or face (covering face if she follows Bukhari) then she is showing non-Muslims that she is a righteous woman, and that is she a Muslimah and forcing men to respect her for her mind, not her body. She is showing men that she is a human being with rights equal to men, not a sex toy or a play thing for men to lust after and God knows what else and showing men that she does not want to be exploited like men do to women in the West (Aka USA). Muslim women dress in a way that is modest and dignified. The purpose of clothing is not only to protect oneself from the physical elements, but also to protect from immorality and pride. The Islamic concepet of dress applies to both women and men. It sets expectations of moral and respectful interactions between the genders. As a result, both men and women are liberatd from their baser instincts and can focus on higher pursuits. Islamic dress takes on many beautiful forms, reflecting the cultural diversity of Muslims from all over the world.

B) They cannot touch the Koran when they're dirty (period)

The Qur'an (Arabic version) is a sacred text. I believe women can also not touch the Torah or the Bible when on their period. It is the word of Allah(Subhanna wa ta'ala).

C) They can let their husbands strike them

Let us see what Sura 4:34 says. 34:The men are made responsible for the women, and God has endowed them with certain qualities, and made them the bread earners. The righteous women will cheerfully accept this arrangement, since it is God's commandment, and honor their husbands during their absence. If you experience any rebellion from the women, then you shall first talk to them, then (you may use negative incentives like) deserting them in bed, then you may (as a last alternative) beat them. If they obey you, you are not permitted to transgress against them. God is Most High, Supreme.

The words "beat them" does not imply to punching the women in the face or hurting her to cause pain. It means you should beat her lightly with the miswak which is a "natural toothbrush" used by all the prophets(PBUT*) and by Muslims. It is made of twigs of certain trees that are used on a regular basis to mantain oral hygine and gain the pleasure of ALLAH(Subhanna wa ta'ala). The first step is the husband should talk to his wife sternly if he catches her doing something wrong like not praying or not satisfying him sexually when he wants her to do so or the house isn't clean. Then if that does not work he should refuse to cuddle with her in bed since women love to snuggle close to their men. Then if those two options don't work he should not have sex with her until she repents and if none of the above work then he should beat her lightly. It should no leave bruises, cause bodily harm, broken bones, kill her, or cause her to bleed. It's a sharp hard smack. This does not cause any damage to the women. It also can not be done in front of the children and is a private matter between the man and his wife/wives.

D) They have to let their husband have sex with them whenever he wants to

If the woman is on her period, then it is haraam for them to have sex. It is also haraam for a woman to have sex 40 days after child birth as she is suffering from post natal bleeding. The man has to respectful of his wife and not have sex with her if she is on her period, bleeding after child birth, is depressed, or ill.

E) They can let their husbands have up to 4 wives

This is a right granted by Allah (subhanna wa ta'ala). It is not a woman's place to prohibit something that Allah (Subhanna wa ta'ala) has made hala. There is nothing in the Bible or the Toah that says to men to marry only one. The Qur'an is the only book that says marry only one. And these are for just reasons.

F) Women have a tiny place in the mosque where they can pray. They are isolated so the males cannot see them

Men and women have to be seperated from each other if they are not blood related. Prophet Muhammad(SAW) said that if a man and a woman are alone in a room together who aren't related, Satan is the 3rd person. Plus there are some Muslim men who don't lower their gaze and stare at the women as they come in. It's more of a convience for both men and women. Plus some Muslim women bring their babies with them to the masjid and breastfeed. I don't know of any woman that would be comfortable breastfeeding when there are men present.

G) Females get circumsizd so they feel no sexual pleasure thus they won't stray

This is nothing to do with Islam. The hadith that says that is weak from my understanding. Female circumcision is not allowed in Islam and has no basis in Islam. It has to do with africans who are non-Muslim.

H) A female MUST be a virgin until she marrys but f
2009-03-24 02:48:39 UTC
A) They have to cover themselves (more than men) - umm s'cuse me? men and women BOTH have to cover.

B) They cannot touch the Koran when they're dirty (period) - err they can read Quran online instead now. u can still read it

C) They can let their husbands strike them - err "strike". women are treated fairly by their husbands.

D) They have to let their husband have sex with them whenever he wants to - no that's a personal choice.

E) They can let their husbands have up to 4 wives - so? only if they CAN. they can't just go find 4 random women and marry them. that's not right

F) Women have a tiny place in the mosque where they can pray. They are isolated so the males cannot see them - err actually women have a big space in the mosque. and its where the women socialise. free mixing is haram.

G) Females get circumsizd so they feel no sexual pleasure thus they won't stray - dif opinions, and its only very lightly. but its NOT compulsory.

H) A female MUST be a virgin until she marrys but for a male it's not so important.... - err who says that?

and ur marrying one, so? muslim's take hte religion of their father.

bye :)
2009-03-24 05:28:09 UTC
u dunnu anything
2009-03-24 02:53:03 UTC
this is terrible, specially G, I have not heard of that before! I really don`t know why or how these practises, are still allowed in today's so called modern world? And as for letting their husbands beat em up, whenever they feel like it, well makes you feel proud to be part of the human race doesn't it?
2009-03-24 04:06:38 UTC
get knowledge first

Wahhabis treat their women badly but they are followers of Iblees
Cheese Doodle Bandit
2009-03-24 02:45:41 UTC
They seem to think that since their precious prophet was a guy, guys can do whatever they wish. It IS ridiculous! There was this Muslim guy who beat his daughter to death because she wanted to go to college and do something different and he didn't want her to. How messed up is that?!
mum to Summer and Scott x
2009-03-24 02:49:13 UTC
I really agree with you, it is a much better life for a male muslim than a female. most of these women however are brainwashed from birth and do not know any different, in fact they think women from other religions are dirty sinners for just going against some of these rules

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